Crimson Moon

Chapter 9: Common sense? Is that what Luna was missing?

Harry Potter woke up, the lingering echoes of his dreams of hell having long since ceased to faze him. The vivid memories of the battles, the demons, and the relentless struggle for survival had become a familiar, if not unsettling, part of his nightly routine. But this morning, as he lay in bed staring at the ceiling, something different stirred within him.


“I wonder?” he asked himself aloud, and almost instinctively, a double-barreled shotgun materialized in his hands, the cold metal familiar and oddly comforting.


“Oh?” he murmured. He turned it over in his hands, the weight of it was real… This is new.


Being several centuries old you learned to roll with it when stuff like this happened, it made for some entertainment. 



Harry Sat down in the common room watching the fire burn as he was left alone with his thoughts. The early morning finally starting to set agin.


‘So, Luna… What exactly is she again? She tried to explain last  but… Her words were jumbled at best and being a seer made her insanely cryptic due to how she views the world… Much like many seer’s he's met before and read about in the Black Library.’




Last night, before bed, Harry and Luna found themselves in the Room of Requirement. The room, as always, had transformed to suit their needs, creating a cozy space for them to just relax in. For some reason, just having Luna near him made him feel better. Was it because she swore herself to him and his cause or the fact that magic would not allow them to betray each other? Harry didn't know which was true, but whatever it was, it all worked out rather well.


"Harry, I have something to tell you," Luna said suddenly as they sat in front of the fireplace.


Those words mean he immediately put up a sound based modifcation of the notice me not charm.


"Is it about being able to talk to Unicorns and Thestrals again?" Harry asked, still having trouble wrapping his head around it.


"I am Luna Lovegood, I am also Princess Luna semi-goddess of the moon and night at least according to my subjects," Luna stated, feeling a bit weird acknowledging it especially since she didn't have Luna's memories yet. She should probably start looking for them.


"Okay, ignoring the fact that I don't know what an alicorn is, what was that whole blood red spike which had impaled you and turned your eyes gold along with giving you those fangs? You are like a vampire," Harry said flatly, a little annoyed she would lie to him.


"Luna.” Harry began only to be cut off I'm an alicorn,” Luna muttered probably just realzing the weight of that statement herself,  voice soft but steady. "Alicorns are... well, they are ponies of immense magical power, often associated with certain concepts much like how the gods have their Divine domain. An alicorn is basically a goddess from the land of magical ponies. In my case, the moon and the night. An I am also a Revenant which makes me a fully immortal virus in the shape of a human... To be honest, he whole princess of the night thing I found out about literally earlier today... If I had known I probably would've just not gone through with the transformation to become a Revenant if I had realized the signs earlier."


Harry looked at her, trying to process what she was saying. "So, you're like… a pony goddess?"


Luna shrugged slightly. "I guess you could say that, though I'm still getting used to the idea. It's a lot to take in."


Harry nodded slowly. "And the whole vampire-like thing, the blood-red spike and the golden eyes—those are connected to this Revenant thing?"


"Yes," Luna confirmed. "Revenants are a bit like vampires, truth is if you were to blow off my head I would disappear and come back at a mistle... I actually need to make one." Luna mutters, starting to trail off.


"Okay, so demigoddess who also happens to be immortal does that happen to make you any different from how you have been?" Harry asked trying to get her back on track.


"I drank willingly given unicorn blood earlier," Luna admitted sheepishly.


"Okay... you didn't really answer my question," Harry stated, pulling the shorter Luna into his lap.

"I suppose not, at least for now, at some point I might get some older memories and I can't exactly tell you how that will affect me," Luna answered shyly.


Harry stilled before pulling Luna even closer. "Will it change our relationship?" he asked.


"I don't know," Luna admitted, looking down at the fire in front of them. "It's hard to say for sure. I guess it depends on how I feel about myself and my new abilities."


Harry nodded slowly, understanding her hesitation. He had always been drawn to strong women, but now that Luna was even more powerful than he could have imagined, he couldn't help but wonder if their relationship would be able to withstand the challenges that lay ahead.


"I don't know what the future holds," Harry said finally, breaking the silence between them. "But I do know one thing—no matter what happens, I will always be here for you."


Luna looked up at him, her eyes shining in gratitude. "Thank you, Harry," she whispered softly.


“So, land of magical ponies? What was it called again?” Harry asks as he cuddles Luna in the common room.


“Equestria… Right you should be good to drop the field now.” Luna mutters




Luna lay in bed sitting up for a good solid 20 minutes before she slowly got out and made her way over to her dresser. She really needed a shower. 


Once her morning routine was done Luna quickly made her way to the Gryffindor common room where she found Harry sitting on the couch, lost in thought. Without hesitation, Luna approached him and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace.


“Harry!” Luna exclaimed, her voice full of relief and joy.


Harry looked up at her, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Hey, Luna. I had a rather interesting dream last night,” he began, his tone light despite the weight of his words.

Luna gazed up at him, her expression softening before she leaned in to kiss his cheek. “What a horrible way to start talking about last night,” she teased, trying to bring some levity to the situation.

Harry chuckled, appreciating her attempt to lighten the mood. “Can you blame me? It’s been a nightmare for… well, a really, really long time.”


Luna shook her head, a knowing look in her eyes. “I bet, especially if you started at the beginning. Though I completely blame the Khan Maykr for all of that mess. But we can address all of that later. At any point in your dream, did you end up on an alternate version of Earth?”


Harry shook his head, his brow furrowing slightly. “Nope, I was in that hellscape the whole time. Although I was surprised not to see any devils.”


Luna gave him a gentle smile. “Dear, devils live in the underworld along with the fallen angels. That was literal hell, which should’ve been sealed. I have absolutely no clue how you ended up there, in a dream no less.”


Harry nodded thoughtfully. “Right… So, breakfast? And are we attending classes together again today?”


“I would love to, although… did you manage to find anything out about Equestria?” Luna asked, her curiosity piqued.


“Just a book of fairy tales. Nothing too overly interesting. I’m sure we can find a way to get the unicorns and Thestrals home, though,” Harry reassured her.


Luna nodded in agreement. “I still need to take you to meet them.”


“We also need to get me a Mandrake leaf,” Harry added, but before he could finish his thought, Luna’s eyes seemed to unfocus, her golden gaze drifting off into the distance.


Harry barely had time to ponder what she was seeing before Luna suddenly snapped back to reality, a cheer erupting from her as she exclaimed, “YES!”


The barely awake students in the common room turned to look at the pair, their curiosity momentarily piqued before they returned to their morning routines, shuffling about like tired zombies.


“What’s with the cheer?” Harry asked, amused by Luna’s excitement.


“We’re going to have a lightning storm in northern Scotland tonight,” Luna replied with a smirk.


“I guess we won’t be going to see our subjects tonight then?” Harry inquired, playing along with her enthusiasm.


“Our subjects?” Luna echoed, tilting her head in curiosity.


“Actually, as your husband, does that make me a prince?” Harry asked with a teasing grin.


“Uh, technically yes,” Luna admitted, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks. “Um, could we come back to this topic? Maybe not discuss it in the common room?”


“I didn’t start it,” Harry responded with a chuckle.


Luna gave him a playful glare, but her smile betrayed her amusement. “Let’s just get through the day, and we can talk about all of this later, okay?”


“Deal, no taksies backsies.” , Harry agreed, pulling her closer as they both relaxed, finding comfort in each other’s presence awaiting for breakfast to start early in the morning.

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