Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 44

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“Why have you come to see me at this late hour?”

The emperor’s office exuded opulence, befitting the ruler of the empire. Its grandeur was enough to dwarf even the largest living rooms, making them seem like small studios.

But at that moment, the room felt constricted, all because of a single question posed by the emperor.

‘The emperor, as imposing as ever… Oh boy,’ Raciel thought, feeling a slight shiver run down his spine.

The emperor’s remark carried immense weight, and his casual inquiry was no laughing matter. He truly embodied the stature of an empire’s ruler.

Yet, Raciel quickly brushed aside any intimidation. The secret to his composure was simple.

‘Back in Korea, when I was struggling to pay rent… The landlord I encountered in the hallway, right in front of the bathroom, was way scarier!’

He recalled the time when his oriental medicine clinic was on the brink of bankruptcy. It was a period filled with financial hardship and worries over rent. How had he felt when he unexpectedly came face to face with the landlord?

Like a frog in front of a snake.

Like a trainee standing before an army commander.

Or, as if he were a piece of pork belly in front of a wrestler who hadn’t eaten in ten days.

‘Dear me, let’s not dwell on that.’

He quickly dismissed the looming PTSD, and in doing so, he managed to shake off the pressure from the emperor as well.

“Crown Prince Raciel Adria Magentano presents himself before the rightful ruler of the empire,” he greeted with proper etiquette.

The emperor’s gaze grew even more scrutinizing.

“I didn’t ask for a mere customary greeting,” he remarked, his voice tinged with displeasure.


“Why did you come to see me without prior notice, at this hour?”

Emperor Asterion’s tone carried a touch of unhappiness, mirroring the way he regarded the crown prince.

But in reality? It was only an act. The emperor’s true thoughts as he looked at Raciel were slightly different from before.


Deep within the emperor’s eyes, concealed behind his fussy demeanor, a faint sense of curiosity and anticipation stirred.

‘Have you ever come to see me willingly? No, you haven’t.’

But today, an unprecedented event had occurred.

Raciel had sought an audience without prior notice.

At first, the emperor found it hard to believe. He assumed it must be a mistake, perhaps an error made by the palace chief. Yet, after confirming the request, he realized it was true. Raciel had indeed asked for an audience. Consequently, he had promptly summoned him to his office.

‘What could this guy, who has been engaging in peculiar activities lately, be planning this time?’

The emperor recalled some recent news.

He had treated a child suffering from seizures. He had spread rumors and opened an oriental medicine clinic within the Star Palace, offering treatment to patients regardless of their social status.

‘What is he up to? What is he thinking?’

The reports he received were difficult to comprehend. The emperor was curious about when Raciel had acquired such medical skills. He also struggled to understand his eldest son’s intentions.

Was it an attempt to win the favor of the people, or did it serve some other purpose? Even when he tried to discern the answer, he couldn’t pinpoint a clear motive. It was truly a peculiar course of action.

‘I had planned to summon him soon and inquire about various matters.’

And just like that, the guy had come to him on his own accord.

It was fortunate.

A satisfying change.

However, the emperor was like a lion who pushes its cub off a cliff. He showed no hint of the bubbling joy inside him. On the contrary, he wore an even more stern and imposing expression, clearly conveying his dissatisfaction.

“Answer me, Crown Prince.”

If you have nothing to say, leave immediately.

He exerted pressure with his gaze.

The Crown Prince responded.

“I have a request, Your Majesty.”

“A request?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Raciel nodded calmly.

“Tonight, I would like to gain access to the Imperial Archives.”

“…The Imperial Archives?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


In the face of the Emperor’s question, Raciel took a deep breath. This was the beginning of the negotiation. He answered honestly.

“Recently, I have established an Oriental medical clinic in the Star Palace. Fortunately, many patients are seeking treatment there. However, three days ago, a noblewoman with a severe illness came to the Star Palace.”

“…A severe illness?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. She is suffering from a disease called Typhus.”

“I have never heard of such a disease.”

“It is a complicated illness that causes high fever and can be fatal, Your Majesty.”

“And? What does your patient’s illness have to do with accessing the Imperial Archives?”

“There might be something in the Archives that could help in treating her disease.”

Raciel wasn’t certain, but if there was any possibility, it would be found in the Imperial Archives. He stated his conviction.

However, the Emperor was not easily convinced. He immediately presented a counterargument.

“Hmm, I find it difficult to believe the truthfulness of your reasons.”

The Emperor’s voice grew more irritable.

“It all sounds suspicious. Typhus? I have never heard of it. I am not even sure if your diagnosis is accurate. Furthermore, are you using the patient’s illness as an excuse to gain unrestricted access to the Imperial Archives?”


