Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 319 316: Eliana’s story

Chapter 319 316: Eliana's story

Val followed through with his words in the streets of the lower city. Then he separated from the group of people he had entered the lower city with, and with his heart light and steps eager, made his way back to the haunted house he had long exorcised.

His heart was racing about and his mind was filled with anticipation, looking forward to the moment he would reunite with Eliana.

Despite the entire expedition being declared dead months ago, Val had an unwavering belief that Eliana would be waiting for him.

His confidence stemmed from his experiences of her overbearing love.

Eliana's affection for him was so profound and overwhelming that Val was certain she wouldn't be able to move on, even if he were to die. He believed with utmost confidence that if the worst happened to him, she would live on carrying the title of his widow with unwavering fidelity.

If her love was any less, he wouldn't have fallen for her.

Although he knew all that, he still wanted to see how she would behave seeing him alive.

Upon reaching his home, Val found himself without a key.

Unperturbed, he rang the doorbell, eagerly waiting for the moment the door would swing open.

And when it did, Eliana stood there, silent, her chest heavy with a torrent of suppressed emotions.

All around, everyone had insisted that Val was no longer of this world, that he had perished along with the rest of the expedition, but Eliana, with a heart steadfast and full of hope, had refused to believe it. The house, vast as it was, felt empty and desolate without Val. Yet she chose to stay, day after day, month after month, fueled by a fear that if she were to leave, and Val was to return, he would be left disappointed and lost.

So, she waited, her heart heavy with prayers for his safe return.

And today, her prayers were finally answered.

"I'm back," Val said softly, his voice filled with the warmth of home.

Her home was where he was.

Tears welled up in Eliana's eyes as she stuttered through her sobs, "I knew you would be back." As she spoke, she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.

Val reciprocated, his arms encircling her lithe body and his big and warm palms patting her back gently, making her realize how much she missed this feeling.

"I missed you."

Val whispered into her ears.

"I missed you too," Eliana murmured back, her voice soft and filled with relief.

The moment was tender, filled with the sweet ache of longing finally fulfilled, as they sealed their reunion with a kiss.

After the kiss, with a flirtatious glint in his eyes, Val said, "Let's continue the rest of our reunion inside."

Eliana, despite her tear-stained face, couldn't miss the hidden implication in his words. Her face flushed a deep shade of red, mirroring the hue of a ripe tomato.

However, she had missed his touch, yearned for it, and now, seeing the desire in his eyes reflecting her own, she gave a shy nod.

In a swift motion, Val scooped her up, princess-style, striding confidently into the house. He tossed Eliana onto the bed before peeling off his shirt and throwing it to the ground, his intentions clear as day.

Eliana, blushing furiously at the sight of his muscular upper body, found herself momentarily lost in desire. However, she was not so overcome with passion that she failed to notice the open door.

"You forgot to close the door," she said, her voice laced with a shy smile.

"What? Are you worried someone might peek in on us while we're doing that?" Val teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

She blushed even more, if possible, and pursed her lips, choosing not to respond.

Val decided not to tease her further, not wanting to ruin the mood with his playful banter. Besides, he shared her desire for privacy. He would hate it if someone else were to witness the intimate moments that were about to unfold.

With a flick of his wrist, invoking his wizardry, Val closed and locked the front door without moving from his spot. The door to the house was locked. As a result, the bedroom was now a sanctuary, sealed off from the rest of the world.

And for the next few hours, the house was filled with the sounds of sweet moans and deep grunts.

By the end of it, Eliana was left in a state of utter bliss, and Val felt a profound sense of satisfaction, his desires fully satiated.

Once their passionate reunion had simmered down to gentle embers, Val, with concern etching his features, asked Eliana how she had been during the months of his absence.

"I've been fine," she responded, her voice almost a whisper, laden with exhaustion.

However, Val, with his sharp eyes and even sharper intuition, saw through her fa?ade. "Those deep dark circles under your eyes tell a different story," he pointed out gently, yet with a firmness that showed he wasn't going to let it slide.

"It's nothing, really," Eliana insisted, attempting to brush off his concern.

Val, refusing to be swayed, responded playfully, kissing her face and neck, whispering sweetly, "I like you, I really, really like you. But I don't like liars. So you wouldn't lie to me, would you? Otherwise, I might have to stop liking you."

Eliana couldn't help but smile at his childish antics, even though her heart was heavy. There was something comforting in his playful chiding. "I'll be honest with you," she conceded, giving in to his gentle prodding.

She then went on to explain the peculiar and disturbing occurrences that had transpired over the past few days. Apart from the sadness that clung to her like a second skin, due to Val's uncertain fate and prolonged absence, there was one other occurrence that deeply unnerved her.

"It started a few days ago," she began, her voice trembling slightly as she recounted the tale. "I came back from work and found dirty footsteps inside the house. They couldn't have been mine; I always wear indoor slippers inside, and they are never dirty like that. The footsteps had to belong to someone else. But there were no signs of a break-in. The house was protected by the amulet I had set up at the entrance. I was baffled and scared."

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "That night, I couldn't sleep. Worry kept me awake, but thankfully what I feared didn't happen. No one came in."

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