Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Maybe They Aren’t So Average…


“AGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!” The supposed leader of the suits screamed while the veins in his body became more visible and prominent.

  Commander, Elastic, and Gentle suddenly stopped. Gentle was no longer crashing towards the last suit, Commander was stuck in the air, inches away from decking the green-haired man in the face, and Elastic was unable to move his extended arms towards the man.

“This stuff is said to only last a couple of minutes, so I'll have to finish this fast. Don’t hate me for this, you were the ones who decided to stick your nose in someone else’s business. Especially since it’s that man’s business.” The Suit spoke.

  The members of Apex couldn’t even move their mouths to speak as the Suit lifted the three in the air just by directing his finger. The Suit forced the three into crashing together into one ball-like shape.

“I don’t know what the side effects of this will be, but I don’t expect to be alive or capable of moving afterwards. A failed mission of this size means it's better for me to die than come back, so I’ll be sure to take you 3 along with me.”

  The Suit telekinetically controlled the three and began smashing them repeatedly into whatever was near him. The hard-concrete ground, the walls of the buildings nearby, and even the suits own cars. And as time passed, he continually increased the speed of his telekinetic control of the trio. The figures of Commander, Elastic, and Gentle became harder to see as the speed increased. Originally, they could be seen individually but now at the speeds they were moving, they all became one indistinct figure.

  Gentle would normally be in the absolute worst position due to being one of the only two humans on the squad. But thankfully due to his quirk, the amount of damage he was taking was much less than what it should be. Gentle turned his the air around his body elastic, somewhat mitigating the damage from being smashed with the adamantium androids and the nearby surroundings. But even though this put off some of the damage, Gentle was still getting hurt more and more as time passed. If this situation continued, he was sure he’d be hospitalized for a few weeks. He didn’t expect his teammates in Apex to have such strong bodies!

“What’s with you three? Even someone with a quirk that made their bodies tougher would be rendered into paste by now. At least let me hear some bones breaking...” The Suit was starting to get unnerved. Even with the screams of Elastic and groans of Commander, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to finish this off before his body broke down.

  He began using everything he had into his enhanced telekinesis quirk. Even he himself was starting to have trouble following the combined figures of the three. But then again, did he really need to see them to use his quirk? This train of thought led him into closing his eyes and getting a much more intimate experience with his own quirk. One that would have most likely never happened if he wasn’t forced into this situation.

  He could feel the weight, texture, heat, and even more things he normally never felt while using his quirk. He never felt anything like this before with his quirk and wondered just what in the hell was happening to him right now. But that type of thinking can be saved for later. The Suit almost chuckled aloud. Saved for later... What is he thinking... There is no future left for him after this failure.

  His sister mysteriously disappeared one day after investigating a boy called Antoine Neil. He knew there was something more to it that the higher-ups weren’t telling him. He intended on investigating for himself once he gained a high enough position in the agency, but as things stand now... he’ll be lucky if he can get a painless death in a few minutes.

  As he continued to be deep in thought, he started to feel something strange from the three Apex members he was controlling. They felt entirely different from the other one. They were far stronger compared to the other one... Almost like they aren’t even humans.. The thumping from their heart are on a different tempo and speed., the temperature of their blood were colder, and they had much more resistance to his quirk than the other one.

‘What the hell are those two...?’ The Suit questioned before suddenly sensing a searing heat right next to his face!

  He quickly created a barrier and barely managed to save himself in time from the large explosion that would’ve surely blasted him to bits. He reopened his eyes and saw a singular figure standing on top of the roof of a building.

‘There was a fourth one?’ He questioned before suddenly feeling another new presence with his quirk. Something he wouldn’t have been able to do a couple of minutes ago. ‘No five!?’ He looked over to see a very short child or... woman? Saving one of the Apex members.

  She grabbed one of them and with a grapple hook swung away with the unconscious man slung over her arms. Relief filled his mind as he only had to deal with the same number of enemies. But wanting to stay alive and survive wasn’t his goal... was it..? The Suit grabbed his head in anguish, not knowing what he truly wanted. The sudden improvements to his quirk made him start to think that getting to the bottom of his sister’s disappearance isn’t just a dream anymore but a real possibility! Even if he’s hunted by the organization for the rest of his life, finding out what happened to his sister is the only thing he has at this point and she’s the only thing he’s ever really had.

