Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch226- Plan Infiltration… Failed

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The Infiltration Team, meanwhile, was positioned at the outer perimeters of the Shie Hassaikai headquarters. Edgeshot, Momo, and Mokami were concealed in the shadows of a narrow alleyway adjacent to the target building. The soft hum of their communicators broke the silence.

"Infiltration Team, this is Recon. Multiple heat sources identified inside the building. One source located two floors underground. Approach with caution."

Edgeshot nodded at Momo and Mokami, his form already starting to thin. His Foldabody Quirk was in effect, his silhouette appearing as a thin line in the dim light of the alley.

Mokami gave a curt nod, his eyes never leaving the ominous headquarters. Without wasting another moment, he utilized his Creation Quirk and a small, handheld device materialized in his hand. It was a surveillance drone, sleek and silent, designed to scout the surroundings.

Momo, observing Mokami's creation, quickly followed suit. Her hand shimmered with the glow of her Creation Quirk, and an identical drone appeared in her hand. A silent agreement passed between the twins, their actions synchronized as they released the drones into the air.

The tiny machines, guided by their creators, slipped into the building through small vents, their camera eyes capturing every detail. Inside the van, the Intelligence Team watched the live feed closely, each member focused on the information the drones relayed.

As the drones slipped inside the Shie Hassaikai headquarters, they transmitted live feeds back to their creators and the Intelligence Team in the van. Mokami and Momo, thanks to the AI chips implanted in their brains, had direct access to the visual and auditory data the drones were collecting.

"Sir, I'm picking up signals from three sources," Nigel, the AI in Mokami's brain, reported.

"I see them too, Nigel. Let's keep going deeper," Mokami responded, his voice barely a whisper as he maneuvered his drone further into the compound.

Back in the van, Midoriya, Mirio, and Asui, were intensely focused on the drone feeds on their screens. They could see and hear everything that Mokami and Momo were experiencing thanks to the AIs, and it was their job to analyze and interpret that data to guide the Infiltration Team.

The Intelligence Team had direct lines of communication with Momo and Mokami. Asui was in contact with Momo, while Mirio was communicating with Mokami.

Midoriya, sitting amongst the Intelligence Team, felt the soft murmur of voices through his earpiece. Though he was not given a microphone, given his tendencies to mumble and stutter under pressure, he was still very much a part of the operation, keenly observing every visual and auditory feed being transmitted from the drones.

Asui's calm voice cut through the silence, "Momo, you're nearing a turn. Looks like a hallway branching off to the left."

"Got it, Tsuyu," Momo replied. The drone's feed shifted as it rounded a corner, the dimly lit hallway unveiling itself.

Mirio leaned closer to his screen, his gaze sharp. "Mokami, watch your right. I see movement."

Silence fell, only to be broken by the cool voice of Nigel, Mokami's AI. "Sir, the right side is clear."

"Thanks, Nigel," Mokami replied, his drone whirring softly as it advanced.

The air in the van was thick with tension as every minute detail was being scrutinized and analyzed. Every little sound, every slight movement, mattered. Any miscalculation, any overlooked detail, could spell disaster for the operation.

Asui was quick with her reports, her voice steady and precise. "Momo, I see another heat signature coming from the east hallway."

"I see it too, Tsuyu," Momo replied, her eyes focused on the feed from her drone. Her fingers worked rapidly, deftly maneuvering the drone to avoid the incoming heat signature.

"Approaching a guarded room on the right," Nigel informed Mokami. Mokami's eyes shifted, his vision overlay shifting to infrared as he scoped the heat signatures of the guards through the wall.

"Two of them, standing near the entrance," Mokami confirmed, his hand moving swiftly. Within seconds, two tranquilizer darts appeared, a by-product of his Creation Quirk.

A similar scene was playing out with Momo. "Momo, there's a group of guards coming up," Asui's voice echoed in her ear, her calm demeanor steady amidst the high-stakes operation.

"Got it, Tsuyu," Momo replied, her eyes hardened as she surveyed the guards with her infrared vision. Like Mokami, she swiftly created tranquilizer darts.

"Commence neutralization in 3... 2... 1..." Sir Nighteye commanded through the communicator. And with swift precision, Momo and Mokami launched their darts at the guards. One by one, the enemy operatives dropped, their bodies slumping as the tranquilizer took effect.

Edgeshot, who was in close proximity to the pair, was astounded by their impeccable teamwork. "Impressive," he muttered under his breath, his own form skimming through the narrow crevices of the building, unseen by the enemy.

"Targets neutralized," Momo reported, her voice steady as she and Mokami continued to advance, their drones scouting ahead.

Mirio, watching the unfolding events on the screen, grumbled, "The AIs are doing most of the work. We are just sitting ducks here."

Deku turned to Mirio, flashing him a brief smile. "We're supporting them, Mirio. Every bit of help matters."

"Warning! Multiple signals approaching rapidly!" Bianca's crisp voice rang out in Momo's ear.

At the same time, Nigel's cool tone echoed in Mokami's mind, "Sir, incoming threats at high speed."

Simultaneously, the Reconnaissance Team picked up the sudden spike in movement, their communicators buzzing with urgent updates.

Jiro's voice was swift and concerned over the comm, "Sir Nighteye, there's a sudden flurry of movements coming from the east side. They're approaching fast."

Sahar's alarmed report echoed in unison, "Heat signatures on the move, lots of them, heading towards our teams."

Back in the Intelligence Team van, Midoriya's eyes widened in alarm at the sudden wave of red alerts that flashed on the screen. "Mirio, Asui... you're seeing this, right?" His voice shook slightly as he turned to look at his comrades.

"I see it, Deku," Mirio confirmed, his eyes trained on the screen, the worry in his voice mirroring the tension in the van.

Asui's gaze was steady as she focused on the screen, her voice echoing Mirio's concern, "Same here, they're heading right towards Momo and Mokami."

With a thunderous blast, the building's front entrance was blown apart. Concrete debris and dust filled the air, momentarily obscuring the scene from view. However, when the dust settled, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

There, in the midst of the rubble, stood a giant of a man - Rikiya Katsukame. His massive frame dwarfed everything else around him. But what caught everyone's attention was the figure he was dragging along with him – Mokami.

Mokami, who seconds ago was nowhere near Momo, now held her in a protective grasp around her waist. With his other hand, he had locked onto Rikiya's incoming punch, his stoic expression unchanging despite the dangerous predicament.

"Mokami!" Momo's voice cut through the stunned silence, her eyes wide with surprise. She tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he held on tight.

"Stay still," Mokami's voice rang out, steady as a rock amidst the chaos. His eyes never left Rikiya, even as the behemoth strained against his hold.

"What the... How did he..." Sir Nighteye's voice trailed off in his earpiece. Even he seemed to be taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

Jiro's earphone jacks whipped out, capturing every vibration around them. "Sir Nighteye," she exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief, "Mokami is holding back Rikiya's attack!"

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