Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch221- Nighteye

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The top floor of the Creation Pantheon Agency, a beacon of elegance and power, was abuzz with conversation. The sprawling conference room had seen many strategic discussions, but today, an air of anticipation filled the space. Mokami, Momo, Nejire, All Might, Mirko, Ryukyu, and Sahar had convened for a crucial meeting.

Just as Ryukyu finished outlining her patrol strategy for the upcoming week, a knock echoed through the room, drawing everyone's attention. The door swung open to reveal three figures. At the forefront was Sir Nighteye, a tall man with angular features and a serious demeanor. His glasses sat perfectly on his nose, reflecting the room's subdued light. His jet-black hair, parted at the middle, was neatly combed back, and his well-tailored suit enhanced his authoritative presence.

Trailing behind Sir Nighteye were the energetic figures of Midoriya and Mirio. Midoriya, despite the noticeable excitement in his eyes, maintained a respectful posture, while Mirio's sunny disposition contrasted his more reserved counterpart.

"Sir Nighteye, Midoriya, Mirio, welcome," Ryukyu greeted, rising from her chair to offer a warm smile.

"Thank you, Ryukyu. My apologies for the interruption," Sir Nighteye said in his characteristic monotone voice, a slight bow of his head accompanying his words.

As Ryukyu's words echoed through the room, Mokami's gaze fixed on the man who had just entered. Sir Nighteye, the man who could see the future. Despite his calm facade, Mokami couldn't deny the curiosity that stirred within him.

Mokami studied Sir Nighteye from the corner of his eye, his gaze never leaving the man's face. He had wondered about this man since he was reborn into this world, the man who held the power to glimpse into the future. The question that lingered in Mokami's mind was whether he had ever appeared in one of those foresights.

The silence in the room was interrupted by the sudden, stern voice of Sir Nighteye. His gaze fixed on Mokami, a hint of challenge in his voice, "Mokami Yaoyorozu."

Mokami turned his full attention to the future-seer. His own name echoed in the quiet room, marking the beginning of an intriguing confrontation.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The challenge in Nighteye's voice was evident now. 

Mokami's reaction to the blunt question was a slow, easy grin that spread across his face, his relaxed demeanor stark against the tense atmosphere. He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest as his gaze locked with Sir Nighteye's.

Mokami concluded that Sir Nighteye had not seen him in one of his foresights. The intense silence that followed Nighteye's direct challenge was cut by his stern voice. "Answer!" Sir Nighteye demanded. His authoritative tone echoed around the room, but Mokami merely offered a silent, cheeky grin.

A spark ignited in Mirko's eyes as she shot to her feet, the chair clattering behind her. Her hair fell in a wild cascade around her shoulders, matching the untamed energy that radiated from her. "Who the fuck DO you think you are, Nighteye?" she spat, her voice carrying a dangerous undertone. "Do you think you can waltz in here and speak to one of us in that tone?"

Mokami, one of the most important people in her life, was under a verbal attack, and she wasn't going to stand by. Her hands were balled into tight fists, the muscles in her arms standing out in stark relief against her skin. Her fierce gaze locked onto Nighteye, and she took a step forward, her aura challenging him to respond.

The room had descended into an almost tangible tension, everyone holding their breaths, watching the exchange with wide eyes. Ryukyu's sharp gaze turned towards All Might. She was well aware of his close ties with Sir Nighteye. As she met his gaze, she asked in a quiet but firm voice, "What is wrong with you, Nighteye? Why are you so worked up? Has Mokami done something to anger you?"

All Might, caught off guard, shot a questioning look at Sir Nighteye. For a moment, the room fell into a tense silence. Sir Nighteye's gaze swept across everyone before he returned to Mokami, who sat with a placid grin on his face, seemingly unaffected by the uproar around him.

As the tension in the room surged, it was as though the very air crackled with unspoken challenges and unanswered questions. Sir Nighteye's focus remained unswerving, his gaze locked on Mokami.

"How did you beguile All Might to work for you?" Nighteye asked, his tone laced with accusation. His gaze was unwavering, his question lingering in the air like a challenge.

Mokami remained silent, a slight grin playing on his lips. He leaned back in his chair, folding his hands across his chest. It wasn't defiance; it was simply a refusal to acknowledge the authority Sir Nighteye seemed to impose upon him.

An uneasy silence fell over the room, broken by All Might's deep, resonant voice. "Mirai, it's not what you think," he said, turning his gaze towards his former sidekick.

Sir Nighteye looked back at his old mentor, a sullen expression on his face. "What is it then, Toshinori? You aren't fit for the frontier anymore. We discussed this. I thought when you retired and started teaching, you would finally take my advice."

All Might's response was a resigned sigh. His next words were soft, an intimate confession in a room full of attentive ears. "There's no point hiding it anymore."

Everyone watched as All Might slowly lifted his shirt. Where there had once been an ugly, life-threatening injury, there was now just smooth, unmarked skin. His muscles rippled under the overhead lights, a testament to the strength he had once been renowned for.

"I was gravely injured a couple of years back," he explained, his eyes meeting each person's gaze in turn.

Those in the room reacted differently to the revelation. Some, like Momo, Nejire, and Mokami, had known this piece of All Might's history already. Others, like Mirio, Sahar, Mirko, and Ryukyu, were hearing it for the first time. The room filled with a myriad of emotions - shock, surprise, and respect - but at its heart, there was a strong sense of unity.

"But I'm healed now," All Might continued, his gaze settling on Sir Nighteye. "Mokami found someone with the ability to heal me. The process was arduous and taxing for them, which is why they can't perform it regularly. But because of their efforts, I stand here today, healed."

His gaze swept the room once more, a sense of purpose filling his eyes. "And so I decided to join Mokami's agency until he becomes a pro hero. This was my decision. Mirai, you have no place questioning Mokami for this."

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