Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 62 – Demeter and Rest

Having cashed in the magic stones and monster drops from my exploration, I was currently looking over the quest board.

I had cleared the 44th floor this time around and, suffice it to say, I was reaching my limit.

Not in terms of danger or difficulty, but rather in time.

Not only is the journey to the floor I'm exploring getting long, but the floors I was exploring were getting exponentially larger.

So yeah, with the time adding up, it was starting to get really tedious.

Or maybe I'm just getting old?

...No, I'm only 18.

I'm still filled with youth!

Going over the final row, a particular request catches my attention.

"Y...Yi...Yippee!" I exclaim, causing a few adventurers to look at me weirdly.

But I didn't mind the stares.

Fucking finally!

Now the quest was nothing special, a simple monster extermination for quite a low reward submitted by the Demeter Familia.

But instead of the usual monster extermination in the dungeon, this one was on the surface.

An outside quest!

I had really started feeling the need to visit some of this world in my later stage of level 4.

Whether that was due to me finally catching up in strength to the Familia and not needing to focus so much on getting stronger, or maybe just having spent over two years in one city, I didn't know.

But by the time I was aching to see past the walls, I had kids to take care of, kids that could not leave the home for extended periods of time.

But now, they had grown, at double the pace too.

It was finally time!

Ripping off the page, I go over to the reception desk to submit the quest.

While they were a little surprised such an easy request was being done by the Astraea Familia, they didn't ask any questions.

Walking back home with a small skip in my step, I can't wait to see my kids' faces when they see the outside world for the first time.

----- 1 Day Later -----

"So this is Wheat Manor?" I ask in wonder.

"No, it's not. That's their home in the city, this is their home outside of it." Alise replies.

Ah, I see.

I and my wives were here for the monster extermination quest from the Demeter Familia, and since the request was lacking a lot of information, we were hoping they could provide some in person.

"Whoa~ pretty~"

Ah yes, there were also my children.

I could understand Alea's sense of wonder.

Luscious fields of golden wheat, a clear blue sky spanning the horizon...

Stunning... simply stunning.

As we're about to knock on the door of the giant farmhouse, the door opens to reveal a gorgeous mature woman with long honey-gold hair.

My eyes unintentionally fall downward to catch a glimpse of her, ahem, 'assets'.

Holy shit.

Does she even have a working spine?

A piercing pain emerges from my foot, courtesy of Alise's boot stepping down with all the strength a level 6 could muster.

"Sirius~? Has anything caught you're eye~?" Alise says, a subtle glint in her emerald green eyes.


"N-No ma'am." I quickly respond.


Relenting her pressure, she then sends one of her signature smiles to the woman, no, the Goddess.

Goddess Demeter herself.

The city of Orario is not only the hub of raw resources, courtesy of the dungeon, but it also holds the world's best smiths, potion makers, all of those.

This is all due to the dungeon and the multitudes of adventurers that live here.

But there's one resource those two things can't provide, something vital to survival...


And it's no exaggeration to say most of the food comes from one place.

The Demeter Familia.

Owning most of the land outside Orario's walls, it's the main producer of all produce, ranging from wheat to grapes.

The lifeline of Orario.

Of course, there are also various other agricultural Familias and those that specialize in animal husbandry, but if the Demeter Familia alone was to stop their supply, the city would be quickly thrown into starvation.

Yeah, so they're pretty damn important, and up there with us in terms of status among the populace.

"Goddess Demeter, we're here to complete the monster subjugation quest and were hoping to get some more information." Alise then says.

"Astraea's girls? Oh, and you must be Sirius! She's always talking about you and your kids in the recent Denatus!" Demeter responds.

She then leaps toward me, engulfing me in a hug.

Pillows of heaven~

Ouch! Stop pulling my ear, Alise!

"Ah, married guys are no fun~ Anyways, come on in! I'll tell you everything about the request~" Demeter says.

Following her into the house, she and her child Persephone tell us more about the request.

In short, this was the situation.

Some monsters have been destroying the crops, coming from the nearby forest.

While the monsters weren't very strong, they were fast, very fast.

Even with the combat members of the Demeter Familia, containing multiple level 2's, guarding the farmlands, they still couldn't stop them as the monsters would just run away with their superior speeds.

