Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 40

 I Next

[The level of your Asrahan Core Technique has increased.]

Raciel’s eyes were met with a new notification.

The lingering numbness in his body subsided.

Raciel took a moment to ease his pain, then took a deep breath, attentively reading the ongoing messages.

[Skill Name: Asrahan Core Technique]

[Level: Single Circle Lv. 2]

[It absorbs nearby mana, processes/amplifies it in a circle around the heart, and utilizes it. The amplification rate increases significantly with each additional circle.]

[Mana Amplification Rate: 130%]

[HP required for the next level up: 1,200]

[Current HP: 200]

The Core Technique had leveled up, resulting in a 10% increase in the amplification rate. But the messages didn’t stop there.


‘Could there be more rewards?’

And his intuition proved correct.

[You have excellently endured the intense electrical stimulation within a short period.]

[As a result of this stimulation, the metal energy in the lungs and colon has been activated, surpassing the wood energy.]

[Following the principle of Metal Conquers Wood (金剋木), the liver, which represents the wood element among the Five Viscera and Six Bowels, has awakened.]

[Your liver has awakened.]

[Lungs: Welcome to the team, newcomer!]

[Heart: Huh? A newbie?]

[Spleen: Sple… hahaha.]

[Colon: Am I not the youngest anymore? Don’t be scared, bro, haha.]

[Your liver has contributed 300 HP as sponsorship.]

[Your spleen, heart, and colon, happy about the new member, have contributed 500 HP as sponsorship.]

[A birthday party for your liver is taking place within you, granting you an additional 300 HP.]

[Current HP: 1,300]


Suddenly, a new member joined Raciel’s Five Viscera and Six Bowels. He clenched his fist.

‘Excellent. Truly excellent!’

He received a substantial amount of HP sponsorship.

But it wasn’t just that.

HP was a valuable resource that allowed him to create skills or summon Phantom Beasts. And the precious contributors of this HP were the Five Viscera and Six Bowels.

Now, with the birth of a new member among these organs, Raciel would be able to receive even more HP in the future. It was an unexpected gain.

Just then, another message interrupted his thoughts.



The seemingly endless series of messages continued.

[You have successfully treated the patient, George, with an aggressive yet decisive approach. He will be freed from his chronic seizures and live a more comfortable and stable life. In his original future, George would have resorted to alcohol to cope with the pain of his seizures, eventually developing liver disease and passing away at the age of 56. However, thanks to your intervention, the future has changed, and he will enjoy a relatively healthy old age.]

[The Medical Billing (Lv. 2) skill has been activated.]


[By utilizing your unique Micro Nerve Stimulation procedure, patient George’s life expectancy has been extended by 14 years and 7 months. As a result, you are granted a bonus life equivalent to 1/1950 of 14 years and 7 months.]

[A bonus life of 2.69 days has been calculated.]

[The minimum unit of life used for calculation is one day.]

[The calculated bonus life has been rounded up.]

[A total of 3 days of bonus life has been granted.]

[Your expected life expectancy: 161 days]


This time, Raciel acquired bonus life as well.

The outcome exceeded his expectations.

Taking a deep breath, Raciel raised his head and glanced around. The first person he laid his eyes upon was George, the child he had just treated.

“…Huh? Eh?”

George appeared perplexed.

“Um, I feel… strange.”

The child tried to leap up from his seat, but Raciel swiftly extracted the spine from his body. Observing George, he couldn’t help but smile.

“Indeed, it must feel strange.”

And it did. The onset of a seizure was imminent, yet it vanished. The child examined his entire body, utterly astounded.

“This… It’s never happened before. Usually, when I get goosebumps and feel this way… sparks start flashing before my eyes, I break out in a cold sweat… I can’t move on my own, and so on.”

“But it didn’t happen this time, did it?”


“And it won’t happen in the future.”


“You won’t have to suffer anymore.”


George’s eyes grew increasingly puzzled, as if questioning the meaning behind Raciel’s words. It was as though they found it unbelievable. And rightly so. Having endured epilepsy all his life, who could easily believe that the pain would vanish overnight?

Raciel gently helped the child to his feet, meeting his gaze at eye level. Locking eyes with George, he spoke carefully.

