Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch217- All Might, Join Me!

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A day before the grand opening of the Creation Pantheon Agency, In the quiet confines of Principal Nezu's office, a tense atmosphere had enveloped the room. Behind the desk, Nezu, a distinct look of surprise on his face, shared a questioning glance with All Might. The source of their incredulity was none other than Mokami, sitting composedly across from them, his steady gaze unwavering.

"Forgive me, Mokami, but did I understand correctly?" Nezu broke the silence, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looked at Mokami. "You wish to establish your own Hero Agency, and you want All Might to join you?"

The question lingered in the room, the weight of its implications heavy in the air. This wasn't a proposition made lightly, and the looks on the two adult's faces reflected that.

Without missing a beat, Mokami affirmed, his tone calm and resolute. "Yes, Principal Nezu. That is my intention."

A silence followed, both Nezu and All Might appearing to process the statement. All Might was the first to break it, leaning forward in his chair as he regarded Mokami with a look of astoundment.

"You're a talented young man, Mokami, no doubt about that. But starting an agency... it's a colossal task. You're still in school, you know." All Might's voice was filled with concern, his brows knitting together as he watched the young man.

Mokami's gaze remained steady, a quiet confidence resonating in his demeanor. "I'm aware of the challenges, All Might," he replied, unflinching under the hero's concerned gaze. "But I believe I am prepared to take this step. I've been planning this for quite some time, and I trust in my abilities."

Nezu nodded, a thoughtful expression taking over his features. "This is certainly an ambitious move, Mokami, and not one we expected." He shared a glance with All Might before turning back to Mokami. "What is your rationale behind this decision?"

"I want to create an agency that represents the ideals I believe in," Mokami responded, his voice firm with conviction. "An agency that stands for unity, growth, and protection. An agency where heroes work together as a team to uphold these values and where everyone's strengths are utilized."

"And All Might?" Nezu prodded, looking pointedly at Mokami.

"All Might embodies the spirit of a true hero," Mokami responded, meeting All Might's gaze. "I can think of no one better to help build and guide this agency. I believe he will be a pillar of strength and inspiration for us all."

All Might, taken aback by the sincerity in Mokami's words, could only nod in silent acknowledgement.

The room fell quiet again, the audacious proposition hanging in the air. For a moment, Nezu and All Might exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them.

"I've never worked with others before, Mokami," All Might started, his tone soft. His muscular form seemed somehow smaller in the glow of Nezu's desk lamp, his face a mask of uncertainty. "As the Number 1 hero of the nation, my affiliation would cause some unexpected results."

A calm smile graced Mokami's face. "I've calculated those unexpected results, All Might. In fact, I'm counting on them."

Nezu and All Might shared a puzzled look before Mokami continued. His voice lowered to a grave tone, a stark contrast to his usual composed demeanor. "Villains are becoming increasingly rampant, All Might. The League just struck a deal with a prominent Yakuza leader. They're forming their own teams...we need to do the same."

All Might frowned, his surprise evident. "How did you come across that information?"

Mokami's posture didn't change, he maintained a relaxed stance despite the heavy conversation. "I may have only recently obtained my Provisional License, but I've been in this game for years. I have sources...connections worldwide. My involvement isn't limited to heroics alone, after all. I run multiple multi-billion companies."

Nezu interjected then, his paw gesturing vaguely as he tried to steer the conversation away from All Might's delicate situation. "All Might is currently in a situation that might not permit him to be such a front figure."

Mokami chuckled lightly at that, flashing them a knowing grin. "Ah, yes, the 'situation'." He air quoted the last word, leaving no doubt that he was well aware of All Might's predicament. The room went silent for a moment before Mokami continued, his tone as composed as ever, "That's one of my conditions, actually. I intend to heal All Might, and in return, he will join my Hero Agency."

For a moment, time seemed to freeze. Both Nezu and All Might stared at him, their mouths agape in shock. Mokami's announcement hung in the air, as astounding as it was audacious.

"Wait, you mean..." All Might stuttered, trying to wrap his mind around what Mokami had just proposed. His blue eyes studied Mokami, as if hoping to find some hint of a joke in his composed expression.

"I mean exactly what I said, All Might." Mokami stated matter-of-factly, leaning back in his chair. He looked between the shocked faces of the number one hero and the genius animal principal with an air of calm assurance.

"But, how...?" Nezu found himself struggling for words, his usually sharp mind seemingly dazed by the revelation.

"How do you know?" All Might finished Nezu's question, his voice barely above a whisper. He looked as if he were grappling with the world turned upside down, his usually confident gaze full of uncertainty.

Mokami glanced at his wrist, making a slight waving motion. Out of nowhere, a screen formed, floating above the desk, and a video started to play. It was a recording of the end of the semester exam, specifically the battle between Mokami, Momo, and All Might.

On the screen, the siblings managed to trap All Might with a device. The scene paused, and Mokami gestured towards the device on the screen, "This device wasn't merely a trapping machine. I designed it for villains - to not only trap but to scan their bodies for weak spots. I do apologize for using it on you, All Might, but at the time it seemed logical to test its efficacy on a Pro Hero."

With another wave of his hand, the scene on the screen morphed into an x-ray image of a body lacking multiple inner organs. The two older heroes didn't need to be told whose body it was. It was the stark, undeniable evidence of the secret they had so carefully hidden - All Might's damaged body.

"I've been aware of your situation for some time now, All Might," Mokami confessed, his voice steady and sincere. "And I've been working on a way to rectify it. Now, I can confidently say that I am capable of doing so."

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