As for what the monsters looked like, they were something like a Hellhound.

So it should be pretty damn easy for us, and not dangerous at all, as we were much stronger than level 2, and no one had been killed.

"Alright, Ryuu and I will head into the forest and hunt them down, I hope you don't mind my kids and Alise staying on your property in the meantime." I say, making my way out of the home.

"Not at all! Aww~ they're just too cute~! Especially you, handsome man!" Demeter responds.

Seeing Leo get picked up and suffocated in those... umm... 'weapons', he sends me a pleading look.

Sorry little man, Papa's got a job to do.

You'll relish this memory when you're older.

Giving him a small salute, I see his face transform into one of betrayal as I leave the house with Ryuu at my side.

"Let's end this quick so we can have a nice family day, what do you say?" I say to my golden-haired beauty.

"That would be best, husband. Though don't lose focus on the task, it would be troublesome if they got away." Ryuu responds.

Well, extermination time.

----- Stella POV -----

"Stella! Don't go too far!"

"Okay, Mama!" 

Sorry for worrying you, Mama Alise, I just can't help myself!

In my past life, I had never been able to run around like this.

Being kept in an orphanage during my childhood and then contracting my illness at six... running around so freely under the beaming sun, my feet racing through the soft grass...

It was all a thing of dreams.

I hope- no, pray that Bell hadn't gotten the same disease my sister and I had in our past life.

To spend happy days like this, feeling my clothes flutter in the wind...

I want him to experience it all.

I wonder, maybe I could get Papa to visit?

Well, not like he could do anything about it anyways. 

No matter how many elixirs I drank, it never cured it.

Hmm, Bell should be about 12 now, right?

It's been five years since the 'Great Feud', and I gave birth seven years before that...

So yeah, 12.

Haa... oh, how I wish I could see you grow up, my sweet Bell.

But I'm confident that Zeus will fulfill his promise, and let him grow up happy and healthy.

It's the least he could do for all the times he peeked at me in the bath.

Damn pervert.

"Are you having some fun, Stella?"

Snapping out of my daze, Papa then picks me up and swings me in a circle causing me to involuntarily giggle.

"You're back?" I ask.

"Yep! Luckily they were all in a cave, so once we found them they couldn't escape. Anyways, are you liking the outside?" Papa responds.

"Mhmm! It's so pretty out here!" I say.

"Yeah, I feel the same too. Let's try to come out here more often, alright?"


Placing me on his shoulders, I grab onto his hair for support as we make our way back to the others.

I had met Demeter a few times in the past, and she was just as lovely as always.

I was really glad nothing happened to her during these years as she's one of the few Goddesses that were truly good.

I could see that Alf- no, Eleanor was sitting on Mama Alise's lap as they were painting together.

I don't know if it was due to her baby body, or if there was finally something my dear sister did not have talent in, but she was having a hard time learning how to paint.

But she was having fun, more than I had ever seen before in both lives.

Off to the side, I could see Alea and Leo both playing with their wooden swords, their clothes dirty from numerous falls.

"Haa, seems like I need to start helping out your siblings with their swordsmanship before they hurt themselves. So energetic... What do you think, Stella?" Papa says.

"Mmm... go Papa?" I say, trying to encourage him.

"Thanks Stella." He responds.

Unclenching my hands, Papa then lowers me to the ground right next to Alise and Ellie.

Judging from the painting, it seems that they were painting the landscape.

How cute.

"I assume the hunt went well?" Mama Alise says.

"Yeah, got lucky that they backed themselves into a cave. Got to practice my fire element too." Papa responds.

"So the monsters are gone? They won't bother my children anymore?" Demeter then says.

"Yep, the quest is complete, Goddess Demeter!" Papa says.

"Aww~ no need to be so distant, Sirius~" Demeter says while seductively biting her lower lip.

"No, I uhh, really think I do." Papa hastily responds.

Well... maybe Demeter isn't 100 percent good.

And I can already see Mama Alise's brow twitching.

"Umm, I'm gonna go over to Leo and Alea now, have fun!"

Papa then takes his wooden sword from the bag we brought before promptly escaping from Demeter's teasing.

"Hmm~ He's fun to tease~" Demeter says with a pout.

