Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch232- Nejire & Sahar & Momo

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Blue energy swirled around Nejire as she levitated, her Quirk propelling her above the ground. Opposite her, Deidoro swayed, his Sloshed Quirk manipulating the senses around her. "You're making me dizzy," she called out, her tone light despite the grim situation. Then, channeling her Quirk into a focused blast, she retaliated, "But I won't let you get to me!"

The battlefield was an impromptu arena of gravity distortions and radiant waves. Nejire levitated high above, her Quirk swirling in a blue haze around her. Opposite her, Deidoro, the villain, swayed, manipulating the very forces of nature. His Sloshed Quirk, however, was ineffective; Nejire was a step ahead.

"Shiro-chan, disable the balance system," she commanded, her voice a whisper in the chaos. Her in-built AI chip complied immediately. Nejire felt the sudden vertigo vanish as her biological systems overrode the external influence.

Still in the air, Nejire could feel the villain's disbelief ripple through the distorted space. "How are you...?" he growled, focusing his Quirk even more intensively on her.

"It's not that easy, Villain!" Nejire replied, a confident smirk on her face.

Nejire focused on the villain below her. With a thought, she pulled at the energy around her, her Wave Manipulation Quirk drawing in every iota of surrounding vibrations. She formed it into a shield, the translucent barrier shimmering in front of her.

Deidoro, unimpressed, hurled himself at her, riding a wave of skewed gravity. He crashed into her shield, the force of the impact shaking the air. Yet the shield held, absorbing the kinetic energy and glowing brighter.

"Nice try, Villain," Nejire taunted, her voice crisp. As she spoke, she converted the absorbed energy into a whip-like construct, lashing it towards Deidoro with a swift, calculated movement.

Caught off guard, Deidoro was thrown back, landing hard on the ground. He grunted in pain, struggling to get back up. Nejire watched him from above, a surge of adrenaline running through her. This was what she lived for - the thrill of a real challenge.

With the villain still disoriented, Nejire went on the offensive, her Quirk buzzing with anticipation. She focused, the air around her warping as she pushed her energy into high-frequency waves. They spread from her like an invisible tsunami, vibrating through the structure of the building, disrupting the electronic systems.

Deidoro's control over the gravity faltered momentarily as the building shook beneath his feet. Taking advantage of his distraction, Nejire manipulated the amplitude of her wave energy and sent a devastating attack directly towards him.

Deidoro was flung across the room, the sheer power of the wave striking him full force. He groaned, his Quirk flickering as he fought to maintain his balance.

With Deidoro down and dazed, Nejire capitalized on her advantage. She floated toward him, her Quirk-powered levitation making her movements graceful and unhindered. Her fingers brushed against a pair of slim bracelets on her belt. The Villain began to stir on the ground, but she paid it no mind. The real battle was over; this was simply tying up loose ends.

"Shiro-chan, activate the Gravity Lock," she commanded, her voice firm.

"Understood, Nejire-chan," replied Shiro. There was a slight whirring noise as the gravity bracelets on her belt came to life. They could make the mightiest opponents powerless, turning their own weight against them.

Deidoro tried to scramble to his feet, sensing the Hero's approach. His Quirk flickered, trying to distort the gravity around him in a desperate attempt at escape. But the effects of Nejire's high-frequency waves hadn't faded. The room still shook slightly, a soft hum in the air that wreaked havoc on his own powers.

Without a word, Nejire dropped toward the Villain. She was a blur of motion, using her mastery over her Quirk to manipulate her descent speed. Deidoro barely had time to look up before the Hero was upon him.

With swift precision, she locked one bracelet onto his right wrist and the other onto his left. The moment the second one clicked into place, Deidoro groaned as the gravity around him amplified, forcing him back to the ground. It wasn't pain, per se - more like the sudden, overwhelming sensation of carrying a mountain on one's shoulders.

"Shiro-chan, max gravity," Nejire instructed. There was no room for mercy here. Not with villains like these.

"Max gravity activated, Nejire-chan," Shiro-chan confirmed. Deidoro grunted again, now rendered completely immobile. His Quirk was useless, his strength negligible. He was trapped and at her mercy.

The narrow hall Sahar found herself in was shrouded in darkness. The Egyptian hero didn't falter, her Heatsense Quirk coming into play. She could see the warmth emanating from Shin Nemoto's body, a vivid signature against the cold backdrop. "You can't hide, villain," she said in a hushed tone, her voice echoing in the stillness.

In the pitch black corridor, a dance of light and shadow commenced. The villain, shrouded in darkness, attempted to use it as his weapon, his presence a mere whisper in the void. A cold draft seeped into the crevices, an icy caress that attempted to crawl beneath the skin.

"Is this all you got?" Sahar's voice was confident, almost mocking. Her senses, fueled by her Heatsense Quirk, pierced through the all-consuming darkness like a warm beam of sunlight. It was the ability that had made her the top hero in Egypt before she relocated to Japan.

The villain, despite being unseen, was far from undetected. To Sahar, he was a blazing flame of life in the icy black void. No spoken words, no sight was necessary; she sensed him with an acute understanding that transcended the limitations of normal perception.

There was a slight shift in the darkness, a sign of the villain's movement. Not wanting to underestimate him, she shifted on her feet, her body instinctively adapting to the changes in her environment. Her Heatsense Quirk gave her an uncanny understanding of the spatial dimensions around her, an almost omniscient awareness that served as her strongest shield and her most lethal weapon.

Suddenly, the villain spoke, a sudden interruption to the quiet tension. "What is your weakness?" he asked, his voice echoing in the hallway. A question – a part of his strategy. His quirk was meant to force her to answer truthfully. But Sahar had an advantage he didn't foresee.

