Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 28: Fem!Lancelot

From the moment he laid eyes on her new female form, Shigure knew he had to have her. But the Master of Chaldea was no fool. He also knew she’d be a fair bit tougher of a nut to crack then say, Bedivere or Gawain. Where Bedivere was shy and nervous but instinctively intrigued and Gawain was simply eager to please, Lancelot was… quite a bit more experienced. She was, to put it bluntly, a cougar.
The Servant had always been a bit of a flirt, even back when he was still a man. It was simply in his nature to be gallant and chivalrous, and to draw beautiful women in as a result. However, becoming a woman herself had led Lancelot down a different sort of path. Shigure had most certainly noticed it, he’d have to be blind not to. The hormonal shift that turning female had given her had resulted in her very clearly turning her desires to the male persuasion.
… He didn’t think she’d noticed, funnily enough. As he watched from afar, as he enjoyed some public time with her each day, Shigure was beginning to realize that Lancelot was not in fact completely cognizant of what she was doing. At least, not at first anyways. She’d been gravitating to him instinctively, the only remaining male in Chaldea, and she’d begun to flirt with him quite a bit, without even seeming to know she was doing it.
It was simply who she was, at the end of the day, and Lancelot had never been very ashamed of THAT. Still, Shigure wasn’t the kind of man who passed up an opportunity. While he wasn’t about to outright demand Lancelot get down on her knees and service him in a common area like he had with Gawain, sure that that wouldn’t go well, he also wasn’t going to ignore her flirtatious attitude.
So of course, he flirted back with her. And of course, in the face of a responsive partner, Lancelot flirted back. Their interactions were getting progressively steamier, and recently, Shigure had noticed the light of realization showing in Lancelot’s beautiful purple eyes as she smiled slightly and blushed under his words. He was getting closer there… and in the end, he’d ultimately decided that the best way to handle the cougar was to let her come to him.
Trying to go to her was likely to end with him on his back and her riding him, and while Shigure was sure he could exhaust her, it wasn’t exactly what he wanted. No, he had visions of the purple-haired Servant on her knees before him, of his cock down her throat and her cheeks bulging out as her nostrils flared for breath. Her eyes would be glazed over with desire and lust, and she would be willingly fucking her own face on his shaft.
That was what Shigure wanted out of this. To see the Knight of the Lake on her knees, submitting like all the others. To that end, he’d taken to engineering little… meetings between the two of them. One such meeting was happening right this moment, a simply passing by in the hall. He could see her up ahead even, and he holds back the full force of his grin as he watches Lancelot’s eyes light up upon noticing him as well.
They near each other and then pause as Shigure inclines his head.
“Lancelot. You’re looking as gorgeous as ever.”
His eyes then slide up and down her body, very deliberately making a show of tracing her form. If it seemed heavy-handed, that was because it was. By this point, their flirting was akin to them taking sledgehammers upon which ‘Let’s fuck!’ were emblazoned. Lancelot covers her mouth as she laughs rather gaily behind it, her eyes glittering with desire and promise, even as she answers him.
“Thank you, Master. You’re not looking too bad yourself. I was just on my way to practice some… sword play. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in watching.”
Shigure raises an eyebrow at that, before quirking the corner of his lip up and shaking his head.
“I’m not one to just sit and watch, I’m afraid. But you enjoy yourself, alright? And if you’re ever interested in expanding your understanding of… sword play, feel free to stop by my quarters for a free lesson.”
Lancelot’s eyes widen slightly at the forward invitation, but she smiles prettily all the same, shifting slightly, showing off her feminine form like she was born to it, rather than forced to adapt to it only a little while ago. She’s very much embraced her new gender, that much is clear.
“Well, well, Master… I might just take you up on that. If you think you can keep up with me, anyways~”
Shigure chuckles darkly, his eyes flashing with promise as he keeps his hands half in his front pockets.
“Oh, I’m sure I could. The invitation stands, Lancelot. Now, go enjoy yourself.”
With that, he continues on past her, the small exchange ending right then and there. Best to keep her wanting, best to end it on HIS terms. For a moment, he doesn’t hear her footsteps. He keeps walking, but he’s very aware that her eyes are on his back. She might not take him up on his offer today, she might not even take him up on it tomorrow… but he had the fish hooked now, he was sure of it. Soon… she’d be his.
Of course, what Shigure doesn’t notice is what happens after Lancelot starts actually walking away. The purple-haired Servant has a light smile on her face as she continues on her way to the training grounds. She doesn’t mind it at all when Master flirts with her after all, though she’s certainly noticed him getting more and more aggressive. This was the first time he’d invited her to his actual quarters, for example. She was kind of enjoying it though. She enjoyed the fact that Shigure obviously found her attractive. It was… nice to be acknowledged.
