Chaos Warlord: Reincarnated in Eldrich with the Devil System!

Chapter 320 317: Eliana’s story 2

Chapter 320 317: Eliana's story 2

Eliana continued her story.

The next day, she had gone to the clinic, and her boss, Valentine – Alfred's great aunt and her boss – had noticed her distress. Concerned, she asked, "What's wrong?"

Eliana, needing to share her troubles with someone, had laid it all out to Valentine.

To her relief, Valentine neither mocked her nor dismissed her experiences as delusions.

Instead, she asked if the footsteps were still there. With her bloodline skills, Valentine could trace things back to their origin, and she offered to use this ability to track the owner of the footsteps, and potentially reveal the culprit's identity.

"Are you really willing to go so far for me?" Eliana had asked, touched by the offer her boss made her.

Valentine had responded with heartfelt sincerity, "You are like a little sister to me, and no one gets away with bullying my family."

Eliana had told her that the footsteps should still be there as she hadn't cleaned them away, but when they arrived at her house, the footsteps were gone. Confused and beginning to doubt herself, Eliana wondered aloud if she had been delusional.

"No, you're not. There's nothing wrong with your head," Valentine assured her, her eyes glowing strangely as she stared at Eliana.

"Then where did the footsteps go?" Eliana asked, her confusion growing.

"Maybe the culprit returned and wiped them away when you were at work," Valentine speculated.

"Why would they do that?" Eliana questioned, struggling to make sense of the situation.

Valentine offered a theory, "Maybe they know us well."

She then offered Eliana a place to stay for the night, concerned for her safety. "A young and beautiful lady like you living alone with an unknown stalker is dangerous. You should come and live with me until the culprit is identified."

Eliana thanked her but declined, explaining that she couldn't leave, still waiting for Val.

Valentine teased her, saying there was indeed something wrong with her: she was suffering from lovesickness.

At her words, Eliana's cheeks puffed out like a little raccoon munching on nuts and she told her not to tease her.

Valentine then gave her a communication talisman, a new invention by Lord Lucious that had taken the world by storm, instructing her to call if she felt afraid or encountered the stalker, promising she would come flying to her aid.

Eliana thanked her but pointed out that Valentine's house was far away, wondering how she could possibly get to her in time.

Valentine then revealed her intention to stay with Eliana. She wasn't going to leave her alone when she was being targeted. She would take the other room in Eliana's house.

Eliana felt safer with Valentine by her side. So she didn't protest. Not that Valentine was going to listen to her. She had no say in this matter.

And so, Valentine stayed.

That night, the stalker did not return, but Val did.

They made love and now they were lying in each other's arms.

"Um, baby, where is Valentine right now?" Val asked a bit hesitantly.

Eliana recalled that Valentine had never left the haunted house. She pointed upwards, indicating that she was in Val's room directly above them.

"Last thing I know she entered that room to sleep," Eliana said.

Val chuckled softly, "Well, all the noises we've made must have woken her up."

Eliana's face turned beet red, hearing his words.

The shades of crimson that spread across her face rivaled the blooming roses outside the window of her room.

She hadn't exactly been quiet while fighting her beloved in the bed as he was a master in bed, hitting her good spot with each thrust, sending her to cloud nine and back, making her beg for more.

While begging, she had been really, really loud, shamelessly asking him to do her harder and faster. Now it would have been fine if they were alone in their home. But they weren't. There was a guest in the house.

As a result, Eliana felt embarrassed to death.

The intimate cacophony of her lovemaking with Val was not meant for an audience, yet it had pierced the silence of the night, and the walls of decorum, leaving her awash with a blend of post-bliss embarrassment and concern for Valentine's inadvertent participation as an unintended listener.

Unaware of her worries, Val found this flush of modesty on her face endearing. The contrast of her shyness caused by his teasing with the fervor she had exhibited mere moments ago was, to him, utterly enchanting. He couldn't resist raining down gentle kisses all over her face.


"They are really loud and shameless!"

In the middle of the night, Miss Valentine had indeed rosed from her slumber by the unmistakable sounds of ecstasy. Her initial reaction was one of alarm as she had thought that it was the mysterious stalker assaulting Eliana and she was ready to punch her way down the first floor to Eliana's room and kill the stalker. But the distinct melody of Eliana's voice, woven with the unmistakable timbre of Val's name, reshaped Valentine's concern into realization. The noises that had pierced her rest were not cries for help but exclamations of love!

Valentine, exercising a restraint born of understanding, refrained from interrupting the impassioned reunion. She settled back against the cool sheets, a knowing smile touching her lips. Young love, she mused, had a wildness that respected neither time nor place, daring to make love loudly even when there was a guest at their home.

Tsk! Tsk!

She clicked her tongue twice in amusement.

And then, with the patience of the night's silent moon, she waited, sitting at the bed's edge with her legs closed.

Her gaze traveled to the most auspicious thing in the room. Hanging at the door was a talisman. It was usually black, but now it looked like heated iron, indicating there was an unread message.

After approaching, she picked it up and went through the message.

Everyone had received this very message. It had appeared on their talismans, and everyone in the northern frontier had it.

The message announced that the expedition team sent to the lesser dimension three months ago had returned victorious. Names of survivors and the felled were also mentioned. The members who died were honored as soldiers who died fighting for the peace and safety of the kingdom. The families they left behind were awarded with gold and silver. On the other hand, the survivors were given merits on top of the CP they'd received earlier. Once this merit reached a certain point, they could buy a nobility title, which would allow them to leave the frontier before the end of their service period and move back to the outer region or the inner region depending on the type of title they bought!

In the message, it wasn't explicitly mentioned who closed the dimension, but hints were given. Anyone with a discerning eye would be able to realize who it was.

As Valentine absorbed the details, the gears of her mind turned, piecing together the likelihood that the heroic figure mentioned was none other than Val himself.

"It's good Eliana has him entrapped between her legs," Valentine thought naughtily. She felt a swell of pride for her healer friend who had won the heart of such a valiant man. Look, half an hour had gone by since they started, yet even now they were going at it like rabbits in heat.

Val looked like a stoic man on the surface, indifferent by nature. Who would have thought that he would be so lustful once it came to Eliana?!

'I should keep quiet and not disturb them.'

The mature woman that she was, Valentine did not intrude upon their privacy. Instead, she waited with the patience of the age-old stones that built the foundations of her home, eager to share in their joy once the storm of their reunion had calmed

But the hours ticked by, with the sun and moon exchanging glances through the shifting sky, and still, the symphony of love continued from Eliana's room. Valentine's patience, saintly as it was, began to fray at the edges.

'Ah, young people, their stamina was really great, and their skin was even thicker.'

Either that or Eliana had completely forgotten there was a guest in the house!

Since her lover had returned, would she still have the time to care about other people!

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