Chaldea Subjugation Organization (Fate/Grand Order)

Chapter 29: Fem!Tristan

At this point, he had to complete the set, right? It just made sense. By now, Shigure had managed to bring most of the Knights of the Round Table, along with their King (who now identified herself as HIS Queen) under his sway. ‘Queen’ Arturia and the Lady Knights Bedivere, Gawain, and Lancelot. They’d all come to serve him in a much more intimate manner than the simple Master/Servant relationship they’d had before.
He might have summoned them, and they might have fought for him… but now, he OWNED them. Regardless, as Master of Chaldea, he was nothing if not a completionist. There was only one Lady Knight left now. Sir Tristan. And as it just so happened, Shigure knew EXACTLY what he was going to do to bring her in the fold. Catching sight of the red head down the corridor for him, Shigure smiles and begins walking in her direction, calling out to her as he does so.
“Tristan! I wished to speak with you!”
She truly is beautiful now, though to be fair, even before, as a male, Tristan had been handsome in a more feminine than masculine sort of way. Still, now, as a Lady Knight, Tristan was the height of poise and grace and beauty. Her long, flowing white cape covered much of her body, but as she turns to regard him, her eyes still closed, it swishes aside and reveals her beautiful armor, which these days, shows much more skin.
Next time he saw Merlin, Shigure was going to have to thank her for providing slutty female armor for all of these lovely Lady Knights, because he’s sure they wouldn’t have worn it if it wasn’t presented to them. Regardless, even though her eyes are closed, Shigure still makes sure to bow as he finally comes to a stop before Tristan, and she in turn smiles slightly at him.
“Master. What can I do for you?”
She’s quite soft-spoken, but Shigure doesn’t mind that much. It’s not her voice he’s interested in. Continuing to maintain his gentlemanly tone, the young Master of Chaldea straightens back up and clears his throat a little.
“I was speaking with your fellow Knights the other day, and they told me of your musical prowess. They claim your skill with the harp is equal to your skill on the battlefield. I must confess, I’m a little disappointed that I haven’t ever heard you play!”
The closest thing to surprise flickers across the red head’s otherwise placid face. She doesn’t open her eyes or anything like that, but her brow raises as much as it can without doing so.
“I… apologize, Master. I did not know you were interested in music.”
Shigure gasps a little, playing it up just a bit as he splays his fingers across his chest.
“You didn’t? Well, we shall have to rectify this for both of us, right this moment, shan’t we? I would request your company for the evening. Will you accompany me to my room and give me a private concert?”
The light blush that spreads across Tristan’s cheeks tells Shigure that the newly made woman already knows what happens to girls that go into Shigure’s room. And yet the soft smile that spreads across her face as she reaches out to place her hand in the one he’s now offering her, tells him that she’s interested, nonetheless. As she lets him take her by the hand, the Lady Knight nods her agreement.
“Very well, Master. I would be happy to do so.”
And like that, they’re on their way. Tristan doesn’t seem too worried though. Shigure is curious to see just how deep her desire for him runs, but he’s also actually interested in her music. The two things war within him, even as Tristan herself is not conflicted whatsoever. After all, if her King and her fellow Knights have all found cause to pledge themselves even further to their Master, why shouldn’t she?
It doesn’t take long to reach Shigure’s quarters. They pass more than one female Servant along the way, but as soon as they see Tristan with Shigure, him holding her hand almost regally and guiding her along, they know that their chances this fine evening are next to nil. More than one disappointed woman ends up turning and walking in the other direction, dejected and altogether jealous of Tristan’s luck.
Not that she pays them any mind, with her eyes closed as they are, and her focus entirely on the upcoming performance. As they step inside Shigure’s quarters and he closes the door behind them, Tristan moves to the center of the room, not seeming to have any issue at all despite her closed eyes. But then, the Lady Knight has had her eyes closed for a long time… much longer than she’s been a woman. Moving about without sight at this point is second nature for her.
Stopping in the center of Shigure’s quarters, Tristan reaches up and unclasps her cloak, letting it fall from her shoulders. It disappears into nothingness, becoming prana, energy once more as it falls away from her, not even getting a chance to hit the ground. She then places her hands on either of her shoulders… and runs them down her body, transforming her beautiful set of armor into a more casual outfit.
The very skimpy greaves she was wearing, along with her heeled sabatons, disappear in a flash to be replaced with long leggings. Meanwhile her breastplate, which truly did not do much beyond covering her breasts, becomes a loose, deep collared shirt that actually did quite a lot to EXPOSE her breasts, as well as the purple scar in the middle of her chest, marking the poison wound she’d taken during her original lifetime.
Seeing her doing this, Shigure slowly moved around her, giving her space to play, even as he made his way to the bed and sat down. He never let his eyes fall away from her though, more than a little… mesmerized by her elegance, by her beauty. As a man, Sir Tristan had been a bit of a tragic figure, somewhat pitiable but mostly just kind of… disappointing. As a woman, Lady Knight Tristan was a vision of beauty, her sadness only adding to her gorgeous visage.
