Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch236- Happy Accidents

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The legendary hero's gaze slid towards Mokami. Despite All Might’s rank, the agency was Mokami's, and it was his leadership that had led them to the café.

Mokami met Kenji's fierce stare with an unblinking gaze. His silence stretched on, and the tension between the two men rose palpably.

"I asked a question!" Kenji barked out, his dog-like features twitching in irritation.

Mokami finally broke his silence. His voice was steady, unfazed by Kenji's outburst. "No, you interrogated," he corrected, his tone measured.

The corner of Mokami's mouth curled up in a small, patient smile. "Do I look like a criminal to you? Or do you think you can just use that language and tone with me?"

Kenji's features twisted into an even deeper scowl, clearly irked by Mokami's nonchalant demeanor. "This operation was secret!" he barked, fur bristling along the sides of his face. "The existence of another villain group is too dangerous to let out and there are those cursed drugs. We did our best to suppress the sound and make sure it wouldn't get out, but you just went into that café and now everyone knows what we did in here!"

His eyes flashed angrily as he pointed a paw-shaped finger at Mokami. "You act outside of our order. We only gave you the permission to act in this area."

Mokami simply raised an eyebrow, his arms folding behind his back as he listened to Kenji's rant. His silence was a subtle show of his patience, demonstrating his level-headedness in the face of the police chief's anger. His posture remained unchanging; poised and regal as he waited for the chief to finish.

"It seems," he began slowly when Kenji finally fell silent, "you are still going by the old regulations, Police Chief." His tone was neutral, as though he was merely pointing out a simple fact.

Kenji's eyebrows furrowed at Mokami's words, his glare unyielding. But Mokami didn't flinch or back down. He continued, "Did you forget the new Prime Minister gave more autonomy to heroes? One of my drones picked up one of the criminals that we were trying to apprehend."

Kenji's snarl was cut short by Mokami's next words. "And the article 38-C states that any listed criminal can be chased if they are a danger to the public. The villain, the one who uses the Earth Quirk, carved a hole in the middle of a café where there were innocents. By the regulation, I have all the right to chase him."

The police chief seemed taken aback, but only for a moment before his expression morphed into a sneer. "You did it for press."

A small chuckle escaped Mokami, the sound echoing in the tense silence that had fallen over the area. He quirked an eyebrow, his eyes sparkling with a hint of amusement. "Are you slandering me and my agency, Police Chief?" His voice held a dangerous edge, the laughter not reaching his eyes. "I wouldn't recommend it."

The standoff between Mokami and Kenji continued, with neither man backing down. Their exchanged words hung heavy in the air, creating a palpable tension that the onlookers dared not disturb. This was not just a spat between two individuals - it was a clash of authority.

"This isn't over! I will take it to the Hero Public Safety Commission," Kenji spat, retreating from the heated exchange. He made his way towards a heavily armored police vehicle, the sight of defeated villains bound within drawing a small, triumphant grin on his face.

He paused by the vehicle's open door, casting a backward glance at Overhaul. The villain was in a vegetative state, his once threatening presence reduced to an incapacitated shell. Turning back to Mokami, Kenji leveled him with a final glare. "You'll be hearing from me," he threatened, the growl in his voice echoing ominously in the tense atmosphere.

"As you wish," Mokami responded, the mildness of his tone a stark contrast to the police chief's harsh threat. He raised his hand in a nonchalant thumbs up. "I look forward to it."

With the threat of a prolonged investigation hanging over their heads, Mokami and his team regrouped, their morale dampened but not broken. They gathered their things, their minds already shifting towards the next task at hand - returning to the agency.

Back at the agency, a tense silence had settled in the conference room. Mokami sat at the head of the table, with Momo and Nejire flanking him. The rest of the team - Edgeshot, Sahar, Sir Nighteye, Kyoka Jiro, Ryukyu, Itsuka Kendo, Best Jeanist, Izuku Midoriya, Mirio Togata, Tsuyu Asui, All Might, Mirko, Fat Gum, Eijiro Kirishima, and Tamaki Amajiki - filled the remaining seats. Each of them bore the weight of the day's events differently, some wearied by the battles fought, others hardened by the adversities faced.

