
Chapter 55 1/4

Previously on Centaurus: Fey and the twins go to a public bath. After relaxing for some time in the water they have a Fey accident and attract the attention of two sorority teams playing a ball game, one side blue skinned Nereids, the other a group of buff mermaids. The two sorority teams quickly become competitive over Fey and a game breaks out to see who can draw a larger load from her. The competition is fierce until the mermaid president unleashes her secret weapon and puts an end to the game… and the pool.

Now, chapter 55:


The one good thing about being in a pool of water as a giant cum filled girl pinned you down was that the water made it possible to wiggle and swim free. That didn't make up for Fey feeling like she was about to drown, but still, it helped, a little bit.


She made use of the space and kicked and heaved and slipped along the bottom of the tiled pool, the massive trembling belly of Sigma Alpha's mermaid president lying atop her, practically crawling upside down under her expanse. 


Watery light spilled over her head as she finally reached the edge of her enormity and then a moment later she broke the water's surface. The heavy steams of the baths mixed with the hormonal fog of well fucked girls spilled into her lungs as she took in great breaths of air, feeling immense relief having escaped.


Sirena's expanse rose behind her. The mermaid was a great smooth belly that reached from the tiles up and into the steam, reaching all the way up to the ceiling of the baths, which was no small feat as it was many stories above. It seemed like Sirena's gravid expansion had pushed and shoved all the other college girls and their curious audience away. Fey spotted shadowed rounded shapes in the steam confirming that, as well as various butt naked and very confused girls as they slipped and slid around on the wet tile.


Fey wiped a stray strand of wet hair from her face.


It had been an ordeal but at least she was clean now, the nereid president had removed every last drop of seed from her body. 


Beside her Kayla and Lily suddenly popped up out of the water like two wine bottle corks, moving through the pool as easily as they moved on dry land, something the otterkins were naturally adapt at.


"Oh! I think this means the mermaids won!" said Lily happily as she looked up at the wall that was Sirena.


"I was sure team theta had it! But Sirena is really strong and, uh, talented! uh, with her l-loins."


"You have no idea," muttered Fey, "She was on another level, I felt like I was going to pass out at any moment." She bit her lip, just the memory of such intensity causing her hips to shift and her length to stiffen. She couldn't say she minded being competed over too much if that was going to be the result.


As Fey was struggling to recover and looking to climb to her hooves something heavy struck the ground a few meters behind her, fragments of tile flinging into the air, splinters pinging off her body.


She blinked and turned to see a great white sphere which had impacted with the ground, steams curling in the disturbed air around it. 


It was a sphere of her…cum? 


A cry of outrage came from the side, a mermaid perched atop her enormous eight foot wide belly. Apparently the white sphere had been aimed at her, and had very nearly hit, making the mermaid very angry.


The mermaid lashed her tail in the air, using the momentum to drive herself back over her belly before launching forward, her fist raised, muscles bulging.


Fey watched with round eyes as the mermaid's entire belly rolled forward on the tile carrying the mermaid's body with it, down underneath and then popping back up the other side, fist still raised. She collided with a nereid with a twelve foot wide belly with a heavy slap-pap, their cum bellies rippling wildly on impact.


But that didn't slow the mermaid's body on top of her belly and with a cry she sloshed forward, torquing her tail and torso in an incredibly violent motion as she drove her fist into the Nereid's belly.




The Nereid's cum belly deformed under the blow as if struck by a mighty hammer, softness rippling out around the impact point before her whole belly was launched away, the swearing furious nereid sent skidding across the wet tiles until she crashed down into a pool in an explosion of water that fountained up around her round mass.


"What the fucccck," breathed Fey, her mouth hanging open. They were freaking fighting while stuffed to the brim with her seed! Her broodmothers weren't meant to do that! Maybe the competition hadn't been such a good idea after all.


A cum tentacle lashed through the air nearby cutting through the thick steam and humid hormonal fog. The tentacle slapped down across the belly of the mermaid eliciting an outraged squawk. Behind them a mermaid was having a fist fight with a furious nereid controlling a un-filled copy of herself . The mermaid reeled back and then slugged the cum golem with all the mind boggling power of a muscle mage. The fist struck and catapulted the cum nereid back at its owner, blasting them with gallons of cum from top to bottom of their belly.


It seemed like sorority theta had not taken their loss very well and had started a brawl in the baths.


Kayla drew close to Fey, looking around fearfully, and with good reason as the college girls weren't holding back at all. Fey saw a great shadowy shape through the mists, some kind of vast monster, a cum belly riding its back as it roared and swiped at a duo of mermaids sending them sliding across the tile. 


The distant furious voice of Rommi came from atop the cum monster as she battled.


Kayla patted Fey's side. "Uhm, I think maybe it would be a good idea to leave, if they are like this just over losing then sooner or later they are going to come after you and then they will fight to take you back to their house."


"R-right," said Fey. It was fortunate the steams obscured things as they hadn't been noticed just yet.


She stealthily grabbed hold of the twins and slipped them onto her back in the same motion she rose, hooves slipping around unsteadily on the wet tile. 


The sounds of war drifted through the mists, truly this was a pitched battle.


She took a step forward, then another, a ball of cum shot past her head, her hair whipping around in the wind as it passed.


"This is, ah, a little dangerous," mumbled Fey as cries of mermaid anger drifted from the steam.


She took another careful step forward, but before she could go any further a cumflated mermaid rolled from the fog, her tail waving in the air as she came to a stop.


The mermaid wasn't the real threat however, it was who was chasing the mermaid.


