Crimson Moon

Chapter 6: Impersonating Fae because I’m Bored

Harry sat in Dumbledore’s office and he was tired neither him or Luna got any sleep although considering his constant nightmares ever since try 3? Or was it 4? Not sleeping was kind of a blessing.


“So, Harry, my boy, what happened?” Dumbledore asked.


Harry sat back in the chair, resting his eyes for a moment, taking what would later be called a micro-nap.


“Harry?” Dumbledore repeated.


Harry jolted awake. “Ah, sorry, I was resting my eyes,” he stated.


“That’s alright, Harry. I’m sure you had a long night,” the old man said, motioning for Harry to continue.


“Right, well, Luna sat down next to me and said some stuff no one should know,” Harry said.


“That is indeed odd, but please, don’t stop. I’ll motion to you once I have a question,” Dumbledore said.


“Right, so, in response, I asked the blonde girl if she was a seer. The response I got was ‘Everyone has eyes; it’s not my fault I’m the only one who uses them,’ or something like that. So much happened that I can’t really remember it fully at the moment,” Harry stated.


“What happened?” Dumbledore asked.


“I got married, I think?” Harry said, sounding as confused as he could be. It would take time for Dumbledore’s fall from grace, and they needed to not tip him off.


“Married?” Dumbledore asked.


“Well, Luna asked me for my name, and my response was, ‘Only if I could have yours.’ She then cheered ‘yes’ before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the forest,” Harry said.


“Harry, you got married to a Fae? I was not aware the Lovegoods had any Fae blood in them,” Dumbledore said, a little dumbfounded.


“I mean, it can't be that bad. Maybe it is the power he knows not?” Harry asked.


“Did she tell you of the prophecy?” Dumbledore asked, shocked.


Harry smirked, realizing the chance he had. There was no way anyone would be dumb enough to go against a FAE.


“According to my lovely wife, she is going to tell me everything she deems important,” Harry responded.


Fawkes chirped as Dumbledore’s jaw dropped.


“Harry, the Fae are dangerous creatures. The fact that one showed up is worrying in and of itself,” Dumbledore stated.


“I appreciate you warning my husband about my kind, Dumbledore, but rest assured I will keep him safe,” a voice chimed from behind him, causing the old man to jump.


Dumbledore spun around and saw a pair of golden eyes staring directly into his, right into his soul.


“Luna Lovegood?” Dumbledore asked.


“That name works. I prefer just Luna, though,” the girl responded.


“I have questions,” Dumbledore said.


“And you expect me to answer? I am just here to make sure that my husband isn’t late to class,” Luna stated.


“Am I missing breakfast?” Harry asked.


“Not if we hurry,” Luna responded.


McGonagall was giving out schedules when she came across Luna and Harry. The two had disappeared the previous night, and it was good they were back safe and sound.


“Luna, Harry, detention after class tonight. Meet me in my office,” the strict Scottish woman said.


“Of course, sorry, Professor, just family problems,” Luna stated.


“Family problems required both you and Harry Potter?” McGonagall asked.


“Yes, we got married by accident,” Harry responded.


Ginny, who was sitting across from the two, squeaked in shock and indignation. Everyone in the Great Hall went silent.


“I’m sorry, what?” McGonagall asked.


“So, I asked Harry if I could have his name. Harry responded only if he could have mine. I kinda misunderstood and cheered ‘yes’ because I thought he was proposing, and I always wanted to get married,” Luna stated.


“And magic recognized that?” the professor asked, dumbfounded.


“It turns out I have a bit of Fae blood,” Luna responded with a wry smile as everyone else suddenly looked at the blonde with a large amount of distrust.


“She’s got to be a changeling, that’s the only thing that makes sense,” Ginny muttered.


“The Fae are real?” Hermione whispered to Ron, who was paused mid-bite into his breakfast.


“The goblins are technically Fae, along with the house elves,” Ron answered, dumbfounded.


Luna looked at her schedule and sighed. Defense Against the Dark Arts was first today.


Gilderoy Lockhart strutted into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, his bright, peacock-blue robes swirling around him and a dazzling smile fixed on his face. The first-year students, many of whom were already whispering excitedly, fell silent as he approached the front of the room.


"Good morning, class!" Lockhart said, his voice cheerful and confident. "I am Gilderoy Lockhart, your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Some of you may already know me from my best-selling books. For those who don’t, don’t worry—you’ll get to know me very well indeed."


He winked, causing a few students to giggle. With a flourish, he produced a stack of his books, each one emblazoned with his picture and a title boasting of his many supposed adventures.


"Today, we’ll be learning about one of my more thrilling escapades, which I’ve chronicled in my book, 'Gadding with Ghouls.' Now, who here can tell me what a ghoul is?"


Luna’s hand shot up.


“Miss Lovegood,” Lockhart called.


“I just wish for clarification. Which ghouls are we referring to? The standard undead, the thralls of vampires, or the squibs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?” Luna asked.


“Uh, there’s a difference?” Lockhart stammered.


Thank goodness that the class was over. Lockhart didn’t even know about the different types of ghouls.


“Harry is busy… I kinda want to see the Thestrals, so, to Hagrid’s hut,” Luna said as she turned a sharp right directly into a wall, walking through it.


“LUNA!” Ginny shouted, seeing Luna just disappear.


Luna, hearing the shout, just smiled as her perfect night vision allowed her to sprint down the dark secret passage.

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