Once she was dressed in more comfortable clothing, Tristan reached out to one side, splaying her fingers. An instant later, her instrument of choice, both in war and music, was in that hand. Shigure knows it to be called Failnaught, and if he had to describe it, he would simply call it a bow-harp. It was clearly capable of doing great harm… but that wasn’t why they were here tonight, now was it?
“Show me, Tristan. Show me what you’re capable of.”
Tristan’s smile grows a little wider at Shigure’s commanding tone, even as she sets herself in place, her instrument fixing itself to the floor and no longer needing her to hold it. Both of her hands slide down to the multitude of strings that rest across it, and without another word, the Lady Knight begins to play, begins to serenade Shigure with her skills. It is both beautiful and haunting, and Shigure finds himself lost in the music, mouth slightly open, eyes wide.
He’s not conflicted about what he wants to do with Tristan anymore. The more physical, more intimate sort of fun can come later. For now, he simply sits and listens.
He’s not sure how long Tristan plays for, only that when she finally stops, he’s somehow filled with a certainty that this is exactly when she’s supposed to be finished. There’s a slight desire for more, but it’s not overwhelming. He doesn’t have this desire to stand up and demand an encore… but what he DOES do is stand up and clap with purpose, a wide smile on his face.
“That was beautiful, my dear. That was absolutely spectacular. Your music… you are a hidden treasure, one I am sorry to have ignored before now.”
Tristan ducks her head, blushing even more, clearly unused to praise. Or perhaps there was something else going on, because the next words out of her mouth aren’t what he’s expecting.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Master. But… I do still have one last very special song to play for you.”
Shigure lifts an eyebrow at that. As said before, he felt like she’d finished, like she’d completed a masterpiece. It almost felt wrong to demand more from her, and that’s why he hadn’t… but if she was offering? Slowly, the young Master of Chaldea nods his head.
“Very well. Go ahead.”
He sits back down on the edge of the bed, prepared for another piece of art to hit his ears, but Tristan doesn’t begin to play again, not right away. Instead, she picks up her bow-harp and walks over to him, causing Shigure to furrow his brow for a moment, until the beautiful red head kneels before him and he finally begins to see where this is going. Is it crazy that despite his intentions for this evening, her music had completely made him forget his physical attraction to her?
Well, it’s back now with a vengeance, what with her kneeling before him, her cleavage still on full display. And it’s not going away any time soon if Tristan has anything to say about it, as she reaches out and spreads his knees apart, before grabbing at his pants and carefully extracting his flaccid cock from its confines.
Shigure doesn’t doubt that it won’t stay flaccid for long, but truth be told, he really hadn’t been feeling any sort of sexual arousal until now. His mind had been lost in Tristan’s music. Of course, now she has a very different sort of music planned for him. Strumming a chord on Failnaught, Tristan smiles up at him with those closed eyes, even as the soundwaves emanating from the bow-harp cause a pleasurable feeling to reverberate through his genitals.
The young Master of Chaldea lifts both eyebrows as his cock immediately twitches and grows hard, Tristan’s new ‘song’ causing him to pop a boner, one that is now pointed directly at that cute soft smile the red head is sporting. If Tristan is nonplussed by this, she certainly doesn’t show it. No, instead she keeps playing, and this ‘very special song’ as the red head labeled it, does exactly what its intended to do, the melody not for his ears, but for his lower brain as pleasurable vibrations are sent up his length.
She brings him closer and closer to orgasm without even TOUCHING him, until finally, Shigure groans and clutches at the bedding he’s sat upon, abruptly cumming all over Tristan’s face and chest. The first couple of ropes of cum land on Tristan’s face, hitting her left cheek and her chin respectively. The next hits a little lower on the hollow of her throat, while the last few all strike her exposed chest. One is a direct hit on Tristan’s scar, inducing an interesting reaction from the Lady Knight that Shigure doesn’t fail to notice. Judging by the hitched breath followed up with a throaty moan, Tristan’s scar is VERY sensitive, overly so, and that can be taken advantage of…
At the same time, a couple of thick globs of his seed end up on her lips and in her mouth. Tristan swallows the cum in her mouth and lustfully licks her lips clean, even as Shigure catches his breath, brow still raised in pleasant surprise as he slowly releases his orgasmic grip on the bedding.
“That was… that was QUITE the performance, my Lady Tristan.”
Rising to her feet, the red head scoops the remaining cum up off of her chest with her fingers, slowly sucking them clean in quite the erotic manner. She vanishes Failnaught into the ether a moment later, and moans as she runs her hands up and down her body, before ultimately TEARING her already rather open shirt off of herself, letting it break into prana as well as she exposes her upper torso, her pale flesh exquisite and on full display now.
