
Chapter 54 4/5

The otterkin waved her hips side to side a few times as if to advertise what Fey could offer.


One of the mermaids followed the motion, hypnotised. She nibbled at her lip.


"You know what, fuck it, I came to college to experiment and this centaur has the most beautiful muscles I have ever seen, she makes us of house sigma alpha look like we aren't even real muscle mages! How can we hold our heads high when we cowered in the face of this masterpiece of a body? If anyone can handle her it should be us." 


The mermaid slipped onto Fey, writhing up between her back legs. 


Fey could already feel her engorged puss at the bottom of the v that marked the transition from scales to skin, a soft puffy thing that slipped and slid over the base of her cock. 


The mermaid reached down and grabbed hold of the shaft, and then with a whip of her tail heaved it up, holding it against her chest, pressing against her hard six pack and between her breasts. Then, focusing hard, she spiraled up around it and when she reached the top she took hold of Fey's back legs, one ankle in each hand as she positioned her puss over the tip.


One of the Nereids sniffed. "It's not going to fit. Only a muscle-brained mermaid would think such a thing could."


This only seemed to make the mermaid more determined and her tail tightened around the length as the muscles on her arms strained, pressing herself onto the hard tip.


"If I can't modify my body past my previous limits then I'm not a real muscle mage—AAH!!"


Unfortunately for her she had wildly overestimated how much strength she would need to apply and with a sudden wet schlop sound her puss bloomed, spreading over the head and engulfing it. The sudden lurch of motion caused her to drive herself down a full foot on to the cock, her stomach bulging out obscenely around its shape, six pack flexing madly as it strained against her hard filling.


The mermaid screamed and instantly squirted, spraying down the cluster of Nereids tending Fey's balls.


The group of girls stared with disbelief, and a little awe as the mermaid writhed on the cock, crying out and orgasming repeatedly harder than she ever had in her life.


"Holy sheeet why does this feel so furking gewd!" gasped the mermaid, clearly overwhelmed. "Th-the otterkin was telling the truth! ohmygawwwed!!"


The two sorority presidents were finally distracted from their bickering and looked over to see the mermaid speared on the tip of a cock, her tail wrapped around the shaft below, hands holding onto Fey's ankles for stability.


"What are you doing on our centaur?" snapped the blue skinned Nereid. 


"Sh-showing Theta how much better Sigma Alpha is!" groaned the mermaid as she slowly eased lower, her belly rising with cock, determination in every motion. "There's a reason our house is more popular!"


Sirena grinned fiercely and punched her palm on hearing that. "Good work, now use your skills as a mage to end this. Show them who we are."


The mermaid nodded and Fey gasped as the insides of the mermaid transformed, becoming a rippling moving massage that actively pumped her cock like a milking machine. It made sense now why the mermaid had made the attempt despite their size difference, anatomical control was part of her abilities.


In fact the internal musculature of the mermaid was so powerful that her body was dragged down Fey's length another foot, her stomach bulge pressing up between her breasts. She hit the medial ring and with inexorable force her pussy dragged her down past it, her slit only using it as an anchor to eagerly haul more cock inside.


The mermaid's internal muscles were incredible! 


The mermaid came hard as she reached the bottom, crying out as she orgasmed yet again, a messy squirting jet of her ecstasy splashing against the water, and then she began bouncing up and down, her breasts spread by bulging belly.


With how the twins had been edging her Fey couldn't hold on for long atall under such an intense treatment and with a lurch her balls drew up and pumped into the mermaid.


The mermaid's six pack already deformed with cock ballooned outward as she squealed, clutching at her belly as her womb was filled. Her midriff rapidly expanded between Fey's legs and down across the pool, a great cum pregnancy that rested on the water.


The others gasped in shock seeing this, the girls tending Fey's balls physically pushed back by the mermaid's cum belly.


Her belly reached seven feet across before Fey finished, the mermaid's muscled stomach tensing and easing over its massive filling, trying to squeeze it back down but unable to do so.


