Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch224- Big Shots Together

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Hey there, my dear readers! Let's give a thunderous applause to my latest patron, the incredible Josue Sanchez, a true 'Josh' of all trades and 'sanchez-tional' supporter of this literary journey! Welcome aboard, Josue – your name is now synonymous with awesomeness!


The expansive room at the Creation Pantheon Hero Agency was filled to the brim with some of the most prominent heroes in Japan. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation as the leaders of the operation, Mokami, Momo, and Nejire, stood at the front, ready to begin the briefing.

"Thank you all for coming," Momo started, her voice echoing throughout the room. She looked at the crowd - a mixture of seasoned professionals like All Might, Best Jeanist, and Ryukyu, and the upcoming heroes of the younger generation like Midoriya, Mirio, Itsuka, and Asui. Even Kirishima and Tamaki, the stalwart interns of Fat Gum, were present.

"As many of you are aware," she continued, "our primary objective is to infiltrate and neutralize Shie Hassaikai's headquarters. They've recently allied themselves with the League of Villains, amplifying the threat they pose."

Nejire stepped forward, pulling up a holographic screen that displayed a blueprint of Shie Hassaikai's headquarters. "This is what we're dealing with," she said, pointing at various sections of the layout. "As you can see, the compound is heavily fortified and it's safe to assume that it's crawling with villains."

"As we already know," Nejire continued, her voice crisp and clear in the silence, "the League of Villains has been rapidly gathering forces. They're not just recruiting more villains, but they've also acquired a number of Nomus."

A low murmur ran through the room at the mention of the Nomus – creatures artificially created and enhanced by quirks.

"We're estimating several Nomus," Momo added, her gaze fixed on the holographic blueprint in front of her. She tapped a few buttons on her tablet, bringing up images of the known Nomus. Each of them was a grotesque combination of quirks, their only purpose being destruction. "We can't know for certain how many they have, or what quirks they possess."

All Might's jaw set in a firm line, his eyes scanning the images. "We can't underestimate them," he said, his voice hard. "These Nomus have been designed for combat. They're not easy opponents."

"Right," agreed Sir Nighteye. "We need a plan to neutralize them, as well as the other villains."

"We've been considering several strategies," Momo replied, turning her attention back to the group. "Our primary goal is to prevent the distribution of the quirk-enhancing drug, but we also need to prioritize the safety of any captives and neutralize the Nomus."

"Can we divide them somehow?" Asui suggested, her calm voice cutting through the heated discussions. "The Nomus are strong, but they're not known for their intelligence. If we can draw them away from the main force, it could give us an advantage."

"A solid suggestion, Asui," Nejire nodded in agreement. "We can create a team specifically to lure and handle the Nomus."

Silence descended upon the room as everyone considered the suggestion. All Might's gaze wandered over the gathered heroes, each of them contemplating the task ahead.

Finally, All Might cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "I'll take on the Nomus," he declared. His voice was firm, leaving no room for argument. "I've fought them before. I know what to expect."

"But All Might..." Midoriya started to protest, concern evident in his voice.

All Might held up his hand, silencing him. "This is not up for debate, Midoriya. I'm well aware of the risks," he stated firmly.

Midoriya swallowed hard, nodding in understanding. The rest of the room remained silent, acknowledging All Might's decision.

Momo stepped in, breaking the tension. "Very well, we'll factor that into our plan," she said, adjusting the holographic display to include the Nomu distraction strategy. "We'll need to focus on swift and efficient action. There's no room for mistakes."

"Alright, everyone, listen up," Mokami commanded, his calm yet authoritative voice cutting through the room's quiet murmuring. A digital screen behind him sprang to life, displaying a detailed layout of the teams and their assignments.

"Here are the teams I've assembled. I've chosen each member based on your skills, quirks, and past experience. Our success depends on everyone performing their roles effectively," Mokami explained, his gaze sweeping across the room. His tone was firm, but not dismissive, hinting at his openness to further suggestions and questions.