Their eyes were fixated on the large screen broadcasting the day's news. As predicted by Kenji, the story of their operation had made its way into the public sphere. But instead of the scrutiny they had expected, the agency was showered with praises. Their victory over the Shie Hassaikai and the later rescue at the café had won them the admiration of the public.

A reporter on the screen gushed about their valiant efforts, the footage of Mokami and his team rescuing patrons in the café played in a loop in the background. The praise was effusive, overwhelming.

Wow, this camera in the café is sure good," Nejire absentmindedly commented, causing Mokami's brow to twitch. A quick glance at Momo, sitting beside him, and he caught the faintest glimmer of a knowing smile.

"You think so, Nejire?" Sir Nighteye broke the silence, nodding at the screen. "Indeed, it provided us with useful insights into the incident."

"It's more than just good," Fat Gum chimed in, the shadows under his eyes a testament to the recent battles. "It captured everything! I bet the media is having a field day."

A ripple of laughter spread through the room, lightening the tense atmosphere.

The conversation continued along those lines, the group discussing the operation and its aftermath. They analyzed their actions, criticized their mistakes, and praised their successes. The mood was light, with occasional bouts of laughter piercing the otherwise serious discussion.

Mokami's eyes flickered to Nejire as her casual remark hung in the air, his gaze unfathomable. Of course, the camera was good. He had made sure of that. Momo, sitting at his right, was the only other person who knew the truth behind the 'convenient' positioning of the camera.

However, the entire time, Mokami was lost in his thoughts. The success of this operation had been paramount for the agency. The Creation Pantheon Agency, as they had named it, was new, and they had needed to make a mark. Their debut couldn't be anything less than extraordinary. He had planned every single detail, right down to the placement of the camera in the café.

With the public's support firmly behind them, he could make bolder moves, and the council wouldn't dare pressure them to close down. The public loved a good show of heroics, and that's exactly what they had given them.

efore anyone could respond, the conference room doors opened, and Tsukauchi Naomasa, a detective from the Police Force, stepped in. His eyebrows raised a fraction as he took in the atmosphere in the room. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important?"

"We were just discussing the fortunate placement of that camera," Mirio said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "It sure caught all the action."

"Fortunate indeed," Naomasa nodded, taking a seat next to All Might. He was one of the few people outside their agency who knew about All Might's true condition. "I suppose luck was on our side this time."

Naomasa looked at Mokami and sighed. "The chief is angry and reported your actions to the Hero Public Safety Commission," he said, the seriousness in his tone slightly marred by a weary resignation. "The initial biopsy didn't find anything wrong with Overhaul's body. As you said, it might be related to overusing his Quirk, which technically makes it his fault. They will further inspect it though."

He met Mokami's gaze, a silent plea for cooperation apparent in his eyes. "But I will need the footage of the drone you mentioned was following a lead. The Commission wants to make sure you weren't acting on your own volition."

Mokami simply responded with a soft call, "Nigel."

The room echoed with a rich, old voice, seemingly coming from the walls themselves. "Sir, the footage has been sent to Mr. Naomasa's email."

Mokami offered a small nod of acknowledgment. "Thank you, Nigel."

"You are very welcome, sir," Nigel's voice resonated again, offering a warmth that contrasted with the cool, technological nature of his existence.

The AI companion seemed to disappear back into the ether, leaving the room silent but for the soft hum of the air conditioning. Mokami then turned to Naomasa, his composed demeanor returning.

"Anything else I can assist you with, Detective?" he asked. His tone was light, but there was no denying the authority and power that radiated from him.

Naomasa shook his head, letting out a long sigh. "That should be everything, thank you."

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