“I promise you. You’re completely healed now. You won’t experience any more pain. The sudden sense of strangeness leading to loss of consciousness, the collapsing and convulsions without cause, being teased or avoided by other children because of it—none of that will happen again.”



“Really, really?”

“Really, really.”

Raciel beamed.

“If I’m lying, you can become the crown prince starting tomorrow.”

“Ehem. Everyone, heed my words.”


Raciel playfully tousled George’s hair. Laughter emanated from beneath the tousled strands.

Raciel found himself laughing as well. Somehow, he felt like he could understand, even if only a little, how George felt at that moment.

‘When I was young, I experienced a similar moment.’

Suddenly, a memory from when he was nine years old resurfaced.

Was it during his playtime with friends in the neighborhood? He had severely sprained his right ankle, causing it to swell immensely. The pain was excruciating, rendering him unable to walk. His mother had carried him to a local Oriental medicine clinic.

He couldn’t recall if it was a legitimate Oriental medicine clinic or a moxibustion clinic. An elderly man with impaired vision worked there. He had inserted needles into Raciel’s ankle and several other points. At first, it had been frightening, anxiety-inducing, and uncomfortable.

But after the acupuncture…

His ankle, which had been throbbing with pain, was completely healed! He couldn’t walk on the way to the clinic, but on the way back, he sprinted all the way home. It felt like a true miracle. Perhaps that childhood experience had influenced his decision to become an Oriental Medicine doctor.

‘I wonder if that place still exists.’

The nameless Oriental medicine clinic in the neighborhood where he had once resided. It was located under the overpass in front of Seokpo Elementary School near the Busan UN Cemetery. If possible, Raciel wished he could showcase his acupuncture skills to the old man or even learn from him.

‘At any rate, I felt just like this back then.’

The sheer amazement of running home after receiving acupuncture treatment. As he gazed at George’s flushed face, the memory of his own elation resurfaced, and a smile graced Raciel’s lips.

Moreover, there was more good news.

‘And… it was a success.’

Raciel surveyed his surroundings.

Court Magician Zanetis. Gardin and Demian. The gladiators of the Special Duty squad. The Star Palace guards, eunuchs, and even the maids. All eyes were fixed on Raciel and George, filled with astonishment.

Among them, one person stood out the most…


A maid emerged from the crowd, her voice ringing out. As soon as George spotted her, he responded eagerly.


The siblings embraced each other, filled with joy. The boy had a bright smile on his face, and the maid couldn’t hold back her tears of happiness. Raciel, too, was deeply moved by the scene unfolding before him.

‘Ah, I’m one step closer. Closer to the dream of wealth and honor.’

He had successfully cured the boy’s epilepsy, and everyone in the Star Palace had witnessed the miraculous process. They had seen him endure the electric magic and witnessed the boy’s impending seizure subside. They had all been on the edge of their seats, cheering him on.

This moment would be etched in their memories forever. They would share this story with anyone they met, spreading it like a rumor.

‘Have you heard? If you go to the Star Palace, your ailments can be cured!’

And then Raciel would heal them, earning a bonus lifespan in return. A future of longevity and prosperity awaited him. Trembling with anticipation and happiness, Raciel couldn’t contain his excitement.

But suddenly, without warning, his legs gave way beneath him.



Was it because of the tension he had been under while performing the procedure? Was it the strain of enduring the electric magic? Or perhaps it was due to his exhaustion from staying awake day and night, assisting the Court Magician. It could have been a combination of all these factors.

‘My strength…’

Raciel felt his energy draining away, as if the tide was receding. He couldn’t recall when he had slumped down, but he noticed the concerned faces of those rushing towards him.

‘Am I going to faint?’

Indeed, that’s exactly what happened.

Consciousness slipped away rapidly, like sinking into a deep slumber. And then, he realized.

…He had forgotten. He was still a patient with a fragile constitution.

With a wry smile, he accepted this realization.

The world faded into darkness.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

When Raciel opened his eyes again, it was deep into the night. He stared blankly at the ceiling for a moment.

‘Did I sleep the entire day?’

It seemed entirely possible.

He had pushed himself too far in so many ways. After all, he was still a frail patient with a terminal illness.

“Your Highness?”

He heard a voice calling out to him. He saw Gardin’s face, filled with relief.

“Are you awake?”

Demian, who had been standing beside Gardin, also quickly rose to his feet. Court Magician Zanetis was standing behind them.

