Crimson Moon

Chapter 1: A Bloody Moon

Luna was staring into the wall of the Hogwarts Express. The fact that she had Reincarnated as this girl was rather annoying, although eventually she grew to love it especially since this life came with magic.

Magic was an amazing and beautiful thing and beimg in a fictional was just, that, it didn’t really matter. OK, it did slightly bother her. However, due to being an adult in a child's body, she didn’t really make any friends, and it was like that her new childhood went normally.

Until she had discovered the dismembered body of her mother. Honestly, she forgot that had been mentioned in the books, so following that traumatic experience, she started writing down everything she could remember about Harry Potter.

So here she was aboard the Hogwarts Express making her way towards the school, which in all honesty was useless to her. Magic came easy and runes were similar to a Python script, every thing she had learned and wanted to learn was encouraged by her father, ergo being able to out duel most adults if it came down to it and by the end of the month she should be an Animagus.

So bored like usual, a quick read of the quibbler always kept her attention after all the magical world loved Florida man. Although most of them thought that alligators were escaped dragons… which wasn’t necessarily wrong.

Luna froze upon looking at the date on the paper. In a matter of moments, the paper was on the ground and her note book in her hand.

“Wait crap! I’m as old as Ginny, all my plans for the sorcerer's stone are useless!” Luna shouts in dismay.

Suddenly, there is a knock on the door to the cabin.

“I heard shouting, are you okay?” A Young girl asks

“Yeah, it was just a vision.” Luna responds automatically before flinching, she wasn’t supposed to tell people that it was just her go-to excuse with father.

Suddenly the door opened up and in stepped the one and only Hermione Granger “Divination is not real”

”Neither is magic.” Luna responds plainly

Hermoine pauses before nodding to herself.”Fair point.”

”Of course it's a fair point, although only a muggleborn would truly understand that.” Luna states

”How did you know I was a muggle born?” Hermoine asks

”You are wearing a cotton polyester shirt. Most wizards don't even know what plastic is.” Luna responds.

”So you are a muggle-born as well?” Hermoine asks

Pfft, Luna smiles trying not to laugh,, “Darling I am as pure-blooded as one could get, my parents were 3rd or 4th cousins, all of us are inbred.”

“Including Malfoy?” Hermoine asks

”All of us, it's the reason magic escapes, but that's a story for another time, I found if you employ the scientific method to magic you can learn quite a bit.” Luna says with a smile stunning the smart brown haired girl.

“How do you know so much about the muggle world?” Hermoine asks

”Ask the astronomy teacher if Neal Armstrong landed on the moon.” Luna states with a smile.

“… You can't be serious,”

”My dear, Hermoine, you will soon learn that wizards are idiots. They have flying cars yet they are not smart at all, most things like their method of teleportation can be summed up as sheer dumb luck.” Luna says with a knowing smile

Hermoine freezes “I didn’t tell you my name, and what is this about a flying car?”

Luna however just smiles at the girl causing her to squirm. “Do you still not believe in divination miss Granger? Daughter of Emma and Dan Granger, how are your parents' dental practice going?”

”W-wahat?” Hermione asks dumbfounded.

Luna smirks when her senses pick up the flying car, and she remembers they were towards the front of the train, hence she could totally get the book girl to leave and likely come back later.

Luna purposely allows for her eyes to cloud assisted with an illusion. “Shhsshh, if you are quiet you can hear the sound of their screams.” She says airily

“What?” Hermoine asks only to flinch as she hears Ron scream in the distance.

”Ron Harry!” Hermoine shouts, standing up and running out of the cabin to find her friends.

Luna smirks to herself. “I might be able to have some fun here, between the Room of Requirement and messing with the heroes, I could cause enough chaos to see some very entertaining things.” Luna mutters to herself.

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