Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 61 – Bath and Return

Among our Familia, four members are expert sensors.

There's Kaguya, with her magic Shikai that senses the surroundings depending on her mind input of the spell.

There's Neze, with her Werewolf instincts allowing her to pinpoint any presence nearby.

Then there's Lyra, who with her natural instincts, enhanced by her Intuition development ability, allows her to be a step ahead of any situation.

And lastly, there's me, with my enhanced instincts and spatial awareness courtesy of Stellar Sword Style allowing me to never be taken by surprise.

Now, as one may notice, the other three were still at home right now.

Hence my current predicament.

"Husband, pass me the soap please."

"Of course, Ryuu."

Yes, here on the 18th floor, specifically the bath that is used by many female adventurers, one of us four 'sensors' are always on duty to protect the rest of the girls against any peekers.

Rather, one of the other three female 'sensors' are on duty, while I set up camp.

But they weren't here right now.

So here I am, with a clear view of all nine of the beautiful girls and all their... assets.

Of course, I am only allowed to be here due to the immense trust they have in me, that we have in each other.

But by no means is this a wonderful situation to be in.

One screw-up, one misconstrued glance, and I would find myself in quite the mess, especially with my lovely Elf.

The solution?

Weapon maintenance.

Just sharpen my swords, don't look up, just keep gliding the blade across the whetstone.

"Ngh, damn. Iris, could you wash my back for me?"

"Of course, Ryuu! Did you want any help with your hair?"

"No, I like when Sirius does it."

Don't look up, don't look up, don't-

Suddenly, I feel someone enter my perception range, causing me to raise my head in alarm.

No, not 'someone', more than a few people.

Narrowing my eyes, I stand up with my Alf's Melodia raised.

As the only thing I was wearing was a small waistcloth, I really hope I don't have to beat anyone up.

I had just gotten clean, after all.

"Is there someone?"

I look over to my wife who is covering Iris and Haru before closing my eyes, focusing on the intruders.

It's extremely difficult, but if I focus hard enough, I can clearly 'see' a presence near me.

Well, not really 'seeing', but you know, same difference.

'Seeing' a particular person, I feel my guard lower.

It's... familiar.

The way they walk, how the air parts in their stride, their unchanging posture.

This is-

"Oh, I didn't know this was occupied. My apologies."


Well, not only her.

There's also a bunch of Loki Familia girls.

"Ah, Nine Hell, what a coincidence."

"There's no need to use that name, we're of the same level after all."

"I suppose. Then please, Riveria, feel free to join us."

Uh, do they even know I'm here?

"Ah, Sirius!"



Oh, well I guess Ais and the Amazon twins noticed me at least.

"Uh, hey girls. I'll go set up camp now, alright?" I said.

"Hmph, but I wanted you to wash my hair..." 


Stop making this so difficult Ryuu!

The rest of the Loki Familia then turn towards me, Riveria and Aki forming a small blush while Lefiya frantically covers her face, but still peeks through her fingers.

"Ahem. Good to see you, Sirius. I assume you were their lookout?" Riveria said.

"Ah, yeah, something like that. J-Just give us a moment and I'll be out of your hair."

Going over to Ryuu who had her back facing toward me, I start massaging her head just how she likes it.

At least, before I'm interrupted by the sounds of rustling clothes.

"Too bad! I don't want to wait!"

Uhh, Tiona?

"While I wish it was the captain, I don't care that much if he sees."




What the fuck are you all doing!?

"A-Ais! D-Don't undress in front of that Human!"


Listen to Lefiya!

"Well, I suppose if he's already married, and you all trust him..."



Just pretend they aren't here.

Head down, focus on my wife's beautiful hair, and don't look up.

Ignoring the sounds of splashing water, I continue to rub Ryuu's scalp.

"Mmm~ Just like that~"

Ryuu... please honey, not right now.

Deep breaths... calm yourself, Sirius!

