
Chapter 57 2/4


Apart from the twins there was one other of the band helping to clean up, honestly she was doing much of the work, sort of. Fey watched as a mop zoomed across the room like a bat out of hell, slamming the wave of cum it had built up in front of it into a bucket on its side which flipped into the air before dumping its contents into one of the many barrels that had been filled with the stuff, or rather completely missing the barrel and spilling its contents all over the boots of the outraged adventurer standing beside it. This rough approach seemed to miss a lot. The guild however did put up with it because it was still just that more efficient than everyone else even with the misses, a dozen other floating mops zooming around the hall at breakneck speed.


The one responsible for this lazy cleaning was a certain gnome, not even looking in the mops direction as she lifted a great mug of booze and tipped it back. What looked like blue and green something spilling around her lips as she chugged the last of the stuff. She finished and slammed the mug down and let out a belch. Perhaps the gnome's state explained the clumsiness of the cleaning more than anything, there was a scent of sweet alcohol around her.


Flora squinted down blearily at the table she was floating in front of. 


From what Fey could see it had some kind of floor plan drawn on the papers there… drawn in crayon… extremely poorly. 


Flora let out a small hiccup and scratched her head. 


"Is this your new plan Flora?" said Fey, peering over the…. Honestly quite terrible looking plan. Was that triangle supposed to be a rectangle?


Flora turned to a jug full of what looked like bubbling orange stuff. She poured it out into a mug and floated it up to her mouth, taking a thoughtful sip.


"It's a work in progress, got it? I just need to drink a little more liquid inspiration is all…"


She squinted at Fey, seemingly realising that it was in fact the centaur standing next to her.


Her eyes inevitably drifted down to Fey enormous throbbing horse cock, a hungry expression appearing on her face before she hiccuped again.


"Don't you dare Flora. You are still banned from Fey's penis until further notice." said Ellara arriving at the table.


"URGGHHHH! That's soooo LAMMMMMEEE!" groaned the gnome, flopping backwards as she rolled her eyes. She hiccuped again.


"And I don't think you should be drinking any more of..." Ellaria peered down at the collection of empty mugs spread across the table, each of them containing the dregs of vibrantly coloured drinks. She frowned. "What in the gods have you been drinking?"


"S'magic alcohol, there's a retired adventurer who can mix the most crazy amazing mixes and they do all kinds of magical things that make an adventurer buffed up before going out on a job. So I figured if I drink all of them at once I can become a super genius version of myself instead of just a regular genius and think of a brilliant plan to kidnap back the bunny. Don't worry I put it on the band's tab." She hiccuped again.


Ellaria pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "I suppose by fortunate coincidence I can make use of this. A more powerful you may just be what we need now that we are taking on a job that we are all very likely to die undertaking."


"...huh?" said Flora.


Ellaria held up a sheet of paper, that which she had collected from the job board with the help of one of the clerks. It had a few droplets of Fey scattered over it.


"We are to go to—" she glanced at the paper, "--Bharldur Castle and find and kill the monster that has been slaughtering anyone who steps on its grounds. The young noble family who inherited the castle from a distant relative cannot do anything with it until the castle is secured, that is why they put out this job… which has gone unfulfilled for nearly a year now. Not a good look for this AG I must say, but that is where we will step in, turning a punishment into our good fortune."


Fey squinted down at the paper. At the top it was very clearly marked 'gold rank only'.


Ellaria noticed where she was looking. "Ah yes, it was ear marked for bronze, but after bronze bands kept getting slaughtered en masse its minimum rank was pushed up to silver, and then gold… and then gold bands started dying too, really we would never have been allowed to take on this job at our current rank." she smiled in a captainy kind of way. "Of course I knew of rule four hundred thirteen, addendum rule thirty seven, add-on side article nine, annotation scribble three. What does that minotaur captain take me for? Some kind of unread plebeian? Hah!"


