
Chapter 54 3/5

Her lubricant production to ease Fey's passage had increased too so to say Lily was wet was an understatement. Her puss was positively drooling, gel-like cunny honey openly rolling down her thighs and hanging in dangling strings leaving a trail of herself across Fey's barrel and making much of the cleaning she had done moot.


Fey swallowed. Gods it was an appealing sight. A pussy fitted so perfectly for her, so practised at pleasuring her cock.


It didn't take long for Lily's smol tongue to touch at her tip, and Fey watched as her taste caused Lily's pussy to quiver and clench, her cervix twitching at the back of her gape.


"Hnnmmm," moaned Lily as she continued to clean with her mouth, tongue following every bump and crevice, moaning into the cock head.


Ahead of her Kayla had straddled her length and was busily doing her best to 'clean' Fey too, her hands moving up and down along with her legs as her otter tail curled around and dragged her back and forth.


Fey relaxed deep into the sensation with a long gratified groan, closing her eyes as the twins played with her length. This was a small piece of otterkin created heaven.


She was a centaur with needs, needs that involved her brood mothers tending to her regularly.


Her thoughts wandered again to just how large her twins would become, just how pregnant could she make them? She couldn't wait to find out.


Lily's tongue slowly slipped across her cock head, cleaning it of the last bit of semen. Her tongue making circular motions, roaming between nubs and dips, the rigid flesh and rough texture.

Eventually it moved toward her urethra and Fey felt a tiny pair of soft lips kiss the large hole.


"Cuuuum for me Fey," moaned the otterkin around Fey's cock, her voice unbelievably slutty, "I can't stop, I need your wonderful dick, I need your cum Feeeey!"


And then Lily began to suckle. 


Fey's eyes shot open as way more suction than she imagined possible came from the otterkin, a desperate drinking motion, as though trying to forcibly drain the cum from her balls like through a straw.


She hadn't considered it, but with how easily the otterkin devoured food and drink, she must have an insane ability to draw things into her mouth.


Immense pressure was applied and she cried out as Kayla's rubbing and stroking up and down redoubled.


"OHHH! L-Lily! You're going to make me- meeeEHhhhhhh!!"


She wailed as her balls, edged by thoughts of massive otterkin pregnancies were suddenly given a path to release and seed surged up her shaft.


Unfortunately, if Lily had ever hoped to contain such an immense load she had been fooling herself, she was instantly blown off Fey's cock and launched backwards, slamming into Fey's expansive cleavage, the soft orbs wobbling madly around her, each breast larger than she was.


But that didn't stop the ejaculation and the otterkin instantly vanished from view beneath literal buckets of cum, long hosing sprays that hit Fey's upper body so hard that it bounced off in every direction for metres and it was all Fey could to to protect herself by holding her arms up.


The first immense hose of cum ended and the next began, such a powerful rope of semen that it was spraying between her arms, over her face, she couldn't breathe! 


Panic was starting to set in as she flailed.


But then the jet started to rise, lifting into the air and shooting above her head.


Fey frantically cleared the cummy load from her eyes to see her saviour, Kayla, heaving at her cock, ducking beneath it and backing up and as she watched her length slowly rose into the air until it was vertical, the otterkin shoving herself against it to lever it up.


Her ejaculation didn't stop of course and the next spray launched skyward, shooting straight up and crashing into the ceiling many stories above, mushrooming out and washing across it, the entire roof area above the pool becoming coated in white. Kayla let out a grunt as she struggled to keep the shaft up as it bucked back and forth excitedly, huge ropes of cum shooting off into the steam, blasting across the ceiling unseen over and over.


Just as Kayla was on her last legs the ejaculation finally came to an end and the otterkin slumped, the heavy cock falling on top of her to pin her against Fey's stomach.


Silence followed and Fey blinked as a slight rain started to fall. She held out a quickly washed hand and a white drop fell onto her palm.


Great, now it was raining centaur cum.


With a sigh she looked down to see a white blob struggling between her breasts. Lily.


The small figure seemed to figure out an answer to her predicament pretty quickly and the cum started to drain, disappearing into the otterkin's mouth as she gulped it down, hoovering pints of cum up from her body and over Fey's breasts. Within a couple of minutes the otterkin was mostly cleaned and was trying to slurp up the remaining cum on Fey's chest which was doing its best to escape by slowly oozing toward the otterkin's gape.


