Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 42 – Team and 6 Months

Lightly swinging my wooden sword to acclimate to the balance, I look up at the four gathered girls on the training ground with me.

The two newbies Iris and Ariel standing opposite me while Haru and Lili stand off to the side.

Today, I would be testing out the two's skills in combat, while the other two were watching to understand their new teammates' abilities.

Although the two sisters' first impression of me was... less than optimal, after getting used to each other we were all good, Ryuu and Alise joining the two on their little shopping trip definitely helped smooth things out.

Note to self, don't introduce myself to new people looking like a playboy.

"Are you sure we can use our real weapons?"

Looking at the two, Iris has her two regular short swords, which will probably need an upgrade once she levels up, while Ariel has a decorative, and powerful, magic staff.

Anemoi Aquilae was the name I believe, a gift from their hometown, it's able to improve her lightning magic while also being durable enough to be used for self-defence.

A second-class weapon, and a good one too that can be upgraded by replacing the magic stone.

I would say I'm jealous, but considering I got gifted Infinite Eclipse when I was a new level 1, I can't say much.

"I'm sure. Unfortunately for you, it's gonna take quite a while before you can seriously hurt me. And I have my healing magic ready if anything goes wrong, so don't hold back."

Taking that as the signal, they both nod before Iris bursts forward, one sword tucked behind her back while the other held forward, aiming for my chest.

It's quite obvious what she's going for, wanting me to intercept her sword and with that opening, striking me with her second sword.

Smart, but when I can read your moves like a book, it doesn't help much.

Dodging to the side, she swipes at me with her sword behind her back, initiating a spin.

Unfortunately, she forgot to protect her legs.

Using the technique Ais' spars had ingrained into me, I block her sword with my blade while swiping her feet from under her.

Now completely off balance, I twist my wooden sword around her short sword, warding it to the side before slashing my sword toward her chest.

Right before contact, my instincts tell me to move.

Following my senses, I jump away just in time to dodge a large bolt of lightning, making a scorch mark where I had just been.


So Ariel knows how to provide ranged support properly, and waited for the perfect moment to do so too.

Well... this may be more interesting than I thought.

----- 1 Hour Later -----


Sending Ariel tumbling back with a punch, I then bring my wooden sword to her neck.

"And dead. Let's call it here."

The two were good, better than I thought.

While I knew their skills would be great, considering how they reached their levels at their age, what really surprised me was their teamwork and instincts.

But there were definitely things that needed to be improved.

First, as expected, Ariel would need some close combat training.

As she is now, as soon as a monster breaks the front line, she will be put in a terrible position, even on the first few floors.

She already has good combat intuition and a level 2 status, so she just needs some training.

As for Iris... her overprotectiveness was an easily exploitable weakness.

Just sending a glance Ariel's way made her extremely aggressive, to the point where she abandoned her own defence just to protect her sister.

Yeah, that would need to be addressed.

Hopefully, once Ariel gets better at protecting herself the issue would fix itself, with Iris being able to trust her sister with herself.

And of course, the two need to learn concurrent chanting.

Especially Iris.

Even though her magic has a short chant, being static in the middle of battle is a death sentence, no matter how short the time is.

Well... that stuff can all come later.

"You two did pretty well, but you still have some stuff to work on. For now, though, let's do some team-building in the dungeon. Oh! You're probably worn out, aren't you? Let me help with that."

Chanting Aqua Corona, I heal them both up to their full strength.

"So, for the dungeon, I won't be helping you guys unless you need it. And Iris."

Making sure she's looking at me and listening, I continue.

"Trust me and your teammates to keep Ariel safe, alright? No jumping out of position like you did during our spar, I think I showed you why that's not a good strategy."

Nodding her head, I give her a smile before heading inside.

"Well, get your stuff ready. I'll be waiting in the common room."

----- Iris POV - 2 Hours Later -----

Dodging the large lizard monster's tail, I use its moment of weakness to embed my short swords into its eyes, instantly killing the monster.

Picking up the magic stone and passing it over to Lili, I survey the area, my eyes soon landing on Sirius.

When I first entered the Stardust Garden, my new home, I was greeted by the sight of the handsome silver-haired guy with his arms wrapped around two pregnant women.

