Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Just Your Average Group Of Androids.


"It's pretty dark down here ain't it? Flamey mind helping us out a bit pardner?" McKenny asked as they roamed the dark, empty, and silent Labatory.

"Mhp." Flamey replied as they stood in front and with their flamethrower aimed straight ahead at the dark path in front of them.

Flamey's golden flamethrower somehow seemed to shine even in this place with no light present at all. This beautifully crafted weapon is said to be one of Antoine's greatest works that he doesn't use for himself. The second one would be Medic's secret weapon. Antoine's been trying to figure out a way of recreating that weapon ever since he was 2 or 3 years old. It wasn't until recently that he finally managed to gather the necessary material and make the weapon. But if you asked him about it, he would say "Can you really call it a weapon though? It does have gun in the name but it doesn't really hurt anyone."

This secret weapon was currently residing on his waist connected to a strange backpack with a medical plus sign on it. It's uses are only known to two people. Its creator and its wielder. But back to Flamey! Flamey was charging up their flamethrower. The flamethrower was shaking violently as a bright orange light gather near the tip of the muzzle.

"MMMMHHMMMM!!!" Flamey shouted as they unleashed a fiery hell from their golden flamethrower. A gleeful innocent laugh came from Flamey as they saw the aftermath of their work.

An explosion of flames torrented out from the muzzle of the weapon into the dark pathway ahead. The heat released from this blast would be enough to even melt a Nomu on the scale of High-End into a black puddle of goo. Even Blubber Gut's donut box tragically turned into ash while he was trying to protect it from the heat. A farewell salute was given by Officer Guts along with a sorrowful tipping of the hat from McKenny.

"Let's hurry on ahead. Flamey's blast should've been enough to light the rest of the way for us." Medic said.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the flames literally guided them. Flames burned on the metallic walls, the very floor beneath their feet, and the ceiling above them. It was as if they were walking straight towards hell with no intention of stopping in the least. The flames seemed to not affect any of them as they walked in the laboratory. These flames that have been released by Flamey's weapon are flames that have been enhanced by Antoine's system! These flames are flames that would instantly cause a normal human to combust into flames from just the heat coming off of them. These flames could cause even ice and water to burst ablaze. Even people with flame quirks would be sweating as if they've been in a sauna for hours with this heat.

Antoine would say that the best way of dealing with Flamey would be to run away from them immediately. There is nothing to gain from dealing with an adamantium-laced android that is hell bent on causing as much pain and fire as it can. It would be better to think of it as a natural disaster rather than an enemy. Not to mention its skewed view of the world. The things Flamey does in its mind are not the same things we picture it as doing. If we were to see it roasting a person alive, it would actually see it bathing the person in bubbles and rainbows while it laughs and plays in it.

But enough about Flamey for now. Apex continued their journey inside All For One's right-hand man's lab and finally stumbled upon something that wasn't turned to ash from Flamey's blast. They came into a room filled with 12 human sized test tubes. Six tubes of the left and six tubes on the right. Inside the tubes were a green slimy liquid but no bodies. Each of the tubes were busted open with the slime dripping to the floor. Medic went over to investigate the liquid. He gathered a meager amount on his gloves and sniffed it once and then placed it in his mouth.

"Ja! Incredible!" Medic exclaimed after processing the liquid through his body.

"It is.... Isn't it?" A voice suddenly stated from ahead of them.

Apex quickly got ready for combat as they locked on to the new figure.

"Dr. Ujiko. We didn't think you'd still be down here." Medic said calmly as he looked upon the small man sitting in the swirling chair.

"After the mysterious disappearance of the League of Villains and Gigantomachia, I didn't have much else to work on. So, I've been here working all this time..." He replied.

"Working on what exactly Doc?" McKenny asked as he pulled out his silver revolver.

"Ooh.. Are you planning on stealing my Nomus once again Apex?" Dr. Ujiko asked while swirling in his chair.

"At first that was our plan. But we have no further uses for anymore artificial humans." Medic answered him.

"Then why are you here?"

"It's called doing our duty Ujiko." Officer Guts responded as he threw his baton at the sitting doctor.

The baton twirled through the air as it sailed towards Ujiko. The calm and unperturbed look on Ujiko's face didn't change in the slightest as the weapon came towards him. If anything, a small smile could be seen on his face. Causing the members of Apex to ready themselves for whatever trick he could be planning. Flamey aimed his flamethrower at the doctor, Mckenny aimed his gun at the doctor's dome, Medic calmly walked behind his allies and pulled out his secret weapon, and Officer Guts twirled some handcuffs.

