Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch228- Nomu vs Mirko

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As the first wave of debris settled, Fat Gum, the Shield Hero, squared off against Rikiya. His sizable body rippled and bulged, ready to take on any incoming attack. Across the destroyed entrance, All Might and Mirko faced the ominous figures of the Nomus.

"Remember, All Might," Mirko began, her voice a gritty whisper, her legs coiled and ready to spring. "You may have only remnants of One For All left, but they're still a force to be reckoned with."

All Might responded with a nod, his gaze focused intently on the four monstrous Nomus. His broad chest expanded as he took a deep breath, psyching himself for the impending battle.

"Right, Rabbit," he replied, his voice laced with determination. "Just be ready to follow my lead."

Fat Gum's round face broke into a grin, his eyes gleaming with resolve. "Let's show 'em what we're made of," he declared, slamming his enlarged fists together. Rikiya, standing at an imposing height, watched on silently, a cruel smirk gracing his features.

The fight broke out with an explosive burst of energy. Fat Gum charged towards Rikiya, his enormous body moving with surprising speed. With a resounding clash, their fists met, creating a shockwave that sent dust and debris swirling around them.

Simultaneously, All Might and Mirko lunged at the Nomus. All Might moved with a speed that belied his bulk, remnants of his Quirk enhancing his strength. His fists collided with the first Nomu, the impact sending it skidding backwards.

Mirko, meanwhile, had her eyes on the remaining two. One Nomu vibrated subtly, its skin fracturing and healing in a continuous cycle, while the other had a strange, oscillating aura about it. She named them Shatter Nomu and Echo Nomu.

"Looks like we each have our dance partners," All Might said, taking a deep breath, the remnants of One For All pulsing within him. Despite losing most of its power, it remained a force to be reckoned with.

"On it," Mirko responded, her eyes narrowing in anticipation. She flexed her legs, her Rabbit quirk heightening her senses, ready for the onslaught.

All Might faced the Titan Nomu first, the beastly figure swelling in size as if responding to his approach. The other, Glue Nomu, oozed a sticky substance, stretching and twisting in impossible ways. He clenched his fists, feeling the remnants of One For All hum in his veins.

"Let's see what you've got," he roared, rushing the Titan Nomu. Its monstrous hand came crashing down, but All Might dodged, landing a powerful punch to its abdomen. The Nomu reeled back, its size diminishing as if to nurse its wound.

Glue Nomu lunged at All Might, aiming to bind him with its sticky secretion. He sidestepped and delivered a punch. His fist sunk into the Nomu's gooey body but didn't seem to cause much damage. His brow furrowed. These were no ordinary Nomus.

Across the field, Mirko confronted her foes. Shatter Nomu vibrated intensely, its entire body emanating an unsettling energy. She darted forward, her kick connecting with Shatter Nomu. It released a shockwave that threw her back. With a grunt, she quickly recovered, analyzing the situation.

"Shockwaves, huh?" She murmured, preparing for another strike. Echo Nomu approached, emitting a high-frequency sound wave. She winced, momentarily disoriented, then roared in defiance. "Not today!"

Mirko, her body honed and her mind sharp, braced herself against Shatter and Echo Nomus. Her Rabbit quirk provided her with a powerful physique, but it was the AI chip in her brain that offered her the advantage she needed in this fight.

With a mere thought, she commanded the chip to adapt her body to the Nomus' quirks. Her ears turned off momentarily, nullifying the disorienting sound waves from Echo Nomu. She sprang into action, her agile body somersaulting to dodge the shockwaves from Shatter Nomu.

"You're loud and you're breaking my concentration," she called out, charging toward Echo Nomu. "Let's quiet you down!"

With a swift leap, she aimed a powerful kick at Echo Nomu's head. The Nomu, stunned, staggered back. She didn't let up, following her initial attack with a flurry of rapid-fire kicks.

Simultaneously, she had to remain aware of Shatter Nomu's shockwave attacks. Dodging became a rhythmic dance, a testament to her skill and agility. A surge of adrenaline ran through her as she darted, dodged, and attacked, all the while adapting to the unique challenges the Nomus presented.

The Shatter Nomu, recovering from her initial assault, began to vibrate again. Recognizing the imminent shockwave, Mirko launched herself into the air, avoiding the destructive pulse that shattered the ground where she had been moments before.

Mirko’s Rabbit Quirk proved its worth as she nimbly avoided another shockwave from Shatter Nomu. With a deep breath, she took stock of her situation.

"Got to keep moving," she muttered, glancing at the monstrous figure looming before her.

She kept her eyes on Shatter Nomu, anticipating its next shockwave. Her instincts were sharp, and with the assistance of the AI chip, she could adjust her body’s responses to the situation almost instantaneously.

“Shatter, huh?” she murmured under her breath, noting the effect of the Nomu’s attack on the environment around her. With a well-timed command to her AI chip, her body tensed, preparing for another dodge.

In a swift movement, she launched herself towards the vibrating Nomu. The ground beneath her splintered as she narrowly avoided another shockwave. Her legs pushed off the solid pieces of debris, propelling her closer to her target.

