Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch245- Tricked

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Just as panic began to consume the hearts of the citizens and the stench of victory filled the nostrils of the villains, a plane shimmered into existence, as if by some magic. It was not there a second ago, and then, suddenly, it was.

"Fret not, because I AM HERE!" The familiar voice of All Might boomed from within the plane. His declaration sent waves of hope among the citizens who were hiding in the bunkers, their cheers echoing throughout the island. But, it wasn't a sentiment shared by all. The villains, Meta Liberation Army, and even the shadowy council members gritted their teeth in frustration.

Nejire, soaring from the plane, her radiant blue hair billowing behind her, pointed at the ground. "Looks like they were almost having a party without us!"

Mirko, laughing, somersaulted out of the plane, landing beside Nejire. "I never miss a party, especially not one with villains!"

From the plane, Sahar, her eyes closed in concentration, whispered to herself. "There's so many of them...everywhere. I can sense them."

All Might, with a newfound vitality in his step, landed gracefully next to Momo. "Looks like we've got a fight on our hands. Ready?"

Momo smirked, "Always."

Sahar, alert and focused, said, "There's a group of villains hidden in that alley to the left, and another behind the building to our right."

From the shadows of the plane, Mokami stepped out. He didn't say a word, but his presence was powerful, undeniable. His eyes scanned the situation, calculating every possibility.

All Might noticed his gaze. "What's the plan, Mokami?"

"Ryukyu, take the air. Mirko, swift strikes. Don't show yourself. Sahar, find the hidden enemies and eliminate them. Nejire and Momo, control the situation and support others." Mokami's voice was quiet yet powerful. Each word had weight, each command a gravity of its own.

All Might pointed at himself, his muscles tense with anticipation. "What about me?"

Mokami offered a rare grin, revealing the smallest hint of mischief. "Go nuts."

"Let's do this!" All Might's voice boomed, as his familiar exuberance returned. His fist collided with his palm, sending a resonating sound throughout the island.

Ryukyu transformed, her dragon form taking to the skies, blotting out the sun momentarily. Her powerful wings sent shockwaves that unsettled the villains below.

Mirko moved as a blur, her bunny legs propelling her forward with incredible speed. Before the villains could even register her presence, she had already incapacitated a group of them with swift and accurate strikes.

Sahar, her brow furrowed in concentration, stood still for a moment. "There!" she announced. Almost immediately, flames erupted from the alley she'd pointed out. Villains caught in the blaze screamed as they were apprehended, their escape routes closed off by her fiery traps.

Nejire and Momo stood side by side, forming an unbreakable line of defense. With precise movements, Momo crafted weapons and tools for Nejire to utilize. They moved seamlessly, one creating, the other executing, showcasing a synchronicity born out of trust and rigorous training.

Mokami's gaze lingered on the unfolding battle, his mind strategizing several steps ahead. While he didn't move as conspicuously as the others, his actions had profound effects. Villains who thought they had found an opening soon found themselves ensnared in ingenious traps created on-the-fly by the leader of the Hero Agency.

Council members, some feigning innocence, others openly defiant, tried to make their cases. "This is an outrage!" one shouted. "You have no evidence!"

Mokami's voice, soft yet unwavering, silenced him. "Evidence is not your concern. Just know we're always prepared." With a motion of his hand, documents and dossiers revealing their secrets spilled out, making some of them pale in realization.

But amidst the chaos, three figures had vanished. Aiko and Daichi from the League of Villains, and Fujiko from the Meta Liberation Army.

The battle took hours, and although their numbers were limited, as if they were inhumans, All Might and others fought with unending stamina. The first to fall was Meta Liberation Army. When their members were about to be caught, their equipment blew themselves up, killing them and villains of League of Villains, and members of the Council in their close proximity.

The next to fall was the Council. Years of not practicing or fighting had caught up to them, and although they were stronger than regular heroes, they were soon caught. Lastly, the League of Villains fell. Shigaraki, Stain, Dabi, and many others were all on the ground. Even Kurogiri, when he appeared to take Shigaraki away, found himself unable to open warp gates. When he appeared, Mokami activated hundreds of Dimension Lockers he hid with cloaking technology all around the island at the same time, trapping all of them there.

The leader of the Council, Marcus Stern, looked at Mokami and spat, "You will regret this!"

Mokami only grinned at them, his silence more telling than any words.

Then, at the same time, two events happened. Underground explosions made Momo and Nejire gasp, fearing civilians were injured, and a floating, faceless man began to descend slowly from the air.

All Might's eyes widened as he stared at the man, anger and dread evident in his voice. "All for One."

The faceless figure of All for One landed gracefully, his very presence sending a chill through the heroes.

"Regret, you say?" All for One's voice was as smooth as ice. "I don't think they will live long enough to regret this day."

Mokami looked at the villain with a small grin on his face. His hand moved slightly, readying for any sudden action.

All Might clenched his fists, his body trembling with suppressed rage. "You've lost, All for One. Surrender now."

"Surrender?" All for One laughed, the sound devoid of any warmth. "I think not. You see, the explosions you heard were just the beginning. Your precious civilians are in danger as we speak."

"Stop bluffing. I'm watching all the bunkers as we speak. All the civilians are safe. Those explosions were I-Island corrupt members blowing themselves up in an attempt to save their honors before their evil deeds got out," Mokami challenged, his eyes flicking over All for One with measured interest.

All for One didn't seem fazed by Mokami's assertion. Instead, he chuckled and turned to Shigaraki. "Why did you attack here?"

Shigaraki, immobilized and looking worse for wear, managed to croak out, "Sensei, what do you mean? You ordered us. You even sent Gigantomachia through teleporting."

All for One took a moment, a subtle confusion passing over his faceless visage. "When did this happen?"

"A month ago," replied Shigaraki, his voice heavy with uncertainty.

All for One's voice grew cold, the slight hint of annoyance evident. "Impossible. I spoke with you several times this past month. How did you not mention it?"

"But... we never talked after you gave the order," Shigaraki's voice trembled slightly, the weight of the situation pressing upon him.

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