Crimson Moon

Chapter 23:

Several months had passed since Luna and Harry sent her subjects back to Equestria via the ritual. Luna was still struggling to sift through her memories. There were fragments of her past life as a normal human, this life as Luna, her life as the Queen Slayer from Code Vein, and now as Princess Luna. Altogether, she had about 5,000 years of memories to manage, and her Occlumency barriers had been shattered. As a result, she was relying on a Legilimency-warning necklace while she worked to organize and rebuild her mental defenses


“Hey, Harry?” Luna asked, her voice cutting through the morning quiet at the breakfast table.


“Yes, dear?” Harry responded with a calm smile.

“Are you still having those weird demon-killing dreams?” she inquired.

Harry nodded, biting into his breakfast. “Yeah, but it’s more of a rerun now. I feel like I could stop it if I wanted, but I let it play out. Every time, I feel stronger.”


“Hey, you two lovely people,” Daphne greeted them, sitting down next to them.


“Hey, Daphne.” Luna turned to her with a grin. “So, have you figured out your Animagus form yet?”


“It’s coming along,” Daphne replied. “How’s your transformation going?”


“I’ve got it down, and Harry’s coming along too,” Luna replied.


“I still don’t fully understand what being an Alicorn entails,” Harry admitted with a chuckle. “But I’m sure I’ll have a great teacher.”


“I’m still sorting through my memories, Harry,” Luna muttered, shaking her head slightly. “Not much time for magic practice.”


“I’m surprised Dumbledore hasn’t made a move yet,” Daphne said, raising an eyebrow.


“He’ll probably try something at the Wizengamot, but for now, we’ve got the goblins on our side, a heap of blackmail, and majority control of the castle,” Luna said matter-of-factly.


“What is the plan for today then?” Daphne asks 


“It’s almost time for Snape to duel Lockhart,” Harry pointed out.


“Is it?” Luna frowned. “The Chamber of Secrets hasn’t even opened.”


Huh, that’s fair,” Harry agreed, suddenly uncertain.


“I still think you two are seers,” Daphne declared.


“Everyone has eyes, Daphne. It’s not our fault we’re the only ones choosing to use them,” Harry teased, causing Luna to give him a betrayed look.


“No stealing my cryptic messages!” Luna protested, her voice rising in mock outrage.


Daphne glanced between them, then broke into laughter. “So, what’s the plan for today?” daphne reiterated 


“Hopefully, dueling club. If not, we’ve always got CrossWands,” Harry said.


Luna leaned forward, her tone more serious. “Crocell, how often does your family redo Hogwarts, pretending to be your own descendants?”


Daphne glanced over at Harry, who flicked his wrist, casting a privacy charm with practiced ease. “This is my third time. You’d be amazed at what aging spells and devil magic can do.”


Harry’s eyes narrowed. “How old are you, actually?”


“I was born in 1888,” Daphne replied nonchalantly.


Luna nudged Harry with a smirk. “She’s younger than both of us, love.”


Harry chuckled. “What about your sister, Astoria?”


“It’ll be her first time at Hogwarts,” Daphne said.


“Huh. This is still kinda weird,” Harry admitted, shaking his head.


Daphne arched a brow, her curiosity piqued. “You know, I still don’t fully understand your situation. I get what Luna is, but you, Harry? I’m clueless.”


Harry leaned back, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Well, between being the Doom Slayer and the Master of Death, let’s just say I’ve been stuck in a loop for a while.”


Suddenly, the heavy oak doors creaked open, making several students wince at the sound. Professor McGonagall entered with her usual purposeful stride, though even she looked a bit more serious than usual. Her eyes swept over the drowsy faces, and without a word, she tapped the wall beside the House points board with her wand. A large poster unfurled, its bright colors clashing harshly with the sleepy atmosphere of the hall.


The shimmering letters on the poster seemed almost too loud for the early morning:


DUELING CLUB! Run by Professor Lockhart Come test your magical skills and learn the art of dueling from Hogwarts’ very own Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher!


The students barely reacted, most of them too tired to care, though a few blinked in confusion.


McGonagall cleared her throat. “For those interested,” she said, her voice cutting through the heavy silence, “the first session will be held tonight in the Great Hall at 8 PM. Attendance is… encouraged.”


Daphne looked back at Harry and Luna utterly dumbfounded. 


“Damn, oh well it should be entertaining at the least.” Luna states 



So I have another hurricane coming at me. It is probably gonna be a direct impact on me too so wish me luck yall.

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