However, as she turns the corner, Lancelot finds herself very nearly running face first into a familiar young lady. Coming to a sudden stop, Lancelot blinks down at Mash. By this time, Master is well out of sight and earshot, having turned a corner of his own and continued along his path through Chaldea’s halls.

As such, its just Lancelot and Mash as the latter stares at the former with a glare that… well, if looks could kill, right? Mash’s hands are curled into little fists at her side, and she’s staring Lancelot down as Lancelot comes to a halt before her. Their relationship has always been an odd one, to say the least. The spirit of Lancelot’s son, Galahad, inhabited the young woman, the demi-servant before her. Mash Kyrielight was the embodiment of all that Galahad had represented… albeit in female form.
Still, Lancelot had tried to be something of a father to Mash once he’d found out the circumstances behind it all. A lot of the time, Mash had been disappointed in him though, and their relationship had been a little bit strained. Now that she was a woman… well, that sort of made her something akin to Mash’s surrogate mother, now didn’t it? Or… something.
Smiling brightly as she decides to go along with that thought, Lancelot nods to her ‘daughter’.
“Mash. How are you doing today?”
For a moment, the younger woman doesn’t respond. She continues to glare Lancelot down in silence for about five seconds more, before finally growling and letting it out. And when she lets it out… she lets it ALL out.
“I thought you’d be better now! I thought that becoming a woman might set you straight, that you might actually tone down your lascivious ways.”
Lancelot blinks at that, even as Mash points an accusatory finger in her direction. She opens her mouth to reply, but the other woman isn’t done by a long shot.
“But no! No, I couldn’t even have this! I couldn’t even have a p-possible mother who wasn’t a complete and utter SLUT!”
Well hey now, that was a little rude, wasn’t it? Was she going to have to take Mash and bend her over her knee? Was that what she was supposed to do in this particular situation? Even as Lancelot stands there, a bit flummoxed, Mash continues on.
“No… no, you’re not just a slut! You’re a total THOT now! You’re a thot who just senselessly flirts with Senpai! It’s like… it’s like you WANT Senpai to turn you into a mind-broken cum slut!”
Lancelot finds herself once again blinking. Wait, what? Thinking about it, she found herself furrowing her brow as Mash continued to rant on and on about this and that, mostly about her precious Senpai. Now, Lancelot was not an unobservant fellow. She hadn’t been as a man, and she wasn’t totally unobservant now. Sure, it’d taken her a while to realize that she was flirting with Master and he was in turn flirting with her, but Lancelot chalked that up to the transitional period she was undoubtedly owed upon becoming a woman so suddenly.
But all the same, Lancelot knew what the young Master of Chaldea was like with the other female Servants. She had known for quite some time. Just like she also knew how Mash felt about her ‘Senpai’. Was that what this was? Was Mash jealous of their flirting? And was that flirting indeed leading down a certain path, towards an ignoble fate? If so… why was the mere thought making her so wet?
“A-Are you even listening to me?! Y-You know what! I hope… I hope that Senpai DOES turn you into a mind broken cum slut! It’s no less than you deserve for everything you’ve done! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING!”

And like that, the young demi-servant, tears streaming down her face, spins about and runs off, fleeing the scene and leaving her surrogate mother standing there, staring after her. Unbeknownst to Mash, her tirade had awakened something within Lancelot. She’d planted the idea in the purple-haired Servant’s head now, and Lancelot could no longer shake it off.
She needed a good dicking. She just did. Left unbelievably horny by Mash’s words, Lancelot can feel the juices leaking from her genitals betwixt her thighs. She was like some… like some maiden, one of the ones she’d once seduced and bedded back when she was still a man. Those thirty wenches were always eager to lay with a Knight, and right now there wasn’t much more Lancelot wanted then to bed her Master.
He was the only cock around after all, not another member of the male persuasion left in all of Chaldea. So… she’d have to go find him, wouldn’t she? No other choice, no matter how upset Mash was. Lancelot had never claimed to be a GOOD mother, after all…
Well! She knew where Shigure was, or at least where he was going, right? That ‘conversation’ with Mash couldn’t have taken more than five or ten minutes at most! Whirling around, her training session with Tristan completely forgotten, Lancelot heads back the way she came, not quite running towards her Master, but certainly walking at a brisk pace in the direction she’d seen him leave in. Licking her lips and looking forward with clear determination in her face, Lancelot makes her way through Chaldea’s corridors with all due haste.
She had a dick to find, after all.
Out of all the possible outcomes to him finally propositioning Lancelot, the one he least expected was the one that actually happened. It couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes after their little meeting in the hallway before quite suddenly, Lancelot was at his side, clutching his arm and wrapping her breasts around his side as she leans in and grins eagerly.