The display flickered, revealing the first team. "Infiltration Team: Mokami, Momo, and Edgeshot," he announced. He pointed towards the names on the screen. "Our job will be to infiltrate the headquarters and neutralize any immediate threats. Momo and I, with our Creation quirks, will handle any unexpected hurdles while Edgeshot's Quirk, Foldabody, will be invaluable for navigating through the complex's confined spaces."

As Mokami continued, some of the heroes began to question his assignments. "Why am I on the Perimeter Security Team?" Itsuka asked, her tone respectful but firm. "Wouldn't my Quirk, Big Fist, be better suited for the Assault Team?"

Mokami shook his head, "While your Quirk is indeed powerful, Itsuka, it also possesses great defensive capabilities. The Perimeter Security Team's job isn't only to keep villains out but to protect those inside. I trust you and Ryukyu, with her Dragon Quirk, to be our bulwarks against any external threats."

Next, Fat Gum raised his hand, his expression thoughtful. "What's the reason behind putting me, All Might, and Mirko in the Assault Team, Mokami?"

"Your Quirk, Fat Absorption, allows you to take a lot of punishment and dish it back, making you an excellent frontliner," Mokami explained, meeting Fat Gum's eyes. "All Might's strength is unparalleled, and his experience with the Nomus will be vital. As for Mirko, her Rabbit Quirk grants her exceptional speed and strength, allowing her to engage and disengage quickly. The three of you together would form an incredibly strong and versatile assault force."

"Alright, I understand," Fat Gum responded, looking satisfied.

Mokami took a deep breath and began to repeat the team assignments. "Infiltration Team: Mokami, Momo, Edgeshot. Our job will be to infiltrate the headquarters and neutralize any immediate threats."

"Reconnaissance Team: Sahar, Sir Nighteye, Jiro," he continued, glancing towards Sahar. She nodded in acknowledgment, her quirk, Heat Sense, perfectly suited for the task.

"Perimeter Security Team: Ryukyu, Itsuka, Best Jeanist." As he said this, Itsuka gave a firm nod, her previous doubt seemingly washed away. Best Jeanist merely inclined his head in understanding, his eyes sharp and focused.

"Intelligence Team: Midoriya, Mirio, Asui," he called out, his gaze meeting each of theirs in turn. Asui blinked her big eyes, acknowledging her role with a nod.

"Assault Team: All Might, Mirko, Fat Gum," Mokami announced.

"Support Team: Nejire, Kirishima, Tamaki, Mina." As he listed the names, each team member acknowledged their role, their expressions resolute and determined. Nejire gave a small smile of approval, clearly trusting Mokami's judgment.

"Remember," Mokami addressed the room, his voice clear and authoritative. "Many of us here are students. Our main role is to support the pro heroes. Stay behind them. Assist, but do not overstep."

A ripple of agreement spread through the room. The students, while capable and talented, understood their positions. They were there to learn, to assist, and most importantly, to stay safe.

"Keep your eyes open for any drugs that could neutralize quirks. They're small and hard to detect, so remain vigilant," Momo added, her eyes scanning the room, making sure her words sink in.

"And... and always stay vigilant!" Mokami exclaimed, his voice suddenly hitching in a dramatic fashion. A small chuckle escaped his lips, as he brought a touch of humor to the tense atmosphere, lightening the mood for a moment.

Midoriya's pencil danced across his notebook, jotting down the information while Momo turned to the display, pulling up a few images of the quirk-neutralizing drug. "This is what it looks like. Make sure to destroy any you come across, and be careful not to inhale any powder."

"Alright, it's time to train," Mokami declared, once the briefing was over. "We need to familiarize ourselves with our teams, get comfortable with each other's quirks and styles."

"I agree," said All Might, rising from his seat. "The more we understand each other's abilities, the better we can work together in the field."

There was a general hum of agreement and the heroes began to gather into their respective teams.

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