Crimson Moon

Chapter 22: I dream of memories


Luna stood in the dream world, a place she often visited in her sleep but now felt more intense, more vivid. The eerie red glow that filled the atmosphere was disorienting, casting long shadows over the landscape. Her usual sense of calm was replaced with a strange tension as she gazed upward.

Above her, the red moon loomed, impossibly large, covering the entire sky. It pulsed with an ancient energy, almost as if it were alive, beckoning her. The sight stirred something deep within Luna—a feeling she couldn’t quite explain, yet it felt so familiar. She recognized this energy. It was hers. It had always been hers.

"This... this was a vestige all along," she murmured to herself, realizing the truth. "A piece of me... of Princess Luna, locked away." The red moon wasn't just some ominous dreamscape construct. It was the very essence of her memories—her true memories as a princess of Equestria, the parts that had been lost to her for so long.

As Luna extended her hand toward the crimson moon, her fingers tingled with anticipation. The energy radiating from it was overwhelming, and a sense of foreboding settled into her bones.

"A vestige this powerful... it's all of them, isn't it?" she whispered. "All my memories, all of my past... everything I was before I came here." A soft chuckle escaped her lips. "This is probably gonna hurt, huh?"

The moment her hand touched the glow, a jolt of power surged through her. It was like an electric shock, and suddenly, the world around her exploded with light.

As the swirling red haze of the vestige dissolved into her, Luna’s mind was flooded with vivid memories—ones she hadn’t known were missing. The overwhelming surge of emotions made her feel as if she were floating, untethered, between the past and the present. And then, like the gentle pull of a warm breeze, one particular memory surfaced—clearer and sharper than the others.

She was small, a young foal, with her coat a deep navy blue and her mane still short, sparkling only faintly with the magic of the stars she would one day command. The world around her felt enormous, vibrant, and full of wonder. Luna blinked, realizing she was back in the grand halls of a palace, its gleaming white walls stretching high above her. She knew this place—it was her home in Equestria.

Beside her stood her older sister, Princess Celestia, her shimmering pink mane flowing gracefully as she looked down at Luna with a patient smile. Even then, Celestia exuded the warmth and calm of the sun, and Luna, though young, felt the unspoken responsibility of living in her sister’s shadow.

"Lulu, come on!" Celestia giggled, nudging her younger sister gently with her nose. "You have to focus if you want to succed!” Celestia cheered

“I still think stealing these books from the wizard unicorns was a bad idea.” Luna mutters

“Starswirl Luna his name is Starswirl.” Celestia states

“Right How about I move the sun and you the Moon? We can always get the stars later?” Celestia asks as her horn picks up her own book on magic.

“RIGHT!” Luna cheered
The dream world shimmered and shifted around her, dissolving into the halls of the grand castle.

Luna, now a young foal again, felt the cool marble floor beneath her hooves, and the faint echo of her and Celestia’s playful giggles filled the grand corridor. Celestia stood beside her, still radiating that comforting warmth that Luna always associated with her older sister. But Luna’s attention wasn’t on the grandeur of the palace, or on her sister’s playful nudging. It stuck as a frown as her own body disobeyed her.

"Lulu, you’ll never learn if you don’t try," Celestia encouraged, her voice full of playful determination. With a flap her older sisters massive wings took her off the ground.

Luna wrinkled her nose, her small wings fluttering in frustration. "I am trying, Tia,"

Luna’s tiny wings buzzed with effort as she tried to follow her sister’s graceful ascent, but she could barely lift herself a few inches off the ground. She huffed in frustration, her dark blue coat shimmering faintly under the soft palace light. It seemed so easy for Celestia—everything always seemed easier for her older sister. Celestia was taller, stronger, and her magic came as naturally as the sunrise she would one day command.

"Lulu," Celestia called from above, her voice kind but teasing. "You just need more practice. Focus, and you'll be soaring like me soon!"

Luna narrowed her eyes, determined, and flapped her wings harder. This time, she lifted off the ground for a few seconds before stumbling back down. "I am focusing!" she muttered, feeling the weight of her own impatience and the pressure of trying to keep up with her sister. "I just... I can't do it like you, Tia."

Celestia floated down, landing gracefully beside her younger sister. She smiled warmly and nudged Luna with her wing. "You'll get there, Lulu.” “Princess Celestia!” A voice shouts in the distance.

“Ah I have duties to attend to sister, I love you.” Tia says before galloping off.