Finally finishing my assigned task, I get to my feet and start packing our things.

"R-Riveria, am I to assume you guys are camping here for the night?"

Don't look up.

"Hmm? Yes, Finn and the others are just on the other side of the woods."

"I see. Would you like to join camps?"

"Check with Finn, but I'm sure he'd welcome the idea."

"Alright, I'll see you girls later."

I didn't look up.

Well done, me!

Now, off to set up camp.

----- Ryuu POV -----

"So, may I ask what you all are doing in the dungeon?"

Looking up at Nine- no, she wanted me to call her Riveria.

Looking up at Riveria, I'm momentarily stunned by her naked beauty.

She was hiding those!?

Wow... robes are amazing.

"We came down to address an irregular that had taken over a pantry on the 24th floor." I respond.

"Ah, I heard of it. I'm guessing the fight is the reason for her state?"

Riveria then nods over to Ariel, who was idly floating on her back with a blank face.

I guess she's still tired, huh?

"Yes. She did very well. What about you all? It doesn't look like your entire expedition force is here."

Hearing some giggles, I glance over to the newbies, where the Amazon twins were talking excitedly with them while the Elf girl, Lefiya, was watching over Ariel with worry.

Ais, on the other hand, was looking over them with her usual emotionless gaze.

Though I could see her lips curled slightly.

But why was she so close to the shore?

"Just a regular dungeon exploration, though we did accept a few quests. While it was meant to be for the first-tier members, we brought along Raul, Aki, and Lefiya as supporters."

"I see."

We fall into a comfortable silence as I run my hand through my now silky-smooth hair.

Haa, he's just too good at that.

Hmm, it's getting a little long...

I should cut soon.


What do I do now?

I always rely on Alise for social things like these, especially with other Familias.

Hell, even Sirius would be better than me!

"Ryuu, I have to ask, is Sirius still doing his solo dungeon explorations?" Riveria says.

Everyone turns their heads toward me, with Ais staring at me with intense curiosity.

Is... this what Sirius mentioned about her 'hunger'?

...Indeed, quite scary.

"He's been continuing on his quest to 'completely clear the dungeon' as he calls it. I believe he's reached the 42nd floor as of now."

Their expressions light up in surprise.

"By himself!? That's absurd!"

To even shock Riveria... Fufufu, my husband is quite amazing, no?

"Indeed. But it has its uses. He doesn't even need a map for every floor he's 'cleared', and fighting by himself allows him to easily flee whenever he needs to." I say.

"I suppose that makes sense. He has the instincts and the healing magic for it. But still, it must worry you all quite a lot." Riveria says.

"Not really. He knows his limits, and we make sure he does." I respond.

Riveria relaxes slightly.

"Well, that's good. But do you know why he's so adamant about getting stronger?"

Closing my eyes, I remember back to the first time he told us of his past life and his 'quest'.

"Before it was about catching up with us, being able to save his Familia. But now that he's caught up, and with the birth of our children, he has a new goal in mind."

"And that is...?" Riveria asks hesitantly.

"To defeat the One-Eyed Black Dragon, or at least have the ability to."

Suddenly, the air turns cold as Ais's aura explodes, her body rigid with eyes wide in surprise.

Why is she so... intense?

Does she have a grudge against the monster?

Riveria also is open-mouthed in shock, but she quickly cools her expression before responding.

"T-That's quite the goal. I suppose being a parent brings great changes." Riveria says.

A smooth diversion of the conversation, Riveria then gives Ais a look, as if asking her to calm down which the Sword Princess soon does.


Well, it's not my problem.

And much of the world holds hate towards the Black Dragon, perhaps the Sword Princess lost someone.


Shit, did I ruin the atmosphere?

Uh, uhm.

"Yeah, but I get it. The kids are really good, I'd also fight the Black Dragon for them." Haruhime says, breaking the awkward silence.

Thank you Haruhime!

