Crimson Moon

Chapter 7: Princess.

Luna had made it outside to the Forbidden Forest, her feet barely making a sound on the soft earth as she moved deeper into the shadows. The forest was thick with ancient trees, their gnarled branches stretching overhead like skeletal hands. Despite the eerie atmosphere, Luna felt at ease, her golden eyes reflecting the faint light filtering through the canopy.


She had always been drawn to the forest, the night, and of course the moon. Her name was Luna, after all.


“Buck, the thirst is bothering me so much right now,” Luna muttered as her eyes glowed a malicious red for a moment. She could feel the hunger gnawing at her, a constant reminder of her vampiric nature.


The sun was just past its highest point in the sky, and Luna had paused to gather her thoughts. She felt a strange sensation, a tingling in the back of her mind that made her turn around. What she saw made her gasp in shock.


“BUCK! WHAT THE FUCK! Wait, no, there is no way,” Luna thought in panic as she turned around to see both Unicorns and Thestrals bowing down to her.


The sight was surreal. Unicorns, creatures of purity and light, and Thestrals, often associated with death and darkness, were united in bowing down for her. Luna took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.


This had confirmed it, what was she to do? “I’m Princess Luna…” The blonde girl whispers to herself in utter shock, it all makes sense now. The Dream walking, her weird connection to the moon. 

Then the cackling began, worried about her mortal body, hell if she was right then she was a demigod if not a fullfledge godling. 


Could she even get to… Nope, some weird field repelled her but by the time she graduates from hogwarts, the answer should be yes. 


“Well I can guess as to what my animagus form will be.” Luna mutters as her tongue touches the mandrake leaf at the top of her mouth. 


“Uh mother I think something might be wrong with the princess.” One of the younger unicorns mutters. 


“My lovely subjects… why are you here?” Luna asks doing her best not to squeal since she could understand them. 


Since equestria exists in the local pocket of worlds then all of these ponies should be there… not here.


“Our ancestors were banished for following Nightmare Moon.” A thestral states


“That simply won’t do. Gather as many of your brethren as you can, I might still not be able to go… home however I’m sure with my husband's help we can get you all there.” Luna states with a smile.


Harry was falling asleep at his desk in charms while Hermoine looked at him angrily from across the room. 


Flitwick was going on giving his unusual first-day year two lecture when suddenly the door opened. 


“Ah Miss Lovegood, I understand that it is your free period however I must ask you to not disturbe other classes. 


Harry looks up to see Luna smiling at him.


”I understand professor however I need to speak with my husband.” Luna responds with a smile. 


Harry sighed to himself this little gremlin loved causing chaos, first making Dumbledore think she was fae and now this. 


“Husband? Miss Lovegood, You are too young to marry.” Flitwick answers. 


“Not according to magic nor Greengotts,” Luna replies with a smile. 


Harry stands up and in a blink and you’ll miss it the moment he was across the room holding Luna’s hand.


Even Luna herself had barely managed to hold in her hock from Harry, that was pure physical movement speed, not appration, not teleportation. He just dashed across the room open air and all` 


“Luna, Dear, could you stop causing so much trouble?” Harry asks internally smirking her kind of chaos was fun. 


Said blond girl pouted while looking up at him. “Do I have to? I just want everyone to know that we are married husband.” Luna mock whispers, loud enough for all the students nearby to hear.


“You already did that at breakfast,” Harry states rather plainly. 


“I like this, you are the straight man to my comedy act.” Luna states with a smile. 


Flitwick cleared his throat, clearly trying to regain control of his class. "Very well, Miss Lovegood, Mr. Potter. As long as this matter is settled, please take your seats. We were just about to begin a practical exercise."


Harry nodded, guiding Luna to an empty desk next to his. He could feel the eyes of their classmates on them, some curious, some envious, and a few, like Hermione, clearly disapproving. As they sat down, Harry leaned in and whispered, "What did you need to talk to me about, Luna?"


Luna’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "I’ve just come across some stuff that i absolutely must show you… I think you will find it rather interesting.” 


Harry leans back and sighs. “So much so fast? We have forever you know.”


“Yeah… I just want a running start.” Luna responds. 


“Luna there is plenty to do in the castle,” Harry responds


Luna freezes and seems to look of nowhere in the distance.


“Why did you not tell me? Mr I read the entire library twice instead of having a regular hogwarts life.” Luna snips back with a smirk.


Harry looks at the blonde “You can control it?” 


“Of course, I can husband it would be kinda useless if I couldn’t. Also, there is a lot more to hogwarts than you would believe.” Luna says her eyes glazed over.


“Luna, just what do you know?” Harry asks 


Luna just smiles in response.

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