Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch235- Doggy Mad

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The clash between Mokami and Overhaul was as explosive as it was brief. Overhaul lunged at Mokami, his hands outstretched and ready to use his deadly quirk. However, Mokami simply sidestepped, his movements fluid and seamless, as if he had predicted Overhaul's every action. Then, with an expertly placed punch, Overhaul was sent sprawling across the room, knocked unconscious in an instant.

"No surprise there," Mokami murmured, dusting off his hands. His expression was as serene as if he had merely brushed off some dirt from his shirt, not just defeated one of the most dangerous villains.

Next, he made his way to Momo, who was already standing victorious over Chronostasis. The sight of her, unharmed and victorious, filled him with a sense of relief. He crossed the distance between them in long strides and pulled her into a hug. Their hearts beat in sync, sharing a moment of victory before they moved on.

They found Sahar next, standing tall over the defeated Shin Nemoto. "Good job," Mokami called out, his approval clear in his voice.

One by one, they checked on the rest of their team. Nejire had managed to overpower Deidoro Sakaki with her Wave Motion quirk, her eyes alight with the thrill of victory. Jiro stood triumphant over Mimic, her Earphone Jack quirk proving invaluable in the fight. Mina, with her Acid quirk, had successfully managed to take down Kendo Rappa.

However, not everyone had come out of the fights unscathed. Kirishima, looking haggard and exhausted, was found lying on the ground, his opponent nowhere in sight. Tamaki, though victorious against Hekiji Tengai, had sustained injuries that required immediate attention.

Quickly, Momo and Mokami used their Creation quirks to fabricate stretchers, carefully laying their injured teammates on them. With that done, they regrouped with All Might, Mirko, and Ryukyu, who had handled the rest of the Yakuza and Nomus.

Suddenly, Mokami froze, a frown creasing his forehead. A sense of urgency filled his gaze as he dashed off, the others right on his heels.

When they arrived at a local café, the sight that greeted them made them gasp collectively. The villains from the League of Villains, the ones they had been after for so long, were right there. Shigaraki, Stain, Dabi - their names were whispered with trepidation as the heroes took in their presence.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Then, the calm was broken as the villains attempted to escape through a portal. With a shout, All Might lunged at them, but a barrier shot up from the ground, blocking his path.

The sudden surge of earth that separated All Might from his target was the last thing anyone expected. The villain responsible, a teenager, had managed to halt All Might’s legendary charge. An impressive feat by any standard, but also a dangerous move. Now, the café’s patrons were in the midst of a battlefield.

Mokami did not waste a second. His eyes flashed, assessing the situation, and in an instant, he was moving. Momo was right beside him, her focused gaze echoing his own. They knew what they had to do. The lives of the innocent people caught in the crossfire were their responsibility now.

"Mirko, Ryukyu, Sahar, clear an exit!" Mokami commanded, his voice carrying a weight of authority that defied his silence. The heroes sprang into action, following his direction.

Momo was quick to react, manifesting a large shield from her forearm. She moved among the patrons, shielding them from the debris that flew around the café. The shield was big enough to cover several people at once, and with each movement, she saved more and more lives.

Mirko, her agility and speed coming into play, darted around the café, pulling the people to safety. Her Rabbit quirk was a flurry of motion, a stark contrast to the terrified stillness of the bystanders.

Simultaneously, Ryukyu transformed into her dragon form, her massive size serving to intimidate and to protect. She was the barrier between the patrons and the chaos, a symbol of safety in a world gone mad.

Sahar, quick as a snake, moved unnoticed among the chaos, guiding the confused and terrified people towards the exit. His silent efficiency coupled with the comforting words he whispered to the scared bystanders, was a beacon of hope.

Through it all, Mokami was everywhere, creating things out of thin air to assist in the evacuation, coordinating with his teammates, ensuring that no one was left behind.

They worked in sync, their actions a well-oiled machine, born from years of training and trust. But the portal was their ticket to freedom and they were taking full advantage of it. One by one, they disappeared into its shimmering depths, vanishing before the heroes' very eyes.

All Might roared in anger and frustration, but the barrier held strong. There was nothing they could do.

It was a punch to the gut, the sensation of failure. But now was not the time to dwell on their missed opportunity. There were lives at stake and that was their priority.

As the last of the patrons was ushered out of the café, Mokami took one final look around. The café was destroyed, tables and chairs strewn around, the aftermath of their desperate scramble for safety.

Outside, the patrons were in a state of shock. Some cried, others stared blankly at the destroyed café, but most were just relieved to be alive.

"We're sorry," Mokami finally said, his voice heavy with regret. "We promise you, we will catch them. You have my word."

His declaration seemed to comfort the patrons. They trusted him. They trusted them all. Because they were heroes. And heroes never gave up. No matter how hard it got, no matter how hopeless it seemed, they would keep fighting.

They had barely returned to the outside of the Shie Hassaikai compound when they were met with the sights of their waiting team members. Fat Gum, noticeably slimmer after his recent battle, was engaged in conversation with Police Chief Kenji Tsuragamae. His demeanor was apologetic, a hand sheepishly rubbing at the back of his head.

Upon noticing the arrival of Mokami and the rest of the team, Kenji broke off his conversation and approached them, a deep frown marring his canine features. The police chief was known for his dog-faced appearance, and at this moment, the scowl he bore made him look rather menacing.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kenji growled, fixing his glare on All Might.

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