  The green-haired man made up his mind, he didn’t have much time left anyway. The drug was wearing off by the second and the strain on his quirk and body are slowly surfacing. The Apex member on top of the roof was too far a distance for his telekinesis to reach but that wouldn’t be a problem with his current plan. He controlled the two Apex members and hurled them far away into the night-time sky. The speed and force they were launched with made them unseeable within a few seconds while the Suit also launched himself in a certain direction. One with a much smoother landing place than the one he threw the Apex members in.

“AUGHHHH!!!!!!!!” The Suit screamed as the side effects kicked in from taking that many triggers at once.

  The remaining Apex member stood alone on the rooftop. A puff of smoke exited from his mouth in the shape of three dots.

“I think this is the first mission I’ve ever failed.” G-Smoke said nonchalantly as he took another puff of his cigarette. “I hope the boss won’t be too upset. Maybe we can find an easier way of finding corrupt people in power.”

  G-Smoke pulled out his cell and called up Commander.

“Mission failed Commander. He got away.” G-Smoke relayed.

“Understood. Return to HQ. We’ll get em next time.” Commander responded.

“Of course, I failed my first mission...” Mr. Elastic muttered to himself. “I’m sorry you were stuck with someone like me Commander...” He apologized.

“Instead of apologizing soldier, work on how you can become better to those around you. If you find something about yourself lacking, then work towards improving those points.” Commander told him.

“Improving myself....” Mr. Elastic murmured. As if the thought somehow never came to him.

“Now let’s head back. We can’t stay in this public dump forever.”

“Aha... I guess we do look a bit silly with trash covered all over us.” Elastic realized, finding some humor in the situation.


“Let’s get on to lesson two my rowdy students!” Infinite loudly announced.

  The nomu, after regenerating from the damages they suffered, attacked Infinite with no hesitation. Either with no interest in his words or not having a mind of their own and attack like wild animals. Infinite was attacked by all four of the High-Ends. The High-End were so fast that Infinite wasn’t even able to continue his talking about the topic for his next lesson!

  But Infinite had no mind to try avoiding or dodging the attacks of these artificially humans he calls his students. With his fighting style, you either get hit or hit back. There are no other options. So, when the High-End all attacked him simultaneously, he quickly struck back with his own attack.


  Infinite started spinning with both of his fists completely stretched out. Three of the High-Ends were launched in three different directions while the remaining one continued to attack Infinite. Infinite’s fists somehow passed right through this nomu, as if its body turned into smoke! But Infinite just laughed.


  He ramped up his spinning speed even more. The nomu that turned into smoke was unable to escape Infinite’s educational cyclone and was trapped swirling around him. The sound of Infinite boisterous laugh rang out as he suddenly opened his mouth and started to inhale the smokified nomu. The nomu’s smoky figure was almost entirely inhaled by Infinite but the villain was able to turn itself back into normal. But at the cost of reducing its size to a baseball.

  The other three nomu managed to recover by this time and chose to use their quirks this time around instead of attempting to pummel Infinite to death. The smokified nomu was slowly regenerating back to its original size. The one to the left of Infinite was shooting out blades from body, this one was the tallest of the nomu present. The nomu on his right had multiple heads with sharp teeth. The sizes of the heads started to grow larger and larger. And the third nomu who’s front half of his face was missing entirely started to grow armor around its body.

  They all attacked at once. Bladey seemed to have a speed quirk along with his other quirks because he arrived the fastest. He had a blade growing out of his wrist and attempted to slice Infinite’s throat. Infinite let the blade slash across his throat before smiling cheerfully at the nomu. The blade didn’t even leave a mark on Infinite’s skin.

  Infinite pulled Bladey’s leg from under him, making him fall to the ground. Infinite then grabbed both of his legs and started twirling him around in a circle. (Giant swing) The armored nomu was forced to stop or he’d hit his ally. Multi had no such complications however, the multiple heads stretched out and aimed to bite Infinite’s head and legs off.

“HAHAHA WHAT A GOOD MOVE! BUT WHAT IF I DO THIS!?” Infinite asked in high spirits.

  Infinite started spinning Bladey’s body up and down so that he wasn’t just being twirled in a horizontal rotational direction. Bladey erupted in blades as he was being spun around. The blades all directed themselves straight towards Infinite but it was all useless. His blades couldn’t leave a mark on Infinite’s adamantium body. His outfit was the exact opposite though. His suit was completely shredded and his dress pants were in ripped in multiple places. But strangely enough his wrestling mask was completely fine even though Bladey aimed numerous blades towards his face.