"Centaurrrr!!" roared Rommi as a monstrous gorilla made of cum stomped from the mists. Rommi's cumbelly was significantly smaller than it had been, a flow of horse semen coming from her stretched out puss and down between her thighs to generate the monster gorilla, slowly growing it larger. "You are mine, ours I mean, you belong to my house as an asset to water mages! You belong to Theta! Now stay still while I—!"


Fey ran for it, hooves skittering madly across the tiles as the enormous fifteen foot  gorilla stomped forward, a blue belly perched on its back. She dodged past the stunned mermaid from before who was promptly smacked aside by the cum gorilla, and between a mermaid and nereid doing battle, ducking underneath the whipping cum tentacles and flying fists and dashing for freedom.


It seemed the gorilla was slow, she could do this, she could escape!


Her hooves struck tile, hammering down like rain as she ran, and then came down on nearly the same spot having gained practically no ground at all. She blinked in surprise and looked down to see she was barely moving, her hooves had zero grip on the wet tile and something was holding her back, something latched onto her rear.


It took her a second to realise what was happening, the usual rolling motion of her pumpkin sized balls over her thighs was missing, they were being held up behind her, pulled away from her haunches, and with so little grip she was left running on the spot, and then to her horror, being dragged backwards.


"Fey, it's the theta president!" cried Lily from her back.


She looked over her shoulder to see the shadow of the monstrous gorilla in the mists, step by step getting closer, a sneering nereid standing atop it, hands outreached as she manipulated the seed in Fey's balls, dragging Fey back into her clutches.


Fey hadn't been aware such a thing was possible. Water mages were genuinely scary in her opinion.


Safe to say it wasn't exactly an ideal situation.


"You belong to Theta centaur. Your life from now on will be nothing but being pumped of material for our use. You will live in your own private cage in the common room. A cow for us to milk dry of all your useful seed!!"


Fey wailed in distress as the magical grip on her balls tightened and she was yanked backwards, hooves skating on tile.


"Sister, throw your teddy bears at her, do something!" cried Kayla in a panic.


"I'm trying, I'm trying! They keep getting all soggy!"


Behind a swarm of bears suddenly emerged from a pool and leapt at the gorilla's leg, but their movement was sluggish and they were knocked free as the battle raged on, the cum gorilla sweeping them off with ease.


It seemed like Fey was doomed to become Theta Sorority's public amenity, but then a cry of outrage came from behind Rommi.


"Fuck you ROMMI! She's Ouurrrss!"


The steam darkened as a ceiling height wall of belly shot from it and crashed into the gorilla from behind, smashing it to the ground as Rommi was catapulted from the top and came down hard on the tile below, rolling head over heels as she hit. 


The magical grip on Fey's balls dropped and she took the opportunity to leg it, galloping into the mist like a centaur fleeing a predator on the plains, mists curling and swirling around her as she sped through, bolting from the battle of the sororities.


As she fled, Rommi slowly climbed to her feet. Most of her cumbelly had gone, spent on forming the gorilla and leaving it about the size of a beach ball. She glared up at the towering mountain that was Sirena's belly and jabbed a finger up at it.


"I declare war on house sigma alpha! I'm going to turn you into mermaid sushi Sirena!"


"What?! No you don't, I declare war on you! You impotent little blueberry!" came Sirena's muffled reply.


The angry swear filled argument faded away as Fey fled, only hearing the occasional echoing boom that sent shivering ripples through the steams. It seemed the fighting was spreading, apparently there had been more of the sororities in the baths than just those who were playing ball games.


Fey finally spotted a door and ran for it, ducking below the mantle and into the hall beyond, her head brushing against the ceiling. Not a moment too soon as with a crash the wall was obliterated behind her as a gigantic white fist smashing apart the marble like it was nothing.


A mermaid with a flat belly was sent flopping across the floor just in front of Fey causing her to come to a stop in surprise. The mermaid climbed up onto her tail, wiped her mouth with the back of her fist, spat to the side, and then with a roar her muscles swelled and she charged the cum golem, punching it so hard that it disintegrated, cratering around the impact of her fist.


"L-let's get the heck out of here!" cried Lily as the mermaid fought her way back through the hole in the wall.


Fey very much agreed with that idea and ran down the halls away from the fighting. Naked wide eyed girls were running around all over the place in a panic, bare feet slap-slapping against marble as they fled, breasts bouncing wildly. 


A giant teddy bear made up of many smaller bears shot from a side passage and Fey found her blouse being shoved into her hands as she finally spotted what she wanted in an ignored side passage, an actual exit, a true way out of the baths.


Fey barged through the door and shot out into open air and freedom, finding fresh air and no mists full of mermaid violence and water mage magic.


She immediately spun around on the spot, grabbed the door and slammed it shut, falling to the ground as she slapped her palms against it to hold it closed, hoping against hope she wasn't being followed.


Silence. It seemed they were completely alone. Only their panted breathing filled the air. 


There was only Fey, then next to her Lily and Kayla with their backs against the door along with a few bears helping to hold it closed, and next to them the red tailed squirrelkin girl, also helping hold the door.


Fey blinked, where the hell had she come from!? How did she keep finding her?! She'd followed her into the baths from the streets and now here too?


Ignoring the stalker squirrelkin for the moment Fey clambered back to her feet. She had her blouse in one fist and she carefully slipped it over herself, struggling quite a lot with the buttons as getting her much larger breasts inside required real effort. Even then the buttons were left straining around her increased cleavage, her softness spilling over the straining cloth.


She turned to find Lily and Kayla already dressed in their usual micro skirt and blouse, as well as the squirrelkin who had somehow found her own pleated skirt and blouse, although from where Fey had no idea, she had been naked only moments ago.






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