Corruption in Naruto World

Chapter 22 – Demons and Bloodlines

We wake up the next day to an alarm blaring.

The futon is a complete mess, we are a complete mess. 

Me and Sakura glance at each other and we share a slow kiss before she realizes we're short on time and quickly slips into the bathroom.

She didn't expect to stay over the night and quickly took a bath and left as she needed to calm her concerned family.

Though an adult genin, she doesn't want to leave them worrying over her absence.

We share another kiss before she leaves and as I hop into the shower myself I ponder the changes to my body.

My answer arrives as I recall the inopportune timed messages from the day before.


Demonic Bloodline awakened

Sexual Dependency obtained

Sexual Development obtained

Sexual Bloodline Refinement obtained

Gemini Bloodline Fragment acquired

Parallel Thought obtained

It was a long list to go through and as I think about each of them, details on each topic except for the demonic bloodline fill my head.

I go over each of the abilities.


Sexual Dependency makes sex with a demon highly addictive.

People I have sex with will grow dependent on it and crave it endlessly. 

My cum in particular is now extremely addictive and made more delicious as a person grows dependent on it.


Sexual Development grants benefits to having sex.

For starters, participants' chakra reserves recover very quickly and their maximum capacity also slightly grows.

Usually, the stronger the ninja the longer it takes them to recover their chakra fully. 

Chunin and genin are good in a day or two, while jounin can take sometimes a week and it's theorized Kage can take up to a month to fill their reserves without any help.

However, it's extremely rare for a Kage's chakra reserve to ever be completely drained, more often battles at that level are decided long before that point.

With sexual development, I can recover my full reserves in a single night and the chakra growth effect spares me from having to constantly invest my chakra in Chakranin, the chakra-generating hormone.

Its other effect is a slow transformation of the body, improving it in general and adapting it for love-making while taking into account underlying wishes. This adaptation eventually results in a person transcending the limits imposed by their humanity.


Finally, Sexual Bloodline Refinement awakens the hidden bloodline within women I have sex with, whether that be an inherited bloodline, or a newly generated one.

With their bloodline awakened, drastic changes occur to their bodies and any latent powers, such as kekkei genkais are awakened.

My own demonic bloodline will then also improve based on the partners' bloodline, unlocking a similar power in my body.

With this, I can understand what is happening to me.

My thoughts are clearer than ever and weirdly I'm now able to have to think of 2 separate things at the same time without losing concentration, this is the effect of Parallel Thought.

This power should help immensely as it not only improves my awareness during a battle but also permits me to control several complicated jutsu simultaneously.


Thinking of Sakura and recalling some details of the original story I realized what might have happened.

For most of the early story, Sakura has had a loud and rambunctious voice inside her occasionally portrayed. It was never developed or explained properly and eventually stopped showing up entirely.

It was thought to be nothing but Sakura's unexpressed inner thoughts.

But it was also something that once managed to kick Ino out of her head when she tried to possess Sakura with a jutsu during their match in the Chunin exams.

Now I think quite possibly that voice may have been Sakura's underlying Gemini Bloodline and its awakening may very well relate to the sluttier side of Sakura she showed during our first time.

With my thoughts organized I now need to talk to Sakura.

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