Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch225- The Raid Starts

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A week after the meeting at the Creation Pantheon Hero Agency, the gathered heroes sat in an inconspicuous van parked discreetly near the headquarters of the Shie Hassaikai. The operation was finally about to begin.

"Last check, everyone," Mokami said, his voice breaking the tense silence in the van. "Weapons, communication devices, body armors - check everything."

Even though he was a man of few words, his succinct command urged everyone into action. Heroes began to pat themselves down, ensuring they had everything they needed.

Momo and Mokami, both blessed with the same Creation Quirk, busied themselves creating the required tools. The van was filled with the soft hum of their quirks at work, as items began to materialize out of thin air. In a matter of minutes, a myriad of useful tools lay before them: handheld communicators, lightweight body armors, smoke pellets, and compact first aid kits.

"All good on my end," Momo confirmed, her hands finally stilling as she finished her last piece of creation. Her eyes, sharp and determined, darted towards Mokami, silently asking for his confirmation.

Mokami nodded. His gaze was calm but held a sharpness that matched the grave situation. "I'm done as well."

Moments later, a small screen in the van flickered to life, displaying a live feed from the police who were part of the operation. The officers had efficiently evacuated the surrounding area, ensuring that no civilians would be caught in the crossfire.

"We've successfully cleared the area. Proceed as planned," a stern voice echoed from the speakers, the chief of police giving them the green light.

"Alright, everyone. It's time," Mokami announced, his voice ringing with finality. The atmosphere in the van shifted, the anticipation palpable. The heroes shared determined looks, bracing themselves for the operation ahead.

Mokami turned his attention to the communication device in his hand, connecting to the other teams. "Infiltration Team is moving out," he reported, a curt command following his words. "Execute your tasks."

The heroes of the Infiltration Team - Mokami, Momo, and Edgeshot - quietly slipped out of the van, merging with the shadows as they moved towards the Shie Hassaikai headquarters.

Back in the van, the screen split into multiple feeds, each showing a different team moving out. The Reconnaissance Team, composed of Sahar, Sir Nighteye, and Jiro, started scanning the surroundings, their focus razor-sharp.

Meanwhile, Itsuka and Ryukyu, part of the Perimeter Security Team along with Best Jeanist, had set up a secure border around the area, their eyes alert for any suspicious movements. They stood like vigilant sentinels, a formidable barrier against any escape attempts from the villains.

On another part of the screen, Midoriya, Mirio, and Asui from the Intelligence Team were seen back at the agency headquarters, hunched over multiple screens displaying real-time information from the field teams. They analyzed the data with furrowed brows, their minds working in overdrive.

From within the heart of the operation, in the dimly lit van, the heroes watched their companions move. A shared determination tethered them all, each one ready to give it their all for the success of the mission.

Back in the field, Mokami's eyes narrowed as he approached the Shie Hassaikai headquarters, Momo and Edgeshot flanking him. The looming building seemed to radiate an ominous aura, a silent testimony to the villains residing within.

The Reconnaissance Team was strategically positioned at various vantage points around the Shie Hassaikai headquarters. Their mission was clear - gather as much information about the enemy movements and lay the groundwork for the Infiltration Team.

Sahar, whose Quirk, "Heat Sense", allowed her to detect heat signatures, was positioned on a rooftop overlooking the entire area. She scanned her surroundings, her eyes narrowing as she focused her abilities. The faint hum of her Quirk vibrated through the air as she discerned multiple heat sources inside the building.

"Three... No, four heat sources on the ground floor, one on the first floor underground," Sahar reported into her communicator, her voice steady.

"Roger that, Sahar," Sir Nighteye's voice responded to her report, clear and concise over the communicator. Although his Quirk, "Foresight," was not useful in this situation due to its limitations, he was the perfect choice to coordinate the Reconnaissance Team given his tactical prowess and meticulous nature.

"On standby for further information," came the calm voice of Kyoka Jiro, her Quirk, "Earphone Jack," at the ready. With her ability to detect vibrations in the ground, she was a key player in sensing incoming enemy forces.

While the Infiltration Team was inching closer to the Shie Hassaikai headquarters, the Reconnaissance Team continued their covert surveillance from various vantage points. The information they gathered was vital to pave the way for the rest of the teams.

"Sir Nighteye," Sahar began, her eyes locked on the building, "the heat sources are static for now. Seems like they're unaware of our presence." Her tone was factual and professional, belying the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

"Good," Sir Nighteye acknowledged. His eyes were focused on a handheld device displaying a rough layout of the Shie Hassaikai headquarters. "Keep monitoring. Report any changes immediately."

"Understood," Sahar responded, her eyes never leaving her target.

On another rooftop, Jiro was crouched low, her Earphone Jack Quirk plugged into the ground. Her role was critical - any incoming reinforcements from the enemy side needed to be detected and reported as soon as possible. Her brows were furrowed in concentration, the slight wind tousling her hair.

"I'm picking up subtle vibrations," Jiro reported, her voice calm despite the intense focus. "I can't be sure, but it feels like... footsteps? About three, maybe four individuals, coming from the east side."

Sir Nighteye's voice echoed in her earpiece, "Stay alert, Jiro. Keep us posted on any changes."

"Will do, Sir," she responded, her gaze steeled on the approaching direction.

The underground layout of the Shie Hassaikai headquarters posed a unique challenge, but the heroes were not fazed. Sahar was attuned to any heat fluctuations, scanning each floor with her Heat Sense Quirk. The soft glow in her eyes pulsed with intensity as she mapped the locations of each individual.

"Nighteye," Sahar started, her voice strained with concentration, "I'm sensing another heat source... It's faint but definitely there. Two floors underground."

"Got it, Sahar. The Infiltration Team is informed," Sir Nighteye responded. His gaze flickered to the communication device, a small LED light blinking as the message was relayed.

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