Crimson Moon

Chapter 3: A Weird Time Line


Harry was back again for a year two… to say Voldemort’s plot was horribly derailed would be a massive understatement. 


After the second go around killing Tom was child’s play, yet up until the 4th Sirius kept dying. When Harry tried to get him out early he died, when Harry tried to move in with him he died. But that gave him everything he needed to know. Albus Dumbledore was playing a game of chess and Sirius always seemed to outlive his usefulness and was sacrificed so the pawn could be promoted.


So during the 5th, he went full evil kind of accidentally starting Armageddon. Turns out all of the mythology was real and Harry decided to steal Excalibur and kill a fallen Angel, a bunch of angels, and two devil girls in the process starting the war between heaven and hell. Although that was after the old goat was force-fed his lover… Yeah, finding out the man you believed to be your grandfather figure for 355 years was secretly trying to kill you and take over the world while stealing your family's fortune… 


It went something like that, Harry kinda killed him during the monologue because talking is not a free action. 


So now Dumbledore was still an issue on try 7, maybe he should take the year to get with the goblins and get his properties and lordships sorted out. Do it all above board this time. Harry’s body may be that of a child, magic should theoretically recognize him as an adult…


The long thought process was suddenly interrupted by a deviance in the timeline.


“Did Luna love Lovegood just get sorted into Gryffindor?” Harry asks aloud.


“Yes? Were you not paying attention? Actually, where is Ron?” Hermoine asks


“I was a bit zoned out. Ron? I don’t know I couldn’t find him on the train..” Harry replies knowing that Ron had been caught while he had jumped from the car with his broom just like on go around 3 and 5. 


 Suddenly the blond girl sat next to him, this was different from normal.


Looking over, Harry just has to say something. “Welcome to Gryffindor Luna.”


“The butterfly effect sure is interesting Mr. Pervell.” Was the blonde's response and it caused his entire world to freeze. 


A Quick Look into Luna’s mind only threw him off. ‘This might actually be an interesting 7 years, reincarnated? Boy who lived again? Transmigration? Oh how I wonder what you are, Harry, Hadrian.’


”What did you mean by that Luna?” Harry asks trying to internalize her thoughts how did she know? Was she also in the time loop with him this time?


”Well those Speed gnats are flying all around you which are usually the aftershocks of a butterfly effect or time travel… That and the wrackspurts also seem to be clouding your mind.” Luna states


”Luna, are you a seer?” Harry mutters


”Of course I have eyes. It is just that the majority of the wizarding world chooses not to use them.” Luna responds immediately 


“Huh, I don’t know why I never talked to you more.” Harry mutters


”What was that?” Luna asks 


“It's nothing Luna, welcome to Gryffindor. ” Harry answers


Luna sits back and hums before promptly falling backwards as the bench had no back rest. 




Harry was making his way to the room of requirement, in truth this room was his saving grace in this go around, especially since he has this little thing at the back of his mind that Ron, Hermoine andDumbledore are spies… it took to go around number 3 to figure out the grandfatherly figure wasn’t trustworthy and it wasn’t until. 5 where he got bored and decided to go full evil that they accidentally revealed it to him. 


It kinda hurt honestly however after thinking about it Ron had said the year they met at Kings Cross station was his family’s first time ever going through the muggle side. 


Shaking his head Harry decided to go down a different thought path, Luna always seemed off… was she actually a seer? In all timelines she seemed off. 


as he approached the top of the stairs he heard a girl screaming… a blood curdling scream.


Harry started running up getting to the floor with the room of requirement finding it had already been activated and the screaming was coming from inside.


Harry bursts through the door to feel an oppressive aura as he manages to find the source of the screaming.


Luna Lovegood had collapsed to her knees, blood gushing from her hand which appeared to be impaled as a blood red crimson field circled her.


“LUNA!” Harry shouts running up to the girl.


“ to get you to Madam Pomphry.” Harry says as he picks up the collapsed girl.


“No… Dumble.” Luna croaks out 


Harry pauses at that realizing that Dumbledore would indeed be an issue.


“What do you want me to do then?” Harry asks


“Hold me?” Is barely whispered out by the blond girl as she blacks out.


“Sure thing Luna sure thing.” Harry responds as he gets the room to summon a comfortable chair and does as asked.




Luna meanwhile is watching her last lifes play-through of Code Vein in first person… It's not fun.

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