The baton was stopped mere inches away from the Dr. Ujiko's nose. As if a strange force forcibly stopped it from hitting the villainous doctor. McKenny shot a single bullet towards Ujiko but unlike the baton, it wasn't stopped before reaching its target. The sound of flesh being pierced was clearly heard by everyone. Apex focused their attention on where McKenny's bullet went and noticed a black liquid slowly dripping from midair.

"I'd like to introduce you all to my greatest works." Dr. Ujiko announced.

11 black figures emerged from the narrow hall behind Dr. Ujiko. Each one varying in size, gender, and shape but not color. The previous floating black liquid suddenly disappeared as a figure now took its place. It was another black figure that was simply invisible and took the brunt of Apex's attacks for Ujiko.

"Looks like this is turning out to be a battle royale!!" Infinite shouted with excitement.

"Guess ya can't call it anything else but that. Time to get rid of some varmin and hopefully for good this time." McKenny added.

"Like I've stated before, we don't need any more Nomu. Feel free to destroy them at your leisure everyone." Medic relayed to Apex.

"Get rid of them my High-End Nomus!!!" Dr. Ujiko ordered.


Infinite clotheslined four of the High-ends with both of his arms and nearly took the heads off of the four High-Ends. Some of their necks were even ripped to the point of nearly being completely decapitated.


Infinite lifted the body of a multi-headed nomu and slammed it down with a sickening impact. The spinebuster Infinite just pulled off was strong enough to completely decimate the floor, taking him and the other 4 Nomu into a completely different area entirely.

The battle between Apex and the remaining forces of the League of Villains begun. One, a force of absolute science and justice and the other of pure evil and absolute science. Who would come out on top and who would survive this encounter is unknown even to the most knowledgeable of men.


RunnerRoad, Sarah, TipTop, BeatB, and Arachnid were in the break room at Apex HQ. RR was currently playing arcade games with TipTop and Sarah using only one of her feet to control her character with. Sarah was just mashing buttons because she found it the most fun way to play the game. But even with her crazed mashing of buttons, for some reason she was still doing pretty well at the game! This fact confused TipTop to no end. He was forced to play in a way similar to RR due to not having fingers to press the buttons with. TipTop played with the spiked end of his tail to press the buttons.

Currently RR was ahead in terms of high score, Sarah was second, and TipTop was last. Everyone but TipTop seemed to be having fun. TipTop was annoyed that he was doing the worst out of the three. Arachnid and BeatB were watching cartoons on the flat screen tv hanging from the ceiling.

"Soo guys.. I think we may need to change our plans a bit." BeatB said as he muted the television.

"What's wrong with our current plan?" TipTop asked.

"Well the members we have going to the recruitment place need to be swapped out now that I think about a few things. The first thing is... The kids can't go."

"That makes sense." Arachnid said. "I don't think the Survivors recruit actually children in their group. Teenagers like us yeah, but not actual kids."

"Exactly.. Second, I won't be able to go in either. I'm a known member of Apex. My face has been shown to the public. Neither will RR be able to go in. She won't be able to communicate to anyone there." BeatB said.

"If I was part of that stupid group, they would've easily taken over a country or two." TipTop arrogantly boasted.

"Yeah, there's no doubt about that. After that upgrade by the leader, it'll be hard for most people to stop you. But who should we ask to replace you guys?" Arachnid asked.

"I'll have to ask for a few favors from some people. But if worse comes to worst, I'll just contact the boss for help."

"Snakey has to go!!!" Sarah suddenly yelled.

"Snakey?" Arachnid asked confused.

"Wanda. The big purple snake that the Wanderer rides around."

"Snakey gets lonely here! Snakey wants to go out more!" Sarah gave her reason why she thought Wanda needed to go on the mission.

"How can that thing infiltrate an enemy group?" TipTop asked, not believing that it could work in the slightest. Wanda is a freaking huge serpent. She's almost bigger than an elephant.

"Neep. Neep." RunnerRoad suggested.

"Oooh that's a smart idea RR! We could ask Wanderer to take along Wanda as his pet and say that she's an anaconda that's gained a quirk." BeatB praised.

"Who else are we going to ask then?"

