Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch243- I-Island War

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The fight against Gigantomachia was suicide. Enforcers, drones, even the in-built artillery system failed to scratch his skin. The monstrous giant of a man attacked brutally, destroying everything in his path, killing whoever dared to stand in his way. Within just ten minutes, the battle had turned into a massacre.

With no other choice, the Council released their hidden Guardian Level weapons.

In the Council's chamber, the leader's face was etched with despair. "Unleash Draken and Seraphina," he commanded, his voice trembling with the weight of the decision.

Draken Kurogawa, a tall and muscular man with black dragon-like scales, cold yellow eyes, and an aura of authority, stepped forward. His tailored suit concealed his formidable strength. "I will not fail you," he said, his voice icy and devoid of emotion.

Seraphina Lumis, graceful and regal with luminescent blue eyes and silvery white hair, nodded her agreement. "We shall protect I-Island," she vowed, her voice filled with determination.

The screen blinked, and Shigaraki's face appeared, his lips curled into a sinister smile. "I see you've brought out your Guardians," he taunted. "How quaint. Allow me to introduce my High-End Nomus."

Two horrifying creatures emerged from the warp gate, completely outclassing the other types of Nomu. They were the High-End, possessing stats well beyond those of the Upper-Tier Nomu, with superior strength and up to six Quirks each.

One was sleek and serpentine, its elongated body covered in gleaming scales, with venomous fangs and a tail armed with razor-sharp spikes. Its eyes glowed with a malevolent intelligence, and its voice slithered like a snake. "I am Viperous," it hissed. "Prepare to feel my venom."

The other was massive and muscular, its body covered in thick armor plating, with immense claws and a roar that shook the earth. "I am Brute," it bellowed. "Prepare to be crushed."

Draken's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation. "Two against three," he said, his voice dripping with contempt. "I like those odds."

Seraphina's eyes glinted with determination. "We will not be defeated," she declared. "Not by the likes of them."

The battle against Gigantomachia and the two High-End Nomus erupted into chaos. Buildings crumbled under the immense force, streets buckled, and the entire island seemed to shake with the ferocity of the combat.

Gigantomachia roared, his immense fists smashing through everything, his sheer size overwhelming even the most sophisticated defenses. The island's Enforcers were crushed, drones destroyed, and artillery left useless in his wake. The fight against him was not a battle; it was a slaughter.

Draken and Seraphina faced the High-End Nomus, Viperous and Brute, their faces etched with determination and resolve. The odds were against them, but they were the island's last line of defense.

Viperous lunged at Draken, hissing and spitting venom. Its elongated body twisted and coiled, and its fangs sought flesh.

Draken snarled, his body covered in black dragon-like scales. "Dragon's Might!" he roared, summoning a powerful tail that met Viperous's attack with a thunderous clash. Fire erupted from his mouth in a searing breath, scorching the sleek, serpentine Nomu.

"You think that will stop me?" Viperous hissed, its scales glowing with a strange energy. "Feel my venom!" It spat a stream of corrosive poison, aimed at Draken's eyes.

But Draken was too quick. Wings sprouted from his back, and he took to the sky, dodging the attack. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his cold yellow eyes gleaming.

Seraphina faced Brute, her luminescent blue eyes filled with determination. "Luminous Sovereign!" she chanted, her hands weaving intricate symbols, manipulating light to form barriers and laser-like attacks.

Brute charged, its massive body crashing through everything in its path. "Prepare to be crushed!" it bellowed, swiping at Seraphina with its immense claws.

Seraphina's barriers held, and she retaliated with a blinding flash of light. "You cannot defeat the light!" she cried, her voice filled with conviction.

Brute roared in frustration, its eyes blinded by the flash. "I will crush you!" it bellowed, lashing out blindly.

The battle raged on, neither side giving an inch. Draken and Seraphina fought with everything they had, using their unique Quirks to counter the High-End Nomus' superior strength and abilities.

But the Nomus were relentless, their attacks growing more ferocious and coordinated. Viperous's venom and Brute's crushing blows wore down Draken and Seraphina's defenses, pushing them to their limits.

In the Council's chamber, the members watched the battle with bated breath, their faces pale and drawn.

"We must do something!" one of the younger members cried, his voice filled with desperation.

Leader Marcus Stern looked at the others, his face lined with determination. "We cannot let them tire out our Guardians while hiding in the Shadows. We have to force them to the battlefield." He then turned to one of the council members, his voice firm, "Chen Wei, isolate the island from the outside world. No word should get out. We cannot let others know our strength. Rajeev, we will use your power to alter the minds of others after the battle. Let's go!"

Chen Wei nodded, his fingers working quickly over the controls. "Isolating the island. All communication with the outside world will be cut off in moments."

Rajeev Malhotra, the philosophical thinker, bowed his head in understanding. "I will prepare to alter memories as needed."

The council chamber buzzed with activity as the members prepared to join the fight.

"Prepare my Sound Sculptor!" Hans Weber ordered, his voice tense.

Amina Jengo's hands clenched. "We need to get to the battlefield. I can use my Earth Manipulator to aid our Guardians."

Valeria Ortega glanced at the screen showing the battle, her eyes filled with determination. "Our Guardians are fighting bravely, but we must support them. They cannot face Gigantomachia and the High-End Nomus alone."

"Agreed," Dmitri Ivanov growled, his steel arm gleaming. "We must act, and we must act now."

The battle outside continued to rage, the island trembling with the sheer force of the combatants. Gigantomachia's roars shook the heavens, and the clash between the Guardians and the High-End Nomus was a maelstrom of power and destruction.

Draken battled Viperous, his dragon-like scales deflecting the venomous attacks. "Your venom will not touch me, vile creature!" he snarled, his tail lashing out to strike the serpentine Nomu.

Viperous hissed, its body coiling and striking with lightning speed. "You cannot escape my venom forever, Draken. It will find you, and it will destroy you."

Seraphina's battle with Brute was equally fierce. Her light barriers were holding, but the immense strength of the massive Nomu was wearing her down.

"I will not be defeated!" she cried, unleashing a blast of laser-like light that struck Brute's armored hide.

Brute roared in anger, its claws tearing through the debris as it charged. "Your light is nothing to me! I will crush you and everything you stand for!



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