Crimson Moon

Chapter 21: What is a Home?

The air grew even cooler as Luna and Harry ventured deeper into the heart of the centaur territory in the Forbidden Forest. Their footsteps were soft against the forest floor, barely disturbing the quiet symphony of nature around them. As they approached a small clearing, the moonlight spilled through the trees, casting long shadows that swayed and flickered as the wind rustled the branches.

Harry quickened his pace, catching up to Luna, who seemed entirely in her element. She moved gracefully, her silver hair glowing faintly under the moon, her eyes hiding a rather happy smile.

“Do you think they’ll be out tonight?” Harry asked, his voice low, though it echoed slightly in the stillness of the forest. He scanned the open space, half-expecting to see the dark forms of centaurs watching them from the shadows.

Luna didn’t answer immediately, instead tilting her head to listen to the wind, as though it were whispering secrets only she could hear. She turned to Harry, her gaze calm and knowing. “They always are, My Little Ponies we are here!” Luna suddenly shouts announcing herself ot any creature in the area.
Harry's eyes widened as the clearing seemed to come alive with movement. Unicorns, shimmering under the moonlight, and skeletal thestrals, dark and ethereal, stepped gracefully from the shadows, gathering around them. It was a surreal sight—creatures of life and death together, peacefully coexisting.

Luna stood tall, her silver hair catching the light as she beamed at the gathered creatures. There was a regal air about her as if the forest itself recognized her presence.

A unicorn, its coat gleaming like fresh snow, stepped forward, its eyes wise and inquisitive. "Princess," it said, its voice soft and melodic, "who is this human who walks with you?"

Harry blinked, momentarily stunned. He could understand the unicorns—every word. "Luna," he muttered under his breath, "why can I understand the horses?"

Luna giggled, turning to Harry with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “Because, dear Harry, you’re my husband thats how it goes.

Harry let out a small sigh, shaking his head with a smile. “Right. I keep forgetting we’ve been accidentally married for a while now.” He shot a playful look at Luna, who grinned back at him like a cat that got the cream.

The unicorn, noticing their banter, looked between them with a soft chuckle that seemed to echo like wind through the trees. “Your bond is strong. It is no accident that the forest recognizes your union.”

Harry ran a hand through his hair, glancing at the gathering of magical creatures, unicorns and thestrals alike, now watching them with a strange sense of reverence. “I still don’t understand how I can hear you all, though.”

Luna stepped closer to Harry, resting a hand on his arm. “Our bond extends beyond simple magic, Harry. You’re connected to the creatures of the night and death. While I am the Night.” Luna states with a smile pointing up at the sky.

Harry watched Luna with a thoughtful expression, his mind whirling with everything they had been through and the revelations about her powers. But now, he had something more personal to ask, something that had been on his mind since Luna casually mentioned it in passing.

"Luna," he said, his voice a little hesitant, "can I ask you about... Equestria?"

“Yes Princess Luna Tell us tell us.” A unicorn foal cheers.

Luna's expression brightened at the mention of Equestria, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Ah, Equestria! A beautiful place filled with magic and harmony. My sister, Celestia, rules the day while I reign over the night. We complement each other, ensuring that both light and darkness exist in balance.”

Harry listened intently, intrigued. “What’s it like there? I mean, with the magic and everything?”

“The skies are vibrant with colors, and the land is lush with life. Each pony has their own unique talents and abilities. It’s a place where friendship is valued above all, and the bonds between ponies create powerful magic,” Luna explained, her voice softening with nostalgia. “The nights are filled with twinkling stars, and the moon, well, it’s just as beautiful as it is here.”

Harry takes a thinking pose. “Hmm I don’t know your beauty is rather hard to top love.”

Luna turned to Harry, her cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment, a playful smile spreading across her face. “Oh, Harry, you’re just saying that to flatter me!”

“Maybe, but it’s still true,” he replied, grinning back at her. “Besides, if your moon is anything like you, then I can imagine how breathtaking it must be.”

