Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch227- Overhaul

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In the heart of the chaos, Mokami, clutching Momo, landed steadily on the ground. His simple outfit, a harem pant and a plain linen shirt, shimmered for a moment before it transformed entirely. It was no magic but pure science – nanobots embedded in his clothing that shifted and moved at his command. The nanobots swiftly restructured themselves into a sleek, futuristic armor that shrouded Mokami's body. It was streamlined and form-fitting, capturing the understated strength of its wearer. The primary color of the suit was matte black with highlights of metallic silver, the color palette signifying both elegance and authority.

Mokami's gaze was locked onto the massive figure of Rikiya Katsukame. The dangerous glint in his eyes was amplified by the reflective visor of his helmet. He had anticipated this opponent but had been a split-second late in detecting his movements. The consequence of that delay had almost cost Momo her safety. The thought stirred an anger in him he rarely let surface.

Just then, the Assault Team arrived. As All Might, Mirko, and Fat Gum locked eyes with Rikiya and the four Nomus who had emerged from the hole, the air around them seemed to buzz with the potential for explosive violence.

All Might was a force of nature even without his former Quirk, "One For All". His towering presence, intimidating even the most hardened criminals. Today, he was there to lend his strength and invaluable experience to the team.

Mirko, the fierce Rabbit Hero, took a fighting stance. Her muscular legs, enhanced by her "Rabbit" Quirk, were coiled and ready to spring into action. Her eyes were fixed on the Nomus with an almost predatory anticipation.

Beside her, Fat Gum, the sturdy Shield Hero, readied himself for the impending clash. His body bulked up, the extra fat layer engorged by his Quirk, "Fat Absorption", preparing to absorb the onslaught of blows.

When the initial shock was absorbed, Mokami spoke up. His voice, filtered and amplified through his helmet, had an eerie resonance to it. "Stay alert," he warned. Gently, he unclasped his grip around Momo but kept her within arm's reach. His gaze never wavered from the imposing figure of their enemy.

"His power drains the life force from others. Inhales it, to fuel his strength and size." Mokami continued, his tone carrying a note of urgency. "He normally needs contact for it, but I've seen him act otherwise. A possible Quirk-enhancing drug could be in play."

All Might, his features hardened with determination, raised a clenched fist. "We've got each other's backs, remember?"

Mirko shot him a grin, her muscles rippling under the sleek sheen of her suit. "Just don't slow me down," she retorted, her voice buzzing with adrenaline.

"Support, with me," Mokami ordered, glancing back at his team. "Infiltration's off the table. Sahar, Jiro, join our flank. All Might, the frontline is yours."

With his commands acknowledged by a chorus of assenting voices, the battlefield shifted into a new configuration. Mokami's team, now bolstered by Sahar and Jiro and Support Team behind them, formed a tight circle around Momo. Meanwhile, All Might, flanked by Mirko and Fat Gum, took the charge against the impending threat.

Nejire's eyes glowed with an ethereal blue light as she activated her Quirk. Waves of pure energy rippled around her, ready to be shaped into potent attacks or barriers as needed. Eijiro, his skin hardened into a rock-like surface, took up a defensive stance. His determined gaze never left the towering form of Rikiya. Tamaki, somewhat hesitantly, stretched his hand forward, a faint shimmering hinting at the power of his Manifest Quirk. Mina, a thin sheen of acid coating her palms, nodded in agreement, her eyes focused and ready for anything.


As the team prepared to advance into the building, the air seemed to vibrate with tension. All eyes were locked onto the structure before them, a towering monument of potential disaster.

"The floor's shifting," Jiro's earphone jacks whipped around as she announced her observation. Mokami, standing at the front, made no move to counter the building's sudden activity.

Before anyone could react, the ground beneath them lurched. One moment they were standing together, and the next, the world was spinning as walls and floors erupted from the ground, separating them from each other.

As the dust and debris cleared from the sudden shift, Momo found herself locked in a room with Chronostasis. He was dressed in the usual attire, a dark cloak and a plague doctor mask that obscured his face. The elongated hands of the mask's clock were ticking ominously.

"You think you can take me down?" Chronostasis challenged, his voice echoing within the chamber.

Momo's lips curled up into a confident smirk, her hand already reaching to her bare skin. "I don't think so. I know so."

With a mere thought, a katana materialized in her grip. She charged at Chronostasis, her movements swift and precise. The echo of clashing metal rang through the chamber as she blocked his attempts to slow her down with his Quirk.

Meanwhile, the ground beneath Kirishima turned volatile as Daichi manipulated the earth. Massive chunks of concrete rose around him, threatening to cage him in. But the redhead was not one to back down. His skin hardened, adopting an impenetrable quality as he plowed through the incoming attacks. "You'll have to do better than that!" he shouted, his voice full of determination.

The narrow hall Sahar found herself in was shrouded in darkness. The Egyptian hero didn't falter, her Heatsense Quirk coming into play. She could see the warmth emanating from Shin Nemoto's body, a vivid signature against the cold backdrop. "You can't hide, Shin," she said in a hushed tone, her voice echoing in the stillness.

In a distant part of the building, Jiro found herself facing Mimic. His powers had warped the very architecture of the building, making the floor and walls come alive. She had her earphone jacks plugged into the wall, feeling out the minute vibrations. "You may control the room," she declared, her voice carrying a defiant edge, "But sound is my domain."

Blue energy swirled around Nejire as she levitated, her Quirk propelling her above the ground. Opposite her, Deidoro swayed, his Sloshed Quirk manipulating the gravity around her. "You're making me dizzy," she called out, her tone light despite the grim situation. Then, channeling her Quirk into a focused blast, she retaliated, "But I won't let you get to me!"

In a completely different room, Tamaki's skin started to shimmer, reflecting the properties of the food he'd consumed before the mission. He was up against Hekiji Tengai, his Barrier Quirk allowing him to craft shields out of thin air. "You'll need more than barriers to stop me," Tamaki warned, an unusual confidence in his tone as he pushed his Quirk to new heights.

Mina found herself pitted against Kendo Rappa, his arms moving in a blur. She grimaced, preparing herself for the imminent onslaught. Her body started producing extra acid, ready to be used offensively or defensively as needed. "You won't touch me," she stated, her voice steady, despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Mokami landed in a spacious room, his gaze locking onto a single figure standing at the far end. Overhaul. He allowed a moment of silence to linger before he spoke, his tone devoid of any unnecessary emotion.

"You're after me," he stated.

Across the room, Overhaul's gloved hands twitched. His unsettling eyes never wavered from Mokami's figure. "Correct," he responded, his voice chilly.

Mokami and Overhaul faced each other. The silence was deafening, both waiting for the other to make the first move. Mokami's attire shifted again, his nanobots creating a sleek sword in his hand. Overhaul sneered, "You think that toy will help you?"

Mokami's gaze was unflinching. Without a word, he charged forward.

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