Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch216- Oldest Memory

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Later, as they lay entwined, their shared warmth creating a cocoon against the outside world, Mokami spoke up, his voice a soft whisper against the silence of the night.

Holding each other on the bed, their bodies cocooned in a comforting warmth, Mokami's lips brushed against the nape of her neck, planting a feather-light kiss that sparked a trail of goosebumps down her skin. Their love had been a constant, a pulsing undercurrent throughout their years of growing up together. It was an emotion both had felt intensely, a silent song resonating between their hearts, yet it was one they'd never openly expressed. Now, however, everything had changed. Today, they had finally acknowledged their bond, giving voice to their emotions, letting them pour forth in a torrent that washed over their combined lives, leaving no room for ambiguity.

They didn't need any grand speeches, no declarations of ambitions, just this shared moment, a testament to their unity. A silent affirmation of their bond echoed in their closeness, in the softness of Mokami's lips on Momo's skin, in the way her hand found his and squeezed gently, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned back into his embrace.

Her breath hitched as Mokami's lips moved from her neck, tracing a slow, deliberate path up to her ear, his hot breath causing a shiver to run down her spine. His words, when they came, were soft, a whispered endearment that wrapped around her like a caress, his tone imbued with a tenderness that made her heart flutter.

"Momo," he murmured, his lips brushing her earlobe, his voice low and husky. The sound of her name on his lips sent a thrill through her, and she turned to look at him, her eyes meeting his in the soft, muted light.

His gaze held her captive, the depths of his dark eyes reflecting his emotions, the rawness of his feelings laid bare. His hand moved from her waist, tracing a gentle path up her side, his touch feather-light yet setting her nerves ablaze.

Their eyes held a silent conversation, an understanding passing between them that was deeper than words could express. Her fingers found his, tangling together in a familiar dance, their touch a tangible affirmation of their connection.

Feeling emboldened, Momo leaned forward, bridging the small gap between them. Her lips met his in a soft, lingering kiss, a promise sealed in the press of lips and the tangle of breaths. The world around them seemed to blur, their reality narrowing down to this intimate space they'd created.

The kiss deepened, their movements synchronized in a dance as old as time. Mokami's hands roamed her back, pressing her closer to him, their bodies molded together as if they were two halves of a whole.

Their position mirrored two fetuses sharing a womb, curled together, comfortable in the profound intimacy that the physical proximity engendered. A sense of belonging pervaded the space between them, and they reveled in it, relishing the warm cocoon of togetherness they had spun around themselves. Their bodies fit together perfectly, like two halves of a whole. It was as if they had been created from the same fabric of existence, complementing each other perfectly, merging seamlessly where one ended and the other began. The concept of 'I' had blurred into 'We,' and it felt right, more right than anything else.

Lying entwined with Momo, Mokami's breath hitched as a vivid sense of deja vu washed over him. It was a memory, so distant, so deeply buried, that it felt like a half-remembered dream. He saw their hands, small and delicate, reaching out for each other, fingers entwining, holding on tightly. It was a promise from the past, an echo of an old vow that had survived the onslaught of time.

He felt her stir against him, her breath hitching, and he realized that Momo was experiencing the same recollection. Their eyes met, and he saw the mirrored recognition in her amethyst orbs. It was real, a shared memory so ancient that it felt like a part of their very DNA, a silent promise of their shared destiny.

Momo's breath hitched as she felt a similar sensation. It was a memory, or perhaps an echo of a memory, too faint and too distant to fully grasp, yet potent enough to fill her heart with an overwhelming wave of familiarity and warmth. Their shared gaze deepened, their hearts beating in rhythm, the silent acknowledgement of their shared memory strengthening their connection.

He saw her gaze soften, her lips parting slightly as she whispered, "Do you remember...?"

"It feels like a dream...," Mokami responded, his voice barely a whisper.

Momo nodded, her fingers tightening around his. "A beautiful dream," she murmured.

As they lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, Mokami and Momo felt the weight of their shared history enveloping them. It was a history that stretched back to their childhood, filled with moments of laughter, tears, and unspoken understanding. They had grown up together, their lives intertwined in a way that defied logic and explanation.

In the quietude of the night, Mokami's fingers gently traced patterns on Momo's skin, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. Each touch spoke volumes, conveying a depth of emotion that words could never capture. Their bodies, entwined in a dance of tenderness, created a sanctuary against the chaos of the outside world.

In the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the curtains, Mokami's voice broke the silence, his words a delicate whisper that caressed the air. "I've always loved you, Momo," he confessed, his voice trembling with vulnerability.

Momo's heart skipped a beat at his admission, her own emotions swirling within her. She had always known, deep down, that their connection was something extraordinary. But to hear him utter those words, to feel the weight of his love settle upon her, was both exhilarating and terrifying.

Tears welled up in Momo's eyes as she found the strength to speak her truth. "And I've loved you, Mokami, with every fiber of my being," she confessed, her voice barely audible. The weight of unspoken words lifted from their shoulders, replaced by a newfound freedom to express the depths of their affection.

With a tenderness born of years of unspoken longing, Mokami leaned forward and captured Momo's lips in a kiss that ignited a symphony of emotions within them. It was a kiss that spoke of promises kept and promises yet to be fulfilled, a kiss that sealed their bond in a way that nothing else ever could.

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