Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 42

 I Next

The pace was incredibly hectic.

The grand opening had turned into a resounding success.

The Star Palace was teeming with patients, or rather, customers.

‘This is why they say the opening is crucial for business!’ Raciel celebrated his triumph.

First impressions matter in everything, much like landing the initial punch in a fight or debuting a new song. The opening of a business sets the tone for how it will fare.

What follows, such as stamina and maintaining performance, is secondary. The primary objective is to make a big splash during the opening. If the opening is lackluster, the subsequent progress tends to be as well.

But now?

‘It’s a tremendous success,’ Raciel couldn’t help but shiver with excitement. Unintentionally, his enthusiasm startled the patient whose pulse he was reading.

“Oh, sorry… I apologize, Your Highness!” The elderly lady with thinning hair was flustered. Even though the treatments were free and did not differentiate based on status or wealth, the fact that this place was the Star Palace and that Raciel was the Crown Prince seemed to impose a burden and pressure that could not be entirely dismissed.

However, Raciel didn’t show any signs of it. He didn’t insist that it was alright or ask her not to be apologetic.

‘On the contrary, such a reaction would only add to the burden.’

When someone tells you not to do something, it often makes you want to do it even more. That’s human psychology. Saying not to feel burdened can sometimes have the opposite effect.

If a CEO of a major corporation pats your shoulder and says with a laugh, “Don’t feel burdened, haha,” the employee facing that laughter wouldn’t actually feel any less burdened.

That’s why Raciel simply smiled gently. He acted as if he hadn’t noticed the lady’s reaction at all.

“Fortunately, your pulse is normal. However, I’ve noticed that you’ve been sneezing in the morning and evening, experiencing nasal soreness, and constant tearing of the eyes lately, am I correct?”

“Yes, yes… Your Highness,” the lady responded, becoming even more nervous due to Raciel’s kind manner of speaking. Being addressed respectfully by the Crown Prince must have been overwhelming.

But Raciel didn’t deliberately change his way of speaking. It felt natural to him. After living as an oriental medicine doctor for a significant amount of time, when he finally opened his Oriental medicine clinic and faced his patients in this space…

Like a seasoned physician, his former gentle way of speaking flowed effortlessly. It was the consultative mode of being compassionate and attentive, a skill almost indispensable for oriental medicine doctors.

“Just tell me about your symptoms without feeling burdened. Right now, I’m a medical professional, not the Crown Prince. And you are a patient. By the way, do these symptoms usually worsen in the spring and fall? Has it been happening every year?”

“How did you know?”

“I’ve experienced the same symptoms. It’s rhinitis.”


“It’s a chronic condition, so a complete cure might be difficult. Instead, I’ll provide you with a prescription to alleviate the symptoms.”

Swoosh, scratch!

He prescribed Xiaoqinglong Decoction, a formula that suited the old lady’s constitution, which he discerned from her pulse.

“Your metabolism is generally sluggish. It’s referred to as ‘stomach water retention,’ where water accumulates in the stomach. You often experience gurgling sensations, especially after consuming hot soup. Am I correct?”

“Yes? Yes, you’re right.”

“The prescription contains various ingredients. Ephedra and cinnamon will help with dispersion, while peony and omija will provide astringent effects. Ginger and licorice will contribute to warming. Ephedra, omija, and licorice also have anti-allergic properties.”

“Oh, I see…”

“Now, please follow the instructions on the prescription and take the medication accordingly. Pay attention to the recommended frequency and timing.”

“Thank you, thank you, sir.”

“You’re welcome. Just take it consistently and come back in ten days. Next patient!”

The next patient entered the clinic.

In this manner, Raciel assessed pulses and made diagnoses. He administered acupuncture to those in need and occasionally utilized moxibustion. However, his primary focus was prescribing herbal decoctions.

Throughout the morning, a steady flow of patients sought his expertise. It was an unending stream of consultations without respite.

“Phew. I feel a bit dizzy.”

His stamina was still low, causing occasional lightheadedness. But Raciel persevered through it. Amidst the flurry of activity, something unexpected occurred.

Ding dong!

[You have gained sufficient experience by treating a certain number of patients.]

[Based on this experience, your <Palpation> skill has improved.]

[The level of your Palpation skill has increased.]

‘Oh, wow.’