Raciel couldn’t help but let out a bitter laugh.

“What’s going on? Did everyone gather around just to watch me sleep?”

It felt rather embarrassing.

Just as he was about to voice his complaint…

“We’ve been so worried, watching and hoping for your recovery, Your Highness,” Gardin choked up, her voice trembling.

Raciel was taken aback.

“What? Why? What happened?”

Sniffles filled the air.

“Isn’t it obvious? You’ve been unconscious for two days, and you only just woke up now.”


Two days since he had fallen asleep…

At first, he couldn’t believe it.

But when he looked at Gardin, who was truly crying, and Demian, who nodded slightly, it became clear that it wasn’t a joke.

Breaking the silence, Court Magician Zanetis spoke.

“I was contemplating how to inform His Majesty of this situation.”

“…Tch. I shouldn’t have burdened you. I apologize.”

“No, Your Highness. I am relieved to see you safe.”

Zanetis wasn’t unaffected either. His face bore the weight of exhaustion. It seemed that he had kept vigil while Raciel was unconscious, without getting any rest.

It was likely.

The Crown Prince who had fainted from bearing the burden of his lightning magic. A prince who hadn’t awakened for two whole days. Anxiety must have plagued everyone. But suddenly, a question sprang to Raciel’s mind.

“Where is George?”

‘What happened to the child? I hope he didn’t have another seizure in the past two days.’

The answer didn’t come from Gardin, Demian, or Zanetis, but from someone unexpected.

“I’m perfectly fine, you know?”


Peeking out from between Gardin and Demian was George’s small face. Seeing him, Raciel couldn’t help but smile.

“Why are you here?”

“I’ve been bothering this gentleman,” George subtly glanced at Gardin, who coughed awkwardly.

Then the child said, “I wanted to give you this… when you woke up.”

As he spoke, George timidly extended his hand. Raciel looked at the object in the child’s hand and burst into laughter.

‘What is this?’

The item George was holding out was a necklace.

It was a simple necklace made from a string, with a roughly carved heart shape on a piece of wood. It was plain and crude, lacking any glamour or value. Raciel suppressed a bitter laugh and asked, “Did you make this while I was asleep?”

George nodded shyly. Despite the dim candlelight, his blushing face was clearly visible.

Raciel inwardly clicked his tongue.

‘It’s a bit burdensome.’

Truth be told, it was an extremely crude necklace. Even though George had put his heart into making it, it felt embarrassing to wear such a necklace around his neck.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t accept it.’

If he wasn’t going to wear it, it would be better not to accept it.

He pondered for a moment, but then said, “You did a wonderful job.”

Raciel smiled warmly and accepted the necklace, gently patting George’s head.

“This is more amazing than any glamorous jewelry I’ve ever worn.”

“Really?” George’s face lit up.

Raciel nodded as if it were obvious. “Yes, and the greatest reward I have received is your recovery.”

As he said this, Raciel glanced around the room.


Gardin’s eyes welled up with tears, deeply moved by the scene. Demian and Zanetis smiled warmly. Even the two royal guards, who had been standing guard at a distance, were captivated by the heartwarming moment.

Seeing their reactions, Raciel couldn’t help but smile.

‘Phew, good. I played that line well.’

He had barely managed to tolerate the cheesiness of the moment.

But it worked.

After all, everything comes down to the conclusion. The end of a beautiful act of kindness, even if it’s cheesy, should evoke a touching sentiment. This way, the medical case would spread as a heartwarming story, becoming a powerful word-of-mouth tale. That’s why Raciel happily accepted the necklace and even delivered a somewhat touching line.

It was a success.

“Now, everyone can relax. But I’m a bit tired, so I’d like to rest alone,” Raciel said, looking at everyone with a weary expression. He then ushered them out of the bedroom. Finally, he let out a big sigh.


Perhaps due to the insincere acting, he felt a strange atmosphere. He lay there, staring blankly at the ceiling for a while. Lying down, he raised his hand.

The necklace given by George. It was very crude, too embarrassing to wear. A pitiful and insignificant necklace.

He chuckled to himself, laughing quietly.

“Who would wear something like this…”

Raciel murmured and turned over. Slowly, he fell asleep, with the crude and embarrassing necklace hanging around his neck.

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