
Chapter 57 1/4

Previously on Centaurus: Flora and Ellaria return from their attempt to kidnap back the black market bunny who had previously been kidnapped by a dragon and his family, they fail and Flora, as the one put in charge of the attempt, is banned from Fey's cock for a month. Ellaria leads the band to one of Draconica's Adventuring Guilds where she attempts to get the band ranked up to gold rank despite not having enough jobs under their belt. Before she can get anywhere in her negotiation however Fey is attacked by a group of nuns led by an Abbess. The Bishop along with Seth and Mary also make an appearance having been invited to the guild by the Abbess. The Abbess, believing Fey is possessed by a demon,attempts an exorcism, the spell however goes haywire and she accidently summons an angel before being blimped into a holy lake of seed.

Now chapter 57:


Fey and Ellaria stood before the great table like students standing before their irritated teachers, waiting in trepidation to hear their fate and inevitable punishment for their transgressions.


Honestly it was quite a lot like that. The table was set on a raised level and the five powerful adventurers looked down on them with sheer authority, veteran experience radiating off them in waves. Fey and Ellaria were like so much fresh-faced puppies before these adventurer's gaze. 


An elf wearing a frosty white gown and a crown of ice over her white hair was giving Ellaria a look of particularly extreme distaste, pure contempt filling her eyes as she looked over Ellaria's perfect form.


Besides her a monstrously large black furred minotaur drummed his fingers on the table top. At his size and strength it sounded like a pounding bass drum that almost hurt the ears and filled the room with noise.


To the side of the icy elf was, of all things, a gnome. That had surprised Fey as gnome adventurers were vanishingly rare. The gnome was clearly some kind of spellsword and was the least serious of the lot, her bare feet resting on the table top as she picked her nose while smoking a cigar at the same time. Her long pink hair was a mess that tried and failed to frame the expansive cleavage spilling from her leather jacket.


Capping the ends of this row of deathly judgement was a drake with rainbow scales and rainbow eyes, and an armoured dwarf whose beard appeared to be partially on fire.


The lot of them emanated the kind of power that suggested they could crush Ellaria and Fey like bugs with a casual flick of the wrist. Fey had to assume that these five were something beyond gold rank. She had no doubt she was looking at the captains of five separate bands, bands whose names and insignia were most likely displayed on the great banners hanging inside and outside the guild walls in pride of place.


Yep. They were well and truly one hundred percent absolutely completely fucked.


Fey swallowed nervously, Her hooves shifting on the carpet. Maybe if she angled her body a little bit the band captains on either end wouldn't see her massive raging erection. Standing before legends such as these with a huge waggling boner surely couldn't be a good thing for her prospects. She felt her very existence was a sign of disrespect to these five lords of adventuring!


The minotaur's finger drumming came to a stop and he pursed his lips.


"I can't understate the damage you have caused. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to remove semen from magical cloth? You can't exactly wash the stuff out with soap. My sister is very upset, you know," he gravelled, his voice like rumbling mountain boulders.


"I can't emphasise enough how much I understand your ahem, sister's plight, really I do, as an adventurer acquiring rare and powerful gear is a life's work," said Ellaria, in full damage control mode. "But you in turn must understand this has nothing to do with us."


"The seemingly endless collection of seed came from the nethers of one of your band's apprentices."


Ellaria nodded, this was a true argument. But she of course had an excellent riposte.


She raised a hand and pointed at the great axe leaning against the Minotaur's throne-like chair, a heavy brutal slab of iron chipped with years of use.


"If I were to steal your greataxe from you and then use it to start smashing down walls in the guild would you accept punishment and your banishment from the guild?"


The minotaur frowned down at her.


"I'm not sure what you are getting at girl, this is my weapon."


"Yes! But if someone were to use it to commit a crime then guild rules say that the owner it was thieved from isn't responsible for the damage caused, you would be the victim and in fact not set for punishment but due recompense."


The icy elf snarled and practically spat down at Ellaria.


"Are you really daring to say what I think you are about to say, you vain little creature?"


Ellaria paused and lifted an elegant eyebrow at the icy elf, which just seemed to piss her off even more.


"Of course I am. Our band… uses centaur sperm… as a monster battling weapon."


The minotaur slammed his palm on the table.


"You ruined our guild hall!"


"Nope. The Abbess ruined your guild hall. She took our weapon and used it. Adventurer Guild rule number seven hundred and eighty three, under subsection paragraph six point seven, footnote four, next to it written in the margin, it states that we are not to be held responsible for such a thing as any more powerful adventurer could take a weak adventurer's weapon and use it to commit crimes on guild property. This isn't a question of us being punished, but what the guild owes us for having allowed one of its members to damage one of our weapons."