His silent hopes were answered as his Palpation skill level increased. Raciel’s eyes lit up like a puppy anticipating a treat.

[Skill Name: Palpation Level 2]

[You can diagnose the health status by sensing the target’s pulse. The results of Palpation can be clearly recorded in the <Comprehensive Examination Form>. Furthermore, your awakened Five Viscera and Six Bowels can communicate with the corresponding organs of the patient to diagnose more detailed symptoms.]


Raciel tilted his head in confusion.

His awakened Five Viscera and Six Bowels could communicate with the patient’s organs? Initially, he thought it was nonsensical.

But in the next moment…

Ding dong!

[The Five Viscera and Six Bowels are engaged in the Palpation.]

[Heart: The body is relaxed.]

[Lungs: Taking deep breaths.]

[Large Intestine: The Seven Star Eel’s Ascending Dance is evident.]

[Liver: A significant amount of fatigue recovery medicine has been prepared.]


It was utterly absurd.

However, what was even more absurd was the fact that his Five Viscera and Six Bowels genuinely began consulting with the patient’s organs.

[Heart: Guys, it’s a blind date. Prepare for battle.]

[Lungs: Excited… Hoo… Pahak…]

[Large Intestine: Don’t miss the blind date! LOL]

[Liver: …Guys, focus! The other party is a grandpa!]


What was happening?

Raciel contemplated the absurdity while waiting.

After a while…

Ding dong!

[The self-consultation results of the Five Viscera and Six Bowels are in.]

[Heart: …We’ve been fooled. There’s nothing wrong with the heart.]

[Lungs: Hoo… Puhoo… Nothing abnormal.]

[Large Intestine: Mild constipation has been identified. No other abnormalities.]

[Liver: Found traces of hepatitis in the grandpa. Should he quit drinking?]

Hepatitis? Alcohol?

Raciel inquired with the liver.

‘Is the liver in poor condition?’

The response came swiftly.

[Liver: Yeah, LOL. This grandpa’s liver is crying. Has been suffering from chronic fatigue for 50 years from dealing with alcohol coming in daily since the age of 10. If he continues like this in another 5 years, his liver will undoubtedly fail, LOL.]

‘…I see.’

‘This is truly amazing.’

Raciel experienced a newfound sense of fulfillment. His awakened Five Viscera and Six Bowels could directly assess the condition and history of the patient’s organs. He had never expected such a feature to be added to his Palpation skill.

‘I need to awaken the other Five Viscera and Six Bowels that are still dormant.’

However, Raciel had no idea how to achieve this.

Perhaps, by diligently treating patients, encountering various triggers, the dormant organs would awaken?

‘Then I can receive more support from my awakened Five Viscera and Six Bowels. The scope of consultation they can cover will expand, allowing for more accurate diagnoses and treatments.’

Accurate Palpation and treatment were of utmost importance.

The greatest fear for medical practitioners was misdiagnosis. Misinterpreting a condition and subsequently prescribing the wrong treatment could lead to overlooking the actual illness.

“Sir, your liver is severely damaged,” Raciel explained to the patient.


“Yes, that’s why you feel constantly fatigued and have a sallow complexion. Your liver is exhausted. For now, I’ll prescribe Xia Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum Decoction) for you. Take it for ten days, and depending on your progress, we can add Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan (Cinnamon and Poria Pill). And-“

Raciel’s gaze sharpened as he looked at the elderly patient.

“From today onwards, you must absolutely stop consuming alcohol.”


“Because your liver is damaged. If you continue drinking, you won’t live for more than five years.”

“But I…”

“Are you unable to eat without alcohol?”

The elderly patient vigorously nodded his head. But Raciel firmly stated, “This is not only a recommendation as a medical practitioner but also an order from the Crown Prince. If you disobey, you will be imprisoned.”


“Do you understand?”

Nod, nod!

The elderly patient’s nods became even more vigorous. Satisfied with his rare (?) misuse of power, Raciel welcomed the next patient with a smile.

Three days had passed.

During that time, Raciel treated numerous patients. Fortunately, none of them had severe conditions yet. Most of the patients sought relief from neuralgia, joint pain, liver ailments, colds, general discomfort, and similar ailments.

‘That’s the issue.’

