Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch231- Jiro & Mina

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In a distant part of the building, Jiro found herself facing Mimic. His powers had warped the very architecture of the building, making the floor and walls come alive. She had her earphone jacks plugged into the wall, feeling out the minute vibrations. "You may control the room," she declared, her voice carrying a defiant edge, "But sound is my domain."

The labyrinthine room pulsated with an eerie life as Mimic's Quirk animated the very architecture around them. His consciousness roamed within the walls, making them shift and contort to his will. The once static concrete was now his weapon, his shield, and his playing field. Jiro was the intruder here, the hero in the villain's lair.

However, she was far from helpless. Her earphone jacks plugged into the wall, she turned her focus inwards, straining to catch the subtle shifts in vibrations that would betray Mimic's position. Her heart pounded in rhythm with the pulse of the walls, an alien, discordant symphony that only she could hear. Every new note, every off-beat drum, revealed more of Mimic's strategy, unraveling the secret symphony of his Quirk.

A sudden drop in pitch signaled an incoming attack. A wall stretched towards her, the concrete morphing into a menacing appendage. With a swift step, she dodged the makeshift arm, the tips of her jacks barely skimming the surface.

With her heartbeat thundering in her ears, Jiro had no room for fear. Her Quirk had evolved, giving her control over sound waves themselves. She was no longer just the listener, she was now the conductor. And it was time for her solo performance.

"Your stage is impressive, Villain," she called out, her voice resonating in the warped chamber, "but you seem to forget - I'm the musician here."

Without another word, she launched her counterattack. Amplifying the low hum in her mind, she let the rhythm guide her movements, channeling her Quirk through her jacks. She turned the melody in her mind into a physical force, a symphony of destruction.

The first sound wave hit the wall in front of her with a force that made the concrete tremble. The low thrumming in the walls faltered, the rhythm disrupted. But she didn't stop. Her sonic barrage continued, each blast precisely aimed at the locations she'd identified as Mimic's vantage points.

Her Sonic Symphony echoed through the room, the walls resonating with the power of her sound waves. She felt Mimic's hold on the architecture falter, the rhythm becoming erratic as he struggled to maintain control against her relentless assault.

And then she felt it, a powerful reverberation that stood out among the rest, like a gong being struck. Found you. With a powerful thrust, she directed a potent blast at the source of the disruption.

The resulting explosion sent a shockwave through the room, fragments of the concrete wall breaking off and scattering like shrapnel. The rhythm halted completely, leaving a ringing silence in its wake.

A figure tumbled out from the damaged wall, dust trailing behind him. Mimic was thrown out of his own domain, visibly shaken from the impact of Jiro's attack.

As the dust settled, Jiro was quick on her feet. Mimic may have been disoriented but she knew better than to underestimate her opponent. Her hand reached into her utility belt, retrieving a pair of gravity bracelets, gleaming silver under the faint light. She moved swiftly, darting through the debris towards the fallen Villain.

She felt the vibrations in the air shift, the remnant echoes of Mimic’s control over the room. But her ears were trained to pick up even the slightest noise, and the silence that followed the echoes did not escape her notice. Her instincts kicked in, pushing her to leap sideways as a piece of rubble shot out from the ground where she'd just been.

Mimic was not as out of commission as he seemed. His form flickered in and out of the concrete, still partially merged with the room. Yet, his control over the architecture was disrupted, sporadic, and unstable, thanks to the resonating force of Jiro's Sonic Symphony.

The Hero didn’t let that slow her down. Adapting quickly to the unpredictability, she twisted and turned, using her sound waves as both her eyes and her shield. She dodged incoming attacks, skilfully maneuvering through the debris that Mimic sent her way, while her sonic barriers repelled the rest. She needed to locate Mimic's core consciousness, the nucleus of his power, and blast it once again.

Drawing her earphone jacks, she plugged them back into the room, the strands vibrating with energy as she summoned another Sonic Symphony. This time, it was different, quieter, meant for her ears alone. It was a symphony of search and locate, the rhythm pulsing through the walls in search of her adversary.

With a swift motion, she plunged her jacks into the wall, the sound wave she unleashed resonating with Mimic's rhythm. A second blast, more potent than the first, surged through the room. It was a symphony of destruction, the vibrations overwhelming Mimic’s control on the concrete. The walls trembled, the sound waves tearing through them, seeking out the Villain hiding within.

A muffled cry echoed through the room, followed by a powerful shockwave. The room shuddered, fragments of concrete scattering like pebbles in a storm. The rhythm fell silent, disrupted completely. The echoing silence that followed was a testament to the efficacy of her attack.

From the heart of the destruction, a figure was flung out. He crashed against the concrete, a distinct groan escaping him. Mimic had been thrown out of his domain, his hold over the architecture broken.

Jiro seized her opportunity, moving quickly towards the Villain. With one swift motion, she snapped the gravity bracelets onto his wrists, his body immediately sagging under the increased weight.

"Game over, Villain," she said, her voice reverberating through the silent room. She reached for her comms, ready to report her victory. This battle was done, but the war was far from over.

