
Chapter 55 2/4

"Uhm, I think we need to leave Fey, sooner or later those sorority girls are going to realise you are missing and they are going to come for you…" mumbled Kayla looking up at the door.


Lily nodded. "Yes, we should, and also definitely avoid drawing attention for a little bit." Her eyes moved from the towering centaur, down and between her legs where her log of a cock gently throbbed, a little dribble of precum leaking from the tip.


She licked her lips. "S-so you should hide your thingy Fey."


Fey tilted her head. "I'm a centaur, this is how we are normally, it's natural."


"Yes, but most centaurs don't walk around sporting insanely huge throbbing erections. Look, there's a really easy peasy way to hide it, just put it inside me!" said the otterkin beaming up at her proudly.


Well… Fey couldn't disagree with that idea, if she had the option she would love to be sheathed to the hilt in pussy at all times.


The cluster of teddybears by the door ran over to Lily as she approached a crate to one side of the alley, then helped her scramble up and on top. 


She dusted herself off, and then smiled as the bear with the red scarf appeared beside her. He had a certain square of silk cloth in his paws and together with the bear's help Lily was able to attach it to her midriff under her half unbuttoned blouse.


The otterkin glanced over her shoulder ay Fey, then she bent over, flipping up her skirt and exposing her gaping pussy to full view as she perked her rear up higher than her head, a girl presenting herself to be bred. 


Her pink gape mouthed at the air, drooling and dripping all over the crate, wet rolling down from her fat puffy muff, down her thighs and forming a sticky puddle under her feet as her puss became excited, trained to know what was coming.


The sight wasn't something that Fey could ignore and she found herself moving toward the otterkin before she had even thought to, her body working on instinct. So many breeding sessions making it the most natural thing in the world.


She suddenly whinnied, hooves tip tapping on the paving before she reared up, front hooves slamming down on the crate as her enormous cock thrust forward.


Of course she completely missed and her cock shot over the top of the otterkin, knocking her tail aside as the heavy dick fell over her back and nearly flattened Lily, who struggled with the weight of so much cock bearing down on top of her her, her limbs shaking as the massive thing mussed her hair, the incredible heat warming her back.




"Uhnff, s-sorry, I c-can't aim very well with someone so tiny!"


Fey backed up a little and her cock thudded down on the crate just behind the otterkin causing the crate to creak.


Her cock, eager as ever, stiffened and lifted itself away from the wood, bobbing as it remained rigidly straight and vaguely on course for the gape of the smol otterkin girl whose hips were pushed up in anticipation.


Fey shifted forward and she felt the tip of her cock press against the otterkin's thigh, her softness indenting under Fey's hardness. Closer, but still not where she so desperately needed to be. 


The sexual frustrations of a centaur were as usual painfully real. 


Why couldn't it just—


She let out a gasp as she felt a pair of hands take hold of her cock. She glanced down to her side to see the squirrelkin had ducked under her barrel, her big red fluffy tail wagging behind her. Was she trying to help? Fey couldn't say she was displeased, a centaur always needed help when it came to sex, and she did need to be inside Lily, urgently.


With the help of the squirrelkin she eased forward, the bucking cock guided toward the sopping wet muff of Lily until tip and gape kissed. 


Of course Fey had gotten significantly larger since she had last done it with the otterkin and she was no longer fitted to the shape of her cock. Her rear and thighs spread and compressed against the dinner plate like width of cock head, their size difference on full display.


"hnff, you're so much bigger now Fey!" keened Lily, her hands and feet on the wood and desperately trying to cram her snatch onto horsecock.


She lacked the strength unfortunately and was left shaking and moaning as she pressed herself against the broad tip but couldn't fit, her gape desperately mouthing at the surface, but unable to stretch, even when Fey shifted her hips forward it only shoved Lily herself across the crate with a yelp.


Fortunately help arrived as the squirrelkin grabbed hold of Lily's tail and hauled back.


Lily was left wiggling on the cock tip, her legs flailing either side as her pussy stretched out, labia inching wider and wider until with a squeal and a wet SCHLL-POP!!! she slipped over the head, her walls stretching to take so much mass, her pleasure clusters expanding, made more sensitive by Fey's increased ability, gripping onto every little texture of Fey's cock in a way she had never experienced before.


