Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch244- MLA is Here

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Suddenly, the council members arrived on the battlefield, their powers at the ready.

"Guardians, we are here to assist!" Marcus Stern's voice rang out, his Wisdom's Grasp allowing him to coordinate the attack.

Amina Jengo's hands glowed as she summoned a wall of earth, blocking Brute's charge. "You will not pass!"

Dmitri Ivanov's steel arm transformed into a massive blade, and he lunged at Viperous. "Face me, monster!"

Valeria Ortega's eyes glowed as she used her Emotional Resonance to fuel the Guardians' determination. "Fight, my friends! We are with you!"

The battle became a symphony of power and skill as the council members joined the fight, their combined abilities turning the tide.

Hans Weber's Sound Sculptor waves clashed with Viperous's venom, neutralizing the threat. Sophia LaRoux's Gravity Bending allowed her to manipulate the battlefield, creating openings for Draken and Seraphina.

Chen Wei's Pulse Control disrupted Gigantomachia's movements, while Oscar Bennett's Time Dilation gave the Guardians precious seconds to regain their footing.

Eduardo Silva's Weather Master summoned a storm, the lightning and wind adding to the chaos. Sara Jensen's Ice Creation froze the ground beneath the Nomus' feet, slowing them down.

The battle raged on, the Guardians and the council members fighting with everything they had, pushing Gigantomachia and the High-End Nomus back, inch by inch.

But at this time, Shigaraki also revealed himself. Standing with him were Stain, Dabi, Kurogiri, Aiko, Daichi, Muscular, Mustard, Moonfish, Magne, and Mr. Compress, along with hundreds of other smaller villains. The real battle had just begun.

With Shigaraki's entrance, the situation escalated to a new level of chaos. The villains launched their attack with a ferocity that caught even the Guardians and the council members off guard.

Aiko was at the forefront, his energy manipulation creating a whirlwind of destruction. With a playful grin, he absorbed the kinetic energy from attacks, converting them into bursts of speed and power. His electrical manipulation sent shockwaves through the defenders, while his thermal conversion set the battlefield aflame. His free-spirited and mischievous nature was evident in his every movement, and his haughty grin spoke of his confidence.

Daichi used his Terra Shield to form barriers and fortifications, protecting his fellow villains and countering the Guardians' attacks. His manipulation of the earth created an additional layer of complexity to the battle, blocking and diverting attacks and creating choke points that funneled the defenders into traps.

Stain's bloodlust added to the frenzy, his sword slashing through defenders with lethal precision. Dabi's blue flames scorched the air, creating a deadly dance of fire that consumed everything in its path.

Kurogiri's warp gates allowed for strategic positioning, giving the villains the edge in mobility. Muscular's brute strength clashed with Dmitri Ivanov's steel arm, the two behemoths locked in a titanic struggle.

Mustard's poison gas filled the air, creating zones of death that choked and blinded. Moonfish's blade-teeth sliced through barriers and flesh alike, while Magne's magnetism pulled enemies out of position and into danger.

Mr. Compress added an element of surprise, compressing and capturing key targets, turning the tide of individual skirmishes.

The council members and the Guardians fought back with everything they had, their combined powers creating a spectacle of destruction and determination.

Marcus Stern's Wisdom's Grasp coordinated their efforts, his strategic mind guiding them through the chaos. Amina Jengo's earth manipulation countered Daichi's Terra Shield, while Hans Weber's Sound Sculptor waves disrupted Aiko's energy attacks.

Chen Wei's Pulse Control continued to hamper Gigantomachia, but the immense giant was a force of nature, his roars and fists creating devastation wherever he went.

Valeria Ortega's Emotional Resonance fueled the defenders' resolve, her influence spreading hope and courage through their ranks.

Oscar Bennett's Time Dilation created pockets of slowed time, allowing the Guardians to regain their footing and launch counterattacks. Eduardo Silva's storm raged above, the wind and lightning adding to the confusion and fear.

Sophia LaRoux's gravity manipulation created opportunities, pulling enemies into traps and lifting allies out of danger.

Sara Jensen's ice froze the ground, slowing the villains' advance and creating barriers that blocked their way.

But the villains were relentless, their numbers and ferocity wearing down the defenders. Shigaraki's twisted smile spoke of his confidence, his Decay Quirk leaving destruction in its wake.

The battle raged on, the island trembling with the sheer force of the combatants. Buildings were reduced to rubble, streets torn apart, and the sky filled with the roar of flames and the clash of powers.

