Crimson Moon

Chapter 10: Oh, a Snake?

Luna and Harry were the first to arrive for breakfast. An the two ate in silence eating breakfast as other students drowsily made their way in.

Luna suddenly set her spoon down in her oatmeal looking up at Harry who was enjoying an burnt English muffin with jam “I am not gonna ask you to join me for my irs year classes. I know that having done this so many times the classes must be an utter bore.” Luna states

”Oh right you have early morning potions, I guess you can find me in the lobby when you are done. Is it the two hour lab or the 1 hour lecture?” Harry asks

“It’s the lab so is probably going to be lab saftey.” Luna answers

Harry nods, “I shouldn’t have to ask.” Harry starts only to be cut of.”yes I did read a head.” Luna stated in a drawl.

“I wonder when you found the time to do that? Anyways good job.” Harr states with a nod
Luna smiles i response “Right? Although I can not possibly blame you for wanting to sit through an extra potions class. I mean Snape was responsible for your parent’s deaths afterall.”

Harry stalls for a moment, “I had forgotten about that”

”Huh? Well its obvious you had plans for today, I’ll just try my best to make his life hell anyways.” Luna answers looking off into the distance.

“Astronomy Tower tonight?” Harry asks

”Of course, I’ll have my house elf bring the potion then.” Luna answers and as the two had walked the great hall had gone from empty to near full as tired students tried to get in for breakfast before classes.

“Well, you should probably go now if you wish to make it in time.” Harry mutters obviously sad to see luna go.

”Right, have fun in the libaray.” Luna replies getting up and walking out of the now bussling great hall. Thank goodness they started on a Wednesday day, it meant the weekend would come sooner… She need to focus her sight in order to try an stop whatever political bullshit Albus is going to cause.

As Harry Potter watched Luna hurry out of the Great Hall, leaving him behind to finish his breakfast in silence, he couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness wash over him. Where these emotions real or induced by magic? Probably the second one yet Luna was the one who got away in the 4th go aruond, and it was hard for him to let go of that feeling when she left all the way back then.

But Luna now? Harry knew that she was different, very different. I mean he always knew she was a bit out there and likely a seer. If she actually had Fae blood it would not suprise him one bit. She didnt even need to focus on her studies if what Luna said is true she is probably years ahead. And with Snape as her teacher for the next class, she was probably gonna give him hell.

Harry chuckled as he finished off his English muffin with jam, he couldn't help but think about how much Luna had changed since they first met on the train to Hogwarts. She was once a shy and timid girl who struggled to find her place in the magical world. But that was another life…

“I wonder what I did to cause her to change like that?” Harry mutters as owls suddenly flood the great hall dropping off mail.

Harry knew that he had a lot of research ahead of him if he wanted to find out anything about this Equestria.

"Hey Harry," Ron said, trying to join him for breakfast.
Harry got up quickly, "Sorry Ron, I have something I need to research." He walked away rather briskly, leaving Ron behind.

The day had only just begun, but Harry knew that the answers he sought were waiting for him, hidden somewhere in the vast knowledge of the Hogwarts library.

The Hogwarts library was a vast labyrinth of knowledge, its towering shelves filled with countless books, scrolls, and ancient texts. Harry knew this place well; it had been his refuge more times than he could count. But today, he wasn’t here to wander through the familiar aisles or lose himself in old tomes. He had a specific purpose,

His footsteps were quick and purposeful as he made his way toward the card cabinet—a massive, old piece of furniture that stood silent. Mostly because only the librarian knew how to use it. So naturally Harry took the time to figure it out on go around two.

Harry reached the cabinet, his fingers brushing over the smooth, polished wood. He pulled open a drawer labeled "E-G," his heart beating a little faster as he started flipping through the cards. The names of countless books passed by his eyes: Enchantments of the Eastern Isles, Elements of Transfiguration, Eldritch Runes—but nothing that seemed remotely connected to Equestria.

He slowed his pace, his concentration sharpening as he searched for anything that might point him in the right direction. After a few tense minutes, his hand stilled on a card titled The Chronicles of Equestria. His breath caught as he read the description:

"An ancient text detailing the myths, legends, and history of Equestria, a mysterious and powerful land tied to celestial beings. Location: Magical Mythology Section, Row 17, Shelf 3, Section B."

Harry’s eyes widened. This was it just one book and it was considered mythology? Harry paused to look up and see the vast expanse of the library. “Really? That’s it?” Harry mutters walking towards said section.

Row 17 came into view, and Harry slowed his pace, scanning the spines of the books as he approached Shelf 3. His eyes darted across the titles: The Legends of Avalon, The Lost Prophecies of Atlantis, The Tales of the Fae—all works of legend, myth, and ancient lore. But none of them were what he was looking for.

Finally, his gaze landed on it—The Chronicles of Equestria. The book was large and bound in dark leather, its cover embossed with silver lettering that had faded with age. It looked ancient and there it was just down the isle at a wooden table but what truly caught him off guard wasn’t the book itself—it was the person holding it.

Daphne Greengrass.

She was seated in a quiet corner of the Magical Mythology section, the dim light casting a soft glow over her blonde hair as she gently turned the book’s pages. But to Harry, the sight of her was heart-wrenching. Daphne Greengrass was not just another Slytherin student to him. She was his wife—at least, she had been in a different timeline. a life that now felt like a distant memory.

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