Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch218- I Will Heal You

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All Might looked away from the screen to meet Mokami's steady gaze. His shock was evident, not just from the revelation that Mokami knew his secret, but that the young man claimed he could heal him. All Might had faced countless battles, but none had left him as emotionally unsteady as this singular moment.

"I..." All Might began, but he was interrupted by Nezu, who was regarding Mokami with a renewed curiosity.

"Mokami, your intentions are certainly noble, and your ingenuity continues to astound us," Nezu admitted, a thoughtful frown etching across his face. "However, it's important to remember that this isn't a simple procedure. All Might's condition... it's complex."

"I understand that," Mokami nodded, his gaze shifting between Nezu and All Might. "And I assure you, I have considered all variables. The risks have been weighed against the potential benefits. I am confident in my capabilities and my plan."

Nezu shared a glance with All Might, the severity of the situation reflected in both their expressions. All Might, who had been silent, finally found his voice.

"Mokami... I don't know what to say," All Might began, struggling to articulate his tumultuous emotions. "This... It's too much."

"I understand it's a lot to process," Mokami responded gently, his steady gaze never wavering from All Might's face. "But, it's the truth. And I stand by my words."

The room fell into silence again, each occupant grappling with the gravity of Mokami's revelation. Their quiet reflections were only broken by the hum of the screen displaying All Might's damaged body, a stark reminder of the battle that lay ahead.

"How will you do it?" Nezu finally asked, his voice steady despite the bombshell Mokami had dropped. "As far as I know, you don't have surgical expertise. I understand you're brilliant, perhaps even possessing medical expertise at a professorial level. But surgery isn't the same as theoretical knowledge."

Mokami exhaled a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with the weight of the secret he was about to reveal. This wasn't a simple reveal of a hidden quirk, but the confession of a secret that could tip the balance of the world they knew. His black eyes shimmered with a hardened resolve as he leaned forward.

"By revealing my biggest secret," he said, his voice barely a whisper, yet carrying a gravity that instantly demanded Nezu and All Might's full attention.

Nezu and All Might watched as Mokami's hand rose, hovering above the table. Slowly, from nothing, singular cells began to form in his palm. They watched, their breaths held as the cells began to merge together, ultimately taking shape into a fully-formed, pumping heart. But almost as soon as it appeared, the heart's energy depleted, and it stopped moving.

"I can create living tissues as well," Mokami announced, his voice carrying a quiet confidence that didn't match the magnitude of what they just witnessed. "And they have been tested to work on different subjects. My test subjects and the details of my experiments will remain confidential. But if you trust me, I can create new organs for you, All Might. You could be as you once were."

For a moment, the room fell silent, save for the ticking of the antique clock on Nezu's desk. Nezu stared at Mokami, his eyes wide and his mind whirling with the implications of what he just witnessed. He had known Mokami was talented, exceptionally so, but this was beyond comprehension. This wasn't a simple quirk. It was a power that could change the landscape of the hero world entirely.

Beside him, All Might was frozen, his blue eyes locked onto Mokami. The weight of what he had just witnessed seemed to anchor him in place, his usual vibrant energy replaced with quiet shock. He knew Mokami was a capable young man, but this? This was a game-changer.

"The potential..." Nezu found himself murmuring, his thoughts spilling out in a soft whisper. His eyes never left Mokami, the possibilities of what this could mean running rampant in his mind.

Mokami watched the gears turning in Nezu's head, the Principal's small, animalistic face revealing little. The silence was almost stifling, a delicate tension hanging between them. He leaned back in his chair, his voice even and devoid of emotion. "Principal, if it were so easy, it would have been achieved without my Quirk. Creating a creature is not the same as creating a living tissue. You can call it a soul if you are traditional, or an undiscovered element if you are pro-science, but even if I were to create a human body with every cell intact, it would not be alive."

His statement hung in the air for a moment, the room reverberating with the words that had just been spoken. All Might turned his gaze to Nezu, seeing that the Principal did not object. The reality of it sank into All Might. Nezu had been lost in thoughts of possibility while he had been pondering how Mokami's Quirk could possibly save him.

Only then did the full implications hit him. A wave of relief washed over All Might as he realized the moral nightmare that was avoided. "So, it's not about creating life, but sustaining it," he murmured to himself. The thought of Mokami being able to recreate humans from scratch was too much, even for him.

Nezu cleared his throat, pushing back his initial thoughts, focusing instead on the information Mokami had presented. "Indeed, it is not a matter of duplicating life, but enhancing and repairing it," he nodded in agreement, looking back at Mokami.

The room fell silent again, the enormity of what Mokami had shared slowly sinking in. The ticking of the antique clock echoed in the quiet room, giving the atmosphere a grave solemnity.

"Like I said, this is my biggest secret, and I intend to keep it that way," Mokami stated, locking gazes with both Nezu and All Might. His expression was resolute, his stance unwavering.

All Might's brow furrowed, his lips parting as if to protest, but Mokami held up a hand. "I know I can save lives, tens of thousands of them, millions of them," he admitted, his voice steady. "But it is not that simple, All Might."

His gaze turned steely, his voice cold and assertive. "Do you kill villains?"

All Might shook his head, his gaze level. "Not when I have a choice," he admitted.

Mokami nodded, leaning back in his chair. "Why not?" he questioned. "If you kill one, you would save every single one of their future victims."

Without thinking, All Might replied, "That's not how it works. You can't execute a person based on their hypothetical sins."

Nezu shook his head, seeing where Mokami was leading the conversation. Yet All Might had walked into his trap, completely unaware.

A small smile formed on Mokami's lips as he sat back in his chair. "Exactly," he said. "Being able to do something does not equate to saving lives. I have the ability to save bed-ridden people, but we can't foresee what those people will do. I can't save everyone."

His voice trailed off into a sigh, and he added, "Even if we knew, I wouldn't. At some point, the rich and powerful would want this ability to live forever, and they would either try to kidnap me or go after my family or loved ones to force me. I don't want that attention. So, this secret will be kept hidden."

His words hung in the air, holding a tone of finality that left little room for argument. Mokami was not a man of many words, but when he did speak, his voice carried an authority that was hard to deny.

Nezu and All Might shared a glance, processing the weight of Mokami's words. As the silence stretched on, Mokami's resolve remained unwavering, his gaze firm and unyielding. He had shared his secret, had offered a solution, but it came with a boundary, a line he was unwilling to cross.

His words were a reminder of a larger truth, one that hung heavy in the room. Power, in any form, was not inherently good or evil. It was the application of that power, the decisions that shaped its use, that truly mattered.

In the end, it wasn't about the ability to create life or even sustain it. It was about respecting the balance, about understanding that power, no matter how vast, was not a solution to all problems.

This was not an easy truth, especially for those who had dedicated their lives to saving others. Yet it was a reality they had to accept. Because in the grand scheme of things, even the most extraordinary powers had their limits.

And as All Might and Nezu looked at Mokami, their understanding mingling with their respect, it became clear. This was not a man who would be swayed by the lure of power or the promise of immortality. This was a man who understood his limits and was willing to live by them, no matter the cost.

However, what they saw in Mokami and the truth weren't always the same. That was the harsh reality of life. It was filled with illusions and deceptions, often fooling even the most discerning of observers. The Mokami that Nezu and All Might saw and the real Mokami were significantly different. Mokami wasn't evil, but he certainly existed in shades of gray, a concept that might conflict with the black-and-white views of All Might and Nezu. Therefore, Mokami had been careful not to reveal certain aspects of his life to them.

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