She had barely landed when she felt the familiar pulse of sound waves from Echo Nomu. With a swift mental command, her AI chip disabled her hearing momentarily, shielding her from the intense disorientation.

“Echo, is it? Let’s see how you handle this!” she taunted, using the disorientation of her enemies as a window of opportunity.

A swift leap got her within striking distance of Echo Nomu. She let out a war cry, her leg coming up in a powerful arc to meet the head of her adversary. The hit connected and Echo Nomu stumbled back, dazed.

Without wasting a moment, she spun on her heel, sending a rapid succession of kicks into the creature. She was relentless, her body a whirlwind of movement. Her hits landed solidly, sending Echo Nomu reeling.

Behind her, Shatter Nomu had recovered and was readying another attack. She could sense the vibration in the air, the subtle hum that signaled an incoming shockwave. With a quick twist, she was off the ground, leaping high into the air as the shockwave tore through the space where she had been just moments ago.

Hovering in mid-air for a split second, she got a clear look at the battlefield. All Might, engaged with the Titan and Glue Nomus, was a blur of power and movement. She had no doubt he could handle his opponents.

With a grin, she descended, landing deftly behind the recovering Echo Nomu. She barely had time to regain her footing before Shatter Nomu attacked again, the ground beneath her erupting in a cascade of fragments.

Mirko's mind raced as she dodged another shockwave from Shatter Nomu. Each near miss, each close call, she cataloged and analyzed. An idea began to form, one that could potentially give them an advantage.

"Come on, big guy," she taunted Shatter Nomu, moving purposefully to reposition herself.

Every step was calculated. She used her superior agility and speed to dart around the Nomus, leading them towards where All Might was engaged with his opponents.

Echo Nomu, undeterred by her evasion, sent out another wave of high-frequency sound. With a mental command, Mirko shut off her hearing momentarily, effectively nullifying the disorientation. But it was Shatter Nomu's attack she was anticipating.

As she neared All Might's location, she glanced back, catching Shatter Nomu's eye. A grin spread across her face. She was exactly where she needed to be. With a taunting wave, she called out. "Over here, Shockwave!"

Just as she anticipated, Shatter Nomu directed its next shockwave at her. But she was already in motion, her strong legs launching her high into the air. The shockwave missed her by mere inches, continuing unabated towards All Might and the Nomus he was fighting.

"All Might, heads up!" she yelled, hoping her voice would carry over the tumult.

Caught in the middle of an exchange with the Glue Nomu, All Might's head snapped up at her warning. Recognizing the incoming threat, he braced himself, his seasoned instincts and quick reflexes allowing him to maneuver Titan Nomu and Glue Nomu into the path of the shockwave.

The shockwave hit, the ground rippled and debris flew, catching Titan and Glue Nomus off balance. They stumbled, the unexpected attack disrupting their offensive.

Landing gracefully back on the ground, Mirko wasted no time. She spun, a high kick connecting with Echo Nomu, sending it skidding away from her. Without pausing, she bounded towards Shatter Nomu.

"Didn't like that, did ya?" she challenged, launching a barrage of punches and kicks at the reeling Nomu.

As she fought, she cast a quick glance over her shoulder, seeing All Might press his advantage against the momentarily stunned Nomus. A wave of satisfaction washed over her. Her plan had worked. But there was no time to celebrate.

"Alright, enough playing around," Mirko declared, her eyes set on Shatter Nomu. The monster vibrated in response, its pulsating energy threatening another shockwave. But she was prepared. With a thought, she activated her AI chip and braced herself for the incoming blast.

The shockwave came, tearing through the air towards her. But this time, she didn't dodge. Instead, she surged forward, running straight towards the rippling energy. The blast hit her full force, but she remained unflinching, her powerful Rabbit Quirk and the AI chip’s advanced damage mitigation measures absorbing the impact.

"You're mine!" she roared, her body blurring as she charged at Shatter Nomu. Before it could launch another attack, she threw a gravity-bound bracelet at its wrist. With a quick command to the AI chip, the bracelet activated, increasing the Nomu's gravitational pull and slamming it into the ground. It tried to resist, but the gravity was too overwhelming, its body sinking into the crater it had created with its previous attacks.

With Shatter Nomu neutralized, she turned her attention to Echo Nomu. The sound wave-producing beast released another high-frequency shriek, but she was ready. With another command to the AI chip, her hearing was temporarily disabled, and she dashed forward.

Using her impressive speed and strength, she launched herself into a high, swift kick aimed at Echo Nomu. The creature, caught off guard, was sent sprawling backward. She quickly followed up with a second gravity-bound bracelet, throwing it toward the Nomu as it tried to recover.

The bracelet activated with a sharp click, encasing Echo Nomu in a high-intensity gravity field. It was forced to the ground, its high-intensity sound waves growing fainter as it struggled against the increased gravity.

Mirko stood tall, her chest heaving from the effort. She took a moment to admire her handiwork, her eyes scanning the two incapacitated Nomus.

"Who's next?" she taunted, her confident grin never faltering as she looked across the battlefield, ready to lend her assistance to All Might.

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