Crimson Moon

Chapter 2: Just a Rather Old Hat

Luna was waiting to enter the great hall and although the ghosts had burst in mere moments ago most of them froze upon seeing her, and honestly whatever that was. It was not her problem, above her pay grade. 


“Hey Luna, why are the ghosts staring at you?” A girl asks from behind. 


Luna checked over her shoulder although she knew the girl was Ginny Weasley. 


“I don’t know, not my job,” Luna states matter of factly, ie it was probably too much trouble to find out let alone be worth it. 


Ginny could be annoying especially her nightly dreams of marrying Harry Potter, sometimes it was weddings, sometimes it was the boy who lived saving her from some monster. Sometimes it was a nightmare and Harry hadn’t saved her so Luna had to intervene herself. Why she could enter Ginivera’s dreams she did not know, nor really care to find out, her manipulation of the dreamscape is something she started out with in this life weirdly enough. Luna in the books or films always knew more than she should and Wracksrpurts actually being a dream creature it made sense that she should’ve had these powers.


Suddenly doors to the entrance hall open and all Luna hears is a Scottish accent. “What are you lot doing!” It was clear she was shouting at the ghosts. “ Come on in, student's welcome to Hogwarts.” Mcgonogal states as the doors behind her fully reveal the masterpiece of architecture  that is the Great Hall. 


Little did any of them know that a tree was currently fighting a flying car at this moment. 


A thousand years or more ago,

When I was newly sewn,

There lived four wizards of renown,

Whose names are still well known:

Bold Gryffindor, from wild moor,

Fair Ravenclaw, from glen,

Sweet Hufflepuff, from valley broad,

Shrewd Slytherin, from fen.

They shared a wish, a hope, a dream,

They hatched a daring plan

To educate young sorcerers

Thus Hogwarts School began.

Now each of these four founders

Formed their own house, for each

Did value different virtues

In the ones they had to teach.

By Gryffindor, the bravest were

Prized far beyond the rest;

For Ravenclaw, the cleverest

Would always be the best;

For Hufflepuff, hard workers were

Most worthy of admission;

And power-hungry Slytherin

Loved those of great ambition.

While still alive they did divide

Their favorites from the throng,

Yet how to pick the worthy ones

When they were dead and gone?

'Twas Gryffindor who found the way,

He whipped me off his head

The founders put some brains in me

So I could choose instead!

Now slip me snug about your ears,

I've never yet been wrong,

I'll have a look inside your mind

And tell where you belong!

Luna just kinda glanced off into the distance as she was using her vision to watch a Disney movie in the cinema. That was probably the most fun part of her slight clairvoyance she could watch movies anytime she wanted. 


“Lovegood, Luna.” 


The sound of her name being called pulled her from her thoughts. With a brisk walk, she was up and sitting on the stool. 


She was kinda looking forward to the conversation with the hat. 


‘Really? Most first years don't know about me so well done I gu-, ah I see… and you certainly see as well.’ The hat says into her head. 


‘And the hat found out about some stuff. I wonder how much he knows now.’ Luna thinks


’Not too much honestly’ The Hat responds 


‘Really?’ Luna replies in thought

‘Sure sure although… you certainly know a lot including the King Arthur truth and a surprising amount about the politics between heaven and hell.’

What Luna thinks as her eyes widen.


‘Oh you thought those were just part of your dream? No little Luna there is alot of truth to what you are thinking of.’ The hat responds


Does that include?


‘The magical pony sub dimension sure does, although its guarded jealousy by Poseidon with his pet dragon watching over it so good luck getting there.’


How do you know all of this?


‘Girl I am Hogwarts herself, so what if I impersonate a singing hat when you've been around as long as I have you have to find some fun somewhere.’


I guess that makes sense… Anything else you wish to foreshadow oh great and mystical hat?


‘Your mother is still very much alive.’


… Well shit, just throw me in Gryffindor I’ll work something out.


“It better than Gryphon DOOR!”


Luna smiles before taking off the ancient hat as her robes magically changed and she was walking towards her new table.


After first sitting down she hears but one sentence. “Welcome to Griffindor Luna.”


Looking up Luna almost couldn't help but pause after seeing the Harry Potter not wearing glasses. And didn’t he just crash the car into her whomping willow? What the hell? Meh let’s fuck with him some.


Smirking internally, Luna can’t help but pull off that distant dreamy look. “The butterfly effect sure is interesting Mr Pervell.” 


Said blonde girl had to use most of her Occlumency skills to not laugh or have any outward reaction at the very visible flinch from the boy who lived. 


This might actually be an interesting 7 years, reincarnated? Boy who lived again? Transmigration? Oh how I wonder what you are, Harry, Hadrian.


”What did you mean by that Luna?” Harry asks


”Well those Speed gnats are flying all around you which are usually the aftershocks of a butterfly effect or time travel… That and the wrackspurts also seem to be clouding your mind.” Luna states


”Luna, are you a seer?” Harry mutters


”Of course I have eyes. It is just that the majority of the wizarding world chooses not to use them.” Luna responds immediately 


“Huh, I don’t know why I never talked to you more.” Harry mutters


”i don’t know either I like to think all versions of me are nice and charming?” Luna asks 


“Luna, wh- never mind it’s nothing welcome to Gryffindor. ” Harry answers


Luna sits back and hums before promptly falling backwards as the bench had no back rest. 




“What did the hat mean?” Luna asks as she’s pacing in front of the supposed entrance to the room of requirement hoping to find a way to surpass the limit of the human body. Although her magical power was insane her sight had told her to do this…


‘That was the thing is I, Luna actually have the sight it’s often made me wonder if my past life’s memories are a product of it or not. Although the awakening of said memories and powers took place upon discovering what remained of mother after a charms accident. Although Harry’s time travel wreaks of death, so this ought to be interesting…’


“Oh the door opened.” Luna said to herself as she walked into the room, finding but a single book on a pedestal. 


“Silva? Where have I heard that before?” Luna asks herself aloud slowly approaching the crystalline book. It’s ruby exterior emits a blood red hue.


All it would take is a touch.


As her fingertip makes contact there is a mental greeting 

“Welcome back Queen Slayer.” 


Spikes shot out from the book impaling her.


Luna screams


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