Mina found herself pitted against Kendo Rappa, his arms moving in a blur. She grimaced, preparing herself for the imminent onslaught. Her body started producing extra acid, ready to be used offensively or defensively as needed. "You won't touch me," she stated, her voice steady, despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

The air was heavy with the ominous hum of incoming danger. The Villain before Mina was nothing less than a human blur, arms whirling as though revving up for a devastating attack. A punch from him could be lethal, especially with her being in his striking range. But fear was not an option. Mina's heart pounded in her chest, not in fear, but in anticipation. Her mind was clear, and her eyes focused. She was a Hero, and this was her moment.

"Ready to get beaten, Hero?" the Villain grumbled, his voice echoing throughout the room.

Mina didn't respond, her stance already shifting in anticipation of his attack. His fists were a blur as he launched towards her, but she was ready. Her body reacted, almost instinctively. Acid began to pool in her palms, her Quirk responding to her heightened adrenaline.

Mina knew her advantage lay in keeping the Villain at a distance. He had strength and speed, but she had range and adaptability. Her Kevlar skin and Carbon Fiber bones gave her the durability she needed, while her Enhanced Neural Connections and Improved Metabolism allowed her to react faster and last longer in the fight.

But time was of the essence.

As the Villain lunged forward, Mina initiated her offensive. She skid backwards, feet digging into the concrete floor as she released a concentrated stream of acid in his direction. It sizzled in the air, corrosive and dangerous. The Villain twisted to dodge, but the acid splashed against his rapidly moving arm. The acrid smell of burning fabric filled the air as his sleeve began to disintegrate, leaving a raw, red mark on his skin.

However, he barely flinched, his onslaught unrelenting.

"Is that all you got?" the Villain jeered, a menacing grin spread across his face.

Mina didn't rise to the bait. Instead, she altered the properties of her acid. It was no longer just corrosive; it was adhesive now. Using her Advanced Camouflage, she blended with the surrounding, leaving the Villain confused. Then, she launched an Acid Nebula, a massive cloud of adhesive acid. It engulfed the Villain, sticking to him, hindering his movements.

"You'll regret that," the Villain hissed, struggling against the adhesive properties of the acid.

Mina seized the opportunity, rushing towards him. Her Elastomer Muscle Fibers made her agile, her movements fluid. She struck him hard, her fist crashing against his sternum. The blow, enhanced by her inherent strength and the water she absorbed from the atmosphere, forced the Villain to stagger back, gasping for breath.

She could see the surprise in his eyes; he didn't expect her to take him head-on. But Mina was full of surprises. Drawing upon her Basic Regenerative Organs and Porous Lung Material, she prepared herself for the next round, her body healing and her breath steady.

The Villain lunged again, attempting to break through the sticky mess and reach her. But Mina was already on the move, launching another wave of corrosive acid. His punches came faster, but she danced around them, her movements fluid and calculated.

"You won't touch me," she said, her voice steady, her tone matter-of-fact.

The Villain roared in frustration, his arms flailing wildly in an attempt to swat her away. But Mina remained untouchable, her acid, her strength, her agility, and her intellect combining to form an impenetrable defense and a devastating offense.

She darted forward again, her fist connecting with his face this time, acid coating her knuckles. The Villain howled in pain, staggering back, blinded and disoriented. Mina didn't waste a second, delivering a swift kick to his knees, bringing him down.

The Villain, Kendo Rappa, was down on one knee, gasping for breath and wincing in pain. Mina stood at a distance, watching him warily. Her body, modified by Mokami's Quirk, had held up against Rappa's brute strength.

"Now!" Mina commanded, holding up her hand, she released a fresh wave of adhesive acid in Rappa's direction. The Villain, still reeling from Mina's onslaught, couldn't avoid it. The acid coated him, sticking to his skin, clothing, and even the floor around him, anchoring him to the spot. His movements became sluggish as he tried to break free, but the adhesive held strong.

"There's no use fighting it," Mina said, her voice hard as steel. She took a step closer, but remained out of his striking range.

"You think this will stop me?!" Rappa growled, straining against the adhesive bonds. His fists clenched, his muscles bulging with effort.

Mina remained unfazed. "It's not about stopping you," she retorted. "It's about slowing you down."

From her utility belt, Mina retrieved two objects. They glinted in the harsh light of the room, revealing themselves to be Gravity Bracelets. She tossed them towards Rappa, manipulating the acidity of the floor beneath them to slide the bracelets straight onto his wrists. As soon as they were in place, the bracelets activated, increasing the gravitational pull on Rappa.

With a surprised grunt, Rappa was pulled down, unable to resist the combined force of the adhesive acid and the amplified gravity. He hit the ground hard, his movements more restricted than ever.

"Game over," Mina said, looking down at the Villain sprawled on the floor.

Rappa grunted, trying to rise, but the extra gravity was too much. He was immobilized, defeated.

"You... you little..." Rappa grumbled, but his voice was fading. He was exhausted and defeated.

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