My first instinct was that joining this Familia was a mistake.

I had only decided to join Astraea due to my sister needing to grow up in a safe, familial environment, and a Familia of nearly completely women would be a great place.

But to think the one guy that was in the Familia, that was heaped with praises, was such a disgusting playboy like that.

Did he have all the girls wrapped around his finger?

Would my sweet, innocent sister be safe staying in a house with a guy like him?

Eventually, the situation was explained to me, and my hesitance about my decision slowly faded away.

So they were married, and expecting huh?

Well... I can only hope that parental love would affect Ariel positively.

A true family environment.

Mmm, that would be nice.

Speaking of Sirius... he was skilled.

Incredibly so.

Even with my sister and I going all out, he was still able to play with us, calmly giving each of us advice after each time he sent us to the ground.

But I was also slightly jealous.

From what I'd heard, it's only been barely a year and a half since he got his first falna, and he was already this strong.

If I had such talent, I could have left that wretched forest long ago, not letting my sister be tainted by their hate.

"Iris, goblins ahead."

Turning at the Renard's words, Haruhime, I believe her name is, I see a group of three Goblins running our way.

"Wait you two. Let the backline get some action."

Holding myself back, I stand protectively in front of Ariel and Lili as my sister starts chanting her Chain Lightning magic.

Soon, the familiar pale blue bolt launches toward the first Goblin, the target instantly bursting to ash as the bolt leaps to the second, killing that one as well.

Leaping toward the third, the Goblin stops in its tracks from the shock, tripping over its feet.

Not enough to kill all three I guess.

The monster then begins to stand up, scrambling to its feet.

Just before it can start charging at our group once more, a crossbow bolt pierces its right eye, killing the Goblin and ending the confrontation.

"Nicely done. Especially you, Ariel. Quick question though, can you control where the lightning hops to next?"

Smiling at the praise, my sister starts fiddling with her staff in embarrassment.

With the famous Lefiya Viridis being the same age and level, she was often compared to as the 'lesser' version of the Elf.

Because of this, she eagerly accepts any honest praise, especially when it's someone who's not me or Metis.

"I-It's nothing. And yes, I can control where it goes next. If I don't control it, it just goes to the closest enemy nearby."

"I see... that's good magic you got there, I want you to try timing it with the frontline attacks, stunning them while the swordsmen finish them off. Can you try that?"

"I'll try!"

"I like your spirit. Enemies are approaching from the left, so let's try that out, ok?"

Seeing a collection of Kobolds and Goblins, I raise my blades while hearing Ariel start chanting behind me.

----- Sirius POV - 6 Months Later -----

Facing the last Barbarians, Iris finishes her chant for Hunter's Ground as she slices through the first contact, Haru following close behind her.

Although they were dealing with the monsters with relative ease, they were unable to keep all of them occupied, letting one slip past and close in on Ariel.

Six months ago, Iris would have rushed back to her defenceless sister, leaving Haru out to dry.

Raising its arm, before it can bring it down the end of Ariel's staff rams into its open stomach before a bolt of lightning pierces its heart, killing the monster instantly.

A moment later, Iris slices through the final Barbarian, ending the fight.

A nearly flawless battle against a horde of monsters down on the 33rd floor.

Even though the four's teamwork, skills, and stats had improved, with Ariel getting better at combat and both her and Iris learning concurrent chanting, the main reason they could take on such a challenge was due to one development.

"Haa, good job, guys. How's you're mind doing, Haruhime?"

"It's still alright, I won't be able to do another though."

Yes, Haru had reached level 2, and while that's great and all, the reason for the group's increase in power was due to the magic she acquired for her level up.

Kokonoe - Creates an extra tail per level, enabling the user to cast a single target magic through each tail.

Eliminating the main weakness of her level-boosting magic, in only being able to cast it on a single target, she can now increase the level of all members of the team at once, drastically increasing their fighting strength.

The perfect compliment to her original magic, and one that would only get better as she levels up, her main weakness now is that her mind nearly runs out every time she casts it.

Of course, that is not everything that has changed in these six months.

Seeing the four Lizardman Elites running toward the tired girls, I hold my hand forward while gathering stellar magic on my fingertips.

Now in range, I release a beam of stellar magic out of each fingertip, puncturing each monster's brain and killing them instantly, leaving a cloud of ash to appear.