"Ooh gods that makes my boobies grow a lot!" she mewled, wriggling in Fey's cleavage. She glanced around at the cum filled pool, only now realising how much of a mess she had made. "Oh wow, you came a lot huh." She licked her lips. "Hnff, that was Intense."


Fey let her continue gulping down her cum and clearing her upper body as she had more concerning things to look at. Not Kayla who was still flailing about trapped underneath her cock, but ahead, across the pool, beyond, where the steady pittter-patter of horse cum continued to fall from the ceiling, the motion stirring and clearing away the steam.


She was given a view of several nearby pools as the steam lessened. The one directly ahead of her was unusual. It had a net stretched between two poles in the middle of the pool and on either side were a number of naked girls. One side wore blue arm bands and the other green marking them as being two separate teams. The team with green armbands seemed vaguely familiar and for a moment Fey thought she was looking at the forest nymphs… but then these elf like girls had glossy green shoulder length hair and blue skin nothing like the nymphs. They did exhibit that same ethereal beauty with the extra long pointed ears… although in this case they were much shorter than the forest nymphs, and far curvier.


One stood at the front of the team of six, a plumper girl than the rest wearing a pair of wire rim spectacles. As Fey watched she rose out of the water, the water forming liquid tentacles around her legs that lifted her. She tossed the ball in her hands high and then smacked it over the net.


A girl on the other side leapt from the water for it, jumping into the air and revealing that her lower half was like that of a fish. The mermaid reached to stop the ball… and missed. It plopped down beside her as she splashed down into the water.


A moment later she struggled back up.


"Foul! Foul! That doesn't count!"


"Oh shut up, of course it does."


"No it doesn't! I'm calling the game off due to rain!"


The nymph like girl with the spectacles on the other side took this in, then burst out shouting.


"You're only saying that because you're losing you cheaters!"


"How can you call it off due to rain, it's literally a water sport!" cried another.


"We're indoors, how is it even raining!?"


That cry caused a pause and the two teams looked up. A steady drizzle of white fell from the ceiling above. A spot of gooey liquid fell onto the mermaid captain's cheek. She raised a finger and dabbed at it, then put it in her mouth to taste.


"Hmm. Yes. This is rain."


"No it's not, it's freaking cum!" said the sort of nymph who was sampling a few drops too.


"How do you know? Are you that familiar with the taste?"


The nymph's mouth fell open, outraged that she had fallen for the mermaid's simple trap.


"Your immature idiocy is below your station as a mage! Also yes."


The other players were doing similar things as they spoke, looking up, or sampling the cum that fell over their bodies.


A number of players looked around trying to find the source. Their eyes came down on the cum filled pool Fey was in, in it a centaur very visibly covered in cum, a centaur with an enormous cock.


It didn't take long for word to spread and soon both teams apart from the captains were looking at her.


Fey raised a hand and gave them a small hesitant wave.


"Uh, prez, I think I see who interrupted our game."


The mermaid captain turned to see Fey. She blinked in surprise.


"Ah, our benefactor," she said, already moving toward her.


"Wait, what do you mean benefactor!?" cried the bespectacled sort of nymph rushing after.


Fey watched as the mermaid emerged from the water. She was incredibly fit, with defined biceps and a six pack, her broad green scaled tail clearly very powerful as she used it to easily carry herself across, huge amounts of muscle rippling throughout her body.


The entire mermaid team were like that, although none quite as muscular as the captain.


In comparison the sort of nymph was soft, and a little plump, clearly one who had been working with books and food more than weights.


The mermaid splashed down into Fey's pool ignoring the thick layer of cum floating on top of the water.


"Hey there, thanks for that trick with the rain. But what did you actually do? Is this all some kind of fancy illusion spell?"


"Uhm…" said Fey, looking at the mermaid who had stopped before her balls and was looking down at them while stroking her chin.


"Hardly, Sirena," said the sort of nymph. She was dipping her toe in the cummy pool and frowning as the horse semen started to ooze up her foot. "This one is not a mage, she lacks even a fledgling's shine. It is quite obvious to any master of magic such as I."


The mermaid squinted down at Fey's body, for the first time noticing something other than her cock and balls. Her eyes flowed over the musculature of her stallion anatomy, brow raising in surprise.


"You're right, this body is no illusion, these muscles are the real deal."


The mermaid suddenly swooped forward and a pair of hands came down on Fey's horse thighs, running up and down, feeling the slabs of muscle beneath.


