Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 41

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A day had passed, and morning arrived.

“Mother, I’m here!”

This was a typical household in the downtown area of Magenta City. The palace servant, who served the crown prince, opened the front door with a joyful smile. Hearing his call, a middle-aged woman who was preparing breakfast inside was taken aback.

“…Son? Oh my, what brings you here today?”

“Well, I’m on vacation.”

“On vacation?”


“But didn’t you mention in your last letter that your vacation is scheduled for next month?”

“Oh, that’s a different vacation.”

“A different one?”

“Yes, His Highness the Crown Prince granted me a special vacation this morning. A full five days!”

“Oh my, how extraordinary. His Highness is truly generous.”

“Yes, indeed.”

The palace servant grinned.

Soon, other family members who heard the commotion greeted him. The breakfast table buzzed with conversations.

“Well, His Highness has been acting strangely lately.”

“Strangely? How so?”

“He keeps offering to treat people.”

“Treat? Like a doctor?”

“Yes, Father.”

The palace servant nodded.

“Just like a doctor, as you said. He even treated me. Remember when I severely sprained my wrist some time ago?”

“Ah, yes. You struggled for a while.”

“Well, it has been a bit achy since then. It would get sore whenever I overworked or got tired. But when His Highness examined my wrist…”

“Examined it?”

“He asked me to undress and lie down on the bed.”


“I found it strange too, but I had to follow his instructions. So, I lay down. Then His Highness…”

“His Highness?”

“He took a hedgehog spine and inserted it deeply into my wrist, the back of my hand, and shoulder.”

“A spine? Didn’t it hurt?”

“Surprisingly, it didn’t.”

The palace servant continued.

“What’s even more surprising is that a few minutes after he removed the spine, the soreness in my wrist completely disappeared.”

“What kind of… Did His Highness perform some kind of magic?”

“I don’t know. But there was another fascinating incident three nights ago.”

“Three nights ago?”

“Yes. Remember the maid I mentioned earlier? The one whose brother was troubled by evil spirits.”

“Oh, I remember. I know her family. But why her?”

“Three nights ago, His Highness treated her brother. And I mean completely treated him.”


The family’s eyes widened.

Their son’s story about healing his wrist with a spine was already absurd, but now he claimed that the crown prince had supposedly cured a child possessed by evil spirits.

“Did he perhaps perform a sacred ritual to exorcise the spirit?”

“No, he summoned the palace magician who cast lightning magic on his back.”


“While enduring that lightning magic, His Highness inserted a spine deep into the boy’s neck.”


“And then, the boy, who was possessed by an evil spirit, regained his senses.”

“…Is this for real?”

“Yes, I witnessed it with my own eyes.”


The family members shook their heads in disbelief. The idea of exorcising evil spirits with lightning magic seemed too fantastical. But even more astounding words came from the son’s mouth.

“So, I’m suggesting, would you like to accompany me to the Star Palace after my vacation ends, Father?”


“Yes. You’ve been suffering from a bad back, remember?”

“But why?”

“His Highness said he would treat you. For free. He wants to treat everyone, whether they are plagued by evil spirits, or sick, regardless of their social status or wealth.”

“…Is this for real?”


“Can I really go to a place like the Star Palace?”

“It’s fine. His Highness asked me to spread the word.”


Amused laughter filled the breakfast table. This wasn’t an isolated event confined to this ordinary household. Similar conversations were happening simultaneously in various parts of Magenta City.

“Honey! I’ve been granted a special vacation!”

“Mom, your daughter is here!”

“Hey, are you still sleeping while your brother is on vacation?”

…and so on.

From palace servants to maids and royal guards working at the Star Palace, many of them returned to their families under the guise of a “special vacation.” They rejoiced with their families, sharing stories of recent events. They spread the word far and wide about the actions of Crown Prince Raciel.

They spoke of how the Crown Prince had taken on the role of a healer. They claimed he possessed the ability to cure illnesses and that he would be seeing patients at the Star Palace. They emphasized that he would accept anyone in need, regardless of their status or wealth.

This news gradually permeated every corner of Magenta City and began to take on exaggerated forms.

“Did you hear? They say the Crown Prince saved a dying child.”

“The Crown Prince? How?”