The Nereid president pushed her glasses up with her middle finger as she looked over them. "It appears that we have confirmed the source of the semen, and the increased elasticity and sensitivity to prepare the vessel is of note too. I can't say I understand the mechanism behind it, just as the semen itself is an enigma, but then I find myself desiring this centaur more and more as an object of study for house theta."


She pressed a hand against the great belly of the groaning mermaid. 


"And to think such a valuable substance for water mages can be produced in such quantities."


"Only reason she came that much is because it's a mermaid on her dick, can't produce shit otherwise," said Sirena, crossing her arms. "That's why she should belong to sigma alpha."


"Hardly. There's a reason our house is known for draining males kept in the common room to the point of dehydration. Fortunate for them we are water mages I suppose."


The mermaid president scowled. "If you think you and yours can do as much then prove it."


"Hmm very well." The Nereid gestured at the groaning mermaid's cumbelly and the mermaid began to lift into the air, her puss reluctantly letting go of the horse cock in her depths. With a wet schlurrk and a gush of cum she was freed, Fey's cock falling back against her belly with a heavy thump.


The mermaid was lifted from the pool and placed to one side. There were a lot of eyes fixed on the now massive hanging gape of her pussy, visible as she was manipulated in the air, cum rolling from the stretched out sleeve of her puss.


"I- I kinda want that now I know how she got it," murmured one biting her lip. "The sounds she was making, g-gods can you imagine how that felt? I've never… I've never screamed like that… e-even a little bit in the bedroom. I didn't know that was even possible..."


"Hell, can you imagine any guy you've ever been with leaving you like that? I've never seen anyone cream themselves that hard, girl was a damn fountain and then that load dropped in her, holy shit..."


The Nereid president sniffed. "Judging by the semen rain this is quite minor, clearly the mermaid was unable to properly draw from the subject, as to be expected from such braindead students."


She gestured at the floating cum ball by her side and it moved over to the limp mermaid resting by the pool edge. It lengthened and extended, becoming a thin rod with marks along its length.


"Hmm, see, her belly is only seven feet across. Does any sister of mine care to show those from house sigma alpha how it's done?"


One of the Nereids was already climbing atop Fey, even as the other Nereids helped drag her cock up to be vertical along with the help of a very enthusiastic Kayla. Fey could only watch, half wondering if she should put a stop to things, half relieved that she was getting a little more relief for her increasingly pressured balls.


Of course with the sheer length of Fey's cock it meant that the Nereid's pussy was somewhat below the tip when she stood in front of it. Not that seemed to deter her. She gestured at the cummy water and two white platforms emerged, one for each foot. She stepped onto them and rose into the air, gently placing her pussy over the cock tip, her thighs spread around each side.


"B-bit bigger up close," said the Nereid looking down at her puss completely dwarfed by cock. 


"Don't let your sorrority down sister," sniffed the president.


"Uh, I'm uh, not so sure I can fit…"


"Oh, You will." said the president, gesturing at the air.


The platforms she was standing on promptly morphed into manacles around her ankles and hauled downward. The plump Nereid squealed as she was dragged down onto the cock until with a wet schlr-pop! her puss engulfed the cock tip, labia stretching in a ring around Fey's immense girth.


Her hands clung to her bulging belly as her eyes rolled up and she screamed, gushing pussy juice spraying down into the pool in a cacophony of splashes, thicc thighs wobbling like jelly as her legs violently spasmed


The president was relentless and she was dragged down further, the thrashing Nereid overwhelmed with sensation as her sensitive insides were stretched around the pillar of horse cock, experiencing things she had never even remotely imagined before.




Her voice rose higher as her folds slopped over the medial ring, her breasts parting around her softly shaped belly bulge.


"Is that all?" snorted Sirena.


The Nereid president glared at her before she flicked her fingers and two curling tentacles rose from the pool and lunged for her midriff. 