Fey stared at her captain. "Wait, you mean, that entire thing was—


"One of the potential outcomes I had been steering it toward, yes. Sometimes the best way to get someone to do something is to convince them that it was their idea in the first place."


Sometimes the fire Ellaria produced was a lot less terrifying than Ellaria herself.


"Now, let us depart, Flora you can brainstorm on the way to the castle, maybe ask Vivi to draw you some plans that don't look like literal drunken scribbles."


Flora grumbled but put down her drink, floating into the air to follow Ellaria as Lily was lifted by her bears behind her, their many short legs drumming on the ground as they ran. Kayla came last, her flitty micro skirt Fey had bought bouncing around her hips as she rushed to catch up with her much longer legged bandmates, the tops of her new cat themed stockings wobbling around her thick thighs.


They stepped from the great hall, which absolutely reeked of musky horny horse cum and out into the fresh air, the summer sun beating down overhead from the great cloudless blue sky.


Really it was a lovely day to go die on an adventure.


Flora let out a pained groan beside Fey, squinting in the bright light like some kind of crypt goblin.


"Ohgod, why is the sun so bright?" muttered the gnome.


Before Fey could reply however a voice came from her rear.




And a weight settled on her balls, a girl's weight.


She turned her head to see Violet cheerfully waving at her from her rear end. Apparently the squirrelkin had mostly avoided the cum hurricane and only had a few large stains across her blouse.


Fey frowned.


"My balls aren't a public convenience you know."


"No, but I'm doing a public service in protecting them, your big, fat, taut, balls, spreading my thighs and pressing up against my-"


"I do not recommend this Fey," said Ellaria frowning, "A civilian hanger on comes with its own problems. She's not an adventurer."


"So what if I don't have one of those Class things. This is how it works right? A famous band has fans and supporters, I saw all those big impressive banners inside, all the most legendary adventurer bands have a following! That's me! The first one for your journey to become super famous and legendary!"


She slapped her hands down a few times on Fey's rump for emphasis.


Ellaria seemed caught off guard hearing this, her demeanour knocked off balance.


"W-well, yes, I m-mean, certainly, and when we are ahem, f-famous?"


"Obviously. A band like this is destined to be beloved by this city, there will be parades in your honour with crowds filling the streets all throwing petals into the air to celebrate your accomplishments. No one will not know the name of Magic Mog!"


Fey was astonished to see Ellaria's eyes practically sparkle with delight hearing this, a very innocent look on her face.


"Ahem, w-well one civilian fan hanging around and cheering us on isn't so bad… I, ah, suppose we can always send her into the silk cave."


"Plus I can protect the precious cargo," muttered the squirrelkin snuggling down on Fey's ballsack.


"Speaking of the cave, what about Vivi? Should we not go fetch her?" murmured Fey. 


Ellaria waved a piece of silk in the air as she strode off. "Oh don't worry, we can grab her at any time. Now come come, the castle isn't far from the city, if we make good time we can be back before nightfall to rub it in those band captains' faces."


Fey and the others hurried after the striding elf. 


At first Fey thought she was gaining less attention from random passersby than usual, but then she realised something else was drawing the city's attention as they came out on a huge boulevard and found a crowd of people cheering and throwing pink petals into the air in celebration. A squad of what looked like people in diving suits was marching stoically down the street, diving bell helmets held high, a great cart pulled by six horses carrying a huge air tank trundling along behind them with tubes leading to their suits. 


"Are they high rank adventurers?" said Fey, wondering what famous band of heroes she was looking at to get such cheers from the city's people. 


Ellaria coughed into her fist and blushed. The sparkles Fey had expected to see in her eyes at such a sight of famed adventurers were most definitely not there.


"Erm, w-well, not quite Fey..."