On the evening of the third day, Raciel reflected on his treatments and frowned. The problem was not that serious patients, who could provide a significant boost to his lifespan, had not arrived yet. No, that wasn’t it.

‘It’s because they still don’t fully trust my medical skills. Most patients come with a cautious mindset for now. That’s understandable. Once word spreads about my effective treatments and more cured cases accumulate, the issue will gradually resolve itself. By then, more patients with severe conditions will start coming. The real problem lies in what comes next.’

When a truly critical patient arrives.

When a multitude of such patients begin seeking treatment.

He needed to establish a stable system to care for them.

‘If things continue like this, it’s going to be difficult.’

After running the Star Palace Clinic for three days, Raciel keenly felt the urgency. The most pressing matters were the preparation of herbal decoctions and the care of the patients.

‘I attempted to delegate the preparation of decoctions to the maids, but… well…’

They seemed somewhat clumsy, likely due to their unfamiliarity with the field.

Tasks such as preparing herbs, regularly inspecting stored herbs, adjusting the fire while simmering the decoction, cooling, heating, and straining all required experience and sensitivity.

‘But they’re struggling with it. While I could continue guiding them, and they would gradually improve, using patients as practice subjects for the sake of their learning feels wrong.’

There was a risk of providing poorly prepared decoctions, which could harm the patients.

Raciel was not comfortable with that.

‘Furthermore, if patients requiring care begin accumulating in the ward… that would present a problem given the current circumstances.’

At present, Raciel had assigned the miscellaneous tasks of the clinic to the servants and maids. However, they were primarily palace staff accustomed to general duties and lacked the expertise of professional nursing staff.

‘We need nursing staff available around the clock. We require trained professionals to be stationed in shifts in the wards. It would have been ideal if Nurse Kim and Nurse Lee were here.’

The thought of the staff from his Oriental medicine clinic crossed Raciel’s mind, but such resources were a luxury in this setting.

‘Here, the concept of nursing doesn’t exist.’

That’s what Raciel discovered.

In this world, there was no dedicated profession or concept of nursing. Only specialized doctors were recognized. Disciples or assistants who accompanied doctors were present, but there were no individuals specifically trained for nursing and patient care.

It was disheartening.

‘We have no other choice. We must identify individuals with potential among the maids and servants.’

Suppressing his growing hunger, Raciel sat down at the table, ready to eat. However, just as he was about to take the first bite…

“Your Highness!”


The door suddenly swung open, and Gardin rushed in with a panicked expression. He shouted before Raciel could even inquire about the reason.

“We have an emergency patient!”

Raciel didn’t respond. Instead, he placed his spoon down and stood up. Side by side, Gardin and Raciel hurried down the hallway.

“Who is the patient?”

“She was just admitted to the clinic. She’s a 58-year-old woman, and her fever is extremely high.”

“A high fever?”



What could be the cause of her illness? It was impossible to discern from their conversation alone. Various factors could contribute to a fever.

‘I hope it’s nothing serious.’

Wishing silently to himself, Raciel quickened his pace. When they arrived at the clinic, a woman lay in bed.

“I… greet… Your Highness…”

A woman approaching 60 years old. She appeared to be from a noble family. Her once neatly arranged hair was now disheveled with sweat.

“I am the eldest son of the Dinraier family. Your Highness, please save my mother. I beg you.”

The young man who identified himself as a member of the Dinraier family pleaded. Raciel inquired,

“How long has she been like this?”

“It started in the afternoon. She was fine before that, but as the sun began to set, she started experiencing chills, and now she’s in this state…”


It was evident that her condition was severe. Her breathing was shallow and labored, and she was on the verge of unconsciousness.

Raciel began by taking Mrs. Dinraier’s pulse, utilizing his Palpation skill and even employing the internal organ counseling feature. Throughout the process, he fervently prayed, hoping it wasn’t a grave illness. He wished for a disease that he could treat within these walls.

However, he soon realized that his prayers went unanswered this time.

“A rash… typhus.”

Finally, the diagnosis of the woman’s illness. Just before that revelation, Raciel bit his lip hard.

It was an epidemic typhus.

A deadly acute febrile disease caused by infection with the bacterium Rickettsia prowazekii. Furthermore, it was a disease that had decimated Napoleon’s army of 400,000 soldiers during his Russian campaign.

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