The four girls watch on in awe, Iris quickly closes her mouth.

"Tch. Isn't that a bit unfair, Sirius?"

"Mah, they're monsters, so I don't really give a damn."

With the two new sisters quickly integrating into the family, they are both very close to Lili and Haru, while viewing me as a brother figure. 

Giving advice to the young Ariel, exchanging banter with Iris and all that jazz.

"Well, you got all the loot, right? Let's head back up. Wouldn't be funny if my child was born while I was watching you kids in the dungeon."

Starting our journey to the 28th floor, Iris glances back at me.

"Oh shut it. You're like a year older than me."

"Mhm, and who was the one who nearly pissed themselves after seeing a Bloodsaurus?"

Her cheeks reddening, she accelerates forward without giving a response.

With the group breaking into a fit of giggles, we pick up the pace to catch up to the embarrassed girl.

----- 1 Day Later -----

After leaving the dungeon and exchanging the loot for valis, we headed back home, keeping Ariel from running into the various clothing shops on the way.

Seriously, that girl... she reminds me of my old girlfriend from Earth.

I don't even think she has more than 1,000 valis saved since she's always buying a new dress.

Well... that's a problem for Iris to tackle.

Entering the common room, I drop off everything that Lyra needs before making my way to our room.

With the addition of the new members and my soon-to-be-born children, there had been an expansion to the Stardust Garden, leaving us with two rooms connected to ours for the future children.

Speaking of future children, it turns out that both of my lovely wives would be having twins.

Yeah... that was quite a shock to discover, even the doctor had wide eyes.

So four kids.

Yep, definitely have my work cut out for me.

Opening the door, I see Alise fast asleep on the bed while Ryuu is softly rocking in the rocking chair while reading her book, her free hand caressing her large baby bump.

Well, she got two kids hanging out in there, so the size is to be expected.

"Hey, honey. How's it going?"

Looking up from her book, Ryuu gives me a wide smile.

"Good. How were the girls?"

Moving to sit in front of her, I pick up her feet and start to slowly massage them.

No, not a fetish, it's just that both of my wives have been feeling sore from the extra weight they've been burdened with.

"Pretty good. Haru's mind has grown enough to where she can fight after using her magic and Ariel was able to take out a Barbarian point blank. I think that they'll be ready to be a team by themselves soon with Lili's strategy and Iris' leadership. So what've you two been up to the past three days?"

Leaning back into the chair, she releases a short gasp of pleasure before responding.

"Ah, good for them. We've just been resting, we've been getting more cramps, so the baby should be coming soon according to the midwife."

Finishing the foot rub, I stand up.

"Good, Alise has been getting quite restless after all."

Closing her book, she starts to get up before I grab onto her arms.

"Wanna head to bed?"

Getting a meek nod, I pick her up princess-style and carry her over to the bed, placing her next to Alise who had a string of drool dripping down her mouth.

Laying down between the two, I run my hand lovingly through Ryuu's hair as she slowly drifts off to sleep.

Feeling my eyes get heavy, I'm about to drift off to sleep before I'm interrupted by the sound of a groan.

Looking over to Alise who has a pained expression, I softly shake her awake.

"Alise, hey what's wrong? Do you nee-"


Jumping up with a start, Alise holds her stomach with tears beading up in her eyes.


"Aah- I-I think- haa- I think it's starting. Aaah!"

The now awake Ryuu shuffles over to hold onto her hand while I jump out of bed.

"Alright, I'm gonna get Mother Astraea and Maryuu in here, I'll run and get the midwife after, ok? It's gonna be fine!"

"Just fucking hurry!"

Taking the hint, I infuse my body with stellar magic and run downstairs to Mother Astraea's room, glad that the girls were already heading Alise's way so I wouldn't have to get Maryuu.

Relaying the news, I then make my way down the street before knocking on the door of the midwife, the familiar kind old lady opens the door.

"Uh, hello. Alise has gone into labour so-"

"Calm down, Sirius Lovion. Her contractions have likely just started, so there's no need to be in such a fuss."

Restraining myself from carrying the old lady back home, I follow behind her calm steps through the streets of Orario.

Shit! We haven't even chosen the names!

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