“Well, he willingly took a full-powered lightning magic spell from the Court Magician.”

“Why would he do that?”

“I’m not sure. But isn’t it incredible?”

“Indeed, it is. It’s truly remarkable.”

“Isn’t it? All those rumors about the Crown Prince turned out to be true.”

“He withstood the Court Magician’s lightning magic and emerged unscathed… it’s astonishing.”

Various stories circulated at workplaces, shops, construction sites, dining tables, and on the streets.

The Crown Prince who risked his life to save a child. The Crown Prince who bore the brunt of lightning magic for an ordinary child. Rumors led to more rumors. The larger the rumor, the wider its spread.

Everything was going according to Raciel’s plan.

“Hehehe, just like this!”

Raciel laughed wickedly in the library of the Star Palace.

To promote the treatment of epilepsy, he had released Star Palace staff members who witnessed the micro neuro stimulation procedure to different parts of Magenta City, disguising it as a vacation.

The effect was indeed impressive.

Rumors spread like wildfire, and viral marketing was in full swing. Now, it was time to prepare for the official opening of the clinic.

“So, are all the things I mentioned earlier going smoothly?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Gardin, who brought news from Magenta City, nodded.

“We are procuring all the medicinal herbs you specified.”

“Including Glycyrrhiza (licorice)?”

“We are making sure to secure an ample supply of that.”

“Good. You’re doing well. Since we’ll need more than anticipated, ensure we don’t miss a single one. Even if we have to stockpile, we must be fully prepared.”

“I understand, Your Highness. But…”


“I hope you don’t find it impertinent to ask… How did Your Highness acquire all this knowledge…”

“All this?”

When faced with the question, Gardin stuttered but expressed his genuine curiosity.

“Like using a needle to alleviate joint pain or preparing potions with unfamiliar recipes… and, a few days ago, healing a child with lightning magic… I’m genuinely curious about it all.”

“As a doctor?”

“Yes, as a doctor, I’m truly curious.”

Gardin nodded earnestly. Was it his imagination, or could he see a pure longing that couldn’t be concealed lurking in the depths of his eyes?

“I understand how you feel. Lately, I’ve been having trouble sleeping too. I’ve been pondering over the medical skills that I’ve suddenly started using, and no matter how much I reflect on them, I can’t fully comprehend the principles behind them. It’s been a source of disappointment for me as well.”



Raciel knew that feeling all too well.

After all, he too was a doctor. In fact, he served as the Crown Prince’s primary physician. Recently, he had observed the Crown Prince treating his own body and extending his healing abilities to others. How helpless Gardin must have felt, witnessing all of this from the sidelines. It must have been frustrating for him not to understand the underlying principles behind Raciel’s extraordinary medical skills.

‘I would think the same.’

Because he’s also a medical practitioner.

He could empathize.

That’s why.

“The truth is, I come from another world.”


“In my previous world, I was known as ‘Lee Han-eeun.’ I ran a small oriental clinic in my neighborhood, but it faced bankruptcy due to the coronavirus. That’s how I ended up here. The medical skills I’ve been using are adaptations of the oriental medicine I practiced back then.”

“…Your Highness?”


“I expressed my concerns genuinely.”

“I know, and that’s why I decided to share the truth with you.”

“If you don’t believe me, I would be hurt.”

“……Oh my god!”

“You’re just trying to scare me, right? Huh?”


“Why can’t you just tell me honestly?”

“That’s why I told you.”

“Please don’t make fun of me.”

“I’m not making fun. But what are you going to do with this information?”

“Naturally… I want to become a better doctor.”

“And then?”

“I want to save more people… provide better care to Your Highness… and…”


“I want to find fulfillment.”


“Just like when you treated George a few days ago, Your Highness. Or when you smile upon seeing the progress of a child under your care. I long for that sense of fulfillment as a doctor. I want to experience more moments of joy as I witness the recovery of those I treat.”

Gardin’s expression turned serious.

Raciel offered a slight smile.

“But aren’t you already achieving that?”


“Nevermind. Let’s focus on our duties, shall we?”

…He almost said, “If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be as healthy as I am now. I owe my well-being to your constant support.” But he held back.

‘Oops, that would have been embarrassing.’

Raciel quickly shook off the goosebumps crawling up his skin. He accelerated the preparations for the opening of the Star Palace Oriental Clinic.