"Oh godsss it feels like there's so much more of YOOUUU!"  squealed Lily as her sloppy pussy fluttered in new found delight, eagerly exploring this new more massive horse cock, her cervix kissing eagerly at the head.


In moments the top of the crate was awash with her juices, pouring down off the edges in a waterfall as she came hard, her cunny honey spraying all over the wood in enthusiastic clenches.


Despite her trembling body the otterkin dug her heels in and rammed herself back onto the cock, this time with a lot more success as Fey was already inside her. Inch by bounced inch she drove herself backwards, her silk clad midriff stretching from between her silk clad breasts, a girthy mass big enough for her to hug, which she did, rubbing her face all over the dick bigger than she, a dick that absolutely dominated her body, a ripe broodmother with what she wanted most in the world, a cock capable of breeding her more thoroughly than any male, to fill her with masses of teeming life.


Her tail and ankles latched onto the cock behind and dragged her further onto it as she reached the edge of the crate and found herself unable to push. She didn't mind, her tail and feet combined with her ravenous pussy was more than enough to slide herself down Fey's length. She hooked her ankles under the medial ring and dragged herself down until her puffy pussy was kissing up against it.


With a wriggle of her hips and her ankles pulling against vascular veins she managed to drag herself over and the medial ring entered inside of her, the thick ring of flesh scraping against her walls deliciously. 


She bit her lip as Fey let out a groan above her.


"Uhnff, gods Fey, I didn't think it could get better! I was wrong! Just stay inside me forever!"


Fey shivered at those words and Lily felt a spray of precum explode into her womb, hot fluid  washing over her insides in the most wonderful way, igniting her body's biological need for cream, the fire of her estrus stoked ever higher from this small sample of what was to come.


"D-don't say that or I'll c-cum on the spot," groaned Fey, her back hooves shifting against the cobble.


Lily glanced down her distended belly expecting to see it bloat with gallons of pre, but it remained in the shape of Fey's penis. She remembered after a moment that she was wearing the silk, and that while she could feel the gallons of  Fey's precum sloshing in her womb it would only be slightly visible on this side, her cum belly was mostly in the hidden cave.


She scrunched her toes and wiggled in delight. Yes, this was perfect, she didn't have to hold back at all!


With a grunt she drove herself down all the way to the base of Fey's cock, her newly stretched out pussy slamming home against the wrinkled base, Fey's entire horse cock all snug and squeezed tight inside her where it belonged.


She rested her head against her cock bulge and sighed, closing her eyes, just savouring the feeling of being so completely full, knowing that she was the only girl in the whole wide world experiencing such wonder for the moment.


She would have to ask Fey to increase the number of daily breedings she got if this was how much better it felt with her new size, her pussy was already addicted.


As she was daydreaming over horsecock Fey backed up and dropped down from the crate, her front hooves hitting the paving.


She tried to peek over her sides to see her cock clothed in girl but couldn't quite see it. Instead she bent down and looked between her front legs. Her massive length was getting so large now that the tip was nearly between her front legs. Like her breasts it grew disproportionately larger with her body's growth.


Her penis sparkled with the dragon silk, the nobbles of her cock tip, and even her medial ring very softly outlined within it.


…Okay this wasn't that much better than having her cock be completely naked if she was being honest, any one could see what it was! But at least her flesh was hidden from direct view and maybe this would stop the hordes of girls who wanted to fondle her penis. 


She was straightening back up when she felt a weight suddenly land on her balls.


She blinked and looked over her shoulder to see Kayla who was scrambling up onto her back with the help of some teddybears, and then behind her the squirrelkin girl who was… hugging her rump?


She realised after a moment that the squirrelkin was literally sitting on her balls, perched on top of the larger than pumpkin sized things with her thighs gripping either side of their mass, ankles hooked underneath, her breasts pressing against the top of her rump as she held on.


"What are you doing?!"


The squirrelkin wiggled her ass, getting comfortable on her new seat.