“I’m not quite finished yet, Master.”
Shigure can’t help but grin at that. He’s certainly not going to interrupt her. Tristan strips off her leggings as well, easily tearing the prana-constructs off her body and exposing the rest of her gorgeous form. She’s all woman now, no matter what or who she was before. Tristan makes that clear with her next move, stalking up to Shigure and then spinning about, her delicious derriere in his face as she climbs onto his lap backwards.
One of her soft palms and the slender feminine fingers that accompany it grip his shaft, and Shigure grunts as the beautiful woman places his cockhead at her slit and immediately begins to impale herself agonizingly slowly onto his length. Inch by inch, bit by bit, Tristan takes her time in giving him her purity, her hymen tearing as Shigure’s fat cock goes right through it.
Rather than pain though, it’s obvious that Tristan was looking forward to this. Her throaty moans fill the air, and her inner walls clench and squeeze quite rhythmically around Shigure’s shaft. He in turn grunts, his hands coming up to latch onto her thin waist as to hold her steady as she drapes her pale, long legs over the sides of his own for support.
Just like that, the Lady Knight is impaled on his shaft. It feels… spectacular. Shigure doesn’t even do much, he simply holds onto Tristan as she in turn gyrates and undulates on his cock, moaning almost melodically the entire time. This proves to be a good idea, because with her hands free as he’s making sure she doesn’t fall off, the red head reaches out into thin air again and once more summons her bow-harp.
The Lady Knight starts to play Failnaught once more, sending those pleasurable vibrations through Shigure’s genitals all over again, but this time those vibrations are combined with the tight, gripping, rhythmic squeezing of his cock by her inner walls. It’s the most beautiful experience Shigure has ever had, in a way. Oh sure, he’s had harder sex, rougher sex, marathon sex that lasted for days. He’s had to fight for control, he’s been loving and doting.
But musical sex? Of this caliber? Well, it just went to show that there was always something new, wasn’t there? Still, even now, Shigure wasn’t ENTIRELY content to let Tristan have all the fun. Once it became clear that she could hold herself up, her feet wrapping around the inside of his ankles and anchoring her legs while she continued to bounce up and down on his cock and play her bow-harp, Shigure was eager to move his hands up from her thin waist to her gorgeous pale breasts.
His digits dig into the Lady Knight’s titflesh, and Tristan moans as he leaves red fingerprints against her easily marked skin. More than that though, his middle fingers on both hands, being longer than the others, end up sliding along the edges of the scar in the center of her chest, lightly tracing it, never quiiiite touching it… but that alone is more than enough to send waves of pleasure through Tristan.
At the same time, Shigure leans in and sucks on her neck, leaving a nice big hickey in her pale skin. What started as a solo performance has quickly become a duet now, even if Shigure isn’t contributing anything… musical to matters. Needless to say, he’s most certainly giving back just as much as he’s getting from the red head currently bouncing up and down on his cock. She’s moaning and mewling as she strums her harp, and Shigure isn’t letting himself cum, not for anything.
It’s through that titanic force of will that he manages to hold himself back until finally, Tristan herself reaches climax. The orgasm is explosive, and appropriately massive as she screams in pleasure, her entire body shaking and seizing up from the sudden release. Her pussy walls are what truly matter though, tightening up, clenching down EXTREMELY hard, and finally milking Shigure of his own release.
He groans as he positively explodes into Tristan’s womb, his seed painting every inch of her inner walls and then some, leaving her sloshing with thick, hot, viscous cum, even as the harp-playing finally ends and Failnaught disappears from sight. As they both come down from their respective pleasure highs, Tristan pops herself off of Shigure’s cock and then twists her body around to face him, and for the first time, looks into Shigure’s eyes with her own.
Shigure stares back, momentarily amazed to see Tristan’s eyes open, before grinning quite wickedly, pleased with himself that HE had clearly managed to do what most others, be they opponents or friends, could not. He and he alone had managed to make Tristan’s eyes open up after fucking the red-haired Lady Knight to a mind-blowing, screaming orgasm that had clearly left her wanting more.
“Thank you, Master. I had a wonderful time… and to be perfectly honest, I haven’t felt this way in a long, long while.”
Leaning in, the beautiful red head gives the young Master of Chaldea a peck on the lips. Then, with her arms now around his neck, she quite suddenly summons Failnaught once more, this time behind him. Strumming it just a single time causes the soundwaves to stimulate Shigure’s cock between them, bringing him back to full mast as Tristan smiles coyly, her eyes still open and now FILLED with quite visible lust.
As she flutters her lashes, the Lady Knight licks her lips, looking down at his cock with clear desire.
“Mm, Master… would you like an encore?”
There was really only one possible to answer to a question like that, now wasn’t there? Chuckling, Shigure places his hands on Tristan’s pale hips, looking into her beautiful blue eyes.
“Of course, I would.”


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