Following Gardin’s instructions, they secured various oriental medicinal herbs.

Thankfully, although the world was different, the required medicinal herbs were available. They may have had different names, but most of them were the same. However, the utilization of these herbs wasn’t as widespread as in Korea.

Licorice, cinnamon twigs, atractylodes, ginseng, poria, angelica, cnidium, ginger, tangerine peel, bitter orange, schizonepeta, astragalus, kudzu root, peony, and more. They managed to acquire an ample supply, practically clearing out all the herbal medicine shops in and around Star Palace.

In the meantime, they hired leaflet distributors, selecting the most agile servants and providing them with leaflets to distribute.

[ G R A N D O P E N I N G ! ]

[Star Palace Oriental Clinic: Free Consultation Event]

[Spinal Joint Correction Therapy]

[Oriental Medicine Adjustment Therapy]

[Facial Paralysis Treatment Service]

[Acupuncture Treatment Only]

[We Can Cure Any Disease.]

[Comprehensive Diagnosis for Your Health, Personalized 1:1 Treatments]

[Director: Crown Prince Raciel Adria Magentano]

[Specialist: Royal Physician Piero Gardin]

[Consultation Hours: Open All Year Round]

…Hundreds, even thousands of leaflets like these were distributed throughout the Imperial City, adorning countless walls. Finally, the long-awaited morning of the Star Palace Oriental Clinic’s grand opening had arrived.

“Whew. I’m feeling nervous.”

As the morning sun rose, Raciel’s eyes snapped open. He had spent a restless night, unable to sleep.

He was excited.

And filled with anticipation.

Yet, there was also a part of him that felt apprehensive.

‘What if no one shows up despite all the promotion and preparation?’

After all, this was the Star Palace, the royal residence where the Crown Prince himself resided. What if people were too intimidated to seek treatment here? What if the opening day passed by without a single patient, leaving only the buzzing of flies?

‘Ugh, I feel like I might get PTSD from this.’

Memories of the moment when his oriental clinic in Korea went bankrupt flashed through his mind. Raciel quickly shook off the chill running down his spine and got out of bed. Anxious steps led him to the window, where he threw open the curtains.


In the distance, he caught sight of the entrance to the Star Palace beyond the expansive garden.

‘Please. Please.’

He hoped to see crowds of people who had come after hearing rumors or seeing the leaflets. He nervously bit his lower lip and continued to gaze at the garden and the entrance to the Star Palace.

10 minutes passed. Then 20 minutes. Followed by 30 minutes.

But the vast garden remained serene.

And the entrance to the Star Palace remained uneventful.


Only the palace guards continued their regular patrols, and the palace servants busied themselves with garden maintenance and cleaning. Not a single patient in sight, visiting the Star Palace.


Had the promotion been ineffective? Was it not enough to overcome people’s sense of intimidation?

Disappointment weighed heavily on him.

An involuntary sigh escaped his lips.

‘I’m done for if it stays like this.’

Should he have opened a separate clinic in the city? Or perhaps take the risk of going directly to the slums, despite the high chance of infection?

Burdened by these deepening worries, he moved away from the window and changed into fresh clothes.

He needed to clear his head.

‘Let’s take a walk.’

He had to identify the problem and come up with a solution. He resolved not to succumb to despair or disappointment but to think while walking.

With that determination, he left his bedroom, passed through the corridors, and descended the stairs. And there, his eyes widened in surprise.


Unexpectedly, at the bottom of the stairs, in the grand hall of the Star Palace’s first floor, a crowd had gathered.

‘What’s happening?’

He was initially taken aback.

Then it dawned on him.

They were not adorned in the splendor of the Star Palace but instead wore plain clothes. Some wore pained expressions, while others were supported by their children. The lobby hall was teeming with people from all walks of life.

It seemed like there were around two to three hundred people. Even more astonishingly, each person held a paper queue number!

So, this is…

‘Before I even looked out the window, before the sun rose, they had come early in the morning and were waiting like in line at a popular restaurant? These people…’

To receive treatment from me?

‘These people… they’re all my patients?’

A realization washed over him, and a wide smile of success spread across Raciel’s lips at the opening of the Oriental Clinic.

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