Corruption in Naruto World

Chapter 23 – Inner Sakura*

After getting out and meeting up with Hinata and a late Sakura we proceed with our routine of mind-numbing D-rank missions.

I've taken to greeting both Sakura and Hinata with a kiss in the morning.

During my kiss with Sakura, I numb the slight leftover pains from the night before.


We avoid acting differently but Sakura's smile was shining extra bright today.

But she seemed occasionally distracted and we would sometimes catch her whispering to herself.

I make up an excuse during lunchtime to talk to her in private and confide in being able to have simultaneous thoughts within myself.

Sakura, in turn, opens up about the voice in her head. 

How she was worried about it, and how it had taken over her body during the night before when she passed out and everything afterward being more like a 3rd person dream out of her control and in control of the voice.


I suggest we consult Anko sensei on the situation. 

I'm not too worried about it being a bad thing but would like to hear her opinion on how we can take advantage of it.

Since this is Sakura's bloodline awakened power, it shouldn't be a bad or useless thing.


As we meet Anko-sensei in the afternoon she takes a single whiff before smirking knowingly.



I interrupt her before she can spill the beans to Hinata immediately. 

We don't need a snake hovering over our heads. I want to take things slower with Hinata for her sake.


"Yes Yami, anything I can help my favorite student with~?"

"It's Sakura that needs some help sensei"

Sakura steps forward.

"Sensei, there's been this voice in my head, like another Sakura talking to me.

Before she'd just yell once in a while but now I can hear and talk to her constantly"


Anko's face goes pensive before she comments.

"Very strange Sakura, there is a condition where people can develop called multiple personalities. 

That condition is usually the result of a fracture in a person's ego, usually in an attempt to run away from a reality they can't bear or some trauma."

Sakura's face seems troubled as Anko continues.

"Your case feels more like a 2nd ego was born, two different personalities living together instead of taking turns."

"Sensei, I think she can take over my body if I faint."

Anko smiles my way.

"Ohh~ impressive isn't he? If it's that simple then let's just go talk to her"


No mercy is shown as Anko moves almost too fast for our eyes and sends a dango from her pocket towards Sakura's forehead.

The soft dango ball on the tip impacts Sakura's huge target and the feeble dango is completely obliterated by the clash.

Sakura falls backwards, only to raise her head 2 seconds later.


"YOU BITCH! That hurt, you stupid dango-addicted slut!".

"Ooohh, amazing. She truly feels like a different Sakura.

This one seems to be in need of some... correction"


"Sakura gets up and charges toward Anko"

They exchange blows, Sakura's fist moves slower, packing a bigger punch than usual but her techniques are aggressive, sloppy and full of openings.

"Stand still slut! When I'm done with you those snakes will be coming out of your ass! I haven't forgotten about the other day!"


Anko has little trouble deflecting and dodging out of Sakura's fist.

After a few minutes of this show, she grows bored and summons snakes from her arms with which she binds Sakura's limbs.

"I've seen enough, tell me what do call yourself?"

Inner Sakura was how fans often called her but the name doesn't seem quite appropriate. She's more of a 2nd Sakura than an inner one.

"Call me whatever you want, just let me go!"

Alter Sakura, dark Sakura, rakuSa, Chaakura, Angry Sakura, 2nd sakura, Niikura? Only horrible options pass through my head at double speed.


The other Sakura finally notices mine and Hinata's presence and the rage falls from her face, replaced with lust.

"YAAAAMI! Save me. Save your slut Sakura and fill her holes with your seed.

I want your cum glazed all over me and filling all my holes. Make my throat bulge with your huge cock and fill my stomach with your delicious seed.

I need your huge cock pounding my pussy into submission and making me ahegao.

Then you can fill my asshole as well."

Sakura's body starts twitching in humping motions...

Anko bursts into laughter at the outburst while Hinata looks away in disgust. I have never seen that expression on her face before.


Anko finally finishes laughing.

"Haha...yeah, we're calling you Slutra from now on."

She shrugs, taking the name with pride.

"So Slutra, ignore your little lover over there for a moment, answer some questions and I'll let you go.

For starters can you weave any jutsu?"

"No, I can only take over Sakura's body when she's not actively controlling it and punch good with the chakra."

"Hmmm, that gives me an idea. Can you let Sakura switch back? We'll let you out again in a moment."

"Yeah she woke up while we were fighting, I've just been holding her back."

Sakura's eyes close and her body goes limp before the real Sakura takes over.

"Anko-sensei, I'm sorry! That wasn't me."

"Yeah, yeah~~" Anko releases her hold on Sakura.

"I want you to try making several bushin Sakura without controlling them"

"Yes, Sensei."

Sakura creates three regular clones beside her. 

Two of the clones stand still, waiting for mental instruction while staring blankly.

The third clone breaks into a run in my direction.


She jumps towards me in a hug but her body dispels in a cloud of smoke as we make contact and the illusion breaks.


Anko-sensei faces me. 

"Good news Yami, we're spending the rest of the day learning that jutsu you always wanted."

"AHh YES! Finally!" 

Today's training was replaced with learning the Kage Bushin no Jutsu,

Shadow clone technique. 

A regular clone is a mere illusion, a chakra shell mimicking an appearance that breaks on any contact and is only useful as a distraction.

A shadow clone has chakra has substance. 

They are almost as strong physically but they take an equal portion of the user's chakra while active.

This means while having 4 active shadow clones a ninja has 1/4 of his chakra on his body and in each of their clones. 

Once a clone is dispelled, willingly or due to being harmed, most of the chakra that makes up their bodies returns to the user.

I don't know how Naruto manages to just casually divide his entire chakra pool into hundreds and keep weaving jutsus afterward.

Uzumaki bloodline+Kyuubi is just that much of a cheat I guess.


As for us, we each only manage to create a single clone. I was however holding back and could have managed a second clone.

Once Sakura succeeded in making a shadow clone for Slutra using half her chakra, she quickly took control of it and was impossible to peel off me.

"I can hug my love now, but this shitty body can't feel pleasure." She says while rubbing her face in my arm like a kitten.

Eventually, an agreement is made between Sakura and Slutra where Slutra would help in battle and in exchange Sakura would allow her to occasionally take over for some 'adult activities'.

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