"Did you know that when Alea first tried to swing her practice sword, she faceplanted then went 'I'm okie-dokie!' with a thumbs up! Seriously, that girl..."

With Lili's words, the jovial atmosphere from before returns as we begin exchanging stories, the ceiling crystals growing dimmer as our time to head back eventually came.

----- Sirius POV - 1 Day Later -----

"Do you want me to update your status too, Sirius?"

Placing down the sack of valis, which was the reward for the emergency quest, onto the desk, I look over to Mother Astraea, who was currently next to Ariel, ready to update her status.

"No, it's alright. I just wanted to see if Ariel levelled up." I respond.

"If you say so."

The glow from her falna illuminates the room, only to be further enhanced a moment later.

Ah, congrats, Ariel.

"You're now a level 3, and you even gained a new magic and a new skill." Mother Astraea says.


It seems Ariel is quite excited by it.

"Hold on. You can choose between Abnormal ResistanceSpirit Healing and Magic Resistance for your development ability."

"Take Abnormal Resistance, Ariel." 

I intervene before Ariel could respond to Mother Astraea.

It's needed to properly explore many of the deeper floors, where poisons are quite common and quite powerful.

Also, it sucks to keep using antidotes on the newbies.

"Uuu~ Fine. But I'm definitely taking Spirit Healing next time!" Ariel pouts.

"Alright, and you're done." Mother Astraea says.

Ariel pulls down her shirt before looking over her status sheet.

"Good thing you didn't use the grimoire, huh?" I say, remembering that she had gained a magic from her level-up.

"Yeah. Oh, here! Take a look!"

"Sure thing."

Taking the page from her, I look over the strength of our newest level 3.


Name: Ariel Sylven
Level: 2 --> 3

Strength: E461 --> I0
Endurance: E422 --> I0
Dexterity: B701 --> I0
Agility: B742 --> I0
Magic:  S925 --> I0
Mage: G --> F
Abnormal Resistance: I


Sorosis Amorem
Beatus Fulgur - Improves the effect of lightning magic, a chance to stun opponents after they're hit by magic.


Chain Lightning
Fulmen Lancea
Thunder Ball - Creates a ball of lightning that is sent toward enemies, chanting 'Collapse' explodes the ball, dealing massive wide-scale damage.


"Nice. We'll have to test out this Thunder Ball. Do you know what you'll do with the grimoire?" I say.

"I'm giving it to my sister, obviously!"

Iris, who had been sitting in the corner chair, then speaks up.

"Are you sure, Ariel? You could get some good money from that."

"Ah, who cares! And I know you've been hoping to be a magic swordsman just like Alise!"

Her face turning red, Iris quickly opens the grimoire Mother Astraea had given her, falling unconscious to escape her younger sister's teasing and causing all three of us to chuckle.

Soon waking up, she raises her shirt as Mother Astraea updates her status.

"As expected, you gained a new magic. Congratulations."

Looking over her shoulder at the status sheet, I read through the description of the new magic.


Name: Iris Sylven
Level: 3

Strength: E476 --> E489
Endurance: E465 --> E475
Dexterity: C613 --> C621
Agility: B701 --> B710
Magic: C628 --> C635
Swordsman: F
Abnormal Resistance: G


Sorosis Amorem
Accelero Ruptis


Hunter's Ground
Aqua Imperium - Creates disks of compressed water that can be fired to cut into targets and can explode at will.


Hoh? That sounds an awful lot like Alise and Ryuu's magic.

I guess what they say about grimoires creating magic from your will is somewhat true.

"Congrats. You should ask Ryuu or Alise for some training. I could also help if you need it." I say.

"Y-Yes. I will." Iris responds, still in slight shock with a giddy smile adorning her face.

I suppose Ariel was spot on with her sister's admiration of magic swordsmen.

Interrupting my thoughts, the door opens to reveal Noin, dressed in her adventure gear.