There’s a positively THIRSTY look on her face as he raises an eyebrow at the Lady Knight.
“I’m taking you up on that offer, Master! I just know I need a hot stud like you to take me and bang my brains out!”
Shigure’s eyebrows BOTH raise nearly to his hairline at that, but he’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, and in fact, he’s MORE than happy to oblige. Turning away from his current destination without a single glance backwards, the young Master of Chaldea leads Lancelot back to his quarters. She goes along with it quite eagerly, grinding against him the entire time, burying his arm in her cleavage and telling him all the things she wants him to do to her all the way there.
He couldn’t say what had caused this change to come over her, what had made the flirtatious cougar transform into an insatiable minx, but he also wasn’t about to question it. As soon as they’re inside his room, Lancelot pulls away and begins to strip out of her clothing. Her armor simply fades off of her, dispersing into spiritual particles, but she’s a little slower in removing the garments beneath it.
To be fair, all the female Servant wears beneath her armor is a cute little top that shows off plenty of cleavage and does more to cover her arms then her upper chest or her abdomen, as well as a pair of short black shorts that all but cling to her body. Still, she takes her time peeling both off, in turn giving Shigure plenty of time to strip out of his uniform so that he’s just as naked as her when Lancelot finally falls to her knees before him.
His hand immediately reaches out to lace through her purple locks, and he can’t help but twitch a little at the look in her eyes as she gazes up at him. Not quite the glazed-over, fucked silly look from his fantasies, but the desire and arousal in her purple irises is still more than enough to get his engine going, as is the way she strokes his cock the rest of the way to full mast. One hand on his length, and one hand between her legs, Lancelot wastes no time in engulfing his member in her needy mouth, even as she fingers herself towards a quick completion.
The moans from her first climax reverberate along Shigure’s shaft, and he groans as he adds his second hand to her hair, now gripping her head with both and thoroughly enjoying her efforts to please him with her mouth. She’s all but worshipping his cock now, this cougar of a Lady Knight, her tongue slurping around his shaft.
As she gets further and further along his length, helped a bit by Shigure’s insistent grip on her hair, the hand around the lower half of his cock eventually falls away. First its regulated to merely holding onto the base of his member, but when her lips begin to press against the sides of her fingers, Lancelot removes it and puts it to better use instead, the hand going to Shigure’s churning ball sack and massaging and kneading his sensitive nuts.
With a groan, Shigure finds he can’t hold back any longer. It’s all too damn close to his fantasy, and with the reality before him… he grips tight and begins to thrust forward, forcing Lancelot the rest of the way down his length, burying her face in his crotch again and again. Her nostrils flare each time he lets her pull back, only for her nose to end up pressed against his flesh, inhaling the scent of his erection directly as her lips suction down around the base of his cock.
Her chin, covered in slobber in short order, smacks into his ball sack, or his ball sack smacks into her chin. One or the other, it matters not. Lancelot regulates her fingers on his nuts to the back of the sack so that she can properly feel the impact of his sweaty gonads against her chin again and again, while at the same time her lewd, writhing tongue continues to slurp this way and that along the underside of the girthy meat rod pushing down the back of her throat over and over.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
This is everything he wanted. As he stares down into Lancelot’s eyes, he finally sees the glazed-over look from his fantasies, now made reality by the insatiable Lady Knight’s needy desires. Pounding away into her throat with all his might, Shigure grins viciously as he speeds up the pace, thoroughly plowing her face hole, and at this point, practically fucking the helpless, horny Servant’s skull.
Her throat feels phenomenal, even as it spasms and convulses around his cock. Its not much longer before Shigure can no longer hold back, and he suddenly finds himself cumming down her gullet. To her credit, even with her face in ruins from the tears and the drool, Lancelot immediately starts to swallow, and the lion’s share of his cum makes it right down her throat, while Shigure pulls back, inch by inch, leaving her mouth behind.
As he pops out from betwixt her lips, the purple-haired Lady Knight swallows one last time and then traces her tongue out to lick at them. Smiling up at him impishly and seductively and sultrily all at once, Lancelot gives Shigure a moan, her mouth forming into a small o as she reaches one last orgasm from the feel of her fingers still in her cunt.
“Delicious… your seed is so hot and thick, Master. I want it… I want it inside of me. I want it in my cunt. Fill me up with your cum, Master. Pleeeease~”
Grabbing her by the shoulders, the enhanced Master of Chaldea tosses his latest conquest onto the bed. He’s quick to follow her, his hands closing around her ankles as he drags up her legs and folds her in half right then and there. His massive cock, still nice and hard, slaps down across Lancelot’s gushing wet pussy lips and her navel, even as she wraps her hands around her legs as well, holding them so that he can let go and grab her full, busty chest instead.