The Emperor’s piercing gaze felt like lasers shooting from his eyes. In the face of that gaze, Raciel had to swallow his inner doubts.

Was it because of the pressure the Emperor exerted? Or perhaps his consistently skeptical and prickly attitude? No, it wasn’t just that.

‘Tsk. This old man is enjoying this situation.’

Raciel subtly sensed the Emperor’s intentions.

Based on his experience treating numerous patients in Korea and dealing with all sorts of people, he could sense the underlying atmosphere.

‘This was often the case in the novel. Before Raciel’s death, the Emperor did this to him. After Raciel’s death, he did this to the second prince. He deliberately tested them to assess their fitness as his successor.’

It was like someone relishing in giving a test and anticipating a perfect score. Raciel could sense that the Emperor was deliberately setting him up.

‘Damn, really. Taking advantage of nepotism is so challenging.’

Raciel grumbled inwardly. It was great being the crown prince, but having an Emperor who excelled in testing people’s trustworthiness was tough.

‘People say you should use your connections well to lead a successful life. Why is it so difficult to live by that adage? Life’s difficulty level, sigh.’

However, he couldn’t just complain. Raciel immediately counterattacked.

“But, Your Majesty, at this very moment, the patient I mentioned is teetering on the brink of life and death.”

“That may be true, but can you prove your diagnosis of spotted typhus?”

“It is accurate, Your Majesty.”

“How can you prove it?”

“Well, um…”

“I don’t understand. You have been frail since birth, and as a result, you spent most of your formative years bedridden, unable to receive a high level of education.”

The Emperor glanced at him.

His eyes narrowed.

“You barely attended basic lessons in etiquette, culture, history, philosophy, and so on, and that too while lying down. What about advanced courses in imperial studies, military strategy, business? You didn’t even begin those. Not to mention medicine.”


‘Tsk. Is this like getting scolded for your education?’

Raciel felt indignant. If only he could, he would love to counter with a neatly summarized PowerPoint presentation of his days studying Oriental Medicine in Korea and the successful career he built afterwards.

But the Emperor couldn’t be aware of his situation. The Emperor’s ruthless criticism continued.

“Strictly speaking, you have never been exposed to medicine. Naturally, you would be lacking in knowledge and experience. Yet, how can you, without any qualifications, open a clinic, accept patients, and dare to treat them?”


“Are you perhaps deluded by the notion that you have become something extraordinary, wanting to care for others’ bodies and health? Lost in a false sense of superiority, arrogance, and stubbornness?”


“I doubt whether you genuinely care for the patients. Whether I can trust your diagnosis.”

The Emperor’s eloquent reproach came to an end. Raciel lifted his head and looked directly into the Emperor’s eyes. He could naturally sense the Emperor’s intentions.

“I understand. So, Your Majesty, you wish to test me. Is that correct?”

“That is correct.”

Did the Emperor just smile faintly?

Was he satisfied because Raciel immediately grasped his intentions? It was difficult to tell. Meanwhile, the Emperor continued speaking.

“I will give you one test. It is to determine whether you are qualified to treat patients and whether your diagnoses are accurate.”

“What kind of test is it?”

The Emperor raised his hand and pointed at the man who had been standing silently next to him, Roberto, the captain of the Emperor’s guard.

“The content of the test is simple. Recently, the captain here has been suffering from a minor ailment. I ask you, what is the disease that afflicts the captain? Diagnose it here and now.”

“Here and now?”

“Yes. Are you not confident?”

“No. I just want to ask for one promise.”

“A promise?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. If I correctly diagnose the captain’s ailment and pass your test…”

“You want permission to access the Palace’s Archives. Is that correct?”

“That is correct, Your Majesty.”

“Very well. I promise.”

Emperor Asterion nodded. At the same time, he was certain. The disease that plagued the captain recently. Raciel would never be able to diagnose it.

‘Of course. There is no way he can get it right. It is a disease that is difficult to detect even with sophisticated examinations. Especially here and now.’

The Emperor smiled confidently. Even he, who spent every day with the captain, was unaware of the man’s health issue until the captain recently revealed it cautiously.

‘How will you diagnose and get it right?’

There was no way Raciel could be correct. Not even the world’s best doctor could. It was inevitable. The Emperor thought with certainty.

Meanwhile, Raciel approached the captain and grabbed his wrist. He closed his eyes and remained silent for a while. The Emperor’s smile deepened.

However, at one point, Raciel opened his eyes and calmly spoke, turning towards the Emperor.

“Captain, it appears you have alopecia areata.”

“Ah, ah…”

The captain’s eyes filled with a melancholic moisture as Raciel hit the mark with the correct answer in no time.

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