"Hey, Sirius. We forgot to drop these off to Lyra, so might as well see them now."

She then hands me four status pages.


Name: Noin Unic
Level: 4

Strength: F375
Endurance: F381
Dexterity: D574
Agility: E496
Magic: I0
Abnormal Resistance: G
Archer: F
Escape: H


Marksman - Increases the power of projectiles, and grants homing properties to projectiles.
FarSight - Able to see at greater distances than normal.


Name: Iska Bra
Level: 4

Strength: C642
Endurance: E432
Dexterity: F374
Agility: D512
Magic: I0
Hunter: F
Abnormal Resistance: G
Swordsman: G


Venatores - Increased spatial awareness for mapping and tracking.
Fortis Maximus - When facing an opponent, unable to be pushed back or lose footing.


Name: Maryuu Reage
Level: 4

Strength: E498
Endurance: E437
Dexterity: G296
Agility: F376
Magic: C646
Mage: F
Healing: F
Abnormal Resistance: H


Optimum Medicus - Increases effect of healing magic, effect increases when the target is from own Familia.
Agentibus Sanitatem - Decreses mind usage the more people are being healed by magic.


Rea Vindemia - Wide-area healing magic that can heal wounds and restore stamina, the effect increases with a smaller area of effect.


Name: Asta Knox
Level: 4

Strength: D576
Endurance: C635
Dexterity: F378
Agility: E425
Magic: I0
Abnormal Resistance: G
Strong Defence: F
Magic Resistance: H


Shield Maiden - When using a shield, it is extremely hard to move the user from their position.
Rampart - Increases endurance and strength when stationary.



"So, are you four going back to the dungeon?" I ask.

"Yep. But Ryana is joining us. She wanted to try out her new magic in combat." Noin responds.

"Makes sense. How far are you planning to go?"

"We found a quest for the 35th floor, so likely until then. Let's walk and talk, the others are already waiting at the guild."

With my supplies already packed, we start making our way out of the house.

"Which floor are you planning on stopping for today?" I then ask Noin.

"The 28th floor. Why? Wanted to join us?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind. We'll split up tomorrow since I'll be racing down to the 43rd floor."

"No worries, it'd be to our benefit. Haa, but still. It's insane that you go so deep by yourself. You know you're a father now, right? You're setting a bad example for your kids." Noin says.

"Maa, it's fine. Plus, with the Udaeus not respawning for a few weeks, there's nothing that can kill me that deep."

"It's monster hordes that- No, I'm not even gonna argue with you. Crazy bastard."

"Your words wound me, Noin."

"Be quiet, or I'll tell Ryuu you peeked at us in the bath on our return."

"You wouldn't..."

We then both burst into giggles.

There's not a single day I slightly regret my decision to save these girls.

Even though I'm much closer to Alise and Ryuu, in more ways than one, every single member of my Familia is like my family.

They're the reason I get stronger.

While many people get stronger to avenge, or to not lose their family again, I get stronger to not lose my family- no, to not lose anyone in the first place.

There's no need for a tragic backstory to be the strongest, and I exist to prove that.

With a smile on my face, I let the calm breeze blow through my hair as I look at the clear blue sky, dotted with the clouds.

Man, we really should take a trip outside Orario.

I wanna have a picnic in a grassy meadow, watch the kids run around, Alea and Leo sparring with their swords with the rest of the Familia watching on in the background...

While the guild doesn't like allowing high-ranked adventurers like us to leave the city, I bet that a little talk with Ouranos would solve that.

Hmm... thoughts for later.

It's dungeon time!

----- Lili POV -----

I hate adventurers.

They're greedy, violent, rude...

Delving into the dungeon for their selfish desires and not hesitating to use their strength to bully those weaker than them.

I thought all adventurers were like this, it's why I hated this city, hated its residents...

But that all changed when I was saved and then taken in by Astraea, by my current Familia.