"We have 3 for now, but we need two more. I'll have to look around to see who's free. Ever since the boss's company been expanding to different branches all throughout Japan, more and more Apex members have been going out and working on different tasks."

"Alright then. Tell us if you need any help." Arachnid said as he unmuted the television.


Multiple rounds of bullets shot towards the members of Apex.

"They're part of Apex! I recognize the army guy." One of the black suits yelled.

"Apex!? Call for backup now!" Green haired man ordered as he fired at Apex.

"I can't get any signal! They must have someone with a quirk that can block our phone signals!"

"Damn it! Just kill these bastards and get out of here!" Green haired leader said as he threw the briefcase towards his men.

Commander ran towards the suits with his shield. His shield that was a combination of both adamantium and vibranium easily deflected the bullets headed his way. But his shield didn't do all the work for him. Commander was weaving and dodging through the bullet storm with superb reflexes. Even if the bullets managed to get past his shield, Commander was capable of dodging the bullets with just his senses alone.

Antoine doubted that there was any force capable of destroying or getting past this shield in the world of My Hero Academia. Except for those like Chisaki's matter restructuring quirk, Vault Boy's quirk, or Tomura's decay quirk. With the exception of those types of quirks, Commander was truly unstoppable. Antoine believed that the current Commander could possible even best All Might in his prime. Even though Commander was originally built to be a more supportive and defensive type unit meant to protect the other androids, with the advancements in crafting materials, he also turned out to have quite the terrifying combat prowess.

Mr. Elastic stretched his arms out towards the suits as the bullets came towards him. The bullets bounced off his skin like it was made of rubber and Elastic captured a number of suits by wrapping his stretched out arms around them like a snake.

"Please don't struggle so much. I'm not good at controlling my strength quite yet.. I'd hate to see any of you with broken spines." Mr. Elastic asked meekly.

The suits felt humiliated being captured by such a pathetic looking whelp. So even though they were captured they continued to fire at Mr. Elastic, ignoring his warning entirely. But that all changed within a few moments as they felt a terrifying pressure squeezing their bodies. Their very bones were getting crushed. They felt like they've been captured within the vice-like grip of a snake. The suits quickly gave up all thoughts of resisting against this pitiful looking foe.

"I'm sorry but I did warn you..." Mr. Elastic said with a sorry look in his eyes.

"No need to be so Gentle with these folks, Mr. Elastic!" Gentle punned as he created an elastic aerial barrier to defend him from the hail of bullets flying his way.

"These are the types of people that won't get the message until they're taught a lesson in humility."

The Gentle Vigilant made ground itself elastic and bounced high in the air. As he was in the air, He clicked the side of his scouter as he took note of the remaining suits left willing to fight. Commander was moving from enemy to enemy landing fierce blows on them with ease. All it took was one punch usually and they were down. An android with an adamantium laced exterior is nothing to scoff at. While it might not be capable of stabbing, clawing, or slicing through anything, it'll surely put the hurt on anything it touches.

Gentle managed to see the green-haired man attempting to escape with the briefcase filled with the Trigger drug. Commander and Mr. Elastic were almost finished cleaning up the rest of the suits, so Gentle took it upon himself to capture the supposed leader of this group. He made the air elastic and used it to bounce towards the man. The green-haired man was not blind though, he kept his eye on Gentle as soon as he knocked himself into the air. He fired multiple shots towards the incoming mustache'd man, forcing Gentle to bounce himself out of the way with another elastic air barrier. He kept firing towards Gentle while slowly making his escape as well.

"This type of trick won't work on me! With this excellent gear, I can already see the pattern!" Gentle announced.

Gentle turned himself into a hyper bouncing man. He started bouncing off his elastic air barriers, this caused his speed to increase every time he hit one of his barriers. After bouncing from four barriers, Gentle turned into a blur at this point. Catching his figure was basically impossible, not to mention determining where he was even going to land!

The green-haired man knew that it was unfeasible for him to get out of this situation in one piece. His men are all defeated, the other two Apex members were on their way towards him, and evading the special move of the one in the sky would take nothing but a miracle. There was only one option left for him. He opened up the briefcase filled with multiple syringes of Trigger, the drug that gives a boost to an individual's quirk.

"The Gentle Vigilant! Is coming!!!" Gentle announced as he streaked down towards the last remaining member of the suits like a meteor crashing from space.

The final suit injected himself with all the syringes of the drug inside the briefcase.

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