
Chapter 57 3/4


Flora frowned at this. "Hey, go back to the other stuff, that sounded cooler."


Seth raised his hands, runes and holy geomatrices appearing across his skin in golden light, glowing brightly.


"You will become my follower gnome, my disciple, an adherent to the faith! I shall make it so!"


He lunged for her and Flora hiccuped before flicking out her own hand.


She clearly expected Seth to be launched into the air, but instead the dumpster behind him promptly exploded. The alcohol was apparently still causing problems with her aim.


"Uh…" she said as Seth's hands slapped down on her shoulders. She was floating so that her head was above his and Seth had to reach up.


"Young gnome who has strayed from the light of the gods, listen to me and repent!"


Flora hiccuped and glanced at the hands resting on her, then the fervent eyes of the young man looking up into hers. Her brow rose as warmth flooded her body, flowing into her core, her limbs, circling around her torso.


"I d-don't-"


"You just have to open your heart, open your heart to the gods, to me!"


"I- d-don't f-feel-"


She hiccuped as her body began to vibrate, then shake, at first slowly, then rapidly, the holy light and heat rushing throughout her faster and faster, stirring her body up.


"Yes I can tell you are reacting, it's working! Tell me, do you feel it!?"


Flora began to faintly glow, her whole body visibly shaking under spiritual pressure.


She started to look a little ill, and then a lot ill.


"Urghp, I said- I said I don't feel so good…"






Fey watched in slow motion as the vibrating gnome bent over and proceeded to vomit what must have been a dozen colourful alcoholic beverages onto Seth's face.


Of course, mixing magical drinks was never a good idea, as Seth quickly found out when the drinks started to sear and burn his eyes and skin. 


He opened his mouth to scream.




And Flora vomited again.




Into his mouth.




The young priest's voice disappeared in a gurgle as Flora vomited rainbows down his throat.


This time the holy link was broken and Seth ripped his hands away to fall to the ground rolling and screaming as Mary and the bishop looked down at him in stunned horror.


Fey saw her chance and darted forward, grabbing Kayla and Ellaria up into her arms and fleeing from the alley, a cursing gnome floating along behind them, along with a charging Lily as her bears stampeded beneath her, and a flailing Violet who cried "Not again!" as her seat became violently bouncy.


Minutes of fleeing at Fey's full speed, which was extremely fast, and Fey felt safe to stop, a limp Violet lying over her rump, complaining softly about the bruising her ass had just taken. 


Fey let out a panted breath as her heart rate came down and turned to Flora. The gnome seemed a lot perkier and more vibrant after being sick, no longer looking quite so inebriated but bright eyed and bushy tailed.




"Flora, that was excellent quick thinking."


Fey turned in surprise to see Ellaria complementing the gnome. Did… Did she think Flora had intended to do that?! Fey was certain that Flora vomiting on Seth had most certainly not been a cunning plan to create a distraction and had literally just been Flora vomiting on Seth.


Flora wiped her mouth.


"Uh, yeah, that idiot should have seen it coming, hah, what a fool, fancy not predicting that… intentional plan."


"Mind you're still not getting back access to Fey's penis, yet… But perhaps you can impress me in the castle. Now, shall we?" She gestured and Fey realised that they were in fact not far from the walls of the city, Fey's sheer speed having brought them close. They were about to leave when Lily finally caught up, her bears frantically sprinting across the cobble as they carried her round shape.


It wasn't long before they were stepping free from one of the many city gate houses and back onto the endless grassy plain, this time at a different spot. 


The summer breeze washed across the ocean of grass, the blades making slow gentle waves that were almost hypnotic to watch.


The band set out at an easy pace, just getting used to being outside of the city again. Fey trotting along with Kayla on her back, even Ellaria hopping up to sit side saddle, meaning Fey now had three girls sitting on her, Kayla, Ellaria, and at the rear, Violet.


They quickly found that Lily's bears struggled with the long grass and Ellaria ordered Flora to lift her. The otterkin hovered along beside her with Flora sitting cross legged atop surrounded by a dozen bears. In that way they made their way across the grasses toward a forest just seen over the horizon. With Fey's stride it didn't take very long at all and they chatted as the sun beat down overhead, warming them pleasantly, even Violet slowly recovering from Fey's gallop through the city.


What was unusual however, and what slowed Fey as she approached the forest, was that they weren't alone.


A man wearing a set of grubby leather armour was suddenly catapulted from the leafery and sent rolling across the grass before springing back to his feet, a rusty looking sword in hand and a determined look on his face. As he did so a giant green boar with a scattering of fungus and grass growing on it crashed through the foliage with a roar and with what must have been a dozen people clinging to its back repeatedly stabbing at the thing with cheap and rusty weapons, many of them falling off as the boar skidded in a U turn.


Fey's steps faltered to a halt.


"Wh-what's happening?"


"Hmm. Bronze rankers it seems," murmured Ellaria from her back. 


