Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch220- Forewarning

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Days later, the silence in the Shie Hassaikai headquarters, specifically in the heart of their underground laboratory, was disrupted by a jovial proclamation. The room was dim, the air stale, and the tension palpable. On one side of a large, sturdy table were Shigaraki, Dabi, Stain, and Aiko, their faces shadowed by the bleak light, providing them an ominous presence. Opposite them, Overhaul, accompanied by his formidable entourage, the 9 bullets, Daichi included, sat, stoic and formidable as ever.

Aiko, a spectacle of contrasting mood in the grim setting, leaned back in his chair, an eccentric grin playing on his lips. "Guess what, boys!" he chimed excitedly, his haughty smirk betraying a sense of superior knowledge, "Heroes are about to pay us a surprise visit!"

Shigaraki's hands stilled on the table, his fingers stopping their incessant tapping. His raspy voice echoed in the room, "And where did you hear this, Aiko?" A trace of skepticism laced his words.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Aiko responded, a mischievous glint lighting up his eyes. His fingers traced the tabletop as if he was playing a piano, "Let's just say a little birdie told me."

"You're saying a bird informed you?" A bullet interjected, his voice a taunt, underpinned with disbelief. His lips curled into a condescending smirk, "Are we really this desperate?"

"Not a bird, you buffoon," Aiko retorted, rolling his eyes dramatically. "A lovely lady from the police force. Documents and things passed through her hands, y'know?"

"Are you seriously dating a cop?" Stain, who had been silent, finally spoke, his voice a growl. His disdain for such connections, a betrayal to their anarchy, was evident.

Aiko chuckled heartily, throwing his head back in amusement. "Dating her? Nah! I'm just using her." His lips twisted into a wry grin, baring his teeth.

The room fell into silence as everyone contemplated Aiko's words. His revelation had churned the stagnant pool of worry and curiosity among them. He reveled in their shocked expressions, his free-spirited nature thrived on the disruption.

Overhaul, from across the table, studied Aiko intently, his gaze piercing. Daichi, in his proximity, was silent, maintaining a stoic front. His heartbeat hammered against his chest as he stole a glance at Aiko.

Overhaul broke the tense silence, his voice calm, but an underlying tone of concern lacing his words. "If this information is correct, we need to act, and swiftly."

"A perfect opportunity, don't you think?" Aiko leaned in, his playful eyes dancing with glee. The dim light in the room did nothing to dim the mischief lighting up his face. His voice was a mischievous whisper, full of bold promises and audacious plans. "Heroes - half-baked interns and worn-out old pros, sauntering into our den, oblivious to the awaiting beast."

The statement hung in the room, echoing off the austere walls of the underground lair, blending into the palpable tension.

Shigaraki's fingers twitched at his side, the only betrayal of his inner turmoil. "So, we just welcome them with open arms? Is that your grand plan, Aiko?"

"Of course not," Aiko laughed, "we give them a show! Prove to the world that the age of heroism is over. We'll show them what real power looks like."

The suggestion sounded reckless to Overhaul, a desperate move. But as he regarded Aiko's haughty expression, he could see the calculated gleam in his eyes, the intelligence beneath the surface. This wasn't some insane bravado; there was a strategy underlying Aiko's audacious proposal.

"But this is our sanctuary," Overhaul interjected, his calm exterior belying the concern. "Are you suggesting we let it fall into the hands of those... heroes?"

"No," Aiko's grin widened, "I suggest we make it their graveyard."

Silence filled the room. Overhaul looked pensive, while Shigaraki's gaze remained fixed on Aiko, uncertainty clouding his scarred features.

It was then that Daichi spoke up. His voice was usually absent in these discussions, preferring to maintain an observant silence. But when he did speak, the room listened.

"We have an out, if need be," Daichi said, his voice barely above a whisper. Yet, it cut through the silence like a knife. "My power can provide us an escape if the situation gets dire."

Aiko's grin broadened, his eyes glinting in the semi-darkness. The uncertainty began to give way to a grudging hope, an understanding that maybe, just maybe, this insane plan could work.

"Gentlemen!" Aiko pressed, slamming his hand down on the table with a zealous intensity. "We are about to launch two new drugs. What better stage could we possibly have to showcase them? This is a golden opportunity. Imagine it: we cripple the heroes and interns with the Quirk Erasing Drug, and at the same time, we enhance our own powers. The world will hear our name!" His voice was righteous, fervent.

The room was hushed, eyes flitting between each other. Aiko's proclamation hung in the air, the implications of his words sinking deep into the minds of those present. Overhaul and Shigaraki exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. Dabi leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips.

"So, we use their surprise visit to our advantage," Shigaraki mused, breaking the silence. His voice was soft, thoughtful. "Turn their strength into their weakness."

"That's the spirit!" Aiko cheered, clapping his hands together. His grin was triumphant. "Let them come. We'll show them what real power is."

Stain, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke, his voice a low growl. "Using drugs... it seems beneath us."

"Beneath us?" Aiko shot back, his voice ringing with laughter. "My dear Stain, we are villains. There is no 'beneath us'. Our cause, our purpose is to disrupt, to dismantle. And if these drugs help us achieve that, then so be it."

Overhaul remained silent, his gaze boring into Aiko. There was a calculating look in his eyes. "We've seen the potency of the drugs," he finally said, his voice cold. "But what of the risks?"

"Ah, always the pragmatist, Overhaul!" Aiko chortled, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Fear not, the risks are minimal. We've tested the drugs, ensured their safety. We won't fall into our own trap."

"Learn all the names of the heroes, then we will decide," Shigaraki finally declared, his voice as cold and detached as the room they occupied.

A smirk danced on Aiko's lips, an impish spark igniting in his eyes as he propped his feet onto the table. "No worries," he said, winking in Shigaraki's direction. "I will visit my girl tonight. When I hit it," he added, punctuating his words with a suggestive gyration of his hips, "I'll learn all the details." His laughter echoed across the room, bouncing off the cold walls, yet failing to thaw the icy tension that prevailed.

Dabi snorted, a trace of amusement crinkling the corners of his eyes. "So, your dating strategy is also your information gathering strategy, huh? I have to admit, it's quite efficient."

Stain grunted, obviously unimpressed. "Efficiently disgusting," he muttered, his voice a low growl. The disdain in his eyes as he regarded Aiko was as clear as daylight. "One might wonder if you have any honor left."

Aiko's laughter rang out again, unabashed and carefree, shattering the stoic silence that had descended upon them. "Honor, dear Stain, is a constraint. And I, for one, don't abide by constraints." He raised an eyebrow, his gaze challenging, "What about you?"

Stain's face remained impassive, but his eyes blazed with a righteous fury. "I fight for a purpose, not for pleasure," he retorted, his voice low yet filled with conviction.

"Oh, don't we all?" Aiko chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "My purpose just happens to include a bit of fun."

Dabi laughed, a genuine sound that bounced off the grim walls, stirring the stagnant air. "Well, Aiko, make sure you have your fun and bring us some useful information as well," he said, amusement clearly etched on his face.

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