The unicorn foal, who had been listening intently, piped up. “You two are cute! Do you have a special song for each other, like in the stories?”

Harry chuckled, his heart warmed by the foal’s innocent enthusiasm. “I don’t think we’ve gotten around to writing any songs yet. But we could always make one up on the spot!”

Luna clapped her hands excitedly. “Oh, that would be delightful! Especially if it was a harmony song!”

“So does this mean you have you’re memories of equestria back then?” Harry asks

Luna pauses and looks to be stuck in thought. “I am not sure, they feel closer but i cant actively recall them?”

“Well alright then, how do we get you’re subjects home?” harry asks

Luna’s brow furrowed as she contemplated Harry's question. “I can’t return to Equestria myself—not yet. The magic of Harmony is preventing me from accessing the realm. It feels like there’s an invisible barrier keeping me out.”

Harry’s expression turned serious as he processed her words. “So, what about the unicorns and thestrals? Can’t they just go back without you?”

Luna shook her head, her silver hair shimmering in the moonlight. “Not without my guidance. They need a direct link to Equestria, and since I can’t create that connection, I can’t help them return.”

“But…” Harry's eyes brightened with an idea. “If you’re the connection, maybe I can piggyback off your magic! If I tap into your powers while we’re together, maybe I could help them get home.”

Luna's expression shifted from concern to hope. “That could work! Harry take my hand.”

Harry reached for Luna’s hand, feeling a surge of warmth and magic flow between them as their fingers intertwined. “Alright, what do we do next?”

Luna’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “We’ll need to focus. Close your eyes and let the magic guide you. I am going to Picture Equestria—the colors, the friendship, everything that makes it home for the unicorns and thestrals.”

As Harry closed his eyes, he felt the world around him fade away. Suddenly Luna’s forehead met his and he saw it the lush landscapes of Equestria, the vibrant almost unnatural hues of the grass, the shimmering rivers, and the twinkling bright stars above. He could almost hear the laughter of the ponies, the joyful sounds of their gatherings echoing in his mind.

“Good,” Luna’s voice spoke to him, soft and encouraging. “Now, draw on my magic. Feel it weaving through you, intertwining with your own. Imagine it as a thread connecting us leading us to my homeland…”

Harry heard luna’s breath hitch as she started to breath heavier. “Let it flow, Harry,” Luna urged. “Feel the connection. You are not just a human; you are the master of death- no prince of death my husband.”

With every heartbeat, he felt the magic growing stronger. The air around them vibrated with energy, and the ground beneath his feet felt alive. The sensation was exhilarating, like being on the edge of the abyss and staring.

As he visualized land, colors began to swirl around him—golden yellows, deep blues, and bright pinks, all merging into a radiant spectrum. He could sense the unicorns and thestrals behind him, and then suddenly they were not.

“Now, open your eyes,” Luna instructed wheezing the sentence out.

Harry did, and before him stood Luna alone looking pale as blood dripped from her mouth, the entire clearing around them had expanded massively.

“Luna!” Harry exclaimed, gripping her hand tightly pulling her into his embrace. panic surging through him. “What happened? Are you okay?”

Harry's heart raced as he held Luna tightly, trying to anchor her as she swayed. “You’re not fine, Luna! You’re hurt!” He could feel the warmth of her blood on his fingers, the stark reminder of how much they had pushed their limits.

“I… I pushed too hard,” she admitted, her voice weak but filled with determination. “The magic of Harmony is a barrier I can’t breach alone. But we did send them home, and that’s what matters.” She smiled faintly, though it faltered as a wave of pain washed over her.

“Luna, you need to rest,” Harry urged, searching the clearing for anything that could help. “I’ll get you to Madam Pomfrey or—”

“No hospitals,” she interrupted, shaking her head, her silver hair shimmering in the moonlight. “I’ll heal… just need a moment.” The blond muttered snuggling into Harry’s embrace before succumbing from exhaustion.

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