"Isn't it obvious? You said you needed to hide your equipment right? There's no way you could go anywhere without people like me jumping on 'em. So I decided to help out. You can thank me later."


The squirrelkin waved her person sized fluffy red tail in the air as if showing Fey she had it, then curled it down and around so that her tail was completely covering Fey's balls from view.


Fey stared at her as she got comfy. The oddness of having someone just abruptly sit on her balls leaving her mystified.


"...Who are you again?"


"Hey, it's not my fault you waved the most amazingly wonderful set of balls ever in front of me, what's a girl supposed to do when you show them that! This is just a natural consequence of your actions!"


"To… sit on my balls?"






"You need me here! I'm hiding them! That's a good thing! If it isn't me then it's dozens of others all over them!"


"Uhm, she does kind of have a point," murmured Kayla, "No one is going to guess what's under her tail."


"Right?" said the squirrelkin, resting her elbow on Fey's rump as she cupped her chin. she looked up at Fey with half lidded eyes and a small smile. The squirrelkin's very attractive features were framed with curly red hair which contrasted with her emerald green eyes, eyes confident in the fact she was meant to be there.


Fey wondered how she was so casual about it, she looked like she was sitting on the most comfortable seat ever.


"...But It looks like I have a squirrel girl sitting on my ass!" 


"Sitting on your balls actually. Look, it'll be fiiiine. You apparently need the stealthiness that my big fluffy tail can supply and I'm supplying that!"


She ground her hips down on the top of Fey's testacles like she was enjoying just sitting on the massive things.


Well, maybe she was, Fey could feel her sperm raging at the girl, trying to get at her womb, the surface of her balls shifting and pushing out slightly against the squirrelkin's thighs and panties, basically giving her a lower body massage. Judging by how soaking wet her panties were she was quite enjoying it.


Fey let out a sigh of resignation. Maybe this wasn't so bad, and they did need to leave, sooner or later the two sororities would stop trying to beat the snot out of each other and then they would come after her. It was time to make up some distance.


She trotted from the alley and into the city streets proper.


To her surprise her clothing made of girls was pretty successful at fending off attention and only a half dozen girls were drawn to her, and only then because all of them were in heat and with excellent senses of smell, able to sense what lay beneath Lily and the squirrelkin.


Of course, the disguise started to break down a bit as Lily began to slowly ease herself up and down her shaft, pushing herself along with her feet about a half foot before dragging herself back with her tail and ankles.


The exposure of her shaft wetted with Lily lubricant drew a few more gazes. 


But in the end it wasn't that hard to lose them in the crowds. People tended to get out of the way of a gigantic centaur, making way for her like a river around a boulder. Her followers on the other hand had to fight the current, and couldn't keep up with Fey's stride.


She soon found herself shaking her following, she was free! Okay there were still a lot of eyes on her, it was kind of hard for there not to be with her size, but at least she didn't have half a hundred horny girls trying to dry hump her leg!


It was a novel experience and Fey relished it, cheering up quite a bit, her step gaining a little prance. 


She paused as a florist came into view, a stall on the side of the street full to the brim with colourful flowers that practically spilled onto the paving, the air fragrant and pleasant smelling. 


A green haired old lady with wrinkled eyes and green tipped fingers looked up at Fey.


"Oh? You are a big one. Would you like a sample, pick any single flower you wish, it's on the house."


A free flower? She glanced over the huge selection, unsure if she should. She was about to say no she didn't want one when her eye caught on a humble little yellow flower. 


She reached down and carefully plucked it. Then she turned her upper body to where Kayla was sitting cross legged on her back. The otterkin looked up in surprise as she delicately placed it behind her ear.


Kayla touched hesitantly at it, unable to see it on top of her head.


"Uhm, it's like the one when I first met you, back at your inn, a yellow flower that you wore on your ear," said Fey.


Kayla blinked a few times, her lip's parting slightly. "You remembered something like that? That's…"

"Freaking adorable ohmygawdd!" cried Lily beneath Fey, her pussy clamping down hard on Fey's length eliciting a groan from the centaur. Apparently something as simple as that had been a massive turn on for the otterkin.







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