"Hmph! There's no way he'd fall to anyone's charm! He has Ryuu and I after all!" Mama Alise says while crossing her arms.

"Ah, I guess so. He certainly collected the harvest from you two, if you get what I mean~"


Was... was Demeter always this... perverted?

I look over to Mama Alise who's wearing a goofy smile.

"Hehehe, he certainly did~"

No, no, no!

Okay, time to divert the conversation before even I get lost in the flow.

"W-Where's Mama Ryuu?" I sputter.

"Ah, I saw her head into the farmhouse a little while ago. I think she's depositing the magic stones as proof of completion. That or going to the bathroom." Mama Alise says.

Good! Conversation diverted!

Settling into a comforting silence, I soon feel a yawn, bringing me to climb over onto Mama Alise's lap next to Ellie, snuggling close to both.

With the sun's warmth as my blanket and the calm breeze as my pillow, I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

----- Alea POV -----

"So, first off, let's spread your legs a little bit. You'll lose your balance pretty fast if you don't."

Following Papa's instruction, I tighten the grip on my sword before swinging down, just like Papa showed.

"That's better! Now, try hitting me with it."

Raising the sword overhead, I bring it down with all my power at Papa's leg.

Sorry, Papa!

But you asked for this!

"Gah!" I exclaim.

My hands numb from the shock, I trip over my feet only to be caught in Papa's arms.

What the heck!? Is he made of metal or something!?

Grr... he definitely planned this all out!

"Whoa, that's quite the glare, Alea. Sorry sweetie, you'll have to get a lot stronger to hurt little old Papa over here. Endurance is quite the stat."

Hmph, just you wait!

I'll get there in no time!

Hmm... I know from my dancing training in the past that basics are important, but this is getting quite boring.

"Haa, Papa, show me something cool!" I ask.

"Something cool? What, with my sword?" Papa responds.


"Sure... what do you think, Leo?"

Stopping his swings, my twin brother looks over at us with a thoughtful expression.

"I've wondered what's the best Papa can do." Leo then says.

"Hee~? The best that I can do, huh? I suppose it's natural to want to see the peak, I was the same with Kaguya back then... Ah! That's perfect!" Papa then says.

Walking over to the nearby tree, we both watch in confusion as he kicks the trunk, causing a few leaves to fall.

"Now, pay attention, kids! Papa's gonna do something really cool!"

Setting himself into a stance with his wooden sword raised in one hand, his eyes follow a certain leaf as it drifts slowly toward the ground.

My breath held in anticipation, I see his arm muscles tense before he becomes a blur for a single moment.

A single moment where I could see ten, no, a hundred swords surrounding the leaf.

Incomprehensible... simply inhuman.

But then again, this is a fantasy world.

Returning to a relaxed stance with his wooden sword resting on his shoulder, I can faintly smell the scent akin to a campfire as smoke rises from the wooden sword's tip.

Slowly turning my gaze toward the leaf, it then disintegrates- no, that's not the right word.

It crumbles into an uncountable amount of parts, so small they're barely visible.



"Hehehe, so~? How was that?" Papa says.

A confident smirk.

I would say it was smug, but that would imply his pride was excessive.

I don't think anyone could be excessive in their pride after doing... that.

Looking over at Leo, I could see his eyes shining with excitement and... is that jealousy?

Well, actually that makes sense.

He was a swordsman in his past life, wasn't he?

He must be upset that Papa can do that at 18.

I'm definitely teasing him about that next time we're alone.

But wow!

"Papa's amazing!"

Running over to him, he scoops me into his arms before spinning me in a circle, my hair fluttering with the movement.

"Don't you worry, once you get your falna, I'll train you enough that doing that is a piece of cake!" He then says, ending with a light chuckle.

Uh, Papa, I don't think it's that simple, but I appreciate your enthusiasm!

"Well, let's head back to your Mamas, I think they made some stuff for a picnic."

Putting me on his shoulder, Papa then picks up Leo with his free hand before walking toward the laid-out blanket, where Mama Ryuu and Mama Alise, as well as that busty lady, were sitting.

While Papa and Mamas going into the dungeon is cool and all, and I know they need to get stronger in this dangerous world, I wouldn't mind spending our days like this.

Not at all.

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