A shadow suddenly fell across the crowd and Fey looked up to see the sky and sun blocked by an absolutely mind bogglingly vast leg, a great snow white scaled shin that swung slowly over the boulevard covering it entirely. Fey's heart dropped into her stomach, breathing so quickly that she was hyperventilating as QUEEN EXCALIVANIA's leg moved overhead, the howling wind from the motion bowling over dozens of people walking down the street and blowing away much of the pink petals.


"Beautiful," she heard an awed voice from her rear, Violet.


Fey turned her head jerkily to see what the squirrelkin was looking at. It was her. The great and terrible dragon Queen seated against the great rock outcropping, her glorious naked body displayed for all, the most gorgeous of curvy eye candy, her hill like breasts exposed without a care, the boulevard leading directly between her now spread legs and her monumental thighs, a ramp leading up to her mind bogglingly vast pussy. The target the divers were marching toward, it seemed, was her.


Fey squeaked as the dragon's piercing blue eyes glanced down at the crowd lined boulevard below, eyes watching with amusement, looking over so many people, and to Fey's utmost horror, just for a moment, passing over her.


She went into sheer animal panic mode and bolted, fleeing from the crowd and racing between the buildings, darting into the first alleyway she spotted, cock slap-slapping violently against her barrel as her blonde hair blew in the wind.


She slammed flat against a wall, hiding, breathing hard, hoping beyond hope that the dragon queen hadn't seen her as prey and was now coming for her.


But it seemed she hadn't noticed Fey at all, just another face in the crowd unseen. 


She let out a long calming breath. Closing her eyes and breathing in slow then breathing out slow, counting to five each way, gradually calming her jangling nerves and minor panic attack.


"Ow," said Violet, rubbing her forehead from where she had bounced it off Fey's rump as she ran. "Hey why did you run from our Queen?! Don't you like her?! Hey, are you even listening?!"


"R-really there's nothing to panic about," said Fey trying to reassure herself. It didn't work, the trauma that had been the overwhelming scariness of lady Alexandria wasn't going to go away easily.


After a little time however she found she was able to open her eyes… just in time to see the rest of the band entering the alley… and from around the corner next to them, The Bishop and Mary and Seth.


The three seemed to be in a sorry state, the guild hall brawl hadn't been kind to them. Seth and the bishop sported black eyes and Mary had a cut on her cheek. The bishop's white robes had been torn open leaving the cloth hanging from his hips, his upper body bared revealing a body rippling with lean striated muscle covered in the scars of war. 


They were also still partly covered in cum, trying to towel themselves off of the stuff as they walked. They froze as they found themselves abruptly standing in front of Magic Mog.


"YOU!" hissed the bishop, eyes lighting up with anger as the two groups jerked to a halt and tensed up in readiness for a fight.


His muscular arms became wreathed in light all the way down to his fists, covering them in a misty golden transparent armour as Mary crouched low, her claws held out either side. Seth spat on the cobble and glared at the band with pure unrefined hatred. 


He then turned his head to the others "Let me handle this, please." 


The bishop gave him an annoyed look, but after a moment he relented and nodded his head, the armour misting away from his arms.


Seth turned back to magic mog, a smirk curling the corner of his lip.


"This band, they are all great sinners, an evil blight upon this land, it is known. But there is one amongst them who is a greater weakness, one who is by far the furthest from the light of the gods."


He paused dramatically and then lifted a finger, pointing directly at Flora. 


Flora let out a long noisy belch that reeked of booze and pointed at herself.




"Yes, your very existence is an insult to all that is holy and good in this world, a crude barbarism from before the dawn of civilization, knowing only carnal acts and carnal thoughts, you radiate the most bestial of sin gnome."


Flora rubbed her nose. "Yeah? I'm pretty awesome huh."


"Not awesome! You are a living walking sin in the shape of a gnome! But it doesn't matter, there is no better clay to work with than clay untouched, raw clay just unearthed from the ground, nothing has blemished that soul of yours in your entire short life, it is made of earth, of pure unknowing innocence of right from wrong, like some uneducated backwoods clod or village idiot!"

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