Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 276 273: Pushing an entire tribe to the afterlife (last)

Chapter 276 273: Pushing an entire tribe to the afterlife (last)

[Ding! Congratulations, Host! You have defeated the Chief of the Lumisoul Goblin Tribe.]

[EXP Gained: 5000]

[Additional EXP due to level difference: Several thousand]

[Reward obtained: 1× Lumisoul Essence]

[Item Name: Lumisoul Essence

Description: A crystallized essence condensed from the very core of the Lumisoul Goblin Chief. Consuming this essence can greatly increase a mid-rank water wizard's understanding of water-based magic and boost the potency of his/her water-related spells for a limited time.]

A flicker of disappointment crossed Val's face. As he was a shadow wizard, the Lumisoul Essence was simply of no use to him. His disappointment, however, lasted only for a brief moment as his astute mind quickly highlighted the value it held for others and how he could use it to benefit himself.

'If I play my cards right, this could be my ticket to forging meaningful connections within the wizarding community,' he thought.

Nearby, witnessing their tribe chief's brutal and swift execution at the hands of Val, two nearby goblins were consumed by intense rage and grief. Their faces distorted with rage, and their eyes filled with tears, reflecting their intense fury. To them, the audacity of Val's act was the ultimate provocation.

Without thinking rationally and letting their emotions take control, they lunged at Val, eager to avenge the sudden and brutal death of their leader. They didn't think twice; they simply reacted out of sheer fury and grief and jumped Val.

Upon seeing the two goblins charging at him with unbridled fury, Val briefly assessed the situation. Their movements, though swift, were uncoordinated, a clear indication that they were acting on raw emotion rather than strategy.

Noticing the blind rage in their eyes, Val couldn't help but let out a scoff.

"You overestimate yourselves."

As he spoke, his eyes transformed into a deep shade of crimson, and from his shoulders emerged thick waves of blood.

These waves took shape rapidly, solidifying into formidable wings adorned with jagged, feather-like decorations. These wings also had sharp, pointy ends that looked like the claws of a beast.

In a synchronized move, the wings extended to either side, catching the goblins that were lunging towards Val from either side off-guard and landing a swift slap on their bodies.

As a result, they were sent flying, crashing onto the battlefield's dirt-strewn ground with a dull thud.

Val, without hesitation, plunged the lethal pointy ends of his wings into their heads. As they were dazed and struggling to regain their senses, they never got the chance to react or defend themselves against this attack of his.

The single strike was precise and lethal, ensuring they'd no longer be a threat and putting them out of their misery swiftly.

[Systems Notification: You have gained 8000 EXP for defeating two Level 49 Goblin. Due to the level difference between you and the Mons, an additional 8000 EXP has been awarded to you.]

The total EXP he gained from defeating the two strongest Lumisoul Goblins right after the chief of the tribe was 8000. A small and brief grin found its way on his face. His EXP has gone way above 100 thousand!

After finishing off the two goblins, Val raised his head and took a moment to observe his surroundings.

He noticed dozens of goblins rooted in place within the clearing. It seemed that they were terrified out of their minds. Their faces, previously fierce and determined, were now painted with sheer terror as the rapid demise of the most powerful members of their tribe at the hands of the leader of the undead army had come as the greatest shock of their lives. Their morale was devastated, and whatever remaining hope or confidence they harbored about triumphing in this battle was now completely obliterated.

As Val's gaze swept past them, they trembled like leaves in the wind, unable to stay calm any longer.

Val didn't look like a human to the Lumisoul goblins. In their eyes, he resembled a horrific and humongous monster with eyes as red as blood. He reminded them of a scary story told in Mon. He reminded them of the Dreaded Gorlok. In their own words, he was the devil who had stepped out of the abyss bearing the mark of evil. Wherever he goes, destruction follows. His sole purpose was to extinguish any and all signs of life.

Realizing the monumental danger they were in, and with hearts pounding wildly in their chests, a majority of the goblins decided that flight was their only salvation in this situation. Seeing no other option and hoping to save their own lives, they turned on their heels, making a desperate dash out of the clearing, attempting to flee from the looming threat Val and his army presented.

"Don't think you can run away."

Val's eyes narrowed coldly as he observed the goblins' futile attempt to flee.

Without hesitation, he activated his Shadow Bind Rune by expending a small amount of his elementalized soul power.

Suddenly, the ground beneath the fleeing goblins came alive as their own shadows rose, coiling around them like serpents, ensnaring them in place.

The goblins' eyes widened with terror and disbelief as they found themselves locked up in place by their own shadows.

In the very next moment, the entire clearing echoed with their panicked shrieks.

"What are you being so loud for? No one's gonna come and help you. This is going to be your grave," Val spoke like a villain.

With a simple, nonchalant gesture, Val signaled his undead army to deal with the incapacitated goblins. The undead responded to his command instantly, advancing towards the immobilized creatures.

Seeing the undead approach, the goblins struggled fiercely against their shadowy constraints.

However, their efforts were in vain, and they were unable to defend themselves as the undead attacked them.

Their terrified screams echoed through the clearing one last time as the undead mercilessly slaughtered them like cattle, ending their lives.

[System Notification, Congratulations, Host! You have annihilated the entire Lumisoul Goblin Tribe!]

[Experience Gained: 55,000 EXP]

Rewards Obtained: 1× Lumisoul Tribe's Secret Technique Scroll]

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