"It is sperm!" snapped the elf. "It's not a weapon! It's jizz, you can't damage jizz!"


"Part of the total amount of our weaponised sperm collection is missing, this reduces our combat effectiveness. If we get into battle fighting monsters and we don't have enough battle sperm on hand then that may mean the life of one of my bandmates. I'm sorry but this is a very serious issue and the Abbess has put the lives of my band at risk. She is registered under the guild as an adventurer despite her only working on a charitable basis, therefore this is the guild's responsibility."


The icy elf looked on the verge of having an apocalyptic rage heart attack hearing Ellaria's attempt to turn the tables on the guild, a small vein visibly pulsing on her forehead. 


"I assure you it's all there in the rules," finished Ellaria. 


"You arrive in our guild, and it just so happens in that very first short hour there is more damage done to guild property than in years," rumbled the minotaur. "Yet you evade any and all responsibility by twisting the trivial minutiae of the rules."


"Yes." said Ellaria, bluffing like a minor god of bluffing. 


"Hrmm. Very well. Two can play it that way. There are rules for bringing dangerous substances into the guild. Death blight spider venom from which just a scent can kill an adult minotaur. Necromancer soul sap which can burn through a soul just by being in proximity. Basilisk eyeballs, petrification disease a common malady for all those that look upon them."


Ellaria wilted slightly, seemingly already guessing where this was going.


"Our sperm collection is not a dangerous substance!"


"Is it? It put many of our guild's members into deep sexual heats. It was impossible to tell the difference between this storied guild and one of the seedy interspecies brothels that have sprung up around the place. Damnable things, I accept that our members have needs but we are getting a reputation, this latest mess will have doubled down on that dubious image. It is fortunate that interspecies reproduction is not viable otherwise there would have been a rather large number of offspring as a result of this day. As it is there are some extremely embarrassed adventurers who are too ashamed to show their faces, fortunate that most couplings appear to have been anonymous thanks to the thick layer of… dangerous substance."


The gnome to the minotaur's side gave him the side eye, her eyes half lidded, a particularly lewd smile appearing on her lips as she puffed on her cigar. Apparently at least one of the captains knew who they'd lain with.


"We did nothing wrong! How were we to know that the—


"Enough. You took a dangerous substance into the guild without permission. As is stated under rule four hundred thirteen, addendum rule thirty seven, add-on side article nine, annotation scribble three it states that the band who breaks said dangerous substance rule shall be given a choice, undertake an unfulfilled job that is of equivalent danger to the dangerous substance or be permanently banned from the guild."


The icy elf smiled nastily hearing this.


"Oh? Why, I think that dangerous substance might just be the most threatening thing ever taken within our walls, more dangerous than nymph nightshade certainly, easily more dangerous than the infamous death woop goop for sure."


The rainbow drake spoke up for the first time, his voice charmingly melodic. "As dangerous as dragon blood?"


There was a collective pause from the captains.


"Okay, maybe not quite that dangerous, it wouldn't result in the guild getting glassed. But still, extremely dangerous. I think I have just the job on the books. You should know, of the two hundred odd adventurers who have tried to take this job on none have returned alive and—


"We accept." said Ellaria flatly and calmly. Fey looked down at her in horror. Was she serious?!


The icy elf paused and the minotaur leaned forward.


"You did hear her correctly, yes? You, a mere silver rank, wish to take on a job that has killed so many?"


"If it's so bad then why haven't you sent any of your strongest?"


The minotaur rubbed his chin. "Would it surprise you to hear I have gone myself? The problem is that when someone of a certain rank goes, the threat simply doesn't appear, and they are left sitting in the castle ruins twiddling their thumbs. As soon as they leave then the thing that is killing moves back in and begins killing all those foolish enough to enter the castle once more. How can the strong fight what they can't find? The only answer to this problem is pure skill from the lower ranks and the lower ranks are lacking, this generation of adventurers is of a disappointingly poor quality. It has been over a month since anyone has been willing to take this job on, and as you may have realised, that is quite a disturbing thing considering the fierce level of competition in this AG."


"Quite." smirked the icy elf. "This is a death sentence for one such as you. You chose to be a stickler for the rules and now you are left with death or banishment."


"I choose death."


The captains stared down at the stubborn red headed elf. She looked back at them with a steady gaze, calm, uncompromising, and utterly perfect in every goddamn way.


The icy elf broke first.


"Enough of this trash! Choose what you will, I no longer care. Kill yourself and your band in an idiotic attempt to save your pride or leave and never return, either way I shall never see you again. Now get out of my sight."


"You'll be seeing me again, in fact when my band's name is scrawled across your biggest banner you'll be sick of the sight. Come Fey, we have a job to do."