  But anyway, Infinite launched Bladey upwards. All the blades on Bladey’s body were broken apart as he was thrown through multiple layers of rock leading to the surface.

“INFINITE POWER!!!!!!!!!” Infinite roared afterwards.

  His roar seemed to cause the remaining nomu to momentarily freeze up. Even Smokey's regeneration was halted by the shout. A big grin appeared on Infinite’s manly face. He turned to Multi and leapt towards him like a pouncing tiger, but much more terrifying than just a simple tiger. The many heads on Multi couldn’t react in time from the explosive speed of the professor and paid the price for it. The high-end artificial human’s midsection was speared in half by the impact of Infinite’s tackle. (Shoulder block takedown) The two parts of the high-end were slowly floating in the air.

  It seemed this battle between android and artificial human was nearing its end. Or so one would believe at this current point. But Multi wasn’t finished just because it was speared in half! The two halves stretched out and latched onto Infinite. Infinite ripped and tore the nomu even further but this didn’t slow it in the slightest. Infinite’s body was slowly being covered by the nomu with no way to stop it! Even with his nearly impenetrable body and herculean-like strength, it was all useless against an opponent that was semi-liquid in nature. Infinite’s body was completely swallowed by the nomu.

  The nomu began to reform itself once more by regenerating its lost heads on top of its new form. Multiple heads grew from Infinite’s body. The hulking mass of muscle that was once known as Professor Infinite was no longer present. Multi attempted to move around with his new body.

  It tried once more.


  No response? It was confused.

“Why can’t... I... control... my new body..?” It asked its brothers.

“Did... you..Kill.. Him...?” Armored asked.

“....He...should...die...soon.” It realized as it could still feel Infinite’s heart beating.

“Then...we...wait...and Doctor...”

  But minutes went past and there was no change whatsoever.

“” It asked as if unsure about this basic knowledge regarding humans.

“They...need...air.” Smokey answered, partially healed. It was now in a child-like form.

“....??” It was confused even further.

  But no matter how long he stayed with Infinite’s body, Infinite would never die from something like this. Because androids don’t need to breath in the first place! Infinite was currently using all his strength to prevent the high-end from manipulating his body. He had no feasible ways of eliminating this foe on his own after getting caught, but the thing is... he wasn’t on his own! He simply had to wait till his allies come and save him from his current situation.


  And there they are! Infinite felt his body becoming more and more free by the second. And soon he felt his body become his again. The nomu that tried to take control of his body was frozen and shattered into pieces across the floor. He looked up and saw McKenney blowing smoke from his gun barrel.

“THANKS KEN I WAS IN A REAL TOUGH SPOT THERE!” Infinite shouted with gratitude.

“Just doing what I do best, Tex.”

“MMMMPH!!!” Flamey shouted as they jumped down into the hole.

  Flamey blasted Smokey with compressed air from his flamethrower and the poor thing was instantly separated into millions of smoke particles. Flamey then pulled out some sort of futuristic pistol-looking gun and began sucking up the smoke particles. An innocent giggle came from them as they happily captured every part of the gas-like nomu.

  Armored attempted a sneak attack on the peacefully playing Flamey only to receive a surprise attack from above.


  Officer Guts used his big round belly to completely flatten the nomu into a pancake.

“Heh. Didn’t expect that one did ya?! Looks like our job is finished here boys. Case shut and closed.” Guts said with a hearty chuckle.

“It was a shame I was unable to use my new weapon. But I suppose it would be better to perform a few more tests before I try it on humans. Dr. Ujiko couldn’t even endure a few moments of it. Let us return to the lab.” Medic announced.

  Infinite leaped straight up and out of the deep hole he made back to the main lab. Officer Blubber Guts bounced on his stomach and shot out of the hole right behind Infinite. Flamey, however, was looking at the flattened body of Armored. A slow tilt of the head like a curious child showed their interest in it.

“Make sure to report back to us Flamey. We’ll be heading out now.” Medic replied.

  And so, Apex has successfully stamped out one future trouble waiting and hiding to commit evil in Japan. But who knows how many more could be lurking and waiting to show out there?

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