I still stand by my belief that most adventurers are vile, but at least now, I know some are the noblest, most beautiful souls on this planet.

Ever since I could remember, I was alone.

While still in the Soma Familia, my parents had died in the dungeon, hoping to gain valis to obtain more Soma Wine that everyone in the Familia was craving.

Alone, I was easily exploited and demeaned by the rest of the Familia.

But I tried to persevere.

To escape that hell by diving into the dungeon.

But as I learned quickly, not everyone is suited to be an adventurer.

So I became a supporter.

But even then, I was treated horribly by the adventurers I partied with, often being paid measly amounts of valis for my work, if I was paid at all.

So yeah, things like protection and love were not something I was very acquainted with.

Of course, I heard multiple stories of 'heroes'.

BraverKing, even ones of the past like the Argonaut and Albert.

But to me... the only heroes in this world were the Astraea Familia.

They saved me from my despair and then showered me with kindness and affection, feeling I didn't even know I had been missing so dearly.

Yes, my heroes... my family.

And I soon learned, this wasn't just a whim, a one-off spectacle of pity, no.

They were just like that.

A Familia of Justice indeed.

Another thing about this family of mine was that they were strong, immeasurably so.

And I wanted to be strong too, to stand proudly next to them.

So that next time, I can take fate into my own hands.

And maybe, just maybe... I could become someone else's hero.

But I had already learned, I was not suited to be an adventurer...

Or so I thought.

Sirius, Alise, Ryuu, Kaguya... all of them, they were all adventurers that should be truly respected.

But I'm not meant to be strong like them.

Swinging swords, casting devastating spells... yeah, no.

Not for me.

But then, I met Lyra.

Lacking entirely in strength, at least compared to others on her level, she fought with wits and strategy.

Using knowledge and cunning to even the playing field against the 'strong'.

That... was something I could do.

I could be strong like her.

So I learned.

How to shoot from Noin.

How to strategize from Lyra.

Everything about the dungeon from Rose and Eina.

How to dodge from Ryuu.

How to use knives from Sirius...

With all these skills gifted to me by the people I've come to love, I delved into the dungeon with my team.

And I quickly realized that I was strong.

That I was useful.

While I'd never be the swordsman who fights on the frontline or the mage that kills swarms of monsters with their destructive spells...

As Lyra always says, 'learn everything and use everything'.

I'd found my own way to fight.

My own way to help people.

And now, for the first time in my life, I was proud... I was happy.

I'd found another reason to grow stronger other than for myself.

To make sure this happiness of mine would never fall.

"Hey, Lili!"

Breaking me out of my thoughts, I turn to see Ariel, my best friend.

Or maybe sister is the better way to describe it?

"What's up, Ariel? Need something?" I ask.

"Yeah, I was hoping you could help me with this."

She then pulls out a crossbow.

While not having any creative designs, I could tell that it was a good weapon, great even.

Grr, and she already has her magic!

What about me-?

"Hahaha, Sirius told me you'd react like this! That's why he got you one of these!"

She then tosses me a bundle of cloth, no, something wrapped in cloth.

Sending her a glare for making fun of me, I unwrap the object, revealing a similarly quality crossbow, much like the one I had now but... better.

"It's called Sciurus Walnut and it has two firing options. He said you probably won't be able to use the second one until you reach level 2. Or until Haru boosts you, I guess." She says.

It... it was beautiful.

"T-Thank you, Ariel."

"Don't thank me! Sirius got you it!"

Right, I'll have to thank him later.

Absently looking over my new weapon, I'm taken out of my trance by Ariel once again.

"So? Can you help me learn how to use it?" She asks.

"Ah! Yeah... yeah let's go."

Yes, I... really love this place.


With school starting up, I'll be changing the updates to once every three days, if not by the next chapter then soon.

I do have a backlog of chapters in case I hit writer's block or don't have any time, so there should be no worries about a hiatus.

Thanks for reading!

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