Squeezing and mauling Lancelot’s gorgeous rack, Shigure leans in and grins down at her, even as he slides back along her slit until his cockhead slips right into her needy folds.
“I’m going to put the ‘M’ back in ‘MILF’, slut.”
He thrusts in after that, and Lancelot’s eyes go wide at both the feel of his hard cock inside of her and the words hitting her ears. She immediately orgasms around his length, even as Shigure begins to fuck her in the mating press, pumping his meat DEEP into her cunt again and again and again. It doesn’t take long for him to reach her cervix, not with how wet she is, not with how needy she is.
She was virginal, of course, there wasn’t really anyone else around who could take her purity from her since Shigure was the only one with a dick left in all of Chaldea. But given how wet she was by the time he penetrated her, the tearing of her hymen was barely a footnote on the passionate rough plowing that followed. As he pounds down into Lancelot from above, her folded-up body bouncing and jiggling quite lewdly, the Lady Knight moans throatily, her eyes first going crossed, and then rolling up in her head altogether as she cums again and again around his shaft.
Though, even as Shigure fucks her and even as she’s clearly experiencing mind-blowing orgasm after mind-blowing orgasm, she’s not completely out for the count, not quite. Each time her eyes roll back in her head, they eventually roll forward again. Each time he’s slowing down, she squeezes tightly at his cock and demands he speed up some more.
Its Lancelot spurring him on that eventually sees Shigure punching right through her cervix and into her womb with his thick, club-like meat rod. He fills her babymaker with his massive cockhead, pushing deep into her and watching as she screams with ecstasy, arching her back in just the perfect way for him to lean down and bite at one pushed-out tit with his teeth.
Her inner walls, along with her cervix, clench and squeeze down around his throbbing length, and Shigure finally lets go, filling her womb to the brim with his seed. Only once he’s done pumping a nice, thick load of the cum she’d said she liked so much into her womb does Shigure begin to pull out… but as he does so, Lancelot lets go of her ankles, her legs falling back around his body and them immediately WRAPPING around his waist as well.
She grips him tightly then and wraps her arms around his neck for good measure as she licks her lips in a lewd, lustful way, her face rosy and just so very… very perverted. The look in her eyes as she gazes up at him… well, safe to say Shigure has seen it before in a number of his Servants.
“I’m going to need more than that, Master~ Please, won’t you keep fucking me all night long?”
His cock twitches, still half-buried in her depths and Shigure grins ferally as he sinks all the way back into her, pushing past her battered cervix and through the cum still filling her womb. Then, he begins to give it to her again, fucking her creampied cunt as hard as he can. He intends to do it all night long too. After all, he’s not going to deny her that much. He still needs to show her who’s boss, it seems.
Mash lets out a yelp when she rounds a corner and suddenly finds herself being ambushed by a pair of arms and a truly spectacular bosom. The only problem is, that bosom is the bosom of the woman that one might call her ‘mother’. Lancelot squeals happily as she holds Mash close, and all the demi-servant can do is squirm and shout into her mother’s breasts.
“Mash! I took your advice into account, and you’ll be happy to know you’re going to be a big sister soon!”
Mash freezes up at that, and after a moment as she’s still processing Lancelot’s words, the purple-haired Lady Knight pulls back with a perfectly perverse smile on her face as she holds Mash at arm’s length.
“Thank you for the suggestion! Becoming Master’s mind broken cum dump was positively superb!”
And like that, Lancelot steps past Mash and walks off happily, leaving the young woman behind, eyes wide from under the fringe of her hair. After a moment, Mash’s lips push outwards in a truly mighty pout. She can’t help but be annoyed that her ‘mother’ for lack of a better word is just as perky as ever before. When is it going to be her turn? When is she going to get to have some fun with Senpai?!
She’s been waiting so long for this, waiting so long for Senpai to sweep her up in his arms and take her to bed. She didn’t even care what form it ultimately took. If he wanted her to be his pet doggy, she’d wear a damn collar and bark for him! If he wanted her to be bound and gagged as he drizzled hot red wax all over her naked, flexing back, she’d happily do that too!
A-Ah, but those were just basic ideas… she’d also gladly hold hands with him as he took her virginity beneath the covers in the missionary position, lights out. That… t-that’d be okay too. Mash didn’t CARE how it happened anymore, only that it happened! But then… perhaps that was what she’d been missing all along.
If… if she didn’t care how it happened, then she didn’t really care if it was Senpai or her who made the first move, did she? No… N-no she didn’t. So then, she could… she could just go to him and make Senpai give her some sexy time, instead of waiting any longer for him to come to her! Mash goes bright red at the very idea, squirming in place and fidgeting uncontrollably in the middle of the corridor.
O-Oh… this was something she’d have to think about some more…


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