She let the AI chip embedded in her mind take control of her vocal cords. The result was a voice that carried her tone, her inflections, but a lie that wasn't hers. "Fire," she responded. Her tone was steady, void of any hesitance.

With her reply, the darkness shifted. The villain must have smirked, thinking he had the upper hand. "Fire it is then," he said, his voice disappearing into a cold chuckle.

But Sahar wasn't one to be cornered. She felt the warmth of her power rise, surging through her veins like liquid sunlight. She embraced it, letting it expand and intensify. The darkness recoiled, a hiss escaping it as the radiant heat began to push back, casting a threatening glow on the enclosing walls.

"Let's see how well you handle this," she muttered, more to herself than her opponent. With a quick movement of her arm, she guided the heat towards the villain, the searing power homing onto the heat signature she sensed from him.

The villain's exclamation of surprise was quickly drowned by the sound of heat striking against his defense. He attempted to parry, to escape, but her heat followed him relentlessly, undeterred by his evasion. It was a game of cat and mouse; a chase that pushed him further back until he was cornered.

"I thought you liked the heat," she taunted, her tone laced with amusement. "Was I wrong?"

His response was a growl, anger palpable in his voice. "You'll pay for this, Hero."

With the silent agreement of her AI, Sahar pushed her Quirk even further, her heat intensifying until it was an inescapable inferno. The villain’s threats and snarls faded, the darkness receding as her light took dominance.

"Game over, Villain," she stated, her voice ringing with finality in the hallway. And with one last surge of heat, she extinguished the last remnants of darkness.

As the dust and debris cleared from the sudden shift, Momo found herself locked in a room with Chronostasis. He was dressed in the usual attire, a dark cloak and a plague doctor mask that obscured his face. The elongated hands of the mask's clock were ticking ominously.

"You think you can take me down?" Chronostasis challenged, his voice echoing within the chamber.

Momo's lips curled up into a confident smirk, her hand already reaching to her bare skin. "I don't think so. I know so."

With a mere thought, a katana materialized in her grip. She charged at Chronostasis, her movements swift and precise. The echo of clashing metal rang through the chamber as she blocked his attempts to slow her down with his Quirk.

Momo didn’t waste a moment. The katana she'd summoned gleamed under the harsh light, an embodiment of her refined skills and mastery over her Quirk. The room itself, a stark, circular arena, offered little to no cover, challenging them to a game of skill, wit, and raw power.

"You sure of that?" Chronostasis, Hari, retorted, extending his hair to the ticking rhythm of the clock hands on his mask.

Momo’s smirk only widened. "Very."

Their duel ignited with the scrape of metal against hair – Momo’s katana met Hari’s clock-like extensions, their unique battle symphony echoed through the room. Her eyes never left the eerie mask as she calculated her opponent's next move. The white glimmer of her katana clashed against Hari’s Quirk, but it was not slowing down, not in the way his Quirk promised.

"Does your confidence blind you, Yaoyorozu?" Hari taunted, the ticking of his mask growing louder. "My minute hand should have—"

A deep, vibrant chuckle interrupted him. Momo danced back, a safe distance from her opponent. "Your minute hand, yes," she replied, twirling her katana casually. "But who said this was just a katana?" With a smooth motion, she plunged the sword into the concrete floor.

Hari’s expression was invisible behind his mask, but Momo could feel the confusion that radiated from him. His hesitation was all she needed. The katana, once stuck in the floor, reshaped and stretched itself into a large circular shield that sprang up between her and Hari, blocking his further attacks.

"What are you—"

"Surprise," Momo chuckled from behind her shield, drawing on her Creation Quirk. In her hands materialized two guns of intricate design, unlike any conventional weaponry. One gleamed silver with pulsating blue energy, while the other was matte black, adorned with a cylinder filled with a green substance.

"What are those?" Hari demanded, his voice cold and sharp.

Momo’s smirk was wolfish. "Gifts."

She leaped over the shield, guns aimed directly at Chronostasis. The air split with the deafening sound of the energy gun discharging. Bright blue bolts of light sped towards Hari, who hastily tried to dodge. Yet, the blasts were too fast, too precise, and they hit his body. He groaned, stumbling as if the world around him was shifting, slowing.

"Feeling heavy?" Momo taunted, landing softly on the floor. She kept the energy gun trained on him, her finger steady on the trigger. "That's a special concoction. Slows your blood flow, causes temporary stillness."

Hari staggered, struggling against the weighted sensation dragging him down. He attempted to extend his clock-like hair towards Momo, but the slowed movements were starkly apparent.

Momo didn’t give him a moment to recover. Her second gun roared to life, sending a glowing green ball hurling towards her enemy. The sphere burst on impact, exploding into a cloud of viridescent mist.

Hari coughed violently, the mist filling his lungs. His body convulsed, knees buckling beneath him as he succumbed to the potent sleep-inducing substance Momo had created.

Momo holstered her guns, crossing the distance to the incapacitated Chronostasis. She glanced at the minute and hour hands on his mask, both eerily silent now. "Time's up, Hari," she declared, her voice echoing around the arena. Her Quirk shimmered to life again, the guns dissolving, reforming into a pair of handcuffs she secured around his wrists.

She stood back up, a triumphant smirk etched onto her face. Her command over her Quirk, her martial arts expertise, had all come together to outwit and outmaneuver Hari, demonstrating the sheer depth of her abilities.

"Time may slow," she mused aloud, looking down at the defeated villain, "but no one can stop the inevitable."

Her words were met with silence, save for the hushed ticking from Hari's mask. Satisfied, she turned her attention back to the task at hand, her mind already whirring with plans and possibilities, poised to face the next challenge.

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