"Their like a swarm," gasped Fey as a wave of dozens more broke from the forest cover and charged the boar with a roar.


"You may have noticed Draconica… is a tad over crowded in the adventuring line of work. A number of cities are like this, they attract naive newbies from all over the Queendom like flies to honey for their guilds' fame and notoriety, all wanting to become famous legendary adventurers, thinking the big city is the place to be. It is why I had the band avoid big cities for the most part and stick to the backcountry. Would you have liked to have battled up to silver rank with that lot?"


Fey stared as a drake suicidally flung himself at the giant boar's tusks and nearly got himself impaled, stabbing a dagger into the boar's eye before it snapped off and he was sent tumbling through the air to come crashing down brutally on the grass.




"I thought so. They don't exactly do the average adventurer's reputation much good either."


Fey continued past the ongoing raging battle and entered the forest proper, the summer sun becoming dappled as she walked below the foliage, birds tweeting in the trees, the grass brushing against her hooves… and maniac adventures trying to get one up on their competition by flinging themselves at slime monsters with hammers and sticks.


Fey watched in amusement as a slime monster exploded as a minotaur tripped and fell on top of it with a cry, the minotaur stumbling to his feet covered in blue gel before lifting his arms up in the air and cheering. Really they had no clue what they were doing. Amateurs.


Admittedly that had been her not long ago, she recalled fighting her first monster with the band, Ellaria taking her out, handing her a mace and telling her to kill a little slime monster.


She had screamed and stamped all over it… Not her finest adventuring moment. That had been enough to convince Ellaria that maybe she would be better in a mostly healer role despite being larger than both Vivi and Flora combined.


She soon came across a trail in the forest and started trotting down it. As they drew further away from the city the number of adventurers in the woods dropped off.


Ellaria hummed on Fey's back and she glanced over her shoulder to see the elf looking at a map.


"It seems we may need to accelerate things if we are to keep time. That mess with the bishop delayed us. Flora, would you kindly speed things along."


Fey yelped as she felt her hooves leave the ground in mid trot, her legs kicking at thin air.


Moments later they were zooming along the dirt trail and through the woods, trees flashing by as their speed of travel quadrupled. Fey caught sight of a few amateur adventurers staring with their mouths hanging open as a centaur with an enormous cock and three girls on her back zoomed past them at incredible speed, hovering a foot off the ground.


It was a lot easier than trotting, true, but Fey couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous, especially as the wind was stimulating her sensitive length, tickling her nerves and causing it to stiffen into the breeze.


She was relieved then when a few hours later they abruptly broke through the edge of the forest and Flora set her back down on the ground.


"That was faster than I expected, now it appears we are ahead of schedule. Well, I suppose that can only be a good thing," said Ellaria. 


Fey set her lips in a flat line as she did her best to set her windswept blonde locks back into some semblance of a style. After a moment of fussing she looked up and found that they had come out on a grassy clearing. At the edge of that clearing the ground sloped away. Curious, she trotted forward to see that they were at the top of a vast sloping grassy valley, a small stream winding its way through the middle and around a sprawling castle at the end of the valley. The castle's great walls and crumbling towers were covered in so much bright green ivy that ninety percent of its surface was green. It was Castle Bharldur.


There were no adventurers here. The valley appeared completely empty. It seemed many were less enthusiastic about coming near this place. Given the castle's reputation for death and danger perhaps that wasn't that surprising.


A sudden motion caught Fey's eye. Something large and semi transparent pink slowly oozed from over the edge of the clearing coming from the valley. She backed up in alarm. An absolutely huge pink slime monster with huge waving tentacles dragged itself up and onto the level, the thing the size of a cottage. It looked territorial and aggressive.


"Uh, captain?" said Fey.


Flora floated forward standing atop Lily, apparently intent on ending it.


"Hold on Flora, before you kill the thing I had thought this a good opportunity to test Kayla."


"M-me?" said Kayla from Fey's back. 


"Yes, you've barely used your new Class, and since we are going into some quite serious danger it would be best if you could show off what you are capable of. I can't properly strategize otherwise."


"Uhm, y-yes captain, one second I'll call Riley."


The otterkin hesitated then lifted her hands into the air. The band raised their eyes and watched as a small dot appeared above the slime monster. The dot dribbled water and the slime monster paused as it splashed on its head, waving tentacles above as though reaching for the dot.


Which was the worst move it could have made as the dot suddenly snapped wide and a nearly forty foot wide sphere plopped free with a rush of water, the enormous thing crashing down to earth with an incredible earth shaking BOOM! and instantly flattening the slime monster to death below, pink goo spraying in every direction across the grass, the trees, and all over Fey and Lily. Although Ellaria and Kayla were protected behind her back.


"Wh-what the hell Kayla!" cried Fey wiping goop from her breasts.


"I- She said she was going to empty herself days ago! I didn't know she was still full! RILEY!"