Ellaria turned on her heel and strode away, determination in every step.


Fey watched her go before glancing back at the captains. She swallowed dryly.


"Uh, d-do you do autographs?"


"GETOUT!" roared the icy elf making Fey squeak and gallop after Ellaria.


She fled through the massive doors of the captain's chamber to see Ellaria disappearing down the corridor. She hurried after and found herself arriving back out into the main guild hall where they had first arrived.


The place was still in quite a state, much of the walls still slathered in her thick gluey cum, although much of the floor had been mopped up by now, a few still working to clear the mess away including Kayla and Lily… sort of. Lily's belly was too large to move on her own so the best she could manage was holding onto the end of a mop and mopping around herself in a circle, then once the circle was done an army of bears picked her up, moved her a few feet to the side and then put her down again to clean another circle. To be fair the circles were very clean. While she was working her circle her bears would do more practical cleaning, although with their size they were limited.


Of course all of the cleaning was somewhat complicated because Fey's sperm was somewhat alive. Girls working to mop it away had to occasionally stop and wipe their legs down as the white sludge very slowly crawled up them, likewise Lily had to have a number of bears battle away the goop trying to climb up her rounded tummy and rush toward her freshly gaped pussy only partially covered by her micro skirt.


Most of the adventurers had left, gone to clean themselves off, and the hall was nearly empty which from what Fey understood was very unusual. Still despite that there were a number of adventurers who hadn't been that covered in seed and like Magic Mog had made do using the guild's own bathrooms and copious amounts of towels to wipe themselves clean. They were taking advantage of the lull and were crowding around the cum covered job board and half heartedly pulling cum covered job papers free, holding the paper between fingertips and looking in dismay as Fey's semen oozed and dripped from the paper onto the floor. 


Ellaria was amongst their number, talking to one of the clerks and pointing up at the papers at the very very top of the board which were mostly untouched by Fey.


The focus of the hall however was of course the Abbess. She was lying unconscious on her massive belly and dominated the place just due to her sheer size. She had come to rest on the ground where her nuns were fretting around her, trying to put together what seemed to be some kind of pump with rubber tubes in an attempt to empty her. They weren't having much luck, it appeared being nuns didn't give them much insight into engineering and none of the other adventurers seemed interested in helping them.


Fey trotted hesitantly in to this. To her surprise she didn't get many negative looks or glares. There had been some confusion about who exactly the culprit was for the mess and the blame had eventually settled on the Abbess… along with a guild ban.


She paused as she passed by a chair. 


There was a girl sitting on the chair. Her legs up on the seat and her arms wrapped around her knees, her face buried as her large white wings wrapped around herself. She looked a forlorn figure, her golden book discarded on the floor and still covered in cum, half heartedly wiped clean.


It was the angel and she was very upset.


"Are you okay?" murmured Fey, trying to make her voice as kind and sympathetic as she could.


After a moment the angel lifted her head, tears in her eyes.


"We get summoned so rarely, It was supposed to be glorious! Instead I got pancaked against the ceiling!" she wailed. "I was supposed to be elegant and holy!"


"I'm sorry that it went that way," said Fey a little guiltily. How was she supposed to know this was going to happen?! "But why did the Abbess summon you?"


"I was told it was to bless a birth, but that wasn't the right spell when I came through, it- it was all messed up somehow! and a lowly Abbess isn't supposed to be able to summon an angel anyway!!"


Fey had to wonder about that. Given all that had happened she wouldn't have been surprised in the slightest if her seed had interfered with the Abbess's attempted exorcism.


The angel began blubbing again, tears rolling down her cheeks. Fey reached out and awkwardly patted her shoulder.


"I'm sure it will, uh, probably be okay?"


"How?! What am I even supposed to tell the angelic administratum? That there's no birth to bless? That doesn't make any sense! It doesn't work like that! This was supposed to be my big chance at a promotion! I've only been on the job for a few months and already things are falling apart!" her halo drooped rather pathetically as she buried her face against her arms and knees again and let out a muffled wail of distress.


Well, if the summoning had been an instruction to bless a birth then the angel might not have to wait for too long thought Fey, the Abbess would be extremely pregnant soon enough. Perhaps the change to the ritual of exorcism hadn't been random, but had been the Abbess's body going into hyper hormonal state and somehow forcibly changing the spell on instinct, knowing that this breeding would lead to countless children needing to be blessed. It was true that the main ritual circle that the abbess had been using was part of her womb… That definitely couldn't have combined well with Fey's seed.


The angel seemed utterly determined to sink into a bog of gloomy misery despite Fey's best efforts to comfort her and she eventually gave up. She hoped given time the angel might recover from her melancholy.





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