The two cum tentacles slithered around her bulging belly, snaking around and contristricting tight, then applying a fierce grip. They rapidly began moving up and down, masturbating the belly bulge as the Nereid continued to be bounced, bouncing on the horse cock, moving faster and faster, the Nereid's arms flailing at the air as she was rocketed up and came crashing down, her shrieks growing progressively louder as she squirted harder and then harder.


The sensation of both girl and tentacle was too much and Fey cried out, exploding into her womb, her plump belly spilling between the tentacles before forcing them away as she was filled with cum, her cum tummy drooping down with the weight of her filling, rapidly reaching the water and spreading across it.


The Nereid slumped across her womb as Fey finished, mumbling mindlessly, eyelids fluttering. 


A white vertical line grew out of the pool beside her, one with notches to measure how large her belly was.


"Ah, and there you go, eight feet. Clearly Theta sorority is the winner."


Sirena scowled. 


"You cheated Rommi, you used your power as a mage."


"That's rich coming from you and your talk about calling off due to rain in a watersport. Really, you don't think any of yours can do better?"


"Then get her the hell off and we'll show you!"


The limp nereid moved into the air and Fey looked on with gradually increasing alarm as the abruptly incredibly competitive sorority girls dragged over the scoreboard from the netball game and marked the words seven foot under the mermaid's sigma alpha side and eight under the Nereid's theta.


The overly filled Nereid was floated off onto the opposite side of the pool as the cumflated mermaid, the enormous quivering gape between her thighs attracting looks. The next mermaid swam onto Fey, then up and around her held up and still quite eager dick.


It only took moments for them to brute force themselves down onto her, muscles bulging as they gripped her rear ankles and heaved down onto horsecock, intense competition between sororities driving her to spear herself.


Just like the first mermaid her insides had a mind and musculature all of their own, her pussy literally dragging the mermaid along with it. As she was slipping past her medial ring she activated her skills and Fey looked on in shock as the mermaid's muscles became more defined, bulging outward, her six pack doubling in size and applying crushing force down on her dick along with internal muscles that shouldn't possibly have existed.


The pressure was intense and then so was the movement as the mermaid began jack hammering down on to her, her tail wrapped spring like as her bulging muscled arms gripped her rear legs, pounding herself over and over onto dick, faster and faster, each slam-fuck bounce up and down taking less than a second, breast wobbling wildly with the motions.


It was incredible the mermaid managed such a thing all while screaming her lungs out and practically pissing pussy juice over the girls tending Fey's balls, gushing over their faces and hair, but then it seemed like her body was moving on instinct, desperate for more of what she was experiencing, scrambling to reach the peak of an orgasmic mountain.


A few minutes later and the mermaid was expanding with cum, somehow reaching a little larger than the Nereid.


The size was marked on the scoreboard and the now furious Nereids threw themselves at her dick.


It went like that, one after the other, each mermaid or Nereid trying a new technique, a new approach to draw that much more seed out of the centaur. Often with the help of tips from the twins, who were happy to point out sensitive parts on Fey's length and guide them down to optimal positioning.


As the competition became more fierce an audience started to build, girls drawn from the steam by the sounds, gawping at the scene and taking in the thick heavy scent of sex that clung to the air. 


They formed an audience around the pool edge, casually masturbating as they watched the mermaids and the Nereids go to war, legs dangling in the water which Fey's cum continually tried to climb up. The one squirrelkin who was obsessed with Fey's balls was also amongst the dozens of girls, because of course.


Rows of cum filled girls were placed behind the audience, pressing against each other, each progressively larger as they drew more from their target of competition.


Lily and Kayla took to the competition naturally, helping each girl wanting to try, and calling out for the next when they were done. Clapping and jumping happily when a new high score was reached and giving grand encouragement. Fey felt a little bemused about their eagerness to share her, like veterans guiding newbies.


Eventually there was only one Nereid and one mermaid left, the presidents, the entire rest of the teams were blimped with cum and lined up, or in the case of the largest ones, reaching as much as sixteen feet across, they were rolled into their own pools of water, often filling them from pool edge to pool edge.


It was the final round.




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