The octo girl sat smug as a cat atop her enormous cum belly nearly forty feet across and looked down at the band. Kayla had summoned her a few times after she had been first summoned and each time she had joined in on the band's daily breedings with Fey. With the exception that she point blank refused to be emptied afterwards. 


"Hey, I'm not like you useless leggy losers, I can swim around perfectly fine underwater with this big of a tummy thank you." She glanced around at the exploded slime monster. "And besides, it worked out anyway didn't it? Now give me my payment."


"There isn't any water here for you to swim in here!!!" groaned Kayla.


"I killed a monster for you, thus I should get paid. You're adventurers right? Don't you get paid for doing a job?"


Kayla looked a little glum hearing that but muttered, "...Yeah…"




"Summoning isn't meant to work this way," muttered Kayla even more gloomily.


The octo girl lifted a hand into the air and a disc of blue light appeared in her palm. After a moment a powerful jet of water fired from it and she shot backwards on her belly. Using a combination of the slick slime monster she was sat on and the force of the water jet she was able to rotate herself until her actual body was near the ground, her vast cum tummy in front of her.


She hiked up her tentacles and looked over her shoulder with half lidded eyes. "Fey my hippocampus toy, come make me bigger." 


The sight was incredibly appealing, not least because the multiple breedings had caused Riley's already unusually fat pussy to become even fatter, plump and swollen and glistening with her arousal even compared to other girls Fey frequently bred. For her size it was a large puss, but then given the way she insisted on keeping her womb so enormous perhaps it was fitting. Her muff was so incredibly thick in fact that it partly hid her gape from view, the stretched out space only partly visible.


At the top of this impressively wobbly soft mass that was her puss sat a smol soft pink clit. As Fey watched it popped wetly from its undersized hood with arousal before slopping back inside, like it was being shy and hiding… Okay that was pretty cute.


Ellaria narrowed her eyes at Kayla,


"You told me you had fixed this problem."


"I thought I had! She promised to empty herself!"


"I promise I will empty myself of this wonderful seed after getting payment for doing battle with the monster. There happy now? Good. Now do me Fey! Do meee!" She dipped her hands down below her tentacles and spread her fat pussy lips revealing her open quivering gape and the set of eight pink and white mini pussy tentacles covered in suckers kept within. It seemed they too had grown larger and more aggressive, the things lashing at the air, eager to drag massive amounts of dick inside. A mouth watering sight for a horny centaur.


Fey took a step forward, the sight of a girl presenting herself to be bred making her body move automatically. Just a little pre-adventure breeding to take the edge off couldn't hurt, could it?


She glanced over her shoulder guiltily at Ellaria.


The elf looked between her and the octopus girl, but then sighed. "Fine, we have time. Maybe this will make it easier for you to focus on whatever trouble awaits us in the castle."


The elf slipped over her side and strolled over to a nearby tree stump, producing one of her usual romance novels before perching on the edge to read.


Fey smiled sunnily and skipped forward, joy in every step, her cock overly stimulated by the air rushing over it from hours of travel stiffening anew and sprinkling precum over the grass.


In the days Fey had been travelling to draconica she would get up each morning and breed Lily and Kayla and Flora and Vivi all in a row until they were each the size of a small building. Then Wummy would empty them and they would travel until lunch whereupon Fey would breed them again, and then often again in the evening. It had made the journey quite heavenly.


But as a prolific alpha breeder she always deep down wanted to breed more girls, impregnating and fucking as many as many pussies as possible. Four pussies just wasn't enough for her needs.


That was where Riley had stepped in, or rather, tentacled in, much to Kayla's chagrin, letting Fey breed her and help sate that alpha breeder need.


The issue was that Riley had never emptied herself. She just kept getting fuller and fuller and more and more packed with thick sloppy breeding batter, a true cum dumpster.


Fey supposed it was easy when you just floated everywhere which Riley apparently did in her home ocean. Still, Kayla had eventually gotten so annoyed with her summon refusing to do anything but laze around and get bred instead of doing something useful like fighting monsters that she had given her an ultimatum and stopped summoning her days before they got to the city.


As Fey neared the octopus girl Riley finally noticed Fey's changed size.


"Ooh, you're bigger Fey!" she wiggled her rear in the air, plump pussy and stretched out gape presenting to be taken. Her lower body was like that of a centaur except octopus instead of a horse, these lower body octopus tentacles quickly became coated in her lubricant as she became wetter and wetter and wetter. Really she was a very sloppy girl.


Fey wasn't the only one who had grown and Fey narrowed her eyes up at the dome of Riley's belly pressing her breasts up.


"Is… your belly bigger?"


"Hmmmf yes, you have no idea how big octofolk litters are, there's like soooo many eggs in me along with all your seed."


It seemed that frequent breedings had consequences.


Fey hesitated. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea…


Riley did not take her hesitation very well.


"Get over here and FUCKING FUCK ME!"

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