"This! This is like a work of art! My god girl, you must have the strength of a freaking bear."


"W-well not right now, my strength is being held back," mumbled Fey as the mermaid ran her hands over her legs and sides.


The mermaid blinked up at her, then turned her head back to her body. She narrowed her eyes and they flashed with a green light. She let out a gasp. 


"She's not kidding, she's bound by some kind of enchantment weakening the muscle, m-meaning she has the potential to be even b-better."


The mermaid licked her lips, imagination apparently running wild. Fey got the impression this was something of a turn on for the fitness inclined mermaid.


Behind her the sort of nymph was carefully easing down to sit on the pool edge, her legs dipping below the cummy surface of the water. She pursed her lips as seed started to ooze up her thighs toward her exposed muff. After a moment she raised a hand and the cum floated from her legs and into the air forming a sphere of white that levitated in front of her.


She blinked at it in surprise, then raised her other hand, manipulating the orb. In a moment it formed a cube, then a pyramid, then a copy of the mermaid, then a small statue of a centaur. 


"What is this stuff?" murmured the sort of nymph, "It's so impossibly easy to manipulate." She formed several more shapes, becoming increasingly impressed, brow slowly getting higher and higher. Then she seemed to come to a decision. 


"Hmm, by right of being Sorority president I am claiming this centaur for us Nereids, specifically for Theta Sorority as study material."


The mermaid rounded on her, hands forming fists. "No shot. I'm claiming her for Sigma Alpha."


"Coming from the sorority team who cheated that is hardly a respectable claim. No, I think not. The centaur is ours." She adjusted her glasses.


As the two had been investigating Fey the rest of their teams had followed over including the reserve players, slipping down into the cummy water with their captains and looking at Fey with curiosity.


It wasn't just steam in the air and as the girls waded through the pool they drew in deeper and deeper breaths, experimentally picked up white from the water, tasting it or looking down in surprise as it crawled over their skin, wriggling against their thighs, or oozing past labias eliciting gasps and shifting hips.


In moments the first of the mermaids were touching at Fey, cooing over her musculature just as the mermaid president had, and the Nereids, not to be outdone, weren't far behind.


Fey looked down her body in alarm, finding more than a dozen girls exploring her anatomy, the mermaids as though she were some kind of interesting novelty or work of art, exclaiming over the finer details and making high compliments, and the Nereids furiously studying her balls.


Kayla, who was still stuck below Fey's cock finally managed to struggle out, and found herself surrounded by naked girls. She looked around in surprise at the blue skinned Nereids and muscular mermaids.


"Uhm, h-hi?" 


The presidents continued to bicker in the background as the group of girls became increasingly bold, petting Fey's sides, then reaching down and openly fondling and stroking her, the Nereids around her balls exclaiming as the surface shifted against their hands.


"Fuck this thing makes the biggest lay I've ever dragged into our sorrority look like a toothpick," mused one of the mermaids looking over Fey's length.


A Nereid beside her nodded. "Way bigger than any male foolish enough to wander into Theta, and we would know, house policy is that none are allowed to escape without first being used as public convenience."


"Uhm, you can ride her if you like, we don't mind sharing," said Kayla shyly.


"Sharing what now?"


"I mean, you can have sex with her if you like, just like we do!"


Light hearted laughter and tittering came from the crowd of girls at such an absurd statement from the tiny otterkin. 


"You are adorable, but this cock is bigger than you are."


"Oh don't worry about that!" said Kayla. "Look!"


She turned her rear toward the face of the nearest mermaid and bent over, her otter tail flagging high as she slipped her hands behind her rear and into her gape, stretching herself wide.


The mermaid was given a full view of the otterkin's open cavernous gaping pussy, stretched out beyond all reason, a pink space wider than her thigh, a veteran of horse cock.


"If I can fit her so can you! I got this awesome gape from taking her!"


The mermaid stared in disbelief, out of nowhere given a view of the otterkin's deepest most sacred place.




"Look, can any guy you've ever known stretch you out to such a degree? Why wouldn't you want that!"


"Well… because I still want to feel my boyfriend when we do it…" muttered the mermaid. But she still couldn't look away, the question of how such massive penetration might feel clearly tickling at her imagination.


"Oh trust me, after this you won't even consider what you did before real sex! You'll become all super sensitive and stretchy and orgasms will be like a million billion times better! You haven't lived until you've been Feyed!"



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