The Guardians and the council members fought with the desperation of those who knew that failure was not an option. They were the last line of defense, the only thing standing between the villains and the destruction of I-Island.

But the odds were against them. The villains' combined strength and numbers were overwhelming, and the defenders were pushed back, inch by inch.

Draken's dragon-like scales clashed with Aiko's energy manipulation, the two powers creating a whirlwind of destruction. Seraphina's light barriers held against Daichi's Terra Shield, but the pressure was mounting.

The council members fought with grim determination, their powers stretched to the limit as they faced an enemy that seemed unstoppable.

The chaos continued, the battlefield a maelstrom of power and destruction. Every victory was countered by a defeat, every advance met with a retreat.

The battle was a symphony of chaos, a dance of destruction that seemed to have no end. The defenders fought with everything they had, but the villains were relentless, their combined might pushing them back, step by step.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that the defenders were on the brink of defeat. The Guardians were tiring, the council members pushed to their limits, and the island's defenses crumbling under the onslaught.

But surprises were kept on coming this day. From out of nowhere, hundreds of people appeared from the shadows of the building. Both sides thought they were reinforcements of the other side, but both soon realized another player was in the game. Meta Liberation Army had entered the fray, led by Re-Destro himself.

The air crackled with tension as the Meta Liberation Army began to move. Their mission was to free the society from the clutches of both Heroes and Villains, and they saw this battle as a perfect opportunity to strike a blow against both.

Re-Destro's voice rang out, cold and clear. "People of I-Island, your oppression ends today. The Council's Guardians have failed you. Shigaraki's villains only bring destruction. We offer you freedom. We offer you liberation!"

He raised his arms, and the hundreds of soldiers of the Meta Liberation Army followed suit. They were equipped with Quirk-enhancing technology, ready to use their abilities to the fullest.

Suddenly, the battlefield became even more chaotic as the Meta Liberation Army engaged both sides, attacking Heroes, Guardians, Council members, and Villains alike. They were a force to be reckoned with, their powers enhanced, their resolve unbreakable.

Curiouser, an MLA member with the ability to manipulate and understand technology, targeted Chen Wei's Pulse Control system, disabling the crucial advantage the Council had over Gigantomachia. Meanwhile, Detonator, an explosive expert, clashed with Eduardo Silva's Weather Master, his explosions countering the storm.

Re-Destro himself, with his Stress Quirk, towered over the battlefield, his body growing in size and power as he absorbed the tension and anxiety of the combatants. He went head-to-head with Gigantomachia, the two titans exchanging blows that rocked the island.

The Meta Liberation Army's sudden intervention caught everyone off guard, and the battlefield descended into a three-way struggle. Trust was a luxury no one could afford, alliances were fleeting, and every combatant had to watch their back.

The Council was in disarray, the sudden appearance of the Meta Liberation Army disrupting their carefully laid plans. Marcus Stern's Wisdom's Grasp struggled to adapt to the rapidly changing situation, his strategic mind working overtime to find a way to counter this new threat.

The Guardians, Draken and Seraphina, found themselves fighting on multiple fronts, their powers stretched thin as they faced both the Villains and the Meta Liberation Army.

Shigaraki's twisted smile turned into a snarl as he realized the Meta Liberation Army's intent. His Villains were now fighting a battle on two fronts, their focus divided, their advantage slipping away.

But the Meta Liberation Army was relentless. Their belief in their cause, their desire for liberation, fueled them, and they fought with a ferocity that matched both the Heroes and the Villains.

Battles erupted across the island, each skirmish a desperate struggle for survival. The Meta Liberation Army's soldiers clashed with the Council's Enforcers, their Quirk-enhancing technology giving them the edge. The Villains found themselves fighting a war on two fronts, their attention divided between the Heroes and the Meta Liberation Army.

Through it all, the Guardians continued to fight, their determination unbreakable. Draken's dragon-like scales clashed with Re-Destro's Stress-powered blows, the two warriors locked in a titanic struggle. Seraphina's light barriers held against the relentless assault of the Meta Liberation Army's soldiers, her resolve unshaken.

The Council members, too, fought with everything they had, their powers pushed to the limit as they faced an enemy that seemed unstoppable.

But despite their efforts, the situation continued to deteriorate. The Meta Liberation Army's intervention had tipped the balance, and the defenders were on the brink of defeat.

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