The grand chamber of the Night Court was eerily silent, the only sounds being the faint crackle of torches that lined the vast stone walls. A soft glow from the moon poured through the towering windows, casting long shadows that danced and shifted with the flicker of flames. Princess Luna sat alone upon her dark obsidian throne, her deep navy coat blending almost seamlessly with the dim light of her court. Her wings were tucked neatly at her sides, and her ethereal mane, now fully flowing with stars, shimmered quietly as if reflecting the endless night sky outside.

But there were no visitors.

Night after night, Luna sat there, waiting—hoping—for anypony to come seek her wisdom, her guidance. The Day Court, where her sister Celestia reigned, was always bustling with activity. Ponies from all corners of Equestria would line up for a chance to be in the presence of the sun princess, to ask for her help, to share their concerns or praise her rule.

But for Luna’s court, the nights were always the same. Still. Silent. Empty.

Luna sighed quietly, her teal eyes fixed on the large double doors of the court, as if expecting them to swing open at any moment. But they never did. Not tonight. Not any night.

She shifted slightly in her seat, her hooves tapping lightly against the floor, the small noise echoing in the vast emptiness of the room. Her gaze drifted upward to the moon that hung high in the sky, its silvery light her only companion during these lonely hours.

The sun was already beginning to climb the sky, casting golden rays over the horizon as Princess Luna made her way into the grand dining hall. Her hooves made a soft clinking sound against the polished marble floor, and her ethereal mane shimmered with the fading light of the night, still dotted with stars. The rich aroma of her dinner filled the room—freshly baked bread, warm pancakes, and steaming tea—but the chair at the far end of the table remained conspicuously empty.

Celestia wasn’t there.

Luna paused at the doorway, her expression faltering slightly as her eyes drifted toward the empty seat that belonged to her sister. She had hoped—no, expected—that Tia would be waiting for her, as she always did after their nightly shift change. Tia’s Breakfast, Her dinner was one of the few times they could spend together, a quiet moment for the two of them to talk, to laugh, to catch up on each other’s lives.

But today, Celestia wasn’t there.

Luna sighed softly, her wings drooping just a little as she approached the long dining table. She took her usual seat, her plate already laid out before her, but the usual comfort of the routine felt hollow in the absence of her sister.
Luna sat on the Lunar Throne, her posture regal yet weary as the last petitioner of the night finished speaking. The moon hung high in the sky, its pale glow casting long shadows across the grand chamber of the Night Court. She listened attentively, hoping that anypony would arrive…

Yet nopony did… ever.

Luna stood up from the throne her wings drooping. Luna let out a quiet sigh. The night had passed as it always did—quiet, lonely. Her court was empty, it always was. Maybe Tia would be at breakfast? She hadn’t seen her sister since last harvest.

Celestia wasn’t there.

The gentle clinking of the silverware, the soft rustle of the servants as they moved around the hall—it all seemed muted, quieter than usual. Luna lifted a cup of tea with her magic, sipping it slowly, but her gaze kept drifting toward the door, hoping her sister would walk through it at any moment.

But the minutes passed, and the door remained closed.

"She must be busy," Luna whispered to herself.


She let out a quiet sigh, shifting slightly on her throne. Night Court was open to all, yet few, if any, ever came. It seemed no matter how much she offered, how much she tried to reach out to her subjects, they still feared her—or perhaps, worse, they simply didn’t care. Luna had grown accustomed to the silence, but it still gnawed at her, maybe Tia would be at breakfast today?

Just as she was about to rise from her seat, resigned to another empty night, the large doors of the throne room creaked open.

Luna straightened, her heart skipping a beat. A visitor? At this hour?

She watched with cautious curiosity as a small, trembling figure stepped into the room. It was a foal, no older than five or six, his coat a pale cream and his mane dark brown. His tiny hooves clacked softly against the polished floor as he approached, his wide, fearful eyes fixed on Luna. The room, vast and imposing, made the little foal seem even smaller.

Luna’s heart softened at the sight. A foal. Someone had finally come to visit her. She smiled warmly, her voice gentle as she spoke. “Greetings, little one. What brings thee to our Night Court at such a late hour?”

The foal froze, his wide eyes growing even larger as he stared up at her. His small body trembled, and Luna could see the fear etched into every inch of his being. She furrowed her brow in concern, stepping down from her throne to approach him more gently. “Fear not, child. We are—”

“You’re a demon!” the foal blurted, his voice breaking with fright. “My parents told me about you! You… you’re the monster of the night who eats foals and controls all the creatures of darkness!” His little legs quivered as he forced himself to stand firm. “I… I came to ask you to stop!”

Luna’s breath hitched, the warmth in her chest evaporating as his words struck her like a cold wind. She stood motionless, staring down at the terrified colt who gazed at her as if she were the nightmare he feared most. Her heart ached, an unsettling pain rising as she felt the weight of misunderstanding pressing down on her.

Did all of her subjects think this way of her?

“Little one,” she began, her voice soft and strained, “I can assure thee… we do not eat ponies. We are no demon.”

The foal’s eyes narrowed, as if weighing her words, confusion flickering across his young face. “You don’t?”

But before Luna could respond, the heavy doors of the throne room burst open. A panicked mare, wide-eyed and trembling, rushed inside.

“Stay away from my son!” the mare screamed, her voice shrill with terror. She threw herself between the foal and Luna, as if shielding him from a monster. “You won’t take him! You won’t harm him!”

Luna froze, her regal composure faltering as the mare’s fearful eyes met hers, full of terror and distrust. The ache in Luna’s heart deepened, the pain of centuries of isolation, misunderstanding, and rejection bleeding through her stoic facade.

“Thou dost not understand…” Luna whispered, her voice trembling. “We would never harm thy child…”
Before Luna could respond, the clatter of armor echoed through the throne room. Several of her Guards burst through the doors, their expressions stern and weapons drawn, moving swiftly toward the scene. The sudden tension crackled in the air as the guards raised their spears—not at the terrified mare or her foal, but at Luna herself.

“Stand down, Princess!” one of the guards shouted, his voice trembling ever so slightly as he leveled his spear toward her. His gaze was uncertain, torn between his duty to protect the ponies of equestria and his duties as a guard to his princess.

The mare clutched her foal tighter, eyes wide as the scene unfolded. The child whimpered in confusion, too young to fully grasp what was happening but still feeling the palpable tension and fear in the room.

“We have heard the rumors,” another guard muttered, not meeting her gaze. “Of your power… of your control over the creatures of the night.” He took a step closer, the tip of his spear barely inches from her.

Luna stood frozen, her usually regal stance crumbling under the weight of it all. She could feel the cold edge of despair creeping in. Was this truly how they all saw her? A demon, a monster, even to those meant to protect her.

She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came. The hurt, the misunderstanding—it was too much. She had fought so hard to show them that the night was not something to be feared.

The heavy doors of the throne room burst open with a resounding bang, and in strode Princess Celestia, her presence commanding as always.

“Enough!” Celestia's voice rang out, firm yet calming, immediately drawing the attention of all present. The guards stiffened, lowering their weapons but not fully relaxing their stances.

“What is the meaning of this?” Celestia demanded, her eyes narrowing as she turned to the guards, then to her sister, her expression a mix of concern and confusion.

The guards exchanged hesitant glances, unsure how to explain the situation. Luna remained silent, her heart heavy with the weight of misunderstanding, feeling utterly exposed in front of her sister.

“Your Highness, we received reports…” one of the guards began, but Celestia held up a hoof, silencing him.

“Reports? Of what? My sister is not a monster!” Celestia’s voice softened, the warmth of the sun enveloping the room. She stepped forward, positioning herself protectively between Luna and the guards. “Luna, are you alright?”

Luna looked at her sister, a mixture of hope and sorrow in her eyes. “Tia, they think… they think I’m a demon.”

Celestia’s expression shifted, her heart breaking at the sight of her sister’s pain. “Who would dare speak such things?” she asked, turning back to the foal and his mother. “What have you heard?”

The mother stammered, clutching her child tightly, her eyes darting nervously between the two princesses. “I… I just wanted him to stay away from the monster that controls the night! I heard it from the townsfolk—stories of what you are.”

“Tia I do not believe that I am alright.” Luna states

Luna sat alone on her lunar throne, the empty Night Court echoing with the silence that had become all too familiar. The cold marble beneath her felt like an unyielding reminder of her isolation, and the vast hall stretched out before her, devoid of visitors or warmth. She glanced up at the darkened ceiling, her heart heavy with longing.

“Maybe if we were to make it perpetually night,” she mused aloud, her voice barely a whisper against the cavernous emptiness, “then our subjects would have to come to us.” The thought twisted in her mind like a thorn, both enticing and deeply unsettling. Would they flock to her if there was no sun to chase them away? Would they fear her less if they had no choice but to embrace the night?

As she pondered this, the shadows danced around her.

Luna Lovegood awoke in Harry’s arms her husband looking down at her with worry as she felt herself covered in what was likely sweat an there was no telling how long she had been asleep.

“A-” Luna went to speak but the dryness of her mouth hit her all at once.

“W-a-t-e-r” Luna chokes out.

“Of course Augmenti.” Harry mumers with a wave of his hand as water formed out of the condensation in the air acting like a water fountain.

Luna greedily drank from the water until the pain in her throat had subsided.

“Are you okay Luna